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DQueene #35193 08/06/03 03:55 AM
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Feeling impatient and unruly, anxious about Featherwing's fate - her life time was running out - I took the mirror up again, had my satchel over my shoulder and adjusted it. I saw what DQueene had done for the poor little thing, I admired the silver dragon's beauty and my amulet started to burn. This was the first time, one of the people I watched, looked at me directly through my mirror glass. DQueenes eyes grew and grew, they turned into a silvery vortex, a maelstrom and then.......... I was sucked into her eyes, she called for me and the crystal amulet responded - my heart shard started to sing... I felt a dizziness and was drawn into the mirror - I travelled... her eyes called... my vow drew me...I barely heard my mirror fall and burst into tiny little bits.

I landed next to her but before I could even greet or thank her...
an arm grabbed me from behind and choked my neck. I dug my teeth viciously deep into the flesh, tasting blood - my elbows swung back with all my force into his sides and at the same time, I clamped my right heel down on the enemy's span. With a grim joy I felt his fragile little bones breaking there. He howled and loosened his grip, I wheeled around and flung my right elbow - supported by double clenched fists - into his solar plexus - he doubled up. My knee came up and met his chin with a sickening thud. His head flew back and my carpus shoved his nasal bone up his frontal bone - exitus... no remorse... no mercy... up to the next... ONE WENT DOWN.

The Dance of Death began...

Blood rushed faster through my veins... The Dance of Death went on... I swirled... I swept around... I clashed and turned again... wardrums thudding.... hatred grew... no remorse... no mercy... pouncing tiger... war cries... death cries... breaking skulls... bashed larynx... I whirled the Dance of Death and revenge... the Age of Steel and Blood sung through my veins, filling me with bloodthirst and lust for killing...

All my frustration of my trapped time in the crystal world - my former helplessness, my hatred about what had been done to Featherwing and all other creatures were channeled and lead to a long lasting explosion. My body became a fighting machine.

I was quick... nimble... determined... vicious... effective...I was the singing arrow, hitting its target... I was the deadly blade of a warrior axt... changed into a swishing sword... became the thrusted spear.. I was explosion... I moved... I hit...I ducked... I charged... The Song of War rang in my veins... time played no role at all... I was on the hunt... hunting prey... looking for blood... REVENGE

"DQueene, quick, swirl!"

I saw an enemy had crept up behind her and she reacted. A stone was in my hands, I clashed it viciously unto the enemy's backhead, he went down at once, his skull broke open and hind brain poured out. A short nod between DQueene and me and we stood back to back, she fought with her dagger, I with my fists and feet. THE SECOND WENT DOWN.[/color]

kiya #35194 08/06/03 04:23 AM
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Kiya suddenly appeared beside me out of nowhere, but before I had time to do more than gasp her name we were surrounded by enemies. There must have been a spell that brought them here if anyone entered without their master. Kiya was a beauty to behold, striking the enemy down before he could come close to touching her.

I shook myself and sprang into action, pulling my knife from its hiding place in my robe, blocking an enemy attempting to bring his sword down on my head with one arm while plunging my knife to the hilt in his heart. Yanking it out and pushing him out of my way, I heard Kiya yell somethng about swirling. I turned as quickly as I could to find another enemy on top me. "Swirl" Kiya had said and I think a part of me understood that as a command to do something else. Again I felt the changes rushing through my skin, glancing down I saw a shimmer of scales coating my body and I felt a great urge to exhale. I felt the breath excape from my lungs in a rush, coating my enemy in ice and freezing him in place. I punched him with my fist and he broke into a million little pieces.

I looked wildly around searching for any further enemies. Feeling Kiya's back braced against mine as she struggled to catch her breath too. [/color]

DQueene #35195 08/06/03 04:31 AM
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I loved her deeply, she was my companion, the bond of loyalty was there and I knew, we would both defend the other one's life. Bodies and souls were one... the crystal heart shard sang out louder and louder...

The Melody of Companionship rang out... two bodies fighting as one... in perfect harmony for us... in deadly countertune for the enemies... a quick look... a short nod... deadly security... she thrust... I bent the other way... my fists rammed the enemy's belly into her dagger, she had turned him into ice... blood and guts gushed out, he fell down with a short groan, she broke him into bits and pieces. I laughed wildly, this was life... I saw sharply... I moved quickly... perfect harmony. THE THIRD AND FOURTH WENT DOWN.

..... silence. I woke up out of a dream - but no, it wasn't. DQueene stood before me and I fell around her neck, hugging her and not wanting to let her go - ever again.

I looked at her and laughed again:

"Hey - that was a good fight, what took you so long?" Then my eyes fell on the little unicorn... "Come on, fill me in, what's the matter, where am I, is the fight over? And... did you notice your skin has changed?"

kiya #35196 08/06/03 04:53 AM
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[color:"#a0a0ff"]I hugged Kiya tightly and I know I had tears in my eyes, "By the Gods, I've missed you girl." One more quick hug and I broke away, bending down to search the guards while telling her as quickly as I could what I knew of the place. Kiya was searching the other guards and listening intently, she swore a couple of times when she heard what Agenoth had done to the baby Unicorn. We both knew we needed all the weapons and potions we could get if we were going to make it out of here alive so we searched each guard thoroughly. None of the armor would fit me. but one looked like it might fit Kiya if she wanted it. I pointed it out to her just in case she didn't see it. I also found five different potions (3 reds and 2 purples) among the guards I searched, some coins, and a couple of interesting rings. Plus I picked up the two best swords that I saw among them. Offering them both to Kiya to check out first. I knew I was stronger, so balance and comfort with the weapon would be more important to her than me.

I looked at Kiya, "Whenever your ready I'll have to drop you down to the Unicorn's pen. I don't want to use the rope because I'll need it to free her." I nodded toward the hooded figure. [/color]

DQueene #35197 08/06/03 05:03 AM
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[color:"#a0a0ff"]"No thank you, DQueene, an armour would slow me down, the crystal protects me - and if I'm wrong? By the Gods, this day was worth a lot. And no, I'm not trained to use a sword. This is not exactly the best place to give me lessons, would it?"

I winked at her and then asked her to let me down, my amulet was burning and scorching my bare skin. Leaning on my elbows I lowered myself carefully into the pen, then I gave DQueene one arm after the other until I felt safe enough to fall the last few feet. I looked up at her, she was kneeling on the floor and peered down. I turned around to Featherwing and soothed her, she reared, whinnied and shook her head, tossing her mane. Then I pulled out my amulet and walked up to her very slowly.

"Come, come Featherwing - Nightwind, your mother, called me, I'm here to set you free. Don't be scared."

The amulet was radiant, it's light blue had changed into a nearly blinding silver, then softened into the calm silverblue of a midsummer night's moon. The filly stopped to tremble and looked at me with her wonderful blue eyes - the eyes of her mother. I felt tears well up in me, a two-legger had done this terrible crime of depriving this innocent and beautiful creature of her life energy - these symbols for innocence, gracefulness, beauty and goodness! Then I remembered DQueene and her magic: this had come from a two-legger, too.

The amulet seemed to float by itself towards the little beast - it lowered its head and the newly grown horn touched the amulet. A blinding flash - the amulet and my heart shard burst into a long high pitched sound - the long silver hair shot out of its crystal prison and wound itself around the horn, melted into it. The unicorn filly slowly changed into a milky white... wavered... grew transparent and faded away, as moonrays fade when the morning dawns. And I heard the echo of a joyful whinny...

"Farewell, Little One, you're safe now - greet your mother - your kin is free again... My love goes with you," I whispered.

I don't know for how long I stood there, my inner eyes still saw Featherwing, my memories caressed it, holding my amulet tightly.

I sighed deeply, reality was calling me. I hung the amulet - now calm and cool again - around my neck and went back to the pen opening and called up to DQueene:

"That's done - pull me up, will you? And I hope that rope won't be attached to your belt, right? Remember what happened last time?"[/color]

DQueene #35198 08/06/03 05:25 AM
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[color:"#00cccc"]"Hold on there, Jurak, take it easy,...
this road isn't quite even a road, it seems to be more of a path,
and it's bumpy , so stop for a sec, and let me fix this "wedgie",
that i'm sportin',and then we can go."
said Womble, who was squirming in his seat, looking uncomfortable! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

While they were stopped for the dwarf to fix himself,
Viper flew overhead shouting something....

Both Womble and Jurak looked wayyy up, viper looked to be in
some sort of distress or pain, and was gritting his teeth,
which kind of made it look like he was smiling, but this was not true...

[color:"#33cc33"]What is he trying to say?,[/color] asked Jurak,
knowing Womble could hear so acutely, that he could even hear ice melting!
With those ears....anythings possible!
Viper, come down here this instant, you've been flying all day
and you must be very tired, so get down here and tell us, what?
Viper dropped to the ground in a split second and was telling the group
that just a mile or two down the path, was a bridge across!!!
But it looked very woebegone and very shabby, viper didn't think it
would carry the weight of the sled and all it's passengers as well.
Womble piped up, "thats O.K., it's simple really, we go across one at a time,
then pull the sled over with some of Juraks ropes!"

They all agreed this was a good plan, and told Viper to fly re-con,
everyone said at once......."what", is re-con?
Jurak explained it was military terminology for scouting,
and beamed a big grin! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
He asked Viper if he was allright, because Viper looked
in some pain........"no-no, I'm fine!
said viper not very convincingly, but they let it go at that!

So Viper took to the skies......once again, flying slightly ahead,
but not very high this time, just above the treetops,
it was a fine day, warm breeze, butterflies, and the smell of clover!
It was like a scene from a picture, very picturesque, and peaceful,...
this peacefulness would end soon enough......
Jolie asked Womble if he could sit in the front now,
but Womble kept saying,"in a minute, in a minute.....
Jolie gave up trying, and turned back to Willow who was in deep thought.
Jurak comandeered the now-lighter sled at speeds that were unheard
of in those times, but this time......he WAS paying attention!
Only because the Orc had to admit, he loved a good adventure as much
as the next guy,
and wanted to see this epic escapade come to full fruition
(wow, my head hurts) thought the orc as they rounded the bend,
and on to the straightaway.....Whoooosh!

They flew by a frog that was trying to cross the "road",
and barely missed the old toad, wow if we hadn't missed that toad he,
woulda croaked! said Womble and chuckled.
Rrrrrrrrrrrriibit! the frog said,
nobody could tell if it was mad or not, they kept going and going,
like a bunny.
They noticed Viper hovering about 300m down the road......
that must be it!, thought Jurak, and reached for the brake this time,
easing the large, cantilevered stick upwards, to slow the sled down.
"Full stop, everyone out!" exclaimed Womble!
" O.K. Jurak lets have those ropes, and why don't you... willow,
start across the bridge, you are the lightest and should be
no problem for you.
Jolie piped up and said he would go first, but they need him,
to help with all the belongings that were tied to the sides......
they need those ropes, most likely all of them too!
Jurak, Jolie and Viper all helped holding the stuff, while Womble
ran around and pulled all the ropes free........
"Right then, just attach this here, and make a double clove-hitch (yank)
there! done!"
Womble said, standing with his hands on his hips looking like a teacher!
Everyone laughed at his hard-line, uncompromising, stance, and were excited about continuing.
Willow had already reached the other side, and waved back
at the others to hurry, for she was probably frightened.
Jolie was next, well just because he wanted to be, we all knew why. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

That left Jurak, Womb, and Viper, who didn't need to walk anyway,
so he jumped into the air and zipped over to the other side and started
chatting with willow, even before Jolie was halfway!
Jolie on seeing this picked up the pace a little, and was soon giving
willow a big hug! Viper turned the other way and pretended to stick
his finger down his throat... in reaction to Jolie's smooth move.
Across the bridge Womble and Jurak seeing this,
burst into fits of laughter!
[color:"#33cc33"]Womb, your next, because if i go and the bridge breaks,
we will both be stuck![/color]
Womble hesitantly slogged across, dragging the rope with him,
and was shortly on the other side with the rest.......
Now it was the orc's turn, his stomach was rumbling and he thought,
it was a good thing he didn't eat anything today,..
he didn't need any extra weight for this!
Jurak made sure the sled was in the correct position for the pulling contest
that was to come, and started to tippytoe across, the group on the other side
just roared at the sight of a big green orc doing the tippy-toe across the
bridge! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
At about the halfway point, the poor old bridgeworks let out a creaky moan,
as if to say you better be quick about it!
Jurak heard this and went from tippy toe to fleet footed, in the blink
of an eye and was much relieved to be reunited with his friends!!
Womble handed the end of the rope to Jurak and told him he was to be
"the anchor" and to stretch the rope taut, wrap the loose end around the
large boulder a few feet away, and pull for all his might!
They all pulled and pulled, until sweat poured from their pores profusely,

"Good God, Jurak, I thought you said the sled was lighter now!"
Jolie said with a grimmace.

"And i am only a Deva and keep falling down," Viper retorted.

They all snickered at their own humor, and found new strength
to finish this arduous task.

While loading the sled and tying off all the belongings,
Willow pointed and said.....look!! at that!!

They turned........and what they saw was eerily awe inspiring...... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />
It was a castle of such they had only dreamed about! In the distance,
they saw a flat tableland with steep edges,and a very large
castle-fortress perched atop the sheer rock cliffs!

"That's it, that's it," ranted willow, "i know i've seen this in a dream,
from somewhere!"
"We'd better hurry",she said just as a large flash of
lightning struck and the ensuing thunder was split the silence in two,"

Let's Go, someone shouted and they jumped aboard the sled and were off
to the base of the ominious looking structure..............

Arriving at the sheer, steep, rock walls, Womble suggested they find a way
up there post haste, Jurak agreed,and asked willow if she could make a fire,
they would probably be spending the night here, and start a fresh search
in the morning........... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/sleepey.gif" alt="" />

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF.
[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #35199 08/06/03 06:05 AM
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Hanging over the edge of my cage, I watched what Kiya did for the baby Unicorn with tears in my eyes. Then she called up to me, "That's done - pull me up, will you? And I hope that rope won't be attached to your belt, right? Remember what happened last time?"

Okay, I so did not want to remember the losing my pants scene when I tried to let her use me as a ladder that time. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/suspicion.gif" alt="" /> I whispered back down to her, "no, let me come down - I need to break the locks on the other cages." I ran to grab my backpack and the sword that I had picked out and running to the edge of my cage I jumped down lightly to the floor below.

Walking to the gate to the the pen we were in, I tested it by pushing on it to see how strong it was. It just swung open. I whispered bitterly back to Kiya, "I guess they weren't worried about that poor baby escaping in the condition they put it in." I saw my anger reflected in her eyes too, these people would pay and pay dearly for the harm thay had done to innocence.

Walking over to stand underneath the hooded woman's cage, I could see a weird glow emanating from the bars of the cage itself. I called up to her softly, "Can you break free yourself? Or do I need to come up and break the lock?"

She whispered back, "I cannot even touch them! The Wizard has placed a spell on them that burns me whenever I try." I could sense despair in her voice, "I don't know if you will be able to touch them either." A small sob and she went on, "You must free the others, I will pay for what I am forever it seems."

Again, my heart was breaking, I felt or sensed that she thought herself evil and that just wasn't so. Not with the caring she had already shown to me and Featherwing. "I won't leave you, so you'd better help us save you. I undid the rope from my waist again, "You'll have to catch this." I started tossing the end of the rope up to her. I tried about a dozen times with no luck, I couldn't get it to toss into the cage. I stopped and looked around for something to use and spied the bucket Featherwing had used for water. Quickly tying it to the end of the rope I tried tossing it one more time and it worked! [/color]

Jurak #35200 08/06/03 06:18 AM
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[color:"#a0a0ff"] Finishing my drink I wandered out of the bar and down the street leaving my friends to find more information on the person behind all of this. I put my hand into my pocket and pulled out the demon jewel that I had bought from the phantom shop in beregost holding it in my palm I reached up and grasped the shard that was around my neck. Pulling it from the chain I placed it in the palm of my hand. As soon as I let go the jewels started glowing in my hand. A small circle of light opened up and gradually grew larger and larger until I saw Kiya...she was fighting...I wanted to be there, I wanted to help her. The light grew and grew until I was surrounded entirely by it. Then swirling darkness and chaos. I flew faster than time. Suddenly the picture I saw in my palm was no longer a picture but reality. I quickly put my shards into my pocket and drew my sword. I danced a whirling circle of death across the room caring about nothing more than my friend who was across the room and in great I brought tetsusaiga down across the last foes chest I came within reach of my friend but she was not herself she didnt even know who I was. I dropped my sword as she was in mid swing and caught her hands in mine. A moment passed as we looked into each others face and all I could see was rage, her eyes swirled with red flames. "KIYA, kiya....please wake up...." [/color]

BeeGee #35201 08/06/03 07:10 AM
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[color:"#00cccc"]"Maybe..... Hey guys what do you think: since the bridge already moaned under jurak's weight, wouldnt it be better that I tied a rope to the sled and lift it's weight a bit by trying to pull it upwards??"

"Yeah, great idea, here's a rope" said jurak, "let us know when you're ready"

So I flew to the other side, tied the rope, and put my thumb up in the air to give a go sign. I flew up putting tension on the rope and then I started flying up as hard as I could and the others started pulling. "Pull as fast as you can people, this is one heavy motherf***r !!! HURRY !!!"[/color]

NeroJB #35202 08/06/03 01:08 PM
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"Hmmmmmm, those cage bars seem to be made out of silver and they're definitely enchanted. No wonder, they can't be touched," I mused and watched DQueene successfully using the bucket and rope as a hook.

"PSSSSSSTTTTTT <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shhh.gif" alt="" />," we froze in our actions - I sensed a presence, no, several presences. Giving her a sign to wait here, I peered up the pen opening and saw a shadow, something was wrong, something was moving up there. DQueene folded her hands, I put my right foot into it, leant on her shoulder and she flung me up with all her might, I soared up, landed and the fight dance started again... my eyes started to burn... I felt them glowing...

...blood rushing... wardrums strumming through my veins... a fiend... a foe... I whirled... I danced... I hit and dodged... my fists crunched chins... bones broke...

I don't know if it were 2 or 3 enemies who had sneaked in the rooms - I was movement - battle - a whirlwind of death. My outstretched fingers pricked into eyes, I chopped into throats, my elbows sang into guts. Teeth flew, bodies fell limp on the ground. And something grew, an invisible presence was next to me - aiding me, cutting - swirling - thrusting.

A sword appeared out of nowhere - but this time a friendly one - a shadow was next to me, giving me strength, covering me up.

Blood boiled in my veins... neverending chant of destruction and death... my hands were tied... I'm trapped again... NOOOOOOOOO!

"KIYA, kiya... please wake up..."

NERO? My eyesight cleared, the red mist of my berserk rage slowly drifted away and I noticed, he was holding my hands. I heaved a sigh and then it dawned on me that everything was over - we were united again.

kiya #35203 08/06/03 04:00 PM
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[color:"#00cccc"]Finally we were at our destination: Aganeths castle. The only thing left to us was find a way up that cliff and into the castle. I could smell vicory already.
Then all of a sudden Something 'struck' my mind. I remembered my wife telling me stories of a big, ugly, sadistic trollwizard who tortured innocent creatures just for fun!! She had been here!!
Then another memory came A wizard gave me a sword. It blurred my mind, till Wolfy destroyed it! Suddenly i knew: That was Aganeth himself!!! My wife knew of his operations. Thats why she had to die. But why didnt he kill me too?? Still alot of questions remeaned.
My blood boiled <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/memad.gif" alt="" /> "Aganeth, you monster. You'll pay for what you've done to my wife!!"

The others looked at me and i explaned what i've just had expirienced.
The look on there faces said enough <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />
"Lets get that stupied-sorry-excuse-for-a-trollwizard! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/memad.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/memad.gif" alt="" />"

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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Was this the demon I used to know - and flee? I looked deeply into Nero's eyes and saw a fire kindling in the depths - our hands.... I felt his strength oozing its way through my skin - every wave of anger, of impatience, of frustration about his delay coming to get me out of the crystal world - eased away slowly. My heart shard started to hum softly, like an echo - an answer to his energy, his emotions for me. And this time I felt no fear - I didn't want to back away or use my mind and logic as a shield. I liked this humming hune, it was soft but steady - and I felt a bond growing between us, a bond that surely needed outer support - but it was there. My face softened, my eyes started to shine and I broke into a radiant smile, showing my gratitude for his return, his loyalty and his friendship. Yes, this was something I could accept...

"Kiya!! What's up there - I need help!" DQueene's voice tore me out of my state. I cleared my throat, gathered my thoughts again and whispered hoarsely to Nero:

"Hi... nice to see you, you came in the right second, comrade. I don't know how, why and by which means you came here - but we have to settle everything somewhere else. DQueene is in that pit down there - we must help her... Come!"

I dragged him after me to the pit and we descended. DQueene's eyes widened and she smiled a short Hello to our newcomer:

"Now, you're a sight for sore eyes, Nero! That cage up there, it's enchanted, we can't touch it. The creature in there has my rope now, it's tied to a bucket. But we have to find a way up there and unlock the cage, WITHOUT touching it - any ideas?"[/color]

jvb #35205 08/06/03 05:03 PM
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although i couldn't hear dqueene anymore, i had strange feelings..
feelings of pain.. suffering.. war..

strange things must be happening where she is.

but then came the feelings of friendships.. bonds.. happyness..

it made me feel good, she will be ok.
I sense 2 other energies.. they emit a large amount of positive energy.
Who will that be??

i got out of the bath tub and dried myself.
i walked down the stairs and the old woman greeted me :
"you shure took your time, but you are clean now, JVB."
"I cant remember having told you my name."
"You havent young one... young MURDERER.
The moment i saw you, I knew you were a part of this group of thieves.
Thats why i invited you, i need the money.
Please forgive me."

the raised her hands, and said something..

feelings of tiredness made themself master of me.. must sleep... world of darkness.. here i come.

the last thing i knew is that i was falling on the floor.

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
kiya #35206 08/06/03 05:19 PM
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Kiya and Nero were working on the problem of getting the cloaked lady free from her prison so I decided to scout around the wall for possible levers or release switches so that the rest of the cages wouldn't be so hard to reach. Walking as swiftly as I could along the wall, I was glad I could see really well in the semi-darkness.

I hadn't meant to ignore Kiya's statement about my skin being different, I just wasn't ready to face the changes in myself. I glanced at my arm, hoping beyond hope that it had returned to normal, but it hadn't. I stopped for just a second and tried scratching my right arm with a fingernail to see if the scales were just attached. I felt the scratch, but nothing lifted off, so it wasn't like a fish scale. One last experiment, just one ... I ran the sharp point of my knife along the back of my arm to see if it would cut. Nothing, no blood .. no cut. Well, that's a good thing, it's like armor but supple.

I started walking again, and just when I got to the door Aganeth had entered by earlier, I saw a box attached to the wall with buttons on it. Each button had a number and my fingers reached out instintively to push the one marked "1".

With a creaking and groaning one of the cages started dropping to the floor. Great! Now I just need to find the right ones ... or maybe I should just get all the cages to the ground and start checking them all. Deciding that was the fastest thing to do I started pushing each button in numerical order - just so I didn't miss one.

DQueene #35207 08/06/03 05:43 PM
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[color:"#aoff80"]I watched DQueene pushing buttons and saw cages come down rattling on old rusty iron chains - but then - I rushed over to her and stopped her:

"Nope, that's not so easy, my Dear, see? You pressed this button and one came down, but the other two went up again. There seems to be sequence..."

DRAT! Why do things in reality have to be so complicated and turn out so nicely in stories?[/color]

kiya #35208 08/06/03 06:31 PM
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[color:"#00cccc"]I closed my eyes and concentrated My wife spoke. "Jolie, look for a dried up tree. It your only chance to get in unnoticed. Search for the dried up tree...."
I immidiatly went looking for that treestump or whatever she meant.
After about half an hour i found something like a tree. It was dried up and dead. I touched it and suddenly my symbol (or whats left of it) glowed. I took it off because i couldnt stand the heat comming from it. It floated above my hand. The light came brighter and brighter. A beam of white light struck out of it against the treestump. The tree grow enomously.Thats right, she once told me how she could grow trees out of nothing!! I remembered finding her near a dead tree. She was badly wounded and i helped her. Few month later the tree had regrown!!
The tree grow and grow it cracked open the wall and a secret doorway was revealed. "Woow!!" I ran back to the camp.
"Hey guys, i've found a secret entrance of somekind. Lets go in!"

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
kiya #35209 08/06/03 06:33 PM
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: Belgium
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: Belgium
We were at the foot of the cliffs in this barren land and we stood there looking at a climb that seemd impossible.
"We'll have to leave the sled behind, that's for sure", I said, but then I saw Jolie waving and shouting: "I've found a secret entrance !!"

"What are you babling about boy" I asked.
He said it seems I've found a secret entrance and I think the sled can come along"

We all entered the cave and proceeded until we entered a room with 3 doors, none of them were marked but from the middle one there apeared to come noises that sounded like chains rattling...

"Before we continue, it may be better to split up, 2 of us in each door and I'll go alone in a third one, don't worry about me, I'm immortal" For the time being at least until I know what's wrong with me I thought to myself.

Who wants what, I'll go on the right door, that's for sure

Last edited by Viper; 08/06/03 06:43 PM.

Viper #35210 08/06/03 08:55 PM
Joined: Mar 2003
Joined: Mar 2003
[color:"#aoff80"] The poor creature in the cage looked abused and beaten. There was no way we could leave without helping. "I have and Idea" I said opening my satchel. "Maybe we can melt the bars without touching them." I pulled my alchemy ingredients and book out of my bag and bagan thumbing through the pages. "Heres one, for use in melting solid objects and curing stomach aches in dragons....WARNING: Do not use on humans, elves, dwarves or any other small creature, it will melt them." Thats an odd warning I thought to myself as I quickly mixed the ingredients into the vial. After a few minutes of swearing and carrying on I had it finished. I walked over to the cage and poured a little of the mixture on the lock of the cage. There was a little sizzling like when water gets poured on a hot grill. I poured a little more on and I could tell that the lock was getting weaker. After I had used the whole vial I knew that the lock was weak i drew my sword and swung as hard as I could...*CLANK* the lock fell to the floor and the door swung open. [/color]

NeroJB #35211 08/06/03 09:56 PM
Joined: Mar 2003
old hand
old hand
Joined: Mar 2003
I stopped pushing buttons when Kiya told me what was happening if I pushed too many at a time. Damn! How to do this. I glanced over and saw Nero had managed to break open the hooded woman's cage, but that she hadn't walked out of it yet.

"Kiya, hold on a minute." I pointed back to where Nero was standing. "I'm going to go see why she won't come out - maybe she's frightened of Nero. He's a guy, maybe she's afraid of men? Or maybe she's just afraid of half-demons? Maybe I can talk her out and you can figure out how to make this contraption," I pointed in disgust at the box on the wall. "Damn machines! I can't even figure out a copier half the time." Huh? What's a copier? Somebody who makes fun of you by doing everything you do?

I walked over to the cage, hearing Nero trying to coax her out and she adamantly refusing to budge even an inch. I shooed Nero away, "Nero why don't you go help Kiya? It's some kind of machine and we don't know how to make it work."

I held out my hand to the hooded woman, but she just violently shook her head refusing to come forward. "What's your name? I'm DQueene and the one who helped Feartherwing is Kiya. The man who broke you free is Nero." I tried to project as much sincerety into my voice as I could. "None of us would hurt you..." She just started laughing, sadly ..."My name is LaShandra and ... No, I know you wouldn't hurt me. I ... I would hurt you." She turned away as if in great shame.

"Why would you hurt us?" I asked gently. She shook her head again, "If you learn what I am, you will hate me... I am cursed and damned. My immortal soul is doomed for all eternity." I stepped forward a pace and I could see a shudder go through her entire body. She whispered, "Please come no closer, I am starving and your very nearness tempts me almost beyond my control."

I stopped, understanding dawning in my mind. "Are you a vampire?" She put her hands up to her face and I saw tears start to seep through her fingers, her tears were blood, she was losing even more of her life force in her sadness. Her tears were her answer to my question, I asked hesitantly (and to be honest a little hoarsely myself), "Do you have to kill the one you feed from?"

She shook her head, "No, not normally; but, I haven't fed in ages and I fear once I start to feed I will lose control." I stepped forward again, "So feed on me. If you don't stop, Nero can slug you and that should snap you out of it."

She raised her head and slowly pushed her hood back from her face. I gasped, I'm sorry I couldn't help myself she was practically a skeleton - a little muscle and soft tissue on her bones and her eyes stared out from her eye sockets. She questioned me sadly, "Are you sure you can let something like me feed on you?" A nervous laugh escaped from my lips again, and I let out a long breath, "I won't lie and say I'll enjoy it; but yeah, I can do it."

I turned around and whistled, getting Nero's attention. I waved for him to come back over. When he arrived I could see the stillness in him when he saw her face. I looked at him and sent him a message Don't say a word or we'll lose her. He nodded, "Whatcha need DQueene?"

"LaShandra needs to feed and I'm going to provide the blood. She's really afraid that she will lose control, because she's starving. We want you to slug her if that happens. Think you can do it?" His mouth tightened a little, but he just nodded.

I turned to LaShandra and held out my wrist noticing that the 'scales' on my arm had receded to my elbow, almost as if they knew she wouldn't be able to break through them to drink. "Will this do?" She licked her lips and nodded and then she bent her head to drink. I felt a sharp pain and then a feeling of euphoria crept over me, "Hey, this wasn't so bad. Kind of nice, in fact."

I glanced at LaShandra and she was changing in front of my eyes. A beauty was forming, floor length black hair, white skin, dark eyes, bright red lips. I saw her sigh and withdraw her teeth from my wrist. She licked the pinpricks and they sealed, leaving no trace of her bite. Her eyes were luminous when she looked at me and she said, "I didn't know, thank you for honouring me with your blood, my queen."

I looked at her in total confusion, but she just laughed and shook her head, refusing to explain herself. [/color]

Viper #35212 08/06/03 10:07 PM
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: Canada
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: Canada
[color:"#77aeff"]We went through the secret entrance under the tree. I could feel Jolie's wifes' spirit here with us, trying to guide us.
It was dark and musty down under the earth. The walls dripped water, and the ground was soft underneath our feet.
Viper asked us which door we should go through, he stated he was taking the right.
Jolie and I, after some discussion, chose the left door. Womble and Jurak took the middle.
After telling each other to be careful, and watch our backs, Jolie and I entered the left door.
The door itself groaned as we opened it. It concerned me, anyone would have heard that.
Jolie and I stopped moving, and listened.
There was nothing else besides the sound or the water running down the walls. We both relaxed a little, but still kept listening as we walked.
I led the way, my eyes as an elf were better than Jolie's. It was very dark, just small bits of sunlight coming through cracks up above us. We were walking down a tunnel, it looked like it haden't been accessed or used for a very long time.
I wondered what it was ever used for. A secret path to something, and i was sure we would find out.
We continued walking through the dank tunnel, still keeping aware of everything around us.
We suddenly came upon another door, but this one was magic. It glowed an errie blue, and was surrounded by a gold frame.
I turned to Jolie.
"How will we get in now? This one will not be as easy as the first i think. This one i am sure will be guarded by something, magic or creature."
I opened my mind, i could not feel another creature on the other side of the magical door.
"So, a spell then, what can we do?"
I put my hand out to the door. The blue light came towards my hand, before Jolie yanked me back.
We cannot touch it then.
Jolie took his sword, and held it out to the door. The blue light also came towards his sword.
There must be a password...or a counter spell.
How i wished i was more experienced in my magic, i felt so helpless right now. I sat down on the earth, and put my head in my hands. THINK!!!! Willow i said to myself.
Jolie sat down next to me.
Suddenly Jolie got a very strange expression on his face, his eyes clouded over, and it looked like he was no longer with me....
He started talking out loud. So, another vision from his wife...
He kept repeating a very strange word...
I approached the door once again, and uttered those words.
The blue sheild disolved around the gold frame, and behind it stood a mirror door.
"That did it i cied" to Jolie.
He was still repeating the word.
I touch him on the leg, and he shook his head, his eyes cleared, and he lloked at me.
Your wife new the password i told Jolie.
We stared at the door, un sure if we should go in or not, and what would be waiting for us on the other side.

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