Originally Posted by Tito
I wish I could load up S.M.A.C. I have the disk and miss playin it, I can't do it on XP???

I think I can help with that. As found on another forums, there's an official patch for running Alpha Centauri (with or without the expansion, Alien Crossfire) on Windows 2000 or XP. It can be found at Firaxis Game's downloads page. Also located there are the ordinary bug fix/balancing patches.

If the game gives you an error upon launching it that your CPU is not supported, try opening the Alpha Centauri.ini file in your Alpha Centauri directory with a standard text editing program. Change the line saying "ForceOldVoxelAlgorithm=0" to "ForceOldVoxelAlgorithm=1", save the file, and try running Alpha Centauri again. It may still tell you your CPU isn't supported, but if you click OK it should load the game properly.

Hope this helps.