There've been lean years before. I think the dev cycle is getting longer for PC games, though, which won't help.

At the same time, there are a few games that look interesting out this year:

Total War: Empire is the obvious one for me.
Hard To Be A God looks very intriguing.
We've already had Soulstorm and Kane's Wrath.
StarCraft 2 is due.
So Blonde looks like being fun.
Battlefield Heroes looks like being funny - AND free.
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel is due.
Europa Universalis: Rome will be out.
Tomb Raider: Underworld is due for a Xmas release.

Some of those I'm more interested in than others, obviously, but this actually looks like a pretty good year for games, to me. Especially as there's undoubtedly a ton of stuff I don't even know about yet...

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