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LuCiDiTy #35153 05/06/03 05:21 AM
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"Ok, troops? Here's my plan..."

I stood before my tiny and very efficient army like a general.

"I found out that this crystal world seems to affect humans. Lynn, Hypatia and Polgara seem to be very content with the situation - BUT - I'M - NOT!"

With the sharp-eyed look of a commander, I fixed BeeGee and Wolfy, who apparently listened to me. I turned around and marched along the line - using goosesteps, arms folded behind my back - one, two, three, four, turn back, one, two - BUMP. That imp - mimicking again!!!

"No, BeeGee, your place is - here," pushing him gently back into line, "my place is there," drawing an imaginary line. "Now, back to business: Both of you are not humans and I guess, I'm protected by this peace-contentness-stuff due to the crystal in my heart. ATTENTION! BeeGee, back behind the line - now we three have more brains together in company - ahm, we're better off by ..." Hmmm, have to think this over - Wolfy, yawned and one of his heads seemed to drop slowly to the ground.

"Where was I? Ah, yes - my plans! We three are going to walk around the boundaries of our little world and look for a way to escape - agreed? You, Wolfy have 2 noses, BeeGee? You have, ahm, whatever you have - and I have thiiiiiis MAGIC MIRROR!!"

I proudly presented my Ultimate Last Super Weapon, left to me in this world.

"Noooooowwwwwww, let's see, if it shows us a way out - easy, eh?" I winked at both - why weren't they impressed? "Hey, soldiers, show a bit more enthusiasm, will you? I don't want to spend the rest of my life here - washing, weeding, baking, cooking etc. Now, will you help me, please?"

Nero!! You're responsible for everything dreadful that is going to happen now - youyouyou... lazy, unloyal halfdemon B-A-S-T-A-R-D! WAIT, till I lay my hands on you <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif" alt="" />[/color]

kiya #35154 05/06/03 06:56 AM
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When I was sending out my thoughts, the sword dimmered down as if it was trying make clear to me that it was ok to pick it up. Just in case I wrapped it up in some cloth and then I went down again.

I ran into Womble on the way down, "Here you are" he said. "Didn't I say I was gonna collect DQueene's stuff??"

"Yes you did, but you stayed away quite long".
"Well, Here I am, I had some trouble with her sword, but it's fine now. Let's go!"

"Ah yes, could you fly ahead and say to the others to slow down so we can catch up?" he asked.
"off course, I'll come back to you when I've told them and then we can catch up together, drinking some ale ok?"
"Fine by me", he said.

So I did as we agreed and then I came back to Womble and we started catching up.

[/i]no matter how fast that sled can go now, we are still limited in speed by Meatloaf and myself since I can't fly all the time[/i] I thought to myself but still, it's a good thing to be able to transport more and to give the others a rest from time to time, it'll make our walking times much longer

kiya #35155 05/06/03 08:59 AM
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travelling down the dusty road, jolie decided to let willow rest, so...
he "jumped up front" with jurak and the rat Fe, as the orc......aimed....
the shifting sled onward, they both were humming a tune,
Jolie stopped for a second.....and tapped the orc's arm,

"eh jurak, why do you think it is that, as soon as you start
liking someone, meaning of course...willow....sometimes,
it feels like there's not enough time in a day to spend, in their company?"

[color:"#33cc33"]"Not like that for orc's!,"[/color]
said jurak, smiling a befuddled smile,
[color:"#33cc33"] Oh, yes.....maybe to start......
later, not enough time to get away!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />

[/color]Jolie thought about this for a second,
and said this would never happen.

The Orc just shook his head in wonderment and swallowed!
the two of them talked, and jostled to and fro,
in the more than comfortable sled that womble had worked so dilligently on,
right down to the straw filled "seats" they were sitting in..... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
down the meandering mainroad they went, leaning this way and that,
using their weight thinking that would have any effect at all
in steering a sled... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />..............

It was getting near dusk, willow was still recharging,
jolie was looking out his passenger side airspace and enjoying
the view of the passing scenery, Jurak being the ever hungry orc and
thinking of food so often!, remembered those fruit
he stuffed in his pockets,
and started rummaging around in his pants......

[color:"#33cc33"]gotcha! [/color]he said and pulled out his fruit,
that was now squashed from his large posterior,
he showed it to jolie,
who almost soiled his underdrawers, jolie freaked...
and told Jurak that was the fruit of the dragon,
and forbidden to eat in this area, because of a strange
crossbreeding in the molecular level..?what......

(what the heck did that just mean?)

[color:"#33cc33"] OH-NO !! [/color]Jurak howled,
and all of a sudden felt very irresponsible...again,
[color:"#00cccc"]jolie....meatloaf,...ate some... lots actually... what a pig!,
what will happen.....[/color]
jolie was silent for a long time.......... and then he said,
i don't know,
it's always been forbidden......remember?
Aaahhhh, the orc was getting his share of stupid spells today allright,
he thought, as he stared straight ahead, watching the road,
and wondering if these fruits....well... they must be ok,
for me i'm from the lizard family anyway, at least i think i am,?

"looking better all the time!" <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> said jolie as he turned to gaze
at the lovely shimmer of her face, so beautiful, he thought.... and
smiled that lovesick smile
jurak was watching jolie smiling at willow,
and not watching where he was,and now
they were already half off the road and heading down the side,
of a lenghtly little hill,
not too steep for a little "luge-ing",jurak guessed,

besides it was too late too change course now and............
off they went..........down the the speed of a waterfall,
well it felt like... that because, they were bouncing and jostleing so hard,
and gaining momentum rather quick! jurak reached for anything to hold on too,
and ended up grabbing this log stick that was attached
to the side of the sled, and when he grabbed it it moved ..........
as it moved, they started to slow..........but it wasn't enough......
[color:"white"] CCcrraassshhhhh ![/color]
And jurak,jolie, and the sleeping willow, all went flying...
right over the top of the sled doing somersaults,
they landed with a thud and jurak wondered why they didn't have seat belts?.........
WTF? That's it! I should have got my head examined when i had the chance,
he thought to himself and shrugged it off,
while dusting himself halfheartedly,

first concerns were the others, jurak stepped over to the others
who had "miraculously" been tossed into each others arms <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/suspicion.gif" alt="" />.......
hhmmm how quaint thought jurak...they'll be ok,
what about our new sled.......he walked over and looked..........
Holy bald-dad!,..... the whole front end is crumpled........
we need to wait for womble and his expertise.....

the new sled had slightly damaged its front....
on a rather large rock....
just off the road.... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/suspicion.gif" alt="" />

Last edited by Jurak; 06/06/03 06:13 AM.

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF.
[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #35156 05/06/03 09:16 AM
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[color:"#00cccc"]We were 'driving' down the road and talked a lot about almost everything. Jurak got hungry, as usually, and took some fruit out of his pockets. He wanted to share some with me. Jurak!! Thats dragonfruit!! It is forbidden to eat that! It has some weird effects."
"Like what?"
"I dont know, it has been forbidden remember."

Atthat time we got of the road. "Jurak! watch were you're drive!"
Too late! we went of the hill... Jurak tried to stop the thing. It slowed down alright but didnt stop in time.
CRASH BOEM BANG. I flew trough the air and landed against a tree.
I dont know how long i was unconscious, but when i woke up iwas lying on the ground with Willow in my arms <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />. How?? I must have put myself before her to break her fall. Man what a headeache i have.... I hardly remeber anything of it.
"The sled...." I looked at it. "Looks like a total-loss to me, Jurak."
"You should pay more attention to were you go, Jurak! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/memad.gif" alt="" /> We could have been killed!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/memad.gif" alt="" />" I checked if Willow was OK. Well, she still was unconcious... but she didnt hade anything else. Pfffwww That was a close call... If we'd been in it when it hitted the tree... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> That thought made me shiver. I thanked the lord for it.[/color]

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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jurak gathered up the scattered belongings and stacked them neatly,
off to the side of the sled, so he could push it away from rock,
and survey the damage,... which to no suprise of jurak's was virtually nil,
considering this was a finely crafted orc sled!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
the damage consisted of only a nice "dent" in the middle front of the sled,
in the shape of the obstruction it had hit.......
and one wheel was a little wobbly, not a problem for womble thought Jurak and
let out a sigh of relief......
[color:"#33cc33"]Whew, that was really close, I'll have to aim more carefully from now on,[/color]

both jolie and willow shook their heads virorously in agreement.
Jurak suggested they make camp, cuz they can't leave now anyway,
and it's no use sittin here in the cold and dark, and quickly gathered some wood before it got too dark.........

A nice cozy, warm, fire was blazing in no time,
because things happened fast around here......for some reason!
He thought about Fe and touched his top pocket,
to re-assure himself of the rats welfare,
the rat Fe was laying at the bottom of his deep pocket,
all curled up, having a "rat nap"..........

Last edited by Jurak; 06/06/03 06:16 AM.

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF.
[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #35158 05/06/03 10:31 AM
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BeeGee crouched on my shoulder and Wolfy drooled over the other one. I sat on the ground and fidgeted with the mirror gems.

"Ahhh, I see something," several green spots were working together on something that looked a huge raft with wheels on it. I zoomed in:

"Hey, that's Viper and his chums. Now, what on earth are they doing? Building up a transport company: VIPER & CO - WE TRAVEL FASTER? Sheeesh.., or WE TAKE EVERYTHING - could be their business slogans!"

Twiddling at the gems again I discovered one little green dot, surrounded by red ones. I zoomed in:

"Ohhhhhh, DQueene - my friend, you're suffering the same fate as I'm in, eh? Trapped - and our friends are enjoying themselves somewhere else. Just wait until I get out of there... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif" alt="" />

I switched the gems again and after some zooming, adjusting and cussing I saw 2 green dots on a field.

"And what are they doing? Having some fun? Damn, is everyone here on vacations? And didn't anyone tell Luc and that filthy beggar boy Jvb that riding lessons normally take place ON a horseback and not behind it?"

Two further green dots joined the others - I zoomed in.

"Ah, Dragh and Nero <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif" alt="" /> !!! Probably the last of a new thriving transport company. Phhhh, enjoy yourself - have fun - I don't care - settle down in that country and work for a living as waggoners - don't think about poor me or DQueene, suffering great torture, danger and pain. Go ahead... you traitors! You truants!"

I twiddled, turned, switched the gems endless times, but couldn't find myself anywhere.

"OHHH... Okay, troopers, we're on our own now - SOLDIERS - COMRADES!" I squinted at my allies, "Let's search for a way out..."


Well, I couldn't say, they weren't helpful: Wolfy sniffed his noses pink, padded here and there. BeeGee - huh - was BeeGee. He foopoofed everywhere, whirled around me and seemed to have lot of fun. I searched every nook and cranny, looking for a clue, key, hole exit - anything.

Then I noticed BeeGee playing hopscotch on a field of mushrooms. I watched - these mushrooms were sort of arranged, like a chess field and BeeGee cheated. He didn't jump from one to the next, but seemd to foopoof over specific ones. Aha??? Watching him closely I found out he used them in a certain order: 13, 21, 20, 1, 2, 1, 18.[/color]

kiya #35159 05/06/03 12:14 PM
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[color:"a0a0ff"] [Elvish] What on earth have you done to that horse? It hasn't got that tail just for beauty! [/elvish]

I walked up to the horse and whispered he would be allright and it would grow back in no time.

[Elvish] Disguise? how am I going to disguise? [/color]

It's one of these days...
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[color:"#00CCCC"]I woke up feeling more bruised and battered than i had when i went to sleep.
I opened my eyes with a groan. There was a bright fire burning.
I concerntrated on making my body feel better, healing it. The pain disapppeared, that's better i thought to myself.

Jolie and Jurak were sitting at the fire as well.

How long was i sleeping i asked?

Jolie replied that it had been about a whole day. I really couldn't believe that it had been that long, the magic really must have taken it's toll on me.

I then looked at the sled!!!! What happened i asked!!!?????
Our wonderful machine, damaged.
"Does it still work?" Jurak regretfully shook his head. He looked so shameful.
"It's okay Jurak, accidents happen, and i am sure there was nothing you could do. We can fix it in the morning. Right now i am famished, do we have anything to eat. Maybe i could go find some berries..."

Last edited by Carrie; 05/06/03 07:27 PM.
Carrie #35161 05/06/03 03:25 PM
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two people were coming towards us, probably to laugh at us..
When they came closer, i recognised them: nero and dragh <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> .

"hey you guys, how're you doing?
how did you find us?
and eh, can you please help us with this tail..?"

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #35162 05/06/03 04:15 PM
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.... 13, 21, 20, 1, 2, 1, 18. Wow, a quiz, a riddle <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/exclamation.gif" alt="" /> I love puzzles,hm, what could this sequence mean?.

Experiment number 1: Squashing down the surrounding mushrooms. Result: Nothing.
Experiment number 2: Pressing them gently in sequence order. Result: Nothing.
Experiment number 3: Pressing them harder in opposite order. Result: Nothing.

Hours later

The mushrooms lay totally squashed, illtreated and destroyed all over the place. Wolfy and BeeGee had taken up a safe distance and eyed me fearfully, I lay panting on the ground, trying to catch my breath from the last fit.

Think, Kiya, think!

"Hey, stop distracting me, BeeGee,"

he was playing with a little stick on a sandy spot and amused himself by drawing lines. Humming a little tune, he seemed to draw an [color:"red"]"A"[/color].

"Now that's the right time to improve your education," I grumbled. The little chap beamed at me and set the number [color:"red"]"1"[/color] next to his lopsided [color:"red"]"A"[/color].

"Yeah, I know BeeGee, I know... A is the first, B is the second, C the... HEY! you've got it Lieutenant!"

I jumped up - a thought hit me like lightning: 1 = A, 2 = B, 13 = M... The word was... using all my toes and fingers... [color:"red"] M-U-T-A-B-A-R! [/color]

"Now, we're getting somewhere: MUTABAR!"

I yelled it out - nothing. I ran all over our little world, singing, whispering, humming the word - all was in vain - nothing.

"KIYA! Have you gone absolutely crazy by now? What do you think you're doing?" Polgara appeared out of the blue and looked at me sternly.

"Oh, meeee? Nothing, just nothing... errrhm, Polgara, do you know the meaning of the word MUTABAR? It rings a bell, but I can't pin it down!"

NERO, if MUTABAR is a word to destroy your beloved Tetsu-whatever... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif" alt="" />[/color]

kiya #35163 05/06/03 09:12 PM
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[color:"#a0a0ff"]Following Luc's lead I threw my cloak over my shoulders and over my ears...they would give me away for sure...we all started walking towards the town. Two cloaked men a beggar and a very confused dragh. As we were walking I suddenly heard Kiya shouting at me at the top of her lungs... Nero!! You're responsible for everything dreadful that is going to happen now - youyouyou... lazy, unloyal halfdemon B-A-S-T-A-R-D! WAIT, till I lay my hands on you I whirled around expecting to see a fireball flying at my head or worse the r&p spell. Realizing that I was in fact an idiot as soon as I had turned and saw nothing I trotted to catch up with the group. "Uh guys Kiya is pretty angry it sounds like she is being tortured we should hurry" then I thought...well maybe we shouldnt, oh boy...she's gonna kill me.. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/sad.gif" alt="" /> [/color]

Last edited by NeroJB; 05/06/03 09:20 PM.
NeroJB #35164 05/06/03 09:37 PM
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"MUTABAR? MUTABAR?" Hmmmmmmm... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/think.gif" alt="" /> ... Come on Kiya, I want to show you something."

Polgara turned around and walked away, I followed and she lead me to a large slender needle shaped crystal pillar.

"Touch it, Kiya. Oh, before you do it, I forgot to give you something, here, it's yours," she gave me back my old crystal amulet - suddenly a howling wind arose, a high pitched sound flooded the air, the crystal was torn out of her hands and landed heavily on the pillar. I rushed over and tried to regain it, but all pulling, tugging, prying was futile - the crystal shard kept sticking on to the pillar.

"Sigh, guess I seem to lose everything here," I muttered and finally touched the pillar with both hands.

Visions of countless creaures of all races swirled in there - imaginable and those rather resembling a nightmare - I heard a cacophony of howls, screeches, groans, growls, chirps, roars and I felt the pillar humming with energy.

"Oh, Polgara, look, they're trapped in there," I wailed.

"No, they're just soul essences, memories of all creatures who had once joined together in the bond of mutual understanding and respect - and this pillar is quite a source for information, too. If you concentrate on one creature, a lot will be revealed to you... just try it!"

kiya #35165 05/06/03 09:59 PM
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with all of them helping me, my disguise was ready in no time..

"ok lets get going then." i said, starting to walk towards the town, with the rest of them following me.

Once we arrived at the gate, the gatekeeper luckily didn't give us any trouble and let us pass.

once inside i noticed the beauty of the city..
all houses were desinged with so much passion.. it touched me.. Everything looked perfect...
even the trees were beautifull.

dont let yourself be fooled by the outer beauty.. its the inside that counts... i thought to myself.. remembering my long gone sword.

"ok guys, lets try to get soemthing out of these villagers..." I said, settling myself down on a corner in the market square...

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #35166 05/06/03 10:08 PM
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This time I hugged the pillar with my body, my crystal heart shard took up the humming pulsing rhythm and I felt a connection. Pressing my forehead against it, I concentrated and focussed on the word: MUTA... Out of the swirling mass of bodies and sounds one creature slowly separated and stood motionless there. I focussed harder on it and the creature seemed to float towards me - still in its crystal world - as if glass would separate us. She was a... nymph. She floated up to the boundaries of her side and held her hands against the pillar - her face was sad, very sad - - then she raised one finger against her lips.

"Polgara," I whispered, "who is she? Why is she so sad?"

"That's MUTA - As you can see, she's been muted. She is the essence of MUTABAR and has the same fate as her ancestor, who was too talkative and then silenced forever by a God in Ancient times."

"Why? Who could be so cruel?" I couldn't keep from staring at this wonderful fragile nymph.

"Well, Kiya - it's time for me to share my knowledge with you: There are 7 powerful wizards in the world out there - and in order to keep and enlarge these powers, they have made 7 races to their allies, thus causing them to break the bond. Their methods varied: Some became allies by greed, some surrendered to promises, others were forced. And MUTA... sad story... one of those wizards stole her voice. She died of sorrow, but her voice is still trapped - and in order to free all other nymphs, who are now forced to sing for him and defeat enemies - one has to find and retrieve her voice."

I looked at the nymph behind the crystal frontier and gave her my silent vow to find her voice and retrieve it for her. She looked back at me for a long time, nodded and waved one hand timidly. Then - step by step - she floated back and vanished into the swirling mass of the other essences.[/color]

jvb #35167 05/06/03 10:12 PM
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[elvish]Dragh, I am going to help you remember common tounge, eveything you say to me I will repeat to you in common tounge until you can start to communicate with everyone[/elvish]

Town was beautiful... There were all sorts of people milling around young and old.

"JVB, I asked you earlier if there was anything on the wanted poster that might tell us who made the poster? Someone who we could talk to?"

LuCiDiTy #35168 05/06/03 10:22 PM
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I turned to Polgara:

"You said 7 wizards and 7 allies - who are the 6 other allies? Where are these damn oppressors? Please! Tell me what you know... I want to know everything!"

Polgara smiled:

"You're always too greedy for knowledge and impatient, Kiya - I don't know everything - I don't know where and who the wizards are - and I know only of one other ally. Come, look into the crystal again, touch it and wait."

I obeyed and hugged the crystal again - this time another race stepped out of the swirling mass: A beautiful unicorn. She trotted daintily to the frontier and whinnied, thrusting her head with the large glinting silver horn up and down, shaking her silverwhite mane. Her large blue eyes searched my soul and touched my heart. The shard in there began to tingle.

"That's the essence of Nightwind - she is still alive, don't worry. But one of the wizards has kidnapped her daughter Featherwing - as long as the filly is within his powers, the unicorns have to fight on the wizard's side - even if they don't want to - even if it's against an unicorn's nature to be on the side of evil."

"Where does Nightwind live? How can I reach her?"

"You can't - find her filly and she will find you - in the meantime: AVOID all unicorns, otherwise you'll have to fight for your life."

"Nightwind, wherever you are, if you can hear me: I promise to bring you back your daughter Featherwing - you hear me? I promise..." The unicorn's essence bowed its head, turned around and melted back into the swirling mass.

And those wizards are in for a really bad time <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" /> NEROOOOOO, WHAT'S TAKING YOU!!!

kiya #35169 05/06/03 11:10 PM
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Location: MOO!
[color:"00cccc"] "You fly on ahead Viper, Meatloaf and myself will follow you from the ground."
Viper nodded, we paid up at the inn and headed out of the city gates.
"See yer later Fred!" I said on the way out.
"Yer better keep a close eye on that pig of yours! Old Joe the butcher almost had him until he saw the saddle on him!" He replied with a sneer. "See yer later, if you live!"
That thought chilled me to the bone, Viper looked cool and calm though, never in doubt that we would live through this.
Once we cleared the village Viper took off. "Stay in sight!" I called after him. He waved back.
"Come on then boy!" I spurred Meatloaf into action and we galloped into the forest.

We went on for a few miles when I stopped to let Meat drink at a brook. The wheel tracks from Jurak's 'buggy' carried on into the forest. How far could that thing go? Maybe we'd catch up to DQueene's captors? Viper landed to check we were ok.
"Just watering the Hog!" I grinned.
"Seems very peaceful around here..." Viper said.
"Isn't that what you usually say just before an arrow whizzes past our heads?"
"In a cheap story maybe," Viper grinned, "Cmon, we'd better get moving as its getting close to mid-afternoon."
Viper's tension was becoming obvious. His pround exterior could not hide his feelings for DQueene.
"Cmon Meat! We're going again!" Where the hell was he?

"Over there!" Viper pointed. Meatloaf was snuffling in the trees. I wandered over.
"What do you smell there boy? Hey, what's this?" I uncovered a rock.. There was a message on it.

[color:"orange"] 2 taking me to Aganeth. Follow. Wait for my signal.DQueene[/color]

"Viper! Look here! I knew she'd allowed herself to be taken!"
"Well I never" Viper grinned, "she'd better have a good plan ready."
The relief was obvious on Viper's face, though he quickly switched his expression back to normal.
"Let's go!" He said with determination.

A few miles further on we saw the tracks go off into the woods. Viper was waving and pointing to a spot there so I spurred Meat on. Poor little oinker, he was exhausted!
Through the trees we came to a clearing. There was Jurak, Jolie and Willow, sitting round a fire. They were glad to see us.
"Why stop here?" I asked when we were all together. Jurak looked down at his feet uncomfortably and pointed at the sled.
"Uh-huh. I see. Well the damage doesn't look too bad. Let me hammer out the dents and we'll rest here tonight. DQueene has a plan for Aganeth!"

The others grinned, none doubted DQeene's warrior prowess... [/color]

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
kiya #35170 05/06/03 11:12 PM
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Polgara, if I ever find a way to get out of here - what are you and the others going to do?"

"We've become the Crystal Keepers, Kiya - we're going to stay here. It's a nice world, really - though I know you're not happy. We have everything we need here and if time comes for us to return to our old world - I think, I'm going to miss this tranquility. Oh, don't forget your crystal, Dear - and this time I think it will go off." Polgara went over to the pillar and plucked off the amulet.

The high pitching sound flooded the air again, both - the pillar and the crystal shard - burst into a blinding cascade of rainbow colours - silence. I opened my eyes and saw the amulet before me, dangling from Polgara's hand. I placed it in my palm and saw - the shard had changed: Entrapped in its clear blue centre were a shell (or a scale)- a tiny claw - one long silver glittering hair - a feather - a teardrop - a small round stone with a tattoo - a golden shiny nugget. They seemed to move, waver and dance sligthly, changing sides.

Polgara bent over:

"Hmm, that hair could be a unicorn one - and the teardrop is maybe a token of Mutabar - but the others? Well, Kiya, you'll have to find this out by yourself - but I'm sure, when the right time has come, you'll know what it means and what to do." She smiled at me confidently.

"KIYAAAAAAA, POLGARAAAAAAAA, work's waiting - where are yooohhoouuuu?"

We smiled at each other, though mine was a bit sour - and we followed ZHE BOSS'S voice.

NERO! Time's running out - I have to go, why this delay?

kiya #35171 06/06/03 02:17 AM
Joined: Mar 2003
old hand
old hand
Joined: Mar 2003
I woke early, lying still and listening to the birds singing their morning wakeup song. They sounded so carefree and cheerful until the screech of a hawk hunting it's morning fast silenced their whistling and chirping with the single scream of a predator.

"I wonder if that's what this Aganeth is? A predator or just a sick SOB? What exactly is his role in all of this?" I pondered silently. "He was in some way responsible for the death of Jolie's wife and should die for that if nothing else."

Just then I heard my smelly companions start to wake up. "Phew!" They had absolutely no manners with the morning smells and sounds they were making! Not at all bird like.

Odie walked over and touched me rather tentatively on the shoulder, "Wake up and cook us breakfast woman." His voice was full of false bravado and was shaking ever so slightly.

I glanced up at him and smiled ever so gently and just nodded. I almost chuckled at how relieved he looked.

After I cooked breakfest and just before handing them their plates, I surreptitiously added some charcoal I had scraped out of the fire earlier and mixed it into their food. Deciding that they might be suspicious if I was too sweet I shoved their plates at them and growled, "Hope you like it, you south ends of a north bound donkey."

I enjoyed my food tremendously, just thinking of the stomach cramps they'd have later today. After a lot of grumbling I did all the clean up while thay just sat on their respective arse's doing nothing.

Once I was done cleaning they suddenly got in a big rush to leave without giving me my 'turn' behind the bushes. After convincing them that they really didn't want to have to clean up after me they again tied the rope around my neck to let me go. After giving a disgusted look at them both when they tried to make go behind the same bush they did, I ambled over behind a big oak tree and some bushes and quickly pulled my knife out from under my overdress and carved my initials into the tree. [/color] [color:"yellow"]DQ OK [/color]

[color:"00cccc"]We travelled another half day and ended up at a cabin. It looked vaguely familiar like I'd been there before, but I knew I hadn't. It was a homely little place that looked like it had been abandoned for some time. Although you could see from the little bunches of flowers growing in assorted spots around it that a family had once lived and loved there. "How sad, just abandoned and waiting in hopes that a new family will give it life again."

When I started to climb down from the wagon, Enry grabbed the rope at my wrist and yanked me down into his arms. "Uh oh, here it comes. I really, really don't want to do this," I thought as I tensed myself to attack.

Just then, I saw a blurring in the air and suddenly there was an ancient looking troll standing there, dressed in exotic looking purple robes, lined with gold and carrying what was obviously a powerful wizards' staff.

Enry dropped me like a hot potato and started grovelling, "Master, we didn't expect you so soon. Look, look at the pretty we brought you." He reached down and yanked me up from the ground. "See Master ... she's just what you wanted."

The troll wizard turned his eyes on me and I felt a shiver go down my spine, "Ah DQueene, you may have just bitten off more than you can chew." I swallowed silently and started sending an "SOS" whatever the hell that was.[/color]

DQueene #35172 06/06/03 03:06 AM
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: Canada
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: Canada
Viper and Womble came through the trees, they had caught up with us.
They sat down at our fire, and poor Jurak had to sheepishly explain what had happened to Womble's hard work.
"No Problem" Womble said, and got a hammer out of the back of the sled, and started fixing the dents. He looked at the bulbs, they were the most important part. Well, these look fine, just have to make sure they are all correctly hooked up, he said. With some more tinkering, he started the machine. It once again hummed to life.
During this time Viper told us about the note they (well - Meatloaf) had found from DQueen.
So far she was alright...
Apparently i could not have been more wrong.

Viper suddenly fell to the ground, withering in pain, holding his head. We all rushed to his side.
I felt something too, but not near as sever, just a wisper really...
"DQueen, the wizard, he is there..." He managed to choke out to us.
The wizard had her? Then that is what i was feeling, her immence fear! It was so powerful of a signal, that is why i could also hear her...
But Viper! He got the brute force of her plead for help.
We all looked at each other in horror, and then at Viper in concern.
We couldn't do anything until he got better, but until DQueeen was distracted, there was nothing we could do...
Maybe i could send her a signal back...
I concentrated every ounce of will i had in me on DQueen...
"Please, stop, we hear you, it is so powerful of a feeling, it is hurting Viper."
She must have heard, becasue Vipers face relaxed, and the colour came back to his skin. He was sweating and shaking...

"Good thing you repaired this sled Womble."
"I think we should all get in, there is no time for some of us to run. We have to get there...NOW!!!!"
We put meatloaf in first, someone could still sit on his back in the sled. We carefully laid Viper in the back, he was still weak...i will do something for him while we are travelling i thought.
Womble climbed onto Meatloaf's back, and next came Jurak.
Jolie and i huddled together in the front.
It was uncomfortable, but it was the quickest way we had to travel right now, and DQueen needed us now.

With the flick of Wombles wrist, the machine once again was brought to life, and he took the brake off.

We sped away into the afternoon sun. As Viper was still too weak, i sent out a message to DQueen, hoping she would hear me once again. We are coming for very careful for the time being...he has more power than i think we realize...

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