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LuCiDiTy #35133 04/06/03 01:11 AM
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[color:"a0a0ff"] Luc replied with an image, of the town, the wierd thing is it as mental image of what he sah, Only strong toughts can be transmitted, observing toughts won't. It was really freaky siing a tought.

I looked at nero, and knodded, pointing at the horizon in the direction of the road, JVB, Luc I said.

It's one of these days...
Joined: Mar 2003
old hand
old hand
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"Enough fun," I thought as I started walking toward the door. I waved at my friends, "I'm going for a walk, I'll see you all later."

Leaving the inn I took a stroll down the path leading toward the blacksmith's building. Then I noticed something strange, there was a man darting around behind the stables in a very suspicious manner. I decided to follow him and crept around the side of the building, but all I found was a bunch of barrels and no man. Just then I heard a noise behind me and started to turn around when someone hit me over the head.

"Ouch!" I groaned loudly. Then to add insult to injury, someone else dropped a big burlap bag over my head and the other guy slugged me in the jaw. I know it was a pretty wimpy thing to do but I fell down in a swoon for just a minute. I could still hear them talking although my head was swirling pretty badly.

"Let's take her to Aganeth. He'll give us a pretty penny for a looker like her!" One of the villians, the one who smelled like garlic, told the other one.

Aganeth?? Wasn't that the wizards name from the poem? Maybe I'll have to stay quiet for a minute, I thought as they argued over me.

"I says we keep her fer ourselves an have our way wit her," this was the other guy with a nasally voice.

I tensed, getting ready to fight, when garlic breath said, "Come on Enry, we need the money. An you know what'cher old lady did the last time ye tried that doncha? Ye couldn't see out o'yer eye fer at least a week and then some."

Nasal voice, sounding very discontent, "Yer right, money and bein able ta see is gotta be good enough."

Garlic breath said, "Enry you go get the wagon and I'll stay here and guard her okay?"

"Enry" must have nodded, because all I could hear was his feet shuffling away in the dirt. I listened intently and heard garlic breath walk over and start taking a 'leak' against the wall. I thought quickly and slipping my hand out of the bottom of the bag and scribbled a note in the dirt. [/color]

[color:"yellow"] Been kidnapped, Taking me to Aganeth - I OK [/color]

[color:"00cccc"]Then I rolled just a fraction to cover it up. I heard a wagon drive up, and some shuffling around, then they picked me up and with a lot of grunting and curses got me into the back of a wagon.

With a 'hiya' they got the horses going. I heard the one named "Enry" say "See ya later Fred" and off we went.[/color]

DQueene #35135 04/06/03 06:12 AM
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[color:"#00cccc"] Womble and Jurak were in mid discussion when Dqueene
announced that she was going for a walk, cuz she'd had enough fun
for the time being,
Be safe queeny, womble playfully added![/color]
[color:"#33cc33"]Try to stay close, because Viper
should be back at any moment and
we may have to make a hasty departure,[/color]

[color:"#00cccc"]said jurak, as an afterthought.

Before Dqueene had made it to the door, Jolie and willow entered,
both smiling and holding each other's hands,
DQueene and Willow exchanged a few words, giggled a bit,
then willow pointed to her neck...
the orc noticed a shiny trinket dangling there,
and a big "red mark" too!, like someone was...
trying to suck the life out of her, what a wierd ritual the orc thought!
I wonder what they've been up to and why is there grass all over their backs,
he thought, and smirked a wonky smile thinking thoughts of a gutter pig...

the two sat down and relayed their story of how jolies friend Gareth,
had given the glistening,intricately designed, pendant as a gift
for all Jolie had done for the village...

Heads nodded, and smiles prevailed around the table,
as the rest listened intently.

Jurak asked about the red mark on willows neck, with sincere concern!,
for he had never seen such a ghastly papule!
but willow avoided the question and went red as a tomato! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shame.gif" alt="" />

Jurak had a thought,
a lonely one,
about an orcette from a day gone by,
and not wanting to depress his friends,

politely asked womble if he could take the pig "meatloaf" outside
and give him a bath,
because he was getting rather rank and a little offensive smelling...
somewhat like a musk hog!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />

"yeah jurak, take "meat" and give 'im a good scrubbin',
i think it's the first bath he's ever had,
so he may be a little scared of the water", he said,
and turned his attention back to jolie and willow,
who were now sitting at the table playing "footsie"

(What is "footsie" thought jurak for a second),
but dismissed it just as quickly!

[color:"#33cc33"]Hey Jessica, throw me a bar of that lye soap,
you used on our bed linens, oh it's really itchy stuff too,
by the way[/color]......
[color:"#00cccc"]she threw it over with a grunt.

Hmmmmm, he said to himself, grabbed Fe from his box on the floor,
went outside to retrieve meatloaf from his hitch,
and take him to the well for his bath.

There were many buckets around the foundation of the well,
jurak grabbed one, tied it to the rope supplied,
and sent the bucket plummeting to the bottom,
where a distant splash rose up from the depths.

He repeated this process until all the buckets that were available,
had been filled with water.[/color]

[color:"#33cc33"]"Well Fe, meatloaf is getting his very first bath,
and if i recall correctly, i don't remember you ever having one either,"
[color:"#00cccc"]and with that, tossed the rat into the bucket
he had only filled with a small amount for this purpose.
The rat swam around and around the bucket, doing the doggy paddle
and looking rather distressed...
(hhmmm what is doggy paddle), he wondered again?

His attention turned now to the odiferious oinker,
the pig almost looked eager to get started.......

Jurak took a bucket and dumped it over the pig,
who.....of course "squeeled" with delight.
he grabbed the "soap" and scrubbed the pig so clean it "squeaked".

The rat thinking he heard a friend,
and squeaked back....but......

After the "meat" was squeaky clean, and "Fe" was dizzy from doing circles
in the bucket, he took the rat out of his "tub" and wrapped him up
in a napkin to dry him off.
As he turned his attention to "meatloaf" he noticed that it had enjoyed
it's bath sooo much, it was rolling around in the fresh made mud,
from all the water
[color:"#33cc33"]Hey, you......pig,[/color]
[color:"#00cccc"]said jurak, and motioned a move towards the now
"filthy pig", but that's as far as he got,
because the pig took off like....
well like a ...greased pig.......!

Jurak went bounding after the swaggering Sus scrofa,
knowing if he lost meatloaf......
there would be an angry dwarf to answer to,
and that would never do!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />
He ended up chasing the pig for what seemed like miles
to the northeast, but wasn't really!

He finally caught the "little squealer", he'd run over the next hill
from town and down the other side into a little orchard,
well.....didn't actually catch him, because the pig had stopped to eat
something it had found on the ground.
It was red in color and had little green leafy things coming off the sides,
as he got closer, jurak noticed that they were everywhere!
What are these strange things? And who tends to this orchard?
Looking around he noticed there were dozens of the strange cactus
looking trees, and hundreds of whatever fruit it bore on the ground!

Seeing the pig was enjoying it's new found feast, Jurak asked ,
[color:"#33cc33"]is it good boy?[/color]

[color:"#00cccc"]Meatloafs reply..........."oink"[/color]

[color:"#33cc33"]I thought you'd say that![/color]

[color:"#00cccc"] said jurak smiling, and bent down to pick one
of these odd fruits from it's bushlike thorns.....soft......
smells good, so he shoved the whole thing in his mouth
before he chickened out!
Mmmmmmmmm, and mmmmm, some more... these are really good!,
but the skin is a little tough,
hey!, maybe we can stop back here before we leave,
and load up the sled so we may have some
dried fruit leather to gnaw at,
when the hunger pangs strike us,
I'll take some with me to show the others,
he thought to himself as he tied a rope to meatloaf for the trip back,
he then proceeded to fill his pockets!
I must know who owns these fruits and what they are called,

i don't want to steal them and have jolie reprimand me
for another stupid mistake!
He may know even what these ancient looking fruits are.....

They headed off in the direction of town, Jurak leading, the rat....
still in a napkin, and the pig trailing not far behind.........

jurak never noticed meatloafs eyes...
as they went from the happy docile orbs they once were,
to a sinister fiery deep dark crimson color..............
and then..........back to normal........

all the orc thought about on his trip back was that orcette
he had once known, who had ripped his heart out and left him
hi and dry.......... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/sad.gif" alt="" />

the fruit

Last edited by Jurak; 04/06/03 06:22 AM.

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF.
[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #35136 04/06/03 06:45 AM
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[color:"#00cccc"]Just 10 more minutes of flying and I would be in the village. But my odd feeling was still there, it started about 40 minutes ago, as if something terrible had happened.

When I entered the Inn I saw them all sitting on the table, having a drink and something to eat.
"Good that you're all eating cuz we're gonna leave soon. Where's DQueene??"
"She went out for a walk" Jolie said

"Ok, I'll go find her, you all finish your meals and get your gear packed. Oh yeah, I found these on my scouting trip", And I put the technical drawings on the table.
"You went scouting?" Womble asked, "ALONE ??!!"
"Yeah, I had to see where we had to go and I found some nice clues, but for the time being, see if you can do something with these drawings ok?"

I went out to look for DQueene. After 30 minutes of searching in every store and talking to a lot of people, no sign of DQueene. Now I knew what that feeling meant, DQueene was in trouble. I decided to go looking more intensly and in barns and stables as well. next to one of the stables I saw cartwheel tracks and something that looked like as if someone had been dragged along. I folowed the drag marks and they led me behind the barn. It looks like there has been a fight over here

But... what was that??? It looked as if something had been written in the dirt, it was hard to read:
Be..n ..dna..ped... .. .o I OK

I didn't understand it at first but then I saw it <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> OMG, she's been taken to Aganeth!!

I ran to the Inn and told everybody what had happened.
"We have to be leaving as fast as we could, but have you found out anything on those drawings, it would be nice to improve Jurak's sled... There have GOT to be wheels under it before we leave, dragging it along like this will slow us down to much"

LuCiDiTy #35137 04/06/03 03:26 PM
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"ok then, if you really wanna help, you see that horse over there? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" /> "
He nodded.
"Well, then you must also see the tail of that big horse over there <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> "
again, he nodded.
"I will need that, will you help me get it?" I asked, smiling
"But off course, thats as easy as taking cany from a baby.."
He walked towards the back of the horse, i followed him, walking just a couple of meters behind him.

The horse must have felt threatened, because it started running away.
"GET HIM!! "
It must have looked idiotic, 2 guys running after a horse, unable to catch him..
After what must have been 25 minutes, it suddenly stopped running.
"This is our chance!" I yelled, and luc jumped up behind it, grabbing its tail.

That shure looked painfully, and it indeed must have been, because the horse liftd up his back 2 feet and..... made shure luc flew a couple of meters backwards...

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ouch.gif" alt="" /> "Are you ok mate?"

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #35138 04/06/03 05:33 PM
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[color:"#00CCCC"]DQueen taken?
My god i thought, Aganeth has no remorse!!!! I felt myself getting hopelessly discouraged. She was tough i knew, but this wizard might harm her.
All the more reason for us to go to his enchanted forest. I WILL find a way to help her - as well as those animals.

Okay i thought, well since we have to get this sled going, i will find a way to do that.

Get me some wood i said to the others. Jurak happily plodded away.
I told him to make sure he thank the spirit of the tree he gets it from, otherwise there could be reprocutions.

I sat down to study the drawings Viper had brought. Well, let me see what i can do.

Jurak came back, with as much wood as his arms could carry. It was the tree of my namesake - perfect i thought, this will bend perfectly.

Thank you Jurak - this is wonderful, and will do nicely for the round things this drawing describes. A sturdy wood.

I took the wood in my hands...
Think of the drawing i said to myself...

I concentrated all my energy onto the wood, willing it to create...
The wood began to bend, form itself round, then the wood began to fuse itself back together. One perfect wheel.

I repeated this process three more times.

Alright gentlemen, hope this will work. We can now be on our way after you atta....

I fainted...
The magick had taken a lot out of me...

Carrie #35139 04/06/03 05:42 PM
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[color:#00cccc]I resisted the temptations to free myself from the poorly tied ropes and to pummel my two incompetent captors. Instead, I pretended to be a weak, guileless, unconscious wench. I moaned and groaned from time to time, but mostly just enjoyed the chance to rest and watch the passing scenery out of the corner of my mostly closed eyes.

The cart was traveling at a quick pace, but the road was paved so the ride wasn't too bumpy. Fred would kick me occasionally. I think he liked to see me squirm, so I obliged him. But, Oh!, he's going to pay for it later!

After several hours I decided that it was time to mark the trail somehow, so I "woke up" and asked for a rest stop. My escorts rolled their eyes, but I guess they didn't want to clean up a mess, so they stopped.

It took several minutes of negotiating, and more than a few unsavory suggestions were made before they finally decided to tie a strong rope around my neck and let me walk a short distance into an isolated group of trees to "do my business". I found a large rock and scrawled a message on it.

                         "2 taking me to 
Aganeth. Follow.
Wait for my signal.

Then I spent a few moments concentrating on sending my thoughts to Viper.

My abductors had tugged on the rope several times, giggling and muttering disgusting things. Finally, they didn't just tug, they dragged me out of the trees and into the cart. I put up such a fuss (in a convincingly wimpy and girlish way) that they didn't bother to think about checking to see if I had left any clues of our visit. I was picking brambles, pebbles, grass, and thorns out of my hair and skin for the better part of an hour.

Carrie #35140 04/06/03 05:48 PM
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[color:"#00cccc"]Willow ordered some wood. Jurak, the alhelpfull orc, went out to get some. After her had brought as mutch as he could carry (and believe me it was a lot <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />), Willow started to 'bent' the wood.
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> What?? She can change wood too!!
After some time there was a wheel. Eventually she made 4. "Now if you att..." She didnt finish her sentence and fainted.
I could just catch her before she fell on the ground.
"Poor Willow, i guess this magick was a bit to mutch for her. I'll put her on the bed for a while. Why dont you guys look to 'install' those wheels."
I carried Willow upstairs and putted her gently onto the bed. I stayed a while, just to make sure nothing was wrong and went back downstairs.
Only Viper was there. "Where did they go??" "Oh they are 'installing' those wheels." I nodded and ordered a drink. "Cheers Viper. As soon as the sled is ready we're off to the forest!!"[/color]

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
DQueene #35141 04/06/03 06:07 PM
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[color:"a0a0ff"]GOING CRAZY IN NOWHERE

BeeGee toppled over and my nose brushed against his...
.... [color:"red"]BELLY![/color]

"ARGH, someone help me, he's wriggling already ... please.... what am I to do, whattodo... whattodo....?"

Think, Kiya, think quickly - rejection is wrong, what about... yeah <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/exclamation.gif" alt="" />

My eyes fell upon a small battered paper boat under a bush, I rushed over to it and handed it to BeeGee with shaking fingers.

"Here, take it - it is NO rejection, see? - it's a... it's a gift from me to you - a present, BeeGee, NO rejection, ok? Come on, we'll look for a nice place to let it float, shall we?"

We looked at each other for a long time, then the imp's expression changed, his wobbling ceased slowly, he beamed at me, nodded, hugged the boat close to his little chest and tried to drag it all by himself to the brook. I wiped my face, it was covered with cold sweat. WHEW, that was close!

I stopped trembling after a while, BeeGee and I were occupied in directing the boot with sticks into a cove, we built a little harbour - the imp was soon happily covered with mud and succeeded in letting Wolfy join the fun(being covered with mud, of course, <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" /> ). The boat bobbed on the waves, BeeGee [color:"pink"]poofed[/color] and [color:"pink"]fooped[/color] around, all excited and curious. Then something started to nag at me, something about this boat seemed vaguely familiar... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/think.gif" alt="" /> very familiar. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/exclamation.gif" alt="" />


I rushed over into the cave and searched feverishly for my mage book - opened it and - - - - the first 3 pages were missing. No, I was fedup, angered, despaired and at the verge of giving up - I just kept sitting there and stared silently at the tortured book.

"Kiya, what happened?" 6 female eyes were staring at me. I held up the book accusingly:

"Any answers, ladies? And you'd better have really good answers..."

Lynn spoke up, with an excusing look:

"Kiya, BeeGee was rampaging Hypatia's garden, he's a kid after all - so I thought he needed a playtoy - and this would keep him occupied and you wouldn't mind cause you had the runes in your head and..." her voice trailed off, she looked at me.

"Oh, nevermind, Lynn, let BeeGee have his Armada..."

I was tired - really, really tired. Fate was against me, my magic had left me, we were trapped, I had to wash clothes, I knew about the imp ritual, my precious mage book was ruined, well partly ruined - a perfect day in paradise <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> - anything else left to get me down?

"Please, all of you - leave me alone, I'm fine - I'll get over it," I mumbled feebly.

Nero! If you don't come pretty quickly, I'm going to commit murder, create a revolution, go riots... or SCREAM!!! Oh... would that be rejection?[/color]

jvb #35142 04/06/03 07:23 PM
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Well at least I grabbed a handfull of the tail...

*looks at hands, and sees two strands of hair*


"I wish that the other two would hurry up and get here, we need to find out what is going on"

"Hey, what in god's green earth do you need a horses tail for, and was it worth the *groan* kick in the stomach?"

kiya #35143 04/06/03 07:24 PM
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[color:"#00cccc"]"Ok Jolie, while they are installing the wheels on the sled, I'll tell you what I saw and did on my trip:

At first I flew to the East as fast as I could and after 3 hours I found an abandoned wooden cabin. I decided to check it out and ask the inhabitants information about Aganeth... boy, I didn't thought that the information that I found would be so cool and intriguing.

Hey, let's join Womble and Jurak, they have the right to know this as well", so we went outside to Womble and Jurak. I continued my story:

"After some knocking the house appeared to be abandoned so I went inside to find clues and information about Aganeth."

"What house", Womble asked. "A wooden cabin I found at about 2 days walking to the East of here, it's a good place to spend the night then. Anyway, I wnet inside and found a secret basement. In that basement where 3 rooms. 1 with a lot of junk and iron scrap, another with the drawings I took with me and a 3rd room in which some strange piece of machinery was doing something. I don't know what, but there were wires coming out of it.
Those wires were atached to the ceiling and every 50cm a strange transparent bulb was atached and they were glowing which illuminated the whole basement.... very weird.

After I took the drwaings I went back upstairs and found this note, a very interesting note giving lots of information:
Dear Lobella,

I've got to go, Lord Aganeth needs my services (he seemed very interested in my work, especially the 'power-generator') and you know it's best not to keep him waiting since the village 'Trogik' just before his caste is 3 days of walking South-West from here, over the land and then into the mountains, climbing very steep for the last day

I shall be back in 15 days


Now look at the date guys..... 9 MONTHS ago, something tells me these inventions seem to have more to them than at first sight. This Turinus seems an Engineer to me and a damn good one.

So now we know that we should go to that house first, from there it's a 3 day walk to the south west and for as far as I could see, there were cliffs further ahead, so I think the village lies up them.

The terrain is...... [/color]

[color:"yellow"] AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH, what is this, I fell on the ground, images were projected in my mind, woods, a rock, words on the rock,

what is this...!!!!

nothing.. silence and blackness.... then I saw her DQueene.... then back the flashes of that rock with words on it, I couldn't read them but I would find the rock, I recognized that road !! [/color]
[color:"#00cccc"] then it was gone. I got up and I saw the others look at me [/color]

Last edited by Viper; 04/06/03 07:25 PM.

Viper #35144 04/06/03 07:42 PM
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[color:"#00cccc"]Viper told us the whole story of his scouting and the house. Weird stuff
At the end of his story he fell down. he was acting weird, like he was having a bad headeache or so. It stopped. "Are you Ok Viper??" i asked concerned. He looked paler that his usually.
"It looks like Womble and Jurak have finished the sled. i'll get Willow and then we'll move on."
I went to the room and Willow was still unconscious.
Sorry dear, but we cant wait anymore.
I carried her outside and put her on the sled.
"Lets go!! Oh i almost forgot. What was that all about Viper?? Are you sick or something?"

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
kiya #35145 04/06/03 07:44 PM
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[color:"00cccc"] Following Jurak's idea I went and had a bath myself. The inn had a nice tub, which Jessica dutifully fulled with steaming hot water. I relaxed to the first time in days. Hot water soothing every aching bone and stiff muscle. After a good scrub I went downstairs again. Everybody seemed upset.

"What's going on?"
"It's DQueene..." said Viper, a sorrowful look on his face. "She's been kidnapped!"
How could this have happened? Our motions were tracked so closely it was far beyond luck. And how could DQueene, on of our best fighters, let herself be taken?

I checked out the spot where Viper had seen her message. Two sets of footprints lead away from there. Not very widely spaced, not very deep. So she was taken by 2 short to average sized asailants. There were no signs of a struggle either.
"It looks to me like she allowed herself to be captured"
"What? Never!" Viper yelled.
"How do you explain the signs then?"
"I think we should keep a lookout for other messages on the way. This may be an opportunity to get to Aganeth."
"Viper nodded in agreement" I could see the concern on his face.
"She'll be fine matey, trust me!"

"We'd better leave" I said.
"Oh yeah. One more thing," beamed Viper slyly, "we need to speed jurak up a bit."
"Just give him some of the special 'spicy beans' they serve here. Worked last night!"
Jurak roared with laughter. "Oh yeah, dey worked ok!"
"No!" Viper snapped, "I mean this."

He gave me the plans he'd found. My eyes widened. A project to work on!
"Ok, someone get some wheels, something for a metal axle, and, and.....I have to go see the blacksmith."
"Just tell him I sent you!" yelled Jolie. I nodded and rushed off excitedly.

The parts took little time to find. What the blacksmith didn't have I could find at the other merchant's shacks. We took Jurak's Sled and unloaded it. I attached the axle and a simple set of cogs for a gear system. Willow fashioned the wheels amazingly! Then she fainted, however her power was improving...
I concetrated on the machine itself. It had a lot of inticate parts but they were fashioned from everyday things. The bulbs confused me. What were they for? Dwarves worked mostly with steam power for non-animal transportation. This was just bizarre.
It was getting to late afternoon when I put the whole thing together. Viper was pacing back and forth anxiously.
"Ok Jurak, just pull that rope there.... got it! Now lets test it!"
"Woohoo!" Jurak yelled, bouncing into his seat. "Ok, just flip that switch there..." I said.
The bulbs started to glow. What was this? They got brighter and bighter and suddenly the 'sled' moved, fast.....[/color]

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #35146 04/06/03 07:56 PM
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"Ok let's go, Womble, try to get that machine under control so that we can put Willow on it. I'll explain what just happened on the way Jolie, for now we need to go, is everyone packed?"

They all nodded. "Ok you go then, I'll go settle our debts and get DQueene's gear".

They took off (what happened to the sled in the meantime I don't know) and I went inside the Inn to settle the last debts. Then I went up DQueene's room to get her backpack, her sword and the rest of her stuff...

When I took her cloak, I smelled it deeply We'll get you back my Love, then I took the sword and I got swooshed away. It seemd that the sword didn't allow me to grab it. What should I do about this, it seemed a good sword and she was very proud of it, I can't just leave it behind.

DQueene, I don't know if you might be able to pick up my thoughts but if you do, what can I do to take your sword with me? It won't allow me to touch it
I sent out that thought over and over, I had no telepathy skills, but maybe she could pick up my thoughts.....

Last edited by Viper; 04/06/03 08:08 PM.

Viper #35147 04/06/03 09:04 PM
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Location: MOO!
[color:"00cccc"] We did practice circles on the dirt track in front of the road. Jurak seemed to love his new 'buggy'. I figured out the bulbs were some kind of magical collection device. Magical energy flows around us constantly here. Just waiting to be tapped. The device seemed to do that, converting it to mechanical energy.

"I'll ride on meatloaf!" I said. "Jurak can you take Jolie and Willow? Help them get their stuff on. I'm going to see what's happened to Viper."

"Okeydokey!" Jurak said and gave me a wave. "Catch up with us!"

I went to see where Viper was....[/color]

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #35148 04/06/03 09:20 PM
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Location: Canada
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: Canada
[color:"#00CCCC"] I woke up feeling still very worn out. There was a gentle whirring sound by my head.
I sat up, and was amazed at how my hair whipped in the wind.
Jolie and Jurak where beside me, and i was in the old sled. Wow!!! How it had changed. They where holding onto the side of the sled, and it was moving by it's own free will, very fast.

How is this done?
Jolie and Jurak explained it all to me.
Amazing engineering gentlemen i told them - good work. In no time we will be to the forest and being able to save DQueen.
I layed back down, and enjoyed the smooth ride.

Jolie smiled at me.

Where is Womble though i asked them.
"Oh he is off finding that crazy independent Viper again..." Jurak told me.

I thought i might as well enjoy the ride for the time being, it would be the last time in a while when we got to our destination.

Carrie #35149 04/06/03 09:35 PM
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: dragon lair
jvb Offline
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: dragon lair

"where i need it for? dont you understand?
i cant just walk in that city, i am searched for..
if i just walk in there... they will catch me.
and that wouldn't be nice...
i have already disguised myself quite a bit, and yeah i know i smell <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shhh.gif" alt="" /> .
but i need a tail, to make my hair look longer.
i'm gonna try to look like a beggar as much as possible..

if anyone knows whats happening in a twon, its a beggar..

smart huh?"

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
Carrie #35150 04/06/03 09:39 PM
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Joined: Mar 2003
[color:"#a0a0ff"] Dragh and I walked briskly down the deserted highway we reached the edge of the forest and saw the town in the distance...Kilala landed softly on my shoulder. She told me that up ahead to people were torturing a horse...I can take torturing bunnies...puppies and kitties but NOT A HORSE (jk) Dragh and I took off at full speed running down the road we came upon the scene of the crime and it looked like maybe Kilala had been exaggerating...what we saw sent me to the ground in a fit of laughter...two idiots were chasing a horse around trying to grab its tail...once I regained my composure I walked a little closer and realized that these two idiots were none other than my companions that I was looking for...I had the sudden urge to pretend I didnt know them and just keep on walking. Walking over to the now hunched over Lucidity I slapped him on the back and laughed at him...hmmm, laughing, it had been a while, the last time we laughed like this Kiya was with us. I closed my eyes and surfed the clouds of minds and found Kiya..."dont worry" I thought "we are coming for you, are you OK?" Coming to i looked up and the group came together...apparently they were making disguises for themselves..."Yeah, you will make a great beggar*snicker* [/color]

Last edited by NeroJB; 04/06/03 09:42 PM.
NeroJB #35151 05/06/03 01:57 AM
Joined: Mar 2003
old hand
old hand
Joined: Mar 2003
"Another bump and I swear I am going to scream," I gingerly shifted my backside so that another area would get bruised instead of the same one over and over.

I had been listening to Enry and "garlic breath" talk about what they were going to do with the money they would get from taking me to Aganeth. Evidently Aganeth had a standing bounty out for anyone bringing him strange and exotic creatures - both humanoid and animal. Well, at least they (Enry and "garlic breath" - who I soon learned was named Odie)thought I was exotic, I wasn't sure Aganeth would. Thank the Goddess that Willow hadn't been the one to take the walk instead of me. I shuddered at the thought of what would have happened to her - she was such a delicate and gentle creature.

Just then a vision of Viper with my sword, or more exactly - Viper trying to get my sword came into my mind. He was questioning me on how he could pick it up. I pondered the situation, remembering the innkeeper saying the sword had frozen him in place whenever he had tried to pick it up.

"Okay sword, you better listen to me and listen good. I can't come pick you up! You have to let Viper bring you to me!" It was almost as if I could see through Viper's eyes, the sword dimmed itself down to the merest glow as if saying it was doing it's best to not harm Viper.

"Okay, dearest, use the bed cover and wrap it up. That should protect you from any ill affects from the sword." I saw Viper lean down and grab ...

Just then I felt a smack on the side of my head and my vision of Viper 'poofed' out of existence and I heard Odie give a raucous laugh. "Woman, we're stoppin fer the night. If'n ye want to eat, ye'll do the cookin."

I looked at him and smiled sarcastically, "Well, pig face, give me something to cook and we'll see what comes out of the pot."

He backhanded me across the face, and somehow managed to split my lip. As I licked the blood from my face, there must have been something in my eyes because Odie backed up about three paces and started stuttering, "Enry, Enry did'ja see her eyes? They're turnin all silver and swirly."

"Cool it, DQueene," I told myself closing my eyes to calm down.

Just then Enry looked over and I opened my eyes to stare innocently back at him. He just shook his head and told Odie that he was "flippin imagainin things".

Odie decided to play it safe and started gathering fire wood, leaving me for Enry to watch. Once we got a fire going I quickly cooked a meal for the evening which we ate with a minimum of fuss. I noticed though that Enry kept staring at me with a lustful expression on his face.

"Uh oh, I may have to kill this one," I thought (not too regretfully). I decided to get Odie to let me take care of 'business' behind a bunch of bushes. I still had to wear the rope around my neck, but for some reason Odie didn't try to bother me like they had earlier today. I wonder why? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />

Rolling myself up in my cloak, I prepared to sleep. "I'll leave a message for everyone in the morning. I don't want these idiots discovering any message I leave and erasing it," I thought drowsily. "I hope I didn't hurt Viper when I sent my thoughts to him." I pictured him with our other companions. "Sweet dreams, my love - I am well."

NeroJB #35152 05/06/03 03:19 AM
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Joined: Mar 2003
[color:"#a0a0ff"]I will not be a begger, but I suppose that I mustdisguise my self.

*takes off cloak and throws over shoulder*

"OK I'm good"

"Hey guys what took you so long?"

"Now, JVB you have one of the posters don't you? Is there any mark of who made it or where it came from? Anything that might help?"


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