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Womble #35093 02/06/03 08:34 PM
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Viper reported back along the way. "Nothing weird, just some bones and grind." We moved on through the forest over some rocks and a long a small dirty path. After about 45 minutes we reached the cave. I stoped and waited. The others stopped too, the wanted to now what was going on. I stared at the cave. Something moved at the entrance.... Then suddenly somekind of beast came out. It was really weird. It had a big rounded head, i think about 6 or 7 eyes, two hudge 'amrs' ending in a shovelforming 'hand'. I stumbeled around. I could see its 'tail' A big, long, scale with big green triangle formed 'pins' on it ending in a sharp point. It moved fast according to the fact it was very heavy. My heart beated in my troat. What was i going to do? What a big beast. We couldnt beat that!

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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Jolie, i want to help, but know i must not this is for you to find out on your own. You must go on your own....
This monster, however fierce it looked, would do us no harm...
I spoke with it....
This is my soul mate, my true love, will you let him pass without hurting him?
It will only be him, and the rest of us will leave you in peace. He just needs to speak with your mistress.

The creature responded...
Actually, i am not here to harm anyone, i am just here to deter people from entering.
Since you are a creature of magic, and i can feel the love you hold for him, i will let him pass.
Warn him, the mistress does not take kindly to strangers...

I thanked him, and passed on the message to Jolie.

I watched Jolie walk into the gloom of the heart sank, but knew he would be alright...

The rest of us sat down, i closed my eyes, and tilted my head up to the sun.
I must have fallen asleep.

Last edited by Carrie; 02/06/03 09:10 PM.
Carrie #35095 02/06/03 09:26 PM
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[color:"00cccc"] Carrie lay down on the grass for a nap. I thought we were going to have to fight that nightmarish creature. Jurak still had his magic collar though... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
I kept watch and waited for Jolie to do his thing...

Meanwhile in the woods...

"Is that them?" A hooded figure said to tall, rather muscular human.
"You know Falor, you're kind of unobservant for a dark elf. The only one I recognise from the poster is the guy with the wings."
Falor glowered at the bounty hunter, "Whatever Huron, just point me in their direction so I can do the job I'm hired for."
"Not yet, they're watching and that dwarf has a very large axe... We'll follow and take them unawares." He grinned and slipped a bolt into his crossbow.
"The woman is mine!"
Falor rolled his eyes.... [/color]

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #35096 02/06/03 10:07 PM
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[color:"#a0a0ff"]Swirling darkness utter chaos unchecked emotions and dreams all flowing through my mind...I am in as much control of my mind as a person is to the weather...dark clouds as far as the eye can see... [/color]

NeroJB #35097 02/06/03 10:09 PM
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[color:"a0a0ff"]OUT OF SOMEWHERE

"Nero... Nero... he's in danger... - must... ... him. Nooooo, I can't, where are my eyes... must... concentrate.

My.. crystal, that's it... yesssssss."

I sang... I whispered... I tempted... I hummed...

The sound of crackling fire ...high shriek of a falcon crying for its mate... old memories of companion times gone by... the sharp smell of danger... talisman glinting... troll teeth gnashing... the smell of blood... a gush of rain... fierce wind howling... fizzle of lightning... sharp thunderclap... [b]COME[b]... danger is rising... the bonds are broken... COME!!!

kiya #35098 02/06/03 11:01 PM
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[color:"#00ccc"]"hey womble", said jurak, who was streched out on the grass, picking his teeth with a blade of grass, you know what....?
i was thinking, that if we were to set up camp here,
we could have a nice fire going by the time, the rest get here....
it was then that the little womble put his chubby finger in front of his lips, Sshhhhhh!, Jurak shut it...and listen,
sometimes my big friend, you tend to ramble on and on......

They both listened intently to the sound of rustling bushes,
and crackling of branches it was getting dark now,
and Jurak wanted to build a fire, but womble said no,
they should just sit in the darkness waiting,
not to give themselves away ........

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF.
[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
kiya #35099 02/06/03 11:04 PM
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[color:"a0a0ff"]*** Dragh?, Can you here me?
Hmm I think I've heard willow, the night elf calling me...
*** dragh, were leaving on a quest, join us.
What? Willow seems to be thelepathic.
Just then I sah willow and some of the group leaving, the town. Well, I'll try to do the same maybe this is an elfthingy
^^^ Willow? you here me?
*** yes I do, come with us
^^^ where are the others?
*** we decided to split up, the others will be looking for jvb and kiya.
^^^ It be better if I accompany them, you're group will handle itself well enough

Nice skill I have here, let's try and go beyond the elf-elf chat, simpler said than done I must say, It's hard to lock on the right soul, no there are so many alike human souls around, Willow's was easy I just had to reply, but finding the right person to talk to. Finnaly I found a soul that felt familiar:
^^^ Luc? Luc is that you? you here me? it's me Dragh...


It's one of these days...
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[color:"#a0a0ff"] In the distance amongst the darkness light, a faint song, a companions voice, then the light exlodes in a great flash of light I am engulfed in the light and then control....What is going on I asked myself what happened. I stood up and as I regained my bearing Kilala flew and landed on my shoulder. She told me that Dragh was just out of town and I should find him he was looking for me...I turned around and grabbed my satchel and took off running from building top to the next until I was on the wall of town...Kilala was circling in the sky....that must be where he is. I lept from the wall and ran to where she was....looking to the trees I saw Dragh and he me. Nice to see a friendly face I spoke to him telepathically...we should go and find Kiya I think that she is in trouble.... [/color]

NeroJB #35101 02/06/03 11:27 PM
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[color:"a0a0ff"] Just then I sah Nero jumping off roofs, and coming towards me, he first looked above me? So I cheked out wat he was looking at, apperently a bird was cirling above me, their eyes are so good it spotted me in an instant, I wonder how long Nero would have looked if the bird wasn't there.
^^^ [elvish] come quick don't let them know where I am [/elvish]
I concetrated on willow, and send here a telephatic picture of nero coming towards me, to let her know I'm not alone anymore[/color]

It's one of these days...
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[color:"#00CCCC"]I woke up, with dreams, but they weren't dreams.
There was Dragh, and Nero was coming towards him...
So, he was safe then, no longer alone. I had been worried about him when he decieded to go off in search of JVB. He did not seem to be able to pick up the human language...
That could have been dangerous. I was glad Nero found him.

***Dragh, i can hear you, and see what you are seeing. I am glad you are safe, and no longer alone...
Please, let me know when you find Kiya and JVB, or if you wanted someone to talk to, i will be here!

But, there was something wrong at my camp...
Womble and Jurak were wispering about something. What???? Bandits????
What would they want with us? We have nothing of value.

Oh Jolie, please hurry up!!!!

I sent out my feelings, they traveled on the wind, i hope Jolie felt them, not someone else. I didn't want Dragh to be too concerned.

Last edited by Carrie; 03/06/03 12:48 AM.
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[color:"00cccc"] Night was falling. I turned to Jurak. "They're out there... I can feel them." I whispered, "Hunting us."
"Willow do you feel anything, or sense something?"
"Malevolance, pure hate, there is something out there and its coming, all around us. It's everywhere, I can't focus my energies on one thing at a time!"
"Willow! Its ok! Don't try too hard!" I said seeing the look of pain on her face.
"Jurak, I have a plan..."

"Looks like they've started a fire. Settling down for the night." Huron said.
"They're going to sleep, perfect!" Falor growled.
"Go on in, carefully.." Huron replied.

The dark elf made his way down silently to the camp, murderous eyes gleaming. He approached the giant sleeping orc and raised a poisoned blade...

"Evening!" boomed Jurak and propelled the hapless elf into a tree with one punch.
Falor crumpled to the ground, unconcious.
"Dammit!" Huron cursed. He levelled his crossbow at the orc.
"Uh-uh!" I said stepping out of the shadows. My blade slipped effortlessly into his thigh causing him to howl in pain. A large thump on the head from the butt of my boomstick and it was all over.

I dragged the human down to the camp. "Only two of them from what I could see Jurak!"
"Good plan little friend!" Jurak said with glee. He picked up the dark elf with no effort whatsoever and dumped him next to his sleeping companion.
"Search 'em and bind 'em," I said.
"Okeydokey," said Jurak, whistling a merry tune. "Hey look, this one had a note on him with some kind of seal on it"
"Lets see." I said reading the parchment.

[color:"orange"] This is a contract for the wanted outlanders served by Vinificus the mighty.
A payment of 1000 gold pieces will be delivered upon their capture....or proof of death. [/color]

"How did they know where we were?" Asked Jurak.
"We'll find out when they awake." I said, taking a slug of the bottle I'd found on the Human. "GAH! Cheap whisky!" I said, then took another slug...[/color]

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
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[color:#a0a0ff]Of course I hear you Dragh, Where are you? I hope that you are with Nero because between the two of you I believe that you can find me and JVB. We will be still until you can find us!! Hurry!!

LuCiDiTy #35105 03/06/03 03:51 AM
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[color:"00cccc"]they continued drinking the bottle until the contents were long gone,
and they were "three sheets to the wind", feeling about as smart as a sack of hammers!
The two sat there and told stories back and forth,some good some bad.....
....some understandable and others a slurred mess,
into the wee hours of the morning, laughing at each others stories, [/color]

[color:"#33cc33"] Hey furry friend,did i ever tell ya
about the so-called slayer, and his demise?[/color]

[color:"#00cccc"]the ever inquisitive wombles eyes he said,
and jurak continued,[/color]

[color:"#33cc33"] When i was a itty bitty baby orc,
and my momma used to rock me in the cradle,
back in the old cotton fields, back home,
there was a evil slayer with a bad case of verbal diarrhoea,
he ran throughout the land slandering and bothering the good people,
and making them sick, so the people decided to ostracize
the foul creature, if he did not change his ways,
he would be banished from the town and ostracized from the land,
so my fear is this [/color]
[color:"#00cccc"]the orc looked deep into his friends eyes, stared and said,[/color]
[color:"#33cc33"]i fear that he will find his way to this place
and try to ruin all he touches with his fingers,
for if he does that.......

[/color][color:"#00cccc"] the orc continued,[/color]

[color:"#33cc33"] i would be forced to use the "prolix attack"
to get rid of the pesky bugger, an assault soooo bad,
monster turns tail, and holding his ears tightly ............
usually dissapears![/color] <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />

[color:"#00cccc"]whaddya mean "usually" big buddy? said the womble to the orc, [/color]
[color:"#33cc33"]don't know really, it's never been tested, <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
i only learned it when i graduated from Orc Coterie
and was presented this "Dragon Wing" sword!
But i almost thought i would have to use it on this night,
willow sensed this, and i don't think the "slayer" will come! [/color]
[color:"#00cccc"]WoW ! said womble.........rolled over and puked![/color]

[color:"#33cc33"]your disgusting, said jurak ........
ehy, gotta question for ya,
whats three two letter words meaning very small.....[/color]
[color:"#00cccc"]said the half-cut orc[/color]
[color:"00cccc"] dunno, said the now obliterated womble[/color]
[color:"#33cc33"] is it in ,[/color]
[color:"#00cccc"]was the reply
womble wiped his chin
they looked at each other
and laughed and laughed,
till they passed out from lack of oxygen.... [/color]

Last edited by Jurak; 03/06/03 05:34 AM.

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
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[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #35106 03/06/03 07:23 AM
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[color:"#00cccc"] I watched the planning and capturing of the baditos from a distance, ready to moce in when necessary. Some nice planning they did.
"What should we do with them Viper", Womble asked.
"trip them down to their undies and let them go, I've got a feeling they won't hunt us anymore now"

Viper #35107 03/06/03 08:46 AM
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[color:"#00cccc"] Jurak woke, a few times during the night,
hearing strange sounds, but they were just the natural surroundings...
he was getting eaten alive by the pesky mosquitos,
who were flying in and out of his mouth as he snored,
and this annoyed him, so he got up, put some green branches on the fire,
to keep the nettlesome bloodsuckers away!
Oh, it worked allright, but maybe too much smoke...
he wondered where Fe had gotten to, that is, till he got up
to answer the call of nature, and the rat scurried out of his pantleg,
up the tree he was leaning against, and jumped on the orc's shoulder!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />
jurak turned his head and looked at the rat perched back on it's two feet,
it looked like it was smiling with those two big rat teeth stickin out,
jurak had a funny thought of changing the rats name to "bucky",
but decided no Fe would do.

viper came over by the fire and tried to wake up womb but,
to no avail the little guy was well....
sleepin it off.......................again. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />
So Jurak suggested to just tie them up tightly, very tightly,
back to back, put blindfolds on 'em,
and let them go on their own accord!
because, after all Jurak didn't really wanna kill anybody,
if he didn't have to.... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

And viper and Jurak did just that, and set the unlucky sods,
probably on a trip they won't soon forget!!!

Through all the commotion,...womble slept,.......and slept,....
Jurak was starting to think his friend,
had a drinking problem.......... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

Last edited by Jurak; 03/06/03 09:15 AM.

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF.
[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #35108 03/06/03 10:36 AM
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"Come on, Kiya... wake up... you've slept too long already..."

I opened my eyes slowly, everything was blurry, but after some time I saw Hypatia's face hovering over me.

"Hypatia, my eyes... something's wrong with them - and Nero is in danger... must get to him..."

I tried to get up, but she pushed me gently back down on the grass bed I was lying on.

"No use, Deary, we can't get out of here, we're trapped. Your eyes will be perfect after a while - you've just slept very long."

"TRAPPED?? What happened?

"You screamed at Polgara to draw a ban around Wolfy's lair, remember? Well, then things turned out wrong, the crystal you had placed on the cave, soared into the air and buried itself in your chest... We could just grab you and then all of us were teleported to this place, a very small world, more like a time-trap-bubble and no way out. Polgara has examined this very exactly. And don't worry, we're all okay. Lynn and Polgara are looking for herbs, and BeeGee... Well, some idiot taught him how to dig holes, he's teaching Wolfy now - my herbarium has been ruined already. And I have no clue what they're up to at the next moment!!"

I clutched my chest.

"Don't worry, I was able to remove the crystal, but a little shard is in your heart now - you're intertwined with it forever. But take care, this crystal seems to interfere with magic." She raised her finger and pointed at a bundle in the corner.

"Kiya, there's no use in crying over spilled milk - now get up and do something sensible, these clothes need a wash. Out there's a brook and some soap - lavender soap."

Great, I lost my spell power, we're trapped and now I have to wash!! What next? Cooking? Taking care of BeeGee? Ahhhhh, maybe washing Wolfy? with lavender soap?

I groaned..

"No, Kiya - we're a team here, stop pretending - wash these clothes. I've got to go and bake some fruit." With these words Hypatia gave me a stern motherly look and bustled off. I scowled - heaved myself up and looked at the bundle closer. CRAP! DRAT! On top of this bundle lay my very heavy woollen cloak - a bit short, torn and tattered, but the only one I had - and very dirty and filthy.

Hmmmmmm, Hypatia's gone, a little R&P wouldn't harm, would it?

I drew the rune and blew it into the cloak's direction...

[color:"yellow"]BAAHAAHAH... BAA... BAAA... [/color]

GULP. My cloak had vanished - a little lamb stood in its place and jumped out of the cave..

I dug my head in my hands and sank on the grass bed.

How am I going to explain this? the group will kill..

"Nooo, what the heck is this? Where did it come from? Get out of my flowers, shoo, shooo. BeeGee!!! What did you do again!" Hypatia's voice rang out, mixed with BeeGee's squeals, Wolfy's howls and other voices.

Sigh... guess I'm in trouble... again[/color]

Jurak #35109 03/06/03 10:51 AM
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[color:"#00cccc"]"Alright here i go. Wait." I took my sword out of my backpack and gave it to Willow. "Keep this till i come back. I think it will be better if i go in unarmed." She nodded.
I walked slowly to the cave opening. The 'monster' looked at me with his 7 big eyes and followed every step i made. I came at the entrence and hesitated for a moment.
I took a deap breath and went in. The cave was dark and small. I wandered how that 'monster' ever got in here?? I walked on. The walls were wet and there were tourches on the side, who gave the whole thing a creapy sight.

I arrived at a large 'room' at the end of the hallway. It was mostly covered with moss and other plants that grow in wetty places. The light came from a hole in the ceilling. It shined right on a small table like rock with some chairs near it. I didnt see a soul, so i said "hello, anybody home??"
Suddenly i felt someone was behind me. I turned but to late, a stick hit me on the head and i fell on the floor. It came again, i quickly turned away and yelled "Hold, i'm unarmed. I dont mean any harm!!"

"Who are you???" said a voice.
"My name is Joliekiller, i'm here to speak to the lady of the house."
A shadow came into the light. Then i saw who it was. "But you're the same lady i met in Beregost!?"
"Ah, so you've met my twinsister. Why are you here??"
"You sister send me here. I have a note written in an ancient language and your sister said you could translate it."
"Let me see." I gave her the note. "Hmmm this is going to take a while."
"How long?"
"Dont know an hour or 2 i think. But as you know, there is going to be a compensation for my services" <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />
That look wasnt very reassuring.
"Ok, what do you want?"
"My pet is sick. I need a strong antidote. But i cant get it."
"What kind of antidote do you need??"
"Its a very special antidote. Only Brother Ezechiël and my sister have it. They discide who gets it and who doesnt."
"So, if i bring you the antidote, you will translate the note."
"That is correct."

Then i remembered that i've got an antidote from the brother already.
"Here i've got an antidote from him already. Is it this one??"
She looked at the bottle i gave her. "Yes, Yes. Thats the one. Now i'll translate the note."

She worked for a few hours and then gave me a sealed note.
"Dont open it before your back in town!"
"Because i say so. If you do, the mission will fail!"
I left the cave the same way i entered. Suddenly i had a strange feeling. A feeling of fear. Willow!
I ran out of the cave and went straight to my friends. "Everything alright??" It seemed like it. "Are you ok, Willow?" I looked into her eyes and i could tell she was happy to see me.
They told me what had happened and how the let the bandits go. I couldt stop myself laughing at that <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

Last edited by joliekiller; 03/06/03 11:35 AM.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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[color:"#00cccc"]"Did you take care of your business Jolie?"
"Yes, I got the note, BUT !! I can't open it until we get back to the village or the mission will fail, she said"
"Ok then, let's pack our things, put out the fire and go, but leave no tracks, we were never here ok?"

Womble kept on sleeping and I though it was time to have a talk with him in the village about his drinking problem. So we packed our stuff, covered our tracks and went our way, me in the sky to scout and the rest on foot.

Viper #35111 03/06/03 11:51 AM
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[color:"a0a0ff"] Luc, replied so I could communicated with others than elves.

The hard part was getting this messag to Nero, no way I can tell him or show him telepathic, besides its quite an effort to do so. I Jumped out my tree, said: [elvish] Let's find, Luc and JVB... find Luc, JVB [/elvish]
Nero replied "Luc, JVB and something ununderstandable"
I made an follow me hand getsure and went somewhat deeper in the woods, I'm at my best there and there we'll be safer for bounty hunters, hope we don't get to many other opponents.


It's one of these days...
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[color:"00cccc"] "What? Not now Esmirelda! Huh?" I awoke to meatloaf licking me. "Ooooooo me head!" I moaned and grabbed a note I saw by the remains of the fire.

[color:"orange"] Womble, gone back to the village to find some answers. See you for breakfast..... Viper. [/color]

The birds were tweeting too loudly. I checked a discarded flask to my left which used to contain a gallon of whiskey. I moaned to myself. I reckon I'll stay sober for a few days....

I painfully rode back to the village to find out what the hell was going on..... and to get a bacon sandwich. [/color]

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
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