Originally Posted by AlrikFassbauer

LucasArts, on the other hand, sucks, because they won't publish The Force Unleashed for PC.

That's pretty much what I'm talking about - games like that coming out on everything OTHER than the PC.

It makes business sense to make a game for the consoles and not the PC because you can charge more - there's none or almost no tech help required at all.

Crysis - one of the biggest PC games in years, sold only 80,000 copyies in America 1 month after release (from reports I read).

Call of Duty 4 sold 1.4 million on the XBOX360 alone in the first few weeks! Add the PC and PS3 and it should be many times that number.

The cost of PC hardware, great graphics cards, are nearly twice that of the Xbox360 now - the hardware market is smothering itself and the game industry is aware of it. Soon, only companies with time to spare will bother releasing something on the PC - having already made millions from the console versions. (Like Assassins Creed)