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Carrie #35173 06/06/03 04:10 AM
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I felt something gentle seep into my mind, a quiet voice asking me to stop calling - telling me I was hurting someone I loved. I blinked, it felt like a sparkling brook ..."Willow? How did I hear her?" I immediately stopped sending the SOS and stared at the Wizard. I wondered if I could or even if I should delay him? He could hurt my friends and what would he do if he ever saw Willow?

I looked at him in growing anger, feeling my emotions taking control of mind. I heard Odie give a little girlie shriek, and exclaim to Enry - "See, I told ya, I told ya her eyes got all swirly."

The wizard looked at me and laughed, obviously overjoyed with the discovery that my eyes 'got all swirly'. He glanced over at the two mongrels who did his dirty work for him, capturing innocent beings for his torture and tossed them a bag of coins. "You did well, bring me these others," he threw down a wanted poster with a picture of all my friends on it, "and I'll make you wealthy beyond your mortal dreams."

The picture and the words drove me over the edge and I sprang at the Wizard, my knife miraculously appearing in my hand. I got one stride closer to him and a beam of light shot out of his staff, freezing me in an energy cage of light spinning me up up into the air.

I settled, frozen in the air facing the road I had just traveled down moments before and saw a rising cloud of dust. I sharpened my eyes against the glare and saw it was my friends riding in Jurak's sled and it had round things propelling it! I saw them suddenly shoot forward faster as if they could see me in my frozen cage.

Just then the wizard tapped his staff on the ground three times and chanted "ale mantra catore" and we were suddenly somewhere else. [/color]

Womble #35174 06/06/03 08:41 AM
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Juraks eyeballs were spinning so much,
that he asked willow to pull over for a sec,
(because womble and jurak on the pigs back,
were a little to much for the small meatloaf]

and willow agreed,..
it was so dark jurak couldn't tell who was driving,
but they stopped, re-arranged their seating,
and were back on their way,

viper on one side streched out and ,womble,meat-n-jurak,
on the other with Juraks legs hanging over end of the sled,
all the other stuff they had was secured on both sides ,
this sled looked like it was carrying quite a load now!,
Jurak was quite amazed, at what this sled was carrying,
but they were all very inventive, and found a place for everything <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

They drove on into the darkness, as fast as they could,...
without putting their own lives in danger,
racing to get to DQueene,...

with the dim luminescence of the bulby-type jobbies
that were drivin this crate, scarcely lighting enough
to see 3m in front of them...but at the same time,
throwing nasty looking shadows into the passing leaves on the trees.
they noticed the passing scenery getting rather scary looking...
this was spooky,... especially in the dark <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />

jurak was tired, viper was resting, willow and jolie
were up front cuddled together, so i guess ...
that just left Womble who was stroking his "meat" in the corner...
Jurak told womble he was bushed from todays events,
and said he needed some sleep before his head fell off......
Womble laughed, Viper twitched..., the pig "oinked"
"I thought you'd say that", womble cracked and laughed again,
he said to the pig, "your the best meat" and slapped his hiney,
the pig squealed with delight,...
and Jurak nodded off to the sway of the heavy metal sled...... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/sleepey.gif" alt="" />

Last edited by Jurak; 06/06/03 09:16 AM.

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[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
BeeGee #35175 06/06/03 09:38 AM
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We arrived at the abandoned cabin and decided to spend the night there, we were all tired and Meatloaf needed it's rest, just like the rest of us.

Jolie placed Willow on the bed and lay on the floor next to the bed, Jurak preferres to sleep outside under the stars and so did I and Womble, the weather was just lovely.
We talked for a bit while the fire was burning and then we fell asleep.

3-4 hours later I woke up, the sun was rising but it was still quite dark. I had rested enough and decided to take a walk. I went into the little forest seperate from the other trees if I was DQueene I would've left some marks there So I looked around, enjoyed hearing the birds whistling and the smell of the nature waking up.

Then I noticed some wood on the ground and I went to look at it. I saw that it was wood that was carved out of a tree so I looked up and saw "DQ OK".

"phew" She is still ok. I continued my walk and after 2 more hours in the nature, watching the animals, the birds, the little creek and the fish in it, I returned to the group.

I saw that Womble was wide awake, cooking us breakfast and Jurak was just waking up. Willow and Jolie were gone on a little walk as well, but they would return soon Womble told me.

last night was the first night Womble didn't drink and he looked better than other mornings, even his appetite was acceptable <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />

I told them What I had discovered in the forest.

Viper #35176 06/06/03 11:47 AM
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[color:"#00cccc"]We came accross an abonded cabin and discided to spent the night there. I putted Willow into the bed and slept on the floor myself.
After a while i fell asleep.
[color:"orange"] I started to dream.... I saw Kiya and the others on there way to wherever they were going. There was something weird though, i couldnt see Wolfy anywhere?! They stopped at a cave. Suddenly there was somekind of an explosion. There was bright light that blinded everything for a few seconds. After the light faded, they were gone. Then all went black....
Suddenly i was in the cave, next to Kiya and the others. Kiya had some problems, looked like they were trapped. "Kiya!" I yelled, but she didnt respond. I looked around, i was some kind a sepperate world. Again all black....
Kiya was doing the landry <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> She yelled "get me out of here or i will do something stupid!!"
"No Kiya, dont!!!" I yelled.[/color]
I woke up bading in swet. Willow looked at me with a worried look.
"What was that all about???"
"I dont know, i saw Kiya. She was trapped in an other world or somekind. It was weird. Almost like i had a connection, i saw it all trough Wolfy's eyes."
"Probably a bad dream again, Jolie" Said Willow comforting. "You're probably right." But i couldnt stop thinking about it. What if it wasnt a dream???

I noticed it was morning and went outside. Viper was gone for scouting i guess. Jurak and Womble woke up.
"Goodmorning, I'm off for a little walk in the nature. See you soon."
"Wait, Jolie. I'm coming with you." Willow said while she came running out of the cabin.
"Fine, Let go."

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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I looked at the town as we where heading towards it gates, wierdly it looked different than how Luc imagened, much more detailed and very different at some parts.

The guard didn't seem to care much and let us pass. Inside these walls everything looked peacefull, poeple looked happy, children playing everywhere, just as if they have nothing to fear at all.

[elvish] What makes these poeple feel so secure? [/elvish] I told Luc, he replied me in common tongue,
I repeated "what make the pee pel feel so se se sekur?"


It's one of these days...
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jvb Offline
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After a while, an old lady walked up to me.
"Excuse me young lad, is something the matter?"
"Well, to be honest, i am very poor and so I dont have any money to eat.."
"But thats no problem at all." She said, "I invite you to have dinner at my house tonight."
"That would be very kind madam, but see, I am just a poor beggar.. I would only be a burden to you."

"Where did you get those silly ideas young lad?
Just come with me, and i will give you food and a bath."
"You are very nice madam, ok then, i will come with you." I said to her.

the people here are really nice.. almost unnatural.

"wait a sec ma'am, i'll be back in a flash." I said, running towards luc.
"I am going to stay over at an inhabitants house tonight, she offered me foor and such. Yust keep trying to find more information, i will se what it is that she knows about all of this.
I am very curious about t he habits of this strage village too.
I'll see what i can find out."

After I had said that, i walked back to the old lady and accompanied here into the house.

When we were dining (Finally, i was getting very hungry.. The food was sooooo great btw <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" /> ) I asked my "hostess" :
"i hope it doesn't bother you, but i would like to ask you a question.."
"Feel free to ask."
"Well, i'm not only a beggar you see, I Am a travveler.
And on one of my travels, i have seen this wanted poster (laying the poster on the table), you see?"

"Yes i do, what is wrong with it?"
"Well, some of the faces look rather familiar to me.. If you know what i mean, I think i can help in the search for these people."
"You wanna help? Why young man, that is very noble of you, but i doubt it is wise..."
"But why?"

"I have heard the people on this poster are true monsters, murderers.. Killing everyone they meet..."
"WHA- calm yourself jvb, dont drop your act.. i mean.. you shure? They look rather peacefull.."

"Believe me, young lad, They are everything BUT peacefull, if what i have heard is true.."


"I dont doubt that it is true , why would anyone lie to a noble woman as you?
But i still dont know who made these posters, who wants them found."

"Deary, i will tell you later, its more important to take a bath for you now, so you will be all clean again.."

oh no, if I get clean she might recognise me.. Well, i will try it, a bath sounds relaxing <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

And so i walked upstairs, and saw a wooden bucket (Large bucket).

I Yelled downstairs: "eh, miss dooble? (that was her name.. And i know, it sounds funny) There is no water.."

"I know," she replied, "let me help you."
She came upstairs, smiled at me and said:
"Stand back."

And so i did, and when i was far enough away, she started drawing a rune in the air.... There came i blinding flash.. And suddenly the tub was filled with water.. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />

I put my hand in it. "Its still cold."
"Then i will warm it up for you <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> "

another rune.. another light.. and this time nice warm water.

"Thanks, you are the best.
Can i ask you something else?"

"But offcourse."
"Are all the people in this village like you?"
"What do you mean?"
"That magic.. Are all of you capable of that?"
Yes we are, every inhabitant of the village addendum are capable (more or less), to do this."

"That really interesting, but now i will take a bath, so if you will excuse me.
I'll be back downstairs in no time."

Laying in bath, i was drowning in my thoughts..
How will dquuene be doing? I blocked off my mind for every sort of message from outside, resulting in that i dont know how anyone is doing. I better quit that....

dqueene.. Can you hear me now? Were are you?? how are you doing?? Can you hear me?? Hellow?

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
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[elvish]Very very good Dragh, I believe that you know more than you are letting on <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />[/elvish]
Very very good Dragh, I believe that you know more than you are letting on <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

Obvisly JVB was too preoccupied with 'food' to answer my question about the map. After he had run off with the kind woman, I took a closer look at what was going on around me and I realized why the guard didn't care who we were. The entire town was full of mages. Very magical people were carrying, or well floating their groceries along with them.

I doubt that a challenger would have a chance here.

I looked over at Dragh, now figuring that his appearance wouldn't suprise these people at all. We wondered over to the tavern and sat down for a drink.

"Barkeep may I get a round for my friends and I?"

before I could finish my sentence there were three beers in front of us, and pretzels (god I love pretzels).


"Barkeep, me and my friends are bounty hunters, as well as travelers. We have seen a wanted poster with several different kinds of races. I have some information... for a price, do you know who to talk to about the poster?"

[barkeep]"ahhhh friend not only do you have a price for your information, I do as well"[/barkeep]

"I figured as much" I said smiling "look down"

There was a big enough pile on the table so that his throat would be sufficiently lubricated


LuCiDiTy #35180 06/06/03 07:44 PM
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Jurak awoke to the sounds of silence,
he opened his eyes and saw Womble,
slaving over the hot fire, making brekkie.......

[color:"#33cc33"] Mmmmm, that sure smells good womb,
and i'm starved after that long journey from last night,[/color]

said jurak, standing up and stretching his long arms,
You know womble, you cook a mean breakfast, judging from the smell anyway,
pass me the coffee please, so i can wake up a little faster.[/color]

Womble gave jurak some and they sat there, sipping their mugs and,
discussing what the plan would be today.....
Womble had informed jurak that Jolie and willow,
had gone for an early morning stroll, the orc smiled that
crooked smile again, and thought, the two of them must be getting
very close in their relationship, for they were always wandering off
to do their thing...
[color:"#00cccc"] And what might Viper be up to asked jurak,
who already knew the answer to that one,
or so he thought!

"he's in the cabin,...
[color:"#33cc33"] Wha....?...Cabin..?[/color]

The orc twisted his head around and saw, a log cabin, a nice cabin.....
but, it looked like it had been desserted for quite some time,
[color:"#33cc33"] Is this where we a going to start searching for DQueene...[/color]

Poor Jurak was still not awake, as womble proceeded to inform the orc
of what Viper had told the rest........
his mind was elsewhere........thinking.......
planning......... and he never heard a thing womble had said.........

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
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[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
LuCiDiTy #35181 06/06/03 08:06 PM
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"Stupid world... I mean, if the crystal world has the power to give me what I wish for - why can't I have what I want, instead of getting what I need? Why the bother?" I scowled at Wolfy, both arms deep in a tub and scrubbing off what Hypatia called "Kiya's revolution". He gave a short yelp and then dug his teeth with great relish into a juicy bone, holding it down with his paws.

"I mean, what's the point in wanting to have cookies and then ending up with flour, salt, soda, baking powder, sugar and so on and having to do it yourself then?" Scrubbing at a sticky burnt baking tray. "And couldn't the stuff at least be properly labeled??? Huh? Can you tell me, why on earth Hypatia ordered me to bake them in the first place? How was I to know that I took baking powder instead of flour? And why can't this world then clean my mess, instead of me having to rescue Hypatia's precious tray again? WOLFY!"

He grunted - I hoped for his sake out of deep sympathy - and made gnawing sounds.

"And why for heaven's sake can't I wish for pants? Why did I have to wear this sissy gown Hypatia gave me? I told her, it wouldn't work - I told her I would trip over hems and then land flat on my face - and when it happened, what did she do? Accused me of ruining her gown by purpose and I should get up and walk like a lady. Wolfy??? I hate being a lady, it's boring and dull and ladies never have fun - they faint, scream and behave like sissies all the time, whereas the guys have all the fun. Thinking of guys... " My eyes narrowed and my jaws started to work, "I wish Nero <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif" alt="" /> was here instead of this tray and then I would..."


"KIYAAAAA! I told you to clean not to play discus throwing with it! Cut that out - act your age!" Hypatia stood before me and we played the good ol' ticking-off game again: She ranted, I shrunk.

And Wolfy looked at me with sympathy... No, Kiya don't?

SOMEONE, get me out of this nightmare - PLEASE! ARGHHHHH! GET me out of here or...

kiya #35182 06/06/03 09:53 PM
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old hand
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I slowly dragged my mind back to conciousness, hearing a strange cacaphony of sounds - mostly soft but continuous moans and labored breathng. Little hiccups and half murmured sighs of sadness and pain.

I managed to touch my head with my hand, searching for a bump or whatever was causing my head to ache so abominably. I managed to open my eyes just a slit and raise my head off the floor of the swaying cage I was in. "Whattt?" I glanced around slowly, trying to get my bearings without attracting too much attention.

I appeared to be in a room with a lot of different cages hanging from the ceiling. There were at least three other hanging cages that had humanoid creatures in them and there were at least a dozen more hanging around the room, each just out of arms reach of each other.

Down below I could see several pens, some were occupied and some weren't. Directly below me was something that made my heart just stop, a baby unicorn was sleeping on it's side breathing in little labored breaths. [/color]

[color:"#a0a0ff"]Just then I felt jvb in my mind for the first time since he left.

dqueene.. Can you hear me now? Were are you?? how are you doing?? Can you hear me?? Hellow?

jvb? Can you hear me?

I whispered in my mind. I don't know why, but I feared that even my mind wasn't sacred in this place.
jvb, I've been captured by an evil Wizard - his name is Aganeth - and he captures innocent creatures (I sent him a picture of the baby unicorn). Have you found Kiya yet? I need her ... we need her to bring these creatures back from this awful degradation.[/color]

[color:"#00cccc"] Just then I heard a door creak open at the far end of the hall and just as suddenly all the sounds that been filling the room were gone ... it was so silent you could have heard a pin drop...

DQueene #35183 07/06/03 01:24 AM
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[color:"#a0a0ff"]We walked into was really easy and Ill bet that jvb was having fun with that old woman...probably feeling *chuckle* The rest of us (those who hadnt wasted time making a costume) walked through the middle of a very peculiar town...everyone, literally could use majik it made us seem wierd because while we were walking it appeared that most everyone else was floating along. Once in the bar we sat down and before we could finish asking we had pints lined up in front of us. "Hey Luc, check that dame out *points to the stunner in the corner*.....she sure is fine... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif" alt="" /> *wink* [/color]

NeroJB #35184 07/06/03 05:36 AM
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After hearing from Viper,about the note carved into the tree from DQueene,
and how she was still O.K., they decided to start getting ready to move on... and Jurak had a plan...
Just before breaking camp, Jurak decided in order to lighten the load
of the sled...and maybe get a bit more speed!, that...
he would bury the silver box!, (after all nobody even knew
what it was for?, or what it did?,...and it was heavy!!) <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />
it was all he could do to even lift it from it's place on the sled,
this sucker is heavy, he thought,
as he slid the cogent looking cube off the back and into his hands.

"Hey whatcha doin with that, Jurak?" Womble said.
[color:"#33cc33"]"Shhhhh, com'mere, and gimme a......hand with this deadweight!",[/color]
said the orc,
almost bustin' a nut...on the wheel of the sled,
he got hold of the shiny,silver-chrome cube,
and with Womble holding it up from the bottom and Jurak,
walking like a monkey holding a barrel, the two managed to get
it as far as the cabin...

[color:"#33cc33"] C'mon womble, just...

The "cube" was sitting beside a tall stately coniferous ,
very tall, and the smell.....hmmm......reminded him of cedar...

Jurak informed Womble of the plan to bury the cube here...
for two reasons actually!, the first one being to lighten the load
of the sled, for more speed, and possibly more room!,
his legs were cramping and were starting to undergo atrophy,
plus he liked it when they went fast!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
the other reason was....just in case they came upon any unforseen obstacles
*(which by the way, are quite common in this part of the country)*
that this unknown mystical cube that the Shaman had given him,
what seemed to be a long time ago now,
they would bury it here for safekeeping!

This was the spot, deserted cabin, tall tree to mark the spot,
and out of the way.........
or so they were fooled into thinking...

Womble took to burying the cube with an intense ferocity,
that Jurak had never seen before, at first Jurak thought womble
was trying to do the running in circle spell, but soon he was just a blur,
going round and round....and....down?

In a few short moments, Womble "popped his head out like a gopher
in a hole and said,
"right then, lower away Jurak!"

And the Orc did so, with extreme care and delicacy, he managed,
with the help of a rope slung around the base of the tree, to lower it
to the awaiting womble, who immediately started covering the dirt with
his a dog digging a hole, he thought.

Jurak laughed out loud at this sight, and helped his friend finish
smoothing things over. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

"What in the great name of St. Ceasar's ghost, was that Jurak!
I thought you might drop it,on my head, it was so heavy!"

[color:"#33cc33"]I don't know what it's for,
all i know is that the shaman said it was important to get it to ...
but he didn't tell me the name... or maybe he did,
i might have forgotten! I'm sure it'll come to me in due time.

But he did say it was a gift and the people would be suprised!![/color]

Womble scratched his head and said, "we better get the blankets
and pillows that were in the cabin before we leave, or we'll have
nothing to sleep on" ...

Jurak agreed, and looked to the spot where the "cube" was buried,
but could see nary a trace!
That womble is a genius, jurak mused, as womble patted
the last bit of sod on top of the dirt.
"there we go!!, just like it was never even disturbed",
said womb, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

Jurak reached down and gave the little womble a slap,
[color:"#33cc33"]good job, my friend, and the next time we get a
chance for some ale, I'll get ya the first one,
and the one after that too![/color]

They smiled, and sauntered over to the cabin.

The inside of the cabin was dark and musty,jurak thought
it smelled of old soggy burlap, with a hint of musk..., they continued
looking through the shack until they came across an open hatchway
leading to the celler, it was some sort of trap door......
hesitantly they flopped to the ground, and were very silent......
"Shhhhh!" womble said and crouched close to the ground,
"i hear scratching, or something..."

there were 3 rooms as far as they could distinguish,
they went in the first room and found some scraps of metal
and other "junk" as womble called it,

"it's of no use to us Jurak, lets move on",

they moved to the next room, where there was some kind of slanted board
attached to some legs and a drawing attached to it, upon closer inspection,
they saw that it was unfinished...

"Shhh, there it is again".........and his pointy ears perked up,
like a horse in a thunderclap!
"don't you, hear that you deaf lummox!, scolded womble,..
you wouldn't hear the crash of a pan at 2 paces,
because yer breathin so hard."

"Now hold your breath and listen..."
Jurak did as he was told and listened long and hard..... nope... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shhh.gif" alt="" />
don't hear nothing!
Womble scurried off in the direction of the last room,
shortly thereafter, Jurak heard some scuffling ,grunts, more scuffles,
and a loud noise!!

Jurak hearing the crash went running in that direction...
he rounded the corner, only to see womble in mid-battle with to ugly looking
neanderthals, they were tussling up a storm of dust, and one of them,
swallowed some of it and started hacking and coughing.....

Thats when Jurak made his move.....and in a flash he had the coughing fool
hog-tied and bound. He ran over to help womble, who seemed to be doing
quite well on his own,... it turned out that womble pulled "evasive action"
a maneuver so powerful that the poor sod didn't have chance, and was laying
flat on the floor, womble standing on his belly, with his foot against the
buggars throat!

Ha!, one move, and it'll be yer last, scurvy dog!....
lets get yous'e two upstairs and see what we can make of ya....

Jurak took "his" prisoner and womble took "his" capture and
shuffled them to the foot of the stairway where they shouted for
Jolie and Viper to get over here and make sure they don't get away.

They came running into the cabin after a short time and helped bring the stowaways to the fireside....

The questions were rapid-fire... at the two misfits, but all they did was
look at each other back and forth, and shake their heads........

[color:"#33cc33"]"Oh, we have ways of making you talk,[/color]
said the now irritated orc!
[color:"#33cc33"]"Can you three manage these two,
while i go get Willow and see if she can't somehow "will" this pair
of hoodlums into "spilling the beans" on who the heck they are, and why
they're so far out in the forest?" [/color]

He returned with willow, in a short time,
and they prepared for the questioning.........

Juraks mind wanders back to a distant thought, a very sad thought....

[color:"brown"] "A very sad man standing in the middle of an icy desert,
surrounded by ice and snow.
It's dark and cold there,
he seems to go into himself and look if there
is a little flame left, and if he may re-kindle it!" <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/disagree.gif" alt="" /> [/color]

The orcette he thought to himself...
and tried to change his thinking to a more positive note,...
but it was hard to do!...

Last edited by Jurak; 07/06/03 06:19 AM.

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[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #35185 07/06/03 08:48 AM
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jvb Offline
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in my mind, i heard dqueenes voice..
very silent, almost unhearable.. like she was whispering.
i wasn't able to understand everything she said.

jvb, I've been captured by an evil Wizard - his name is Ag... - and he captures innocent creatures . Have you ... Kiya yet? I need her ... we need her to bring these ...degradation.

can you please speak up? i cant hear what you are saying.. only parts of it. what is the name of that wizard? what is he doing? why has he captured you?

man this is just great, i have been laying in this bath for quite some time now, water = still perfect temperature.

but dqueene is in danger.. what should i do?

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
Jurak #35186 07/06/03 02:14 PM
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[color:"00cccc"] "Allright you two! What did you do with DQueene?" I yelled, backhanding Odie across the face. He winced in pain but never said a word. I almost admired his tenacity, almost.... His partner was of a similar frame of mind.
"If you two were prisoners of dwarves now you'd be singing like canaries! There are ways to induce pain in men you've never dreamed of!" I growled for extra effect. Enry looked rattled.
"Right! Jurak! Fetch the tub of axle grease!"
"No!" Yelled Enry. He'd obviously heard of ancient dwarven torture methods, the basis of which was to demean the victim as much as possible. "Not the axle grease!"
"L-L-L-Look!" He stammered, "I'll tell you what I know. We took your woman to th-the master. S-S-She tried to kill him but he trapped her and took her back to his tower. That's all I know! Honestly!"

He began sobbing. It appeared that we had enough information to go on so we prepared to depart. We loaded the sled and I explained AGAIN to Jurak about care with the speed controls. We needed to go fast, fast and in one piece.... Jurak nodded. "I got it little guy!" He grinned and hopped aboard.

I turned back to the two prisoners. Knife in my hand.
"You two no longer work for Aganeth, he will soon be dead anyway if we have anything to do with it!" I tore up their bounty contract. "Besides, what are we worth to ya now eh?"
I sliced their bonds and sent them on their way. "Follow us and you will die!" I warned. They started running.
Viper came up to talk to me. "So what would you have done with the axle grease?"
"Buggered if I know mate!" I replied with a big grin.

Later, as we were all zooming toward the river crossing sat pondering our possible future confrontation with Aganeth. Willow hated even the mention of his name. This would be interesting.
Trolls huh? Some of the best dwarven warriors were trollslayers. They were not invincible. "Maybe I can make some firebombs....." I thought. [/color]

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #35187 07/06/03 03:27 PM
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Location: Belgium
As I was flying above the sled, I felt it again, the pain, the immense pain I've been having for 2 weeks now. They came up and then they vanished again, but since a few days they appeared more often. I didn't know what they are, but they sure did hurt and I always had to bite off the pain.

I can't just abandon them, the docters I've visited when the others were sleeping never could help me. I saw Womble looking up and I hoped that he hadn't seen me biting off the pain. I had the feeling that this might be fatal to me sometime.... soon.... or later, I didn't know.

Viper #35188 07/06/03 04:03 PM
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old hand
old hand
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[color:"#a0a0ff"]I heard jvb responding to my whisper and slammed a wall down around my mind immediately, picturing an impeneterable barrier. Trying to protect him from the Wizard; hoping desperately that I had been fast enough to stop the Wizard from knowing there were others of my kind out there.[/color]

[color:"#00cccc"]I must have been just in time, because Wizzie frowned at me and roared loudly at me. "Who were you communicating with?" When I just looked at him, with a totally innocent expression; he grinned evilly and laughed, "So you want to do this the hard way? Well, I can make you live to regret your obstinance." With that he whispered a couple of words and a beam of light shot out of his staff. I braced myself for pain, and sure enough it wasn't anything nice that hit me, but it wasn't horrible either! Quickly deciding that playing along with him might be the safest thing to do, I let out a short scream and bowed my head as if in great pain.

"No one! I wasn't talking to anyone! How could I be, I'm in a cage here ... there's no one to talk to!" I gasped out between clenched teeth, closing my eyes as if in intense pain.

He looked puzzled for a minute, that is if I could read Trollish expression at all, and then he again whispered a couple of words which stopped the beam of light and the pain. I sagged against the bars feigning a relief from pain which I hoped looked totally sincere. He glared at me, "Maybe you don't know you were communicating - it's possible I suppose." He pointed his staff at me and said, "If you try to fool me, you'll regret it."

He glanced around at the other creatures, each one started trembling so bad when his gaze fell upon them that I wanted to tear the bars apart and tear him to little bits. I closed my eyes and concentrated on being calm, knowing he would kill some of us if I did that. He laughed again, in the way you imagine a truly sadistic creature would do when they have power over other helpless creatures.

I just stared at him, you'll pay Wizard ... When my friends get here... you'll pay.[/color]

DQueene #35189 07/06/03 04:18 PM
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Location: Belgium
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: Belgium
[color:"#00cccc"]After Willow and i walked a few hours i felt a bit more at ease. We went back to the cabin and ate breakfast. We left again on the repaired auto-sled. I sat with Willow close to me. It was a wonderfull day, but i couldnt enjoy the ride. I couldnt dtop thinking about my 'dream'.
They probably saw the worried look on my face, because Womble asked what was wrong.
"Well, last night i had a weird dream. I saw Kiya and the others trapped in somekind of different world. It was getting on her nervs for sure. She called for NERO a few times and almost went bereserk. I'm not sure if it was a simple dream or not, i seemed like i saw it through Wolfy's eyes. Really weird. The weirdest thing is, i cant get it out of my head!"

"It will be ok" Womble said. "Someone will get her out!"
"I suppose so..." I tried to relax and anjoy the ride.

We were driving along a big ravine. On the other side there was one big open terrain.
Will we ever find a way to cross this ravine??
It looked like we would never find a way....
I was just about to give up hope............... [/color]

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: Germany
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Location: Germany

"Ohhhh, please, just this time, I promise I won't do anything bad..."

I closed my eyes and wished desperately for a knife. Ha, it worked!!! Well, the knife had no sharp edge but it was perfect for my plan. I ripped off that silly gown and and cut off the skirt part. At last, I was able to move about freely. My pants had been washed, were dry and I wore them again.

BeeGee looked at me curiously.

"Hey, never seen a human female? Turn around, young man - that's not very polite of you."

He floated up the remains and tried to wrap himself into the cloth. I ignored it and then set to work at the upper part of the former gown, shortening the sleeves. Yep! I slipped into my newly created shirt - still looked a little silly in the bustier part - and then went into a wrestling contest with the imp, because I wanted to keep the rest and put it into my satchel. BeeGee clung to the cloth desperately, so I let go abruptly and both - cloth and imp - sailed through the air until a bush stopped their journey. He looked at me with remorse. I stuck out my tongue:

"Baaaah, don't mess with me, it's your own fault. And don't chitter-chatter me, I'm in a very bad mood."

Squeezing the sleeves into my satchel my eyes fell upon the magic mirror again. I took it out, settled down next to a tree comfortably.

"Hey, Little One, want to join me? Let's have a look at what the other tourists are up to, hm?"

He looked the other way and I shrugged my shoulders, fidgeting with the gems, I found DQueene again - this time she seemed to be in a sort of cellar, wincing in pain an ugly troll towering over her. My blood pressure grew - why am I trapped here??? I zoomed in, helpless anger flooded me, filled my brains, muscles and total body. I saw cages in there, animals trapped - and then I saw a little foal... OUCH, my crystal amulet burned! I grabbed it and held it away from me. The objects in there danced a wild jig, the long silver hair was writhing and winding, glittering in all colours. I took off the amulet, dropped the mirror and the objects calmed down again.

Hmmmmmmmm, strange!

I picked up the mirror again and noticed that the crystal objects reacted again and after some experimenting - zooming in and out - I finally made out the cause for this commotion: The foal - or to be exact the young filly there - had something to do with the hair's reaction. I took a closer look: The poor little beast was in a bad shape: it's ribs stood out, it's hair was shaggy, unbelievably dirty and it's eyes were dull, nearly no life energy left. And then I saw a wound on it's forehead, something had been sawed off cruelly- FEATHERWING!!! Unicorn's Nightwind's baby!!! ARGH, I found it and can't do anything!

GODDAMN, NERO - get me out of here, I have to fulfill my promise![/color]

kiya #35191 07/06/03 06:51 PM
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Joined: Mar 2003
[color:"#a0a0ff"] the bartender looked back at me Luc and Dragh as if a bomb had just gone off outside. He led us downstairs to an apparently secret room and spoke. "You all best be careful asking about the person who put this warrant out. Im not stupid I recognized you as soon as you walked in the door." He held up his own copy of the bounty notice. Instinctively our hands all went to our weapons. "That wont be necessary" he said drawing a rune in the air. Suddenly my weapon was too hot for me to touch, and it seemed the same had happened to my friends. "Dont worry" the old man said. "I harbor no love for the man that is wanting you dead. He is the ruler of this and many villages. Many love him for it is because of him that we have the magical abilities, but some of us know better. He is evil, he is chaos on earth. He has no desire but to use the people of this town as pawns to his own end." We all looked blankly at the old man. "We will not allow this" I said firmly to the old man..."these people may want us dead but we will protect them from themselves. Have you any advice for us....where this man is or where we can find more information?" The old man looked at me and said quietly "outside of town, to the north there is an old abandoned mage tower, our ruler used to study there before he went crazy and murdered all the has been abandoned ever since." [/color]

NeroJB #35192 08/06/03 01:58 AM
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old hand
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The Wizard was chuckling to himself as he walked out. I wasn't sure if he was insane or just truly cruel - although I didn't think that mattered in the big scheme. He had to die and that was it.

I shook my head and looked around my little cage. I noticed my backpack lying on the floor under the cot. Wow, if I still had that, maybe I had my ... I quickly reached under my overdress feeling for my dagger. It was still there! This Wizard didn't consider me a threat at all! It would have been insulting if it hadn't most likely been true.

Just then I heard a wheezing, gasping sound coming from below me. I looked around to see all the other creatures in the hanging cages staring sorrowfully at what lay below. The little unicorn. I ran to the door of my cage and stared down to see that it was just a matter of moments before it would breathe its last breath if something wasn't done. Poor baby! Think DQueene, what would Kiya do to help? I pulled my knife out of its hiding place and started working on the lock. CREAKkk It sprang open and I almost tumbled out, barerly catching myself from falling to the floor. I turned around and ran over to my backpack. I had a book of spells that I hadn't even looked at for weeks, maybe there was something in it. Come on book, show me what I need. The pages started flipping and it came to rest on a green page and words started appearing. I read quickly and it was as if the words were written into my memory. I quickly raised the book to my lips and gave it a big kiss. I pushed it back into my backpack and ran to the door of my cage. First I took off my overdress, using the rope I had used as a belt to tie it to the cage so I could come back up when I was done. Guaging my jump so that I wouldn't land on the poor baby I quickly jumped down into her pen.

She tried to raise her head but was to weak to do more than roll her eyes. I ran my hands slowly down her sides with my eyes closed trying to trace the source of her weakness. I almost choked at my own stupidity, it was her horn! Of course it was her horn, the very essense of a unicorn. I lay gently on top of her, being careful to not crush her with my weight. I started chanting the spell and felt my very being start to merge with hers. Down, down deep into this magical little being. I felt my inner essense take form within her and to my amazement it wasn't my shape that formed; it was a mighty irridescent silver dragon fighting to rebuild what had been lost. Pouring her own magic into the little wasted body, she performed a miracle, a new horn budded on the little one's forehead and her body took on a healthy glow. The dragon turned and looked into me and said, "Remember ... remember me" and slowly faded away.

I gasped, and leaning weakly away from the little one I spoke in her mind. To my joy she could hear me! You must still 'look' as you did to the Wizard, little one. Can you do that? She answered me in a child's voice, "Oh yes, make believe, I can play." She shimmered into the forlorn shape she had been until just moments before. I smiled and whispered, "Good girl, he won't hurt you again. I promise."

I climbed weakly up and walked over and grabbed the rope. Ohh, I was so tired but I mustn't be found here. I climbed wearily back up the rope. Putting my dress back on and tying the rope back around my waist seemed to take forever.

I noticed a bucket of water and started to take a drink when I heard a sharp "No, don't drink that." My hand froze on its way to my mouth and I quickly tipped it to empty it of the water it held. I hadn't noticed how quiet it was until I heard that voice. I glanced around at the other hanging cages and heard the voice coming from a hooded cloaked figure. "He puts something in the water that makes us halucinate. He wants to control our magic completely and to do that he must break us."

"What can you tell me about him?" I stumbled over to hold on to the bars facing her. I wasn't sure, but I thought from the timbre of the voice it was a woman.

The hooded face turned toward me and started speaking: "Aganeth collects exotic creatures to use in his research. At the behest of his master, he is trying to create a crystal that entraps souls. Such crystals have been created in the past, but all of them had a flaw or weakness. The last such crystal to be made was formed by the Circle of Doom. But, like it's predeccesors, it has a hidden flaw. Aganeth's master wants to rule the Circle of Doom and has promised to add Aganeth to the Circle as his Lieutenant if Aganeth can perfect a flawless Soul Crystal."

She paused a moment and I could sense the bitterness in her heart. "Aganeth is convinced that the missing ingredient in crystal formation is a rare, exotic trait that can only be found in an exotic creature. Over forty years earlier, his second cousin, Metheeka-Soth, had a vision of this during one of her profound channeling sessions. Aganeth has been collecting creatures and performing crystal incantations ever since."

"Aganeth's stronghold is hidden far beneath a castle that sits atop a mesa surrounded by sheer cliffs and constant thunderstorms. The tornados that erupt from these storms have stripped every blade of grass, every bush and tree, and most of the rocks and dirt from the hide of the mesa. The castle stands in the middle of this cold, wet wasteland of rock."

She sat down on the bottom of her cage and finished speaking slowly, "We've been his 'test subjects' for years now." She inclined her head toward the baby Unicorn, "He brought Featherwing here just about 10 years ago and now you. He keeps the rest of us here for fun." She laughed bitterly, "We do him no good in his quest, but he won't free us." I felt her gaze burning into me like fire, "You will free us and then we will kill him." Just then I caught a glimpse of her face from her nose down, capturing just a hint of a fang, and then she quickly pulled her hood around to cover her face.

I just looked at her for a moment and then I said, "When my friends come we will be free. I swear on my honour." [/color]

I sat down in the bottom of my cage and slowly pulled my mirror out of the pouch at my waist. I turned it over and looked at my reflection and tried to imagine what Kiya would do in my situation. I knew I would need help escaping from this laboratory. I could free the other prisoners, but I wasn't sure I could get us out of here by myself. I needed Viper and the others but they were too far away. Dammit, Kiya I need you with me! I smacked my fist against my thigh in frustration and felt my emotions rising. I glanced down at the mirror again and noticed that my eyes were swirling, Wow, that was just really neat! Then the mirror started clouding up and I saw Kiya. I sat straight up an stared harder at the mirror, I know my eyes must have been swirling madly by now, and called her name Kiya!

Last edited by DQueene; 08/06/03 03:51 AM.

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