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Womble #35113 03/06/03 02:33 PM
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[color:"#00CCCC"]We went back to town and after a an uneventfull trip we arrived.
We entered the inn and ordered breakfast.
"Shall i open the note or are we waiting for Womble to return?"[/color]

Last edited by joliekiller; 03/06/03 02:44 PM.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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"Let's wait for Womble. after all he IS part of this group, besides, he won't be long anymore I think.

For now let's eat, I don't think he'll have an appetite this morning <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />. ENJOY !!"

Viper #35115 03/06/03 03:13 PM
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[color:"00cccc"] "Hyah!" I spurred Meatloaf on through the forest. The wind was in my hair and I felt better already. Dwarves don't suffer long from hangovers. I reached the village in what seemed no time and found the guys in the inn.
I ordered a bacon sandwich and a big beer.
Everyone looked at me.
"How can you even look at that stuff after what you put away last night?" Viper said.
"Hair of the dog! Best cure my friend."
"Best cure is a damn coffee!" Viper growled. I'd never seen him annoyed with me. I sighed and ordered a massive mug of the inn's special 'wake-up juice'.

"What does the note say Jolie?" [/color]

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
LuCiDiTy #35116 03/06/03 03:46 PM
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jvb Offline
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i looked around quick... what was that?
I saw luc standing there, smiling.

"What are you doing?" i asked.
"Damn i thought i had you." He said and started to laugh.
I couldn't help smiling too.

"How did you find me?"
"Oh that was simple, you smell really bad <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> "
"Hey man, i'm just kidding, since your covered in mud."
"*g* , forgot about that.. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> "

"Since you're here, you might as well help me out: i'm tryng to get more information about the wanted posters concerning us, will you help me?"


jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #35117 03/06/03 05:11 PM
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[color:"#00CCCC"]"Now that we're all here i'll open it"
I opened the note and read
"7 Wizards there are
they came from afar

one by one thay’ll make room
as they fall into their doom

the power of friends must be used
for the mission can be abused

Jolie avenge my death
He who is responsible is Aganeth

Go, begin now and don’t forget to feast
You’ll find Aganeth in the East

"Thats it. Does anyone know a certain Aganeth??" i asked.
Then Jessica gave a sort of scream.
"Whats wrong Jess?"
"That name!! Aganeth, he's a wizard appretice who lives in the forest to the east. He's evil!! He uses all the animals there to keep people out of his tower. He uses them as slaves!!!"
"WHAT!!!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/memad.gif" alt="" /> I'll teach him!!" I noticed Willow was as shocked as i was. Even more judging her face. She wanted to leave now.
"No wait. We have to organise everything. We cant rush in like that, that would be suicide!"
She agreed and calmed down abit.
"Ok whats the plan??" i asked. "Anybody any ideas?"[/color]

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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[color:"a0a0ff"]STILL SOMEWHERE

I stood up sighing and decided to get over with it - so I stepped out of cave and shielded my eyes who still were not accustomed to light - squinting carefully I looked around and saw - no sun? No sky? No clouds? Everything was clad in a transparent blue light: The "grass" was a dark bluegreen, the "trees" had a bluish brown with turquoise "leaves" and everything seemed to be a tad more geometrical than I was used to. Strange world... very strange world..., everything seemed to waver! As if we were under water. I would have preferred to have a closer look at everything, but...

"BeeGee!!! Enough is enough, since we've been..." Hypatia was in rage, her face had taken an unhealthy bluish-purple colour whilst she tried to get the lamb out of her plants, chase Wolfy away and give the little imp a good ticking-off. BeeGee stood before her, politely smiling, squinting, had his little arms folded behind his back - and jiggled his tiny toes. Lynn and Polgara stood in a safe distance and tried to keep back their laughter. I walked up to Hypatia and touched her shoulder, she whirled around:

"Hypatia... I'm sorry for your herbarium, but it wasn't BeeGee, I'm responsible for this." She glared at me, speechless now and was apparently waiting for an explanation. I felt very uncomfortable - taking BeeGee's same position I explained what had happened: I was too lazy to wash the clothes and had tried my R&P spell, which had turned my cloak into its original shape: lambswool.

"AHA," Hypatia turned on to me, "Didn't I tell you to be careful with magic here? Kiya, you're as bad as BeeGee..." She went on and on and I shrunk and shrunk, hiding my head between my shoulders and feeling like a naughty child.

"Hypatia," Polgara started to giggle," just imagine, this would happened to an army of fierce warriors rushing up to us - all in armour, with weapons and..." Her giggle turned into laughter, " and then Kiya uses her spell and all the ground is cluttered with iron ore, saplings..."she bent over from laughing and Lynn's lips started to twitch, "all those little creatures the leather was made out, start to fall off and scuttle away... and then these... these... warriors... dart into bushes, desperately in need of something to cover what they believe is precious... and BUAHAHAHA!!" Lynn and Polgara held on to each other, laughing helplessly.

"Yes, quite funny," Hypatia's stern expression was mildered, "but nevertheless, Kiya - this is an order: NO magic from now on, right?"

I nodded and winked at BeeGee secretly.

"AND NOW, to the brook and wash these clothes, Kiya - second order."

I nodded again, trotted back to the cave - strange, all colours looked normal to me here, picked up the stuff and slumped over to the brook where a large pot of water was cooking and where the soap and other torture instruments were. Ah, well, I washed, scrubbed, rinsed, hung the clothes over the bushes to dry and during that time I only had one thought:

Nero, huh - you believe, you're in danger - but I'm in a terrible mess here - get me OUUUUUUTTTTTTTT.[/color]

kiya #35119 03/06/03 06:39 PM
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I was so upset, i was shaking, and close to tears. Those poor animals...
They had been violated!!! The creaters' beings, subjected to slavery!!!!! Everyone in our group had such a look of disbelief and hurt on their faces.

"Jolie, maybe i can speak with these animals. But, i am not sure what they will be like. They may be so filled with rage and hurt, that they will not take kindly to us being in their forest."

What would we encounter when we finally got there?

Would Aganeth be waiting there for us? I closed my mind, so no one could pick up my thoughts.

Last edited by Carrie; 03/06/03 07:48 PM.
Carrie #35120 03/06/03 07:21 PM
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[color:"#00cccc"]They all sat at the table, wondering what could be done
about the new conundrum, they were now faced with......[/color]
[color:"#33cc33"] well the note does say feast first, i'm famished,
as well I have a slight case of "gutrot",
from all the coffee i've been drinkin lately,[/color]
[color:"#00cccc"]averred Jurak, who motioned for jessica to bring more grub,[/color]
[color:"#33cc33"] a glass of goat's milk for me,and another for womble! i guess,
but make it a draft this time, we need him alert
and cognizant of himself today, so we may find a solution
without dalliance,[/color]
[color:"#00cccc"]their meals came in short order, and they gobbled it down,
while discussing their plans.........[/color]

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF.
[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #35121 03/06/03 07:37 PM
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[color:"#00cccc"] "Well, no fun in sitting here and sobbing is there. C'mon people, enjoy the breakfast and coffee adn then spend the rest of the day relaxing, it'll be a while till the next time we can relax ok, you'll all need it. Our journey will take quite some time so we can think a lot while traveling. GO, RELAX !!"

I hoped they did as I asked, it would do them good.

I leaned over to DQueene and whispered "I've got to do some things today, find stuff out concerning that wizard. Will you please make sure that they have fun today? You would do me a big favour with it." And I blinked for a split second and smiled.

She smiled back at me... that gorgious smile that brought the sun into my heart, and nodded "I'll do just that if that is what you want"
"It is I said" and I finished my meal.

Then I went outside "I'm gonna take a walk and try to find a quiet place to sleep outside" I said to the rest to make sure they didn't follow me, and I went outside the gates and took off as soon as I was out of the sight of the town people. Again I flew over the treetops not to be noticed and headed to the East as fast as I could.

I saw the world 'scroll' under me as I flew. I decreased speed as I saw a wooden hut further away I might start asking here to find out more So I landed and knocked on the door...

Viper #35122 03/06/03 07:53 PM
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[color:"#00cccc"]"Have fun, relax abit. you'll need it." Viper said. He's probably right. I went out for a walk, clearing my mind. Willow accompanied me. I showed her the town abit, tried to make her feel more at home in a city.
"This is the local giftshop. Come on, lets go in."
Once inside i looked around. I saw a nice neclace.
"hey, Willow. This would look nice on you, dont you think??"
She came closer and put the neclace on.
"Well?? Do you like it Willow?"

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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Jolie was trying very hard to make me feel at home in this town. It means so much to him, he loves this place.
This is where his memories are. I should try harder to fit in...

I put the necklace on. It was beautiful, very intrecit work.
Why was he asking me this...
How should i answer?
I do like it...but i don't want him spending money on useless trinkets, still it is something that would connect us, something to always remind me of him when he was away...

"Yes, Jolie, i do like it, it is a beautiful piece of art work..."

Carrie #35124 03/06/03 08:11 PM
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[color:"#00cccc"]I smiled. "Ok lets buy it." We went to the owner, Gareth and wanted to pay. "No Jolie. I dont want anything for it. Keep it, its the least i can do for all you've done for us."
"Gareth, come on. You know i dont want anything for that."
"Keep it Jolie. See it as a gift then."
"Ok, heres some goldpieces for the trouble <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />"
Willow and i left the store and walked through the park.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
Joined: Apr 2003
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[color:"#00cccc"]After the fine scoff, and a few rather large belches,
everyone at the table seemed fairly well satisfied,...
jolie and willow took off to walk the town, and see the sights...

DQueene, Jurak, and Womble decided they should toss some darts, for a bit,
after all, if this was going to be a relaxing day,
what better way than a couple 'o mugs and a few darts.

DQueene threw the barmaid jessica, a hefty gold coin,
who in turn smiled at the gracious DQueene
"thanks for the fine brekkie-n-beverages, can we have those darts
behind the counter please, and why do you keep them behind the counter anyway...?

Jessicas cheeks flushed as she replied,"in case someone rips them off"

Oh, said DQueene, and thought it strange.....!

They started playing and trying to outdo each others shots,
eventually Jurak was knocked out of the competition so he finished his drink
and mumbled something about needing to get his helmet polished and went
out the door.......

So that left womble and DQueene to face it off for the grand champ,
after a few rounds they both came to the realization that
it was going to be a long game......... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

Last edited by Jurak; 03/06/03 09:22 PM.

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF.
[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #35126 03/06/03 09:32 PM
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[color:"#a0a0ff"]I followed Dragh through the woods for what seemed like forever. Kilala was flying overhead occasionally dropping down to tell me what she saw. We came upon a road that ran through the middle of the woods...for all I could tell it came from nowhere and went nowhere. I sent Kilala soaring into the sky and sat up in a tree waiting for her to return. After a short while she returned and pecked at my ear very fidgety...I reached into my cloak and found a small piece of dried fruit and gave it to her...once she had choked it down she told me that to the north a few miles there was a fairly decent sized town..."maybe we should head that direction...why dont you ask Luc where he is?" [/color]

Jurak #35127 03/06/03 10:05 PM
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[color:"#00cccc"]I knocked on the door.... nothing, I knocked again..... nothing.
seems abandoned, so I might as well check it out

I opened the door and let the sunlight show me the interior of the cabin: cobwebs all over the place but it was very tidy. I seems to have been abandoned long time ago, but the person who lived here was very tidy I went inside and looked around a bit, nothing much to see.... except....

There was a dim light coming from under the bed. I pushed the bed aside and found a hatch. I opened the hatch and saw a stair leading into some kind of cellar. where is this light coming from I thought to myself. I went downstairs with a club I found in the cabin in my hands..
"Heloooo..!!!", no answer. A faint noise came from the far end of the cellar and the light down here was geneterated in transparent round things hanging every 50cm. I went further down the hall and found the room where the noise was coming from. It was a machine of some kind and the wires on which the transparent bulbs hang seem to go into that machine... STRANGE.

The next room contained a large table with lots of technical drawings on it. I decided to take them along; if someone can make this kind of machine, these might come in handy for Jurak's sled

I put them in my bag and went along, back upstairs since there was no more to be found down here. In the cabin I went through all the drawers and closets and found 1 note, apparently the inhabitant left for his wife, it seemed she never got it:
"Dear Lobella,

I've got to go, Lord Aganeth needs my services (he seemed very interested in my work, especially the 'power-generator') and you know it's best not to keep him waiting since the village 'Trogik' just before his caste is 3 days of walking South-West from here, over the land and then into the mountains, climbing very steep for the last day

I shall be back in 15 days


this note was dated 9 months ago.

"hmm, South-West eey, thank you Turinus, I think I'll go and see how we can get to Trogik" I said to mysef. I had to do this last bit of scouting because 500m further away there was a steep ravine with a very wild river and I haven't seen a bridge over it so far. Although.... I could go look for a bridge the night we're sleeping here, that way I can go back to the group now because maybe they were getting worried

I left back for the village at a slower pace, so I wouldn't exhaust myself. I'll be there in 3 hours, so We'll have 4 more hours to get ready then [/color]

Jurak #35128 03/06/03 10:20 PM
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[color:"00cccc"] Jurak had won the burping competition... Just. DQueene had been giving us dissaproving looks so we decided to play darts. DQueene was a very good shot. Her skill surpasssed only when she carried her bow. I carried on for a while, exchanging wins and losses. DQueene bested me eventually but it was just a pleasure to watch her in action. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

We sat down to discuss tactics. How would we get past the beasts to the beast-master? What would be his weakness?
"I could trap the animals" Jurak said.
"We could simply kill the guy" DQueene replied. "One good shot and.."
"Or incapacitate him to see if he knows anything about Venificus" I said. "I picked up a few useful toxins from that dark elf bounty-hunter. Not to kill, just induce sleep. Either way we'll have to get past his guard silently so best to do it at night."
"What if Willow can break the control he has on the beasts?" Jurak asked.
"Maybe, we can ask her when she returns or Jolie may have an idea"
"If Viper can get in from the air that would work too." I suggested.

Pondering this we proceeded back to conversations about our histories. Jurak told us of his time in the army, quite impressive. I told tales from scattered memories drifting back to me. Marvels of dwarven engineering. I wished to see the dwarven halls again. If I could remember where they were. Songs of gold and great brewing vats of ale sprang to mind.
Then suddenly a memory of a war, hoardes of goblins rampaging our cities! Was this true? Could there have been such a horrific event? I wish I knew. The memory had struck suddenly and powerfully. As if a flood gate had opened in my mind. Was this because I had sobered up? Was I drinking to forget? Maybe it would help if I found more of my kin. First I had to help these people.
"What's wrong?" DQueene looked concerned.
"Not sure, a distant memory come back. I'm sure its nothing," I said putting it to the back of my mind.

It wouldn't stay there though...... [/color]

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
NeroJB #35129 03/06/03 10:28 PM
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[color:"a0a0ff"] We stopped and let the bird do some scouting, A bit later while we where hifng in the trees, It came back and told Nero something, I couldn't understand, So I asked the bird what he told nero, a town ahead. Nero asked me something yet again I could not understand but the word Luc, Maybe he wanted me to know about Luc, or he knows Where Luc is. Again I asked the bird, I nodded,

^^^luc where are you at? can you tell me or , even better, close your eyes and imagin the enviroment.

if he replied an image, iwould recognize it and will ease the searh for him and JVB [/color] #a0a0ff

It's one of these days...
Womble #35130 03/06/03 10:38 PM
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[color:"#00CCCC"]Jolie had been walking with me all day.
Just wondering, being content in each others company. He picked my some beautiful flowers, which he helped me make into a wreath, which i put on my head. There i said, i look like the May Queen now!!! I danced in a field for a while, enjoying the sun once again.

It was getting to dusk, it looked as our relaxing day was coming to a close.

We should be getting back i said to Jolie, though i do not want this day to end.
We walked back to the town hand in hand.

We went to the tavern.
Womble, Jurak and DQueen were there.
They were playing some kind of a game, and it looked like DQueen was winning, by the looks on Wombles and Jurak's faces! It was quite amusing.

I asked DQueen how she was doing. She said she was doing better, and was enjoying her day as well, but was concerned about Womble, he was having memories of his past.

She commented on my new necklace, i blushed and murmmered something about Jolie getting it for me. She smiled knowingly at me.

Viper should be getting back soon, and i was sure DQueen would be the happier for it. Always off on his own...

So, i sat down at the table, and waited for Viper.

Last edited by Carrie; 03/06/03 10:52 PM.
Carrie #35131 03/06/03 10:42 PM
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[color:"a0a0ff"]SULKING IN NOWHERE

I lay in the grass, nibbling at my fingernails and boring myself to death. Washing was done and I was not in the mood to get new orders from ZHE BOSS again. BeeGee was nearby, using Wolfy as a trampoline, I watched both lazily. Suddenly Polgara's voice woke me up:

"Hey, Kiya, survived washing? here, take this..." she raised her hand, closed her eyes and a fruit appeared in her one and a little knife in the other hand. She cut and sliced it and handed me one piece over. "How's life here, hm?" And sat down beside me.

"Huuuuhhh, boooring... the others are having fun and I'm left out," I grumbled, eating the fruit. "Polgara, what do you know about imps? BeeGee's behaviour is a puzzle to me."

"A puzzle? What's so puzzling about the little guy, he's just having fun..." she replied and gave me a quizzical look.

"Well, I don't know how to deal with him - you know the other day I tickled his belly and..."

"You did what???? Do you want Beeyas running around here? Still no clue? Oh, Kiya... you started the first part of the imp mating ritual! Ok, let me warn you - the first part is tickling an imp's belly, then you have to reject him, the next stage is denial - and... hm, were there other stages? I'm not sure - and the birth of a little imp is still a mystery - some say, they're sneezed out, others believe, they just poof up. But no human so far has really seen what happens."

I turned a whiter shade of pale:

"Polgara, I was at stage 2... If BeeGee hadn't run away..."

"Yeah, sure, all male imps do that - and do you know why? It's their tradition that male imps take care of their offsprings for 10 years and the females take care of them for a day. So, a very long time ago, some clever male imps thought about meddling with time - their 10 years were as short as a day and the female imp day went on endlessly for 10 years. After the females had found out what had happened, they meddled with time, too - this went on and on until one day - time burst. And as the male imps started this foul business, their 10 years are 11 years now and the females have to cope with 2 days now.
Well? Now you know why male imps run away... Kiya," Polgara looked at me closely," are you planning to..."

"Nooooooooo, never - I was just thinking of what could have happened. If BeeGee hadn't run away - but he's still a baby and needs his nappies - how did he know that?" My face must have been a nice greenish colour by now.

"Oh, that's easy, even baby imps know everything the adult ones know, they have a sort of [color:"pink"]All-In-One conscience[/color] - and when they reach a certain stage, [color:"pink"]POOF[/color], their knowledge is there. BeeGee is too small to know this all really, but his AIOC must've warned him to react like all other male imps. And, Kiya - BeeGee doesn't need nappies, he controls his functions already - he just played with you. All imps mimick, didn't you know?"

Ohhhhhhhhhgrrrrrrrr... BeeGee had sneaked up during our chat and cuddled up at my shoulder, his little body was tense and very attentive. I squinted at him:

"You know the rules about hair and ear, right?"

Wide-eyed innocence, a little chuckle and his tiny hand reached out to pull my nose. I jerked back, he toppled over and my nose brushed against his...[/color]

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[color:"a0a0ff"]AAHHHHHH I can talk to both of them now. Since me and JVB were just outside of town I decided that I would give Dragh the image of the town wall so that he could see where me and JVB were. I projected the image and hoped that they would arrive soon!!!

"As for you JVB, I would love to help you find the people behind the help wanted posters. I like to know who has a price on my friends heads, besides I am alwasy looking for a good adventure"

Silently I wondered, though not wanting to say anything, if Kiya and company were ok and where they were[/color]

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