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DQueene #35213 08/06/03 10:23 PM
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I couldn't believe what was going on - DQueene and a vampire... I clutched my crystal - it remained cool and calm. Then I walked over, very carefully and hesistantly, stood before the vampire lady and looked into ther eyes. They were black, a deep black with a red glimmer in it. I wasn't sure if she would speak to me - but I had to try for the sake of the group.

"LaShandra - we need your help. We're prisoners of this world as you were prisoner of Aganeth. I have an amulet, given to me by the crystal world. It imprisons 6 allies of the Wizards of the Doom Circle. You saw, I freed one ally group out of its bond. Please, do you know of... MUTA? Mutabar? The nymphs are forced to aid one of these wizards - and I gave my promise to free them - please, where is the imprisoned voice of Mutabar?"

The vampire turned to me, her eyes seemed to scorch me - wise eyes, ageless ones and sad.

"Yes...," she replied after a while of deep thought, "I know of this voice - but it is impossible to free it. "MARDUM has it. No... wait," she held up her hand," don't interrupt me - listen closely - very closely: MARDUM is the strongest troll of wizard ARKUMBAR. Even if you find out where this troll is - even if you can break the seal of his cave - and even if you're able to enter then and survive what's waiting for you - even then the voice is lost."


"ARKUMBAR is a devil in disguise, he intertwined the troll with this voice. Kill the troll - you kill the voice and all is lost."

I stared at LaShandra and DQueene - what now?[/color]

kiya #35214 08/06/03 11:58 PM
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old hand
old hand
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I was starting to get worried about all the time we were spending here, "LaShandra, how often does the Aganeth visit here?" She glanced over at me and shook her head, "Normally every other day, but with you here there is no telling." She showed her fangs, "He generally likes to play with the new ones, seeking what he will never find - the essense for his crystal."

She glanced at me and smiled, "You were smart not to give me your true names, my queen." There she went with the 'my queen' stuff again, "Uh LaShandra, my name is DQueene, not 'my queen', jvb's the only one who calls me that." She just smiled serenely and continued, "Aganeth is a summoner, if he ever learns your true name, you would be his beast to call. My 'true' name is not LaShandra, my true name resides here," she touched her hand to her heart. "I would never say it aloud in these dark halls, where Aganeth reigns supreme."

The other creatures in the laboratory who had quietly listened to us talk, started making their presense known with little trills and growls and occassional moans. I glanced up, "LaShandra, what are the other creatures here? Which cages are they in?"

She pointed to one of the other cages I had noticed was occupied when I was imprisoned in my cage, "There resides the beautiful Phoenix - Firedawn. She was brought to Aganeth over 20 years ago." She turned to the other cage I had noticed an occupant in, "That is the mighty Griffin - Ascolan. He was captured by some rogue wizards seeking favour from Aganeth's master, Rabaer. They traded him for special recognition and powers." I think I stopped breathing when she said the name Rabaer so easily.

"LaShandra, do you know all the 7 Wizards' names?" She looked at me as if astonished, "Of course I do." She looked at me closely, "You don't? But of course you do belong to one of them. All dragons do." She laughed merrily, a magical note that seemed to promise all types of joys both innocent and sensual all wrapped up in one sound. She was so astonished at her own laughter that she completely failed to notice my shock over her statement. I belonged to one of them? I was a dragon? I started laughing, "No, no ... LaShandra, I'm not a dragon. That's absurd." She turned her great dark eyes and looked at me again, "But of course you are," she shrugged, "normal blood wouldn't have brought me back from death the way yours did. You are dragon, of that there is no doubt."

She pointed to a pen hanging in the far corner of the room, and continued speaking as if she had said something of no great import, "That is Fergus, the Manticore. Beware of Fergus, he has been here the longest and is therefore the most insane of us all." [/color]

DQueene #35215 09/06/03 12:03 AM
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[color:"aoff80"]A griffin!!! I was worried and glanced over to Nero nervously.

"Nero, take care - you surely know a griffin hunts demons, right? Please, be careful."

He nodded grimly and touched his sword.

There the old macho stuff goes again, sigh[/color]

Viper #35216 09/06/03 01:41 AM
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[color:"00cccc"] "Hey!" I slapped Jurak from his snooze. "Look over there! The others seem to be excited about something. Jolie and Viper were waving at us, pointing to a crack that had suddenly appeared in the wall.
"Good gods! We're in mate!" Jurak's eyes widened.
"Lets go!" He said with excitement in his voice.

We stashed the sled and took the gear we needed for a fight. Viper led us into a small cave which widened after a few paces. Aganeth was arrogant, that was for sure, there were no guards in sight.

We came upon 3 doors and decided to split up. Viper took the right-hand door which he opened with a bit of 'persuasion' in cold steel. Jolie and the now inseperable Willow went left.
I took one of my daggers out and jammed it in the lock. Inexperienced as I was at lockpicking it seemed natural to me. With a satisfying 'click' the door opened.

Jurak and myself snuck into what was a narrow hallway. Jail cells lined each side. Most seemed empty apart from one which seemed to contain two very annoyed-looking dwarves. A single guard was asleep at the far end of the row of cells. He was in front of a door with a small sign.....

[color:"orange"] The master's chamber. KEEP OUT! [/color]

"Bingo! I whispered to Jurak. "Think you can handle the guard?"
"No problem!" He whispered.
Though somewhat alarmed at the sight of an eight-foot tall mortal enemy and a kinsman working together the dwarves remained silent, watching in some amusement as an orc tried to tiptoe up to the guard.
A few feet away from the guard Jurak's sword made a small 'clank' on the rusty bars. "Uh-oh" He said.
"Wha-uh....." The guard opened his mouth to cry for help but Jurak's sword moved like a blur, impaling the hapless guard on the wall behind him. Death was pretty much instantaneous....

I grinned, highly impressed and moved over to the dwarves' cage.
"Who are ye?" One dwarf growled. "Bloody well come to finish us off eh?"

[Dwarvish] [color:"yellow"] "Well I was going to let you out but you can stay in there if you want"
"Er, not really but why are you with the orc!!?"
"He's a deserter, some hired muscle I picked up in a town south of here" I lied.
"Ah I see. Make the bugger work for you huh?"
"Any better use for em?"
"You trust him with that sword? Looks dangerous to me...."
"He's fine. What are you doing here anyway?"
I finally got the cell open.
"Impressive knowledge of locks there young, young...?"
"Womble, they call me Womble."
"What kinda name is that for a dwarf? Oh well, I'm Garak and this is Perrywinkle"
"Pleased to meetcha!" I said smirking..[/color][Dwarvish] "Perriwinkle! Jeeeeez!" I thought.

"Anyway," I looked at Jurak and gave him a quick 'shhhh', "You'd better get out of here. We have business with the wizard."
"Rather you than us mate, he was the one who put us in here. Took our equipment and everything! He has a lot of guards so watch yourself!"
"Hmmmm, equipment eh?" My thieving brain thought to itself. "Look guys, you have no equipment and you look like boar-sh*t! Escape now, trust in my friends!"

Something in my eyes must've compelled them to leave.
"Look..." Garak said, "he has several secret passages to his central chamber, there is the source of his power. We came here to find out his links with the seven. But then we ended up here." Garak spat with rage. Then he looked at me strangely...

"I remember you now Womble! You were a great forger until you decided to become a theif! What posessed you boy? You could've been the best in the land! I thought you were dead after they threw you out of the doors of the great halls. Left for the cave spiders to feed on!"

Memories a steam tank at full pelt. My family! I'd disgraced them all trying to steal king Ironbeard's axe. They'd left me out there for the cave spiders, goblins and drow to devour. Banished me from the great underground dwarven halls of Drogni Ironbeard.
But I'd sneaked back, over the walls I'd scaled. I needed the gear that I'd stashed. My boomstick was weapon that could allow me to kill a cave spider from over one hundreed yards away. The 'traditional' dwarven warriors called me a coward for using it but they were wrong in the end. Each one a stinking corpse with goblin crossbow bolts sticking out of it.
The Goblins had attacked just as I had gathered my gear. Hoardes of them swarmed over the city. In the end even the great dragonslayers were overwhelmed. I watched from the cover of a ruined house, too scared to move, too scared even to breathe. I stayed there for days before moving, making sure they'd gone. I vowed to kill every goblin I saw that day as I trudged through the ruins. I buried who I could and left with all I could carry.....

"Yes, I returned and saw the carnage." I said shaking my head. "The bulk of the army was fighting a drow uprising. They knew! How did those green basta*ds know??" I almost started sobbing.
"That's why we came here," said Perriwinkle, "we suspected magical interference long ago. Ever since we started working for Nagarous the goblin attacks have been increasing in size and power. We wondered if Rabaer was trying to get to us and undermine Nagarous' authority."
"So you were there directly afterwords?" Garak asked. "What of the king's axe?"
"I don't know, I never found it. Its probably in the posession of Rabaer now. Such an item should not be used by such an evil being..."
"Then find it Womble! You and your....strange friend. Find it and return honour to the dead of Drogni halls!"

I nodded solemnly. I knew my mission now. The dwarves must not die out. I must find that axe before its power could be used for evil.
"I'll meet you in the dwarven city of Riflak. You know the way...." Garak said as his final words to me....
"Find the gold nugget that Aganeth took from us! It is a symbol of our bond to Nagarous. Without it he will abandon us and join the core of evil that the rest of the wizards have built. The whole world will not be safe!"

With that the two prisoners left. They dissapeared into the caves with the food we'd supplied them. They were badly beaten but they were dwarves, they'd survive...

Jurak looked at me.... "Don't worry mate!" I grinned, "I take each orc ask he or she comes now! I guess Kiya taught me that. Besides, they were goblins that destroyed my home!"
"Little buggers....." Jurak grinned. "Cmon, lets get this door open!"
"Sure." I replied.

The door was not budging to all my lockpicks. I'd even made a few out more of some spare wire I had.
I finally lost patience. "Ok Jurak, stand back!"
I hefted my axe and swung it in a massive overhead arc at the door. There was a sound like thunder, lightning flashed from the blade and the door turned to splinters beneath it.......

"Cool!" Jurak said once the dust had cleared. I looked at the axe with a mixture of admiration and wide-eyed horror. "Let's see what's in here..." I said with a smile. We walked through.

A fist hit me on the side of the face. I rolled with the blow absorbing the impact. My knife was in my hands and brought to the throat of my assailant in seconds. A knife was at mine too.
"Oh hi there Kiya!" I said with a grin. [/color]

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #35217 09/06/03 02:20 AM
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"Hrmph - NEVER dare that again, you thieving short-legger!"

I lowered my knife reluctantly - very reluctantly and glared at Womble with slit eyes. His dislike for Wolfy had been a pain in my a** since that dwarf had entered the group.

"IF we weren't on dangerous grounds - and IF we hadn't to depend on each other - and IF I weren't such a peace-loving, calm and..." lying?... "person, I would have finished off a bit deeper what you have already done to your beard, BALDHEAD! But - for now - and only for now, we've got a cease-fire agreement!" I scowled at him and wished for better times, wombleless times...

The dance of castration? Hmmm, <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" /> - no, the crystals don't know about this... Short visions swept through my head - but I censored them, with a great effort.

I pointed my thumb over to the buttons, I had messed up a bit more.

"Can you fix it? We need to get the cages down - a griffon, a manticore, a phoenix and a basilisk are waiting for us. I'm sure you can be able to do this, right? Oh, errhm, there is probably a sequence, but DQueene and I haven't done much - we practically never touched them..." I changed my look to wide-eyed innocence, hoping the dwarf hadn't noticed my bad conscience.

"Ah, is that Jurak behind you? I hope, this orc is smart enough to know how bad your influence is, right? And if you succeed in getting those cages down - the locks and bars are magically locked - be careful. I don't know if I find the time to dig a nice grave for you. And the last thing: DON'T attack these creatures, they might come in useful... By the way, don't lie to me, no one can lie in the presence of a griffon. So, mind your thoughts, short-legger."

I turned away, still angry and ashamed that this thief was able to surprise me and DQueene's grin or Nero's smirk didn't help me either.

kiya #35218 09/06/03 03:27 AM
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[color:"00cccc"] I lowered my knife. Kiya's aggression toward me was surprising. It would be returned in kind if she wished it however. I got up and waved at DQueene and Nero. It was at least good to see them again.
"Jurak is my friend now woman!" I glared at Kiya. "He's free to make his own choices!"

"Free the creatures eh?" I pondered. Thinking of what that witch had said. I walked up to the row of buttons. "Hmmmmm, lets see how this works....."
I raised my axe and slid the blade across the wall above. Lightning arced from the blade blowing rocks apart......Revealing the core of the problem.

A tiny imp sat at a row of levers. "Eeeeek!" It yelped as I swatted it away. The whole thing was simple now. Every time someone other than Aganeth had pressed the buttons, the imp was trained to re-raise the cages. I reached inside and switched the levers. All of the cages came to the ground.

I grinned at Kiya. She turned away and muttered something under her breath... [/color]

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #35219 09/06/03 03:40 AM
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[color:"#aoff80"]He was good! I had to admit it...
I turned around and smiled somewhat sourly.
"Womble, I'm waiting?... Could you open the magical lock to the griffon, please? And don't touch the cage bars or the lock with your fingers - you won't have them afterwards... the vampire lady made her experience with them already. Well, Smarty?"[/color]

kiya #35220 09/06/03 08:03 AM
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I went into te right door and I came into a corridor that seemed to last forever, for as far as my eyes could see there was nothing but corridor. “Might be an illusion, Aganeth seems pretty powerfull”, I said to myself, “I’d better proceed with caution”.

I walked forward but very cautious. After about 100m the corridor changed, it started to vanish. “What’s happening” I asked myself. The corridor walls vanished and then I was in some sort of room, chairs have been spread over the room all facing forward to a small ‘podium’ where a sign stood and said “Welcome to Larian Studio's gala 2003 Larian Gaming Conclave”

I remembered this room vagely, have I been here before, and what are all these strange things doing here, they remind me of something, but I can’t remember what, then I saw a woman enter, it was Dqueene, “hey DQ” I said…. No answer, she even ignored me, I waved at her and went to her………… she walked right through me <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />

“What is this place? Where am I? Offcourse, this is one of Aganeth’s tricks to keep me from reaching the end of the corridor.
IT’S NOT GONNA HAPPEN AGANETH, I CAN SEE TROUGH YOUR PLAN, THIS IS NOT REAL !!!!!!!!!!!” I shouted, I started walking again towards the wall I was facing at first and walked right through the wall, the room dissapeared and I was in the corridor again.
“Better luck next time Ag, this was an easy challenge”

[color:"red"]SWOOSH !!![/color] a HUGE axe just appeared in front of me. “PHEW !!”, 1 step further and it would’ve require a lot of physical healing to recover from that one, I laughed.
I proceeded with more caution looking for traps and triggers but each time some weapon was triggered I hadn’t seen the trigger. I was able to avoid the weapons except the spear that came from behind and penetrated my left shoulder. “DAMMIT !!” I yelled in agony. “I have to get this out”, and I started pulling the spear out, dying and screaming of the pain I pulled it through, I was bleeding a lot and I felt a bit drousy. It’ll pass when I’ve healed a bit and I have more blood again

The corridor was spinning, all went black. When I opened my eyes again I was lying on a bed and Dqueene sat on the side of the bed, bent over me, cleansing my forehead with water, cool water.
“You took quite a nasty fall back there” she said, “Good thing your brother found you”.
“My brother..??” I asked, “yes your brother, Womble”, she said. Womble my .... BROTHER <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />
“Rest now my love, the wedding tomorrow will require you to be at full strength, you’ll feel better in a few hours” she said.
“Ow boy she said, that WAS a nasty fall wasn’t it, our wedding silly” and she gave me a kiss on my forehead, “now sleep, I’ll check back on you in 2 hours”. She went out and I got out of bed. No time to sleep, I’ve got to find out what’s going on here, what has happened to me? I looked around and it seemed we’ve been living here for quite some time…

“What’s happening to me???” I felt weak and fell, everything became black again

Last edited by Viper; 09/06/03 08:04 AM.

kiya #35221 09/06/03 08:45 AM
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Jurak watched as womble disappeared through the doorway, and was startled when,
the suprised little fella, took a sock on the chin, and just as quickly rolled
away, regained his footing, and was turning to see who this stranger was,
poised for action he turned to face his aggressor,Jurak moved into the frame of
the doorway, he was quite suprised to see, Kiya, Nero and Dqueene standing in a
dimly lit room.
Acknowledgements and greetings abounded,shaking of hands and warm embraces,
were exchanged, and with alleviated worries over with, the conversations
continued on... how to get the cages down from their lofty settings

It only took the wizened womble, moments before he came up with a solution...
and shortly the cages were on the floor, with pacing beasts in each,
none too happy about hitting the floor like that either!
"HA!", womble said heartily,
"certianly haven't lost my touch, now have I "?
There were a few glares among the group,
but the Orc smiled like a proud father, he started to become fidgety...looking
at the rat "Fe" sticking out of his top pocket, and humming to himself.....
Jurak stated bluntly,
"I have an idea, remember the collar of congruity?, would it work for any of
these legendary beasts, and if so, how do we get them out of the cage's
they are imprisoned in......?

I have 2 runes 1-elhaz rune(protection) 1-sigel rune(success),
but alas... i know not how to use them, and would gladly offer them up to
whosoever has the skill and knowledge to use them to their full potential....

and with that pulled the gleaming, well polished runes from his pocket, and held them up for all to see.......
it was a nice feeling holding them both together in one hand,
maybe they complimented each other, he thought...?

they glowed as if they were fluorescing with some sort of
unseen power and good fortune......

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF.
[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #35222 09/06/03 10:41 AM
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[color:"#77aeff"]We stood ther before the three doors. "We should split up." Said Viper. After some discussion we agreed. Me and Willow took the left door, Womble and Jurak the middle one and Viper went alone to the right.

I opened the door... It made a screech noice. Ouch, i hope nobody heard this.. We stopped to makes sure nobody was here or was comming here. We moved on, Willow infront of me. Well she saw better in this darkness, otherwise i'd be upfront. After a while we came upon a blueish shield of some sort.
Willow wanted to go to it. The blue thing came towards her. I ran up and pushed her away. I grabbed my sword and ponted it towards the 'thing'.

"There must be somekind of spell or word or so" Willow said.
Then everything around me became blurry. I heard a voice calling to me. "Jolie, say the word Honasananna." I reconised the voice: my wife Lisa.
I repeaded the word "Honasananna, honasananna, ...."
I felt a hand on my leg and snapped ou of my 'trance'.
"Your wife gave us the magic word. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />"
The blueish thing seemed to cover a mirror. We went trough it into the unknown.

There was somekind of big flash and a few minutes later we were in a room of somekind. I looked around. Seemed like a small storrage room.
I looked into the boxes and barrel to see if there was anything usefull.

In one of the barrels i found a gem of somekind. It had the forsm of a tear, bright white color and in the middle a little goldish tear. What a beautifull gem! It looked like the little tear was moving, turning.

I showed it to Willow, maybe she knew more about it. [/color]

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
Jurak #35223 09/06/03 10:45 AM
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[color:"#aoff80"]Womble scratched his head, frowned and I saw his remaining braincells - those not swimming for their lives in alcohol - working on the lockpick problem <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />...

I was worried about the griffin and his natural enmity to demons. Giving Nero a sign to stay out of sight, I rushed up to the cage. I had never seen a more majestic creature, even in the sad shape he was now. Nearly dying of awe I looked at Ascolan, half lion - half eagle. His yellow eyes were half-closed, as if he had refused to accept outer reality anymore, his feathers were ruffled and unkept, his skin dull and shaggy. What had humiliated this protector against evil, symbol of utter truth?

"Ascolan," I whispered, "Ascolan, can you hear me? You're free soon - you can go wherever you wish - see? Your prison doors will be open in a sec..." No response.

I tried again:
"Ascolan... wake up, your nightmare is at end - you're free...."

He raised his mighty head, his beak clicked a few times and at last an answer came, voice broken and emotionless:

"Mortal, I'm not free - I'm not of any use... My claws have been taken by Aganeth - a griffin without claws, I'm a disgrace to my race. Go away - leave me alone. GO!" he suddenly roared and his eyes flashed dangerously. Then he turned his head away, my audience was apparently over in his opinion.

"NO," I stomped with my foot in dispair, "NOO! You're more than claws and talons - freedom is more than a piece of horn... Ascalon, where is your pride, your fierceness, your wildness? The winds are still there, the mountains exist - don't you want to feel the air brush over your wings? Feel the sun caress your feathers? Fight! Aganeth has taken your weapons and defense, but you deprived yourself of your lion! Go inside, where are you? What's left of the proud eagle in your heart? Noone can take away your inner freedom - only you yourself!"

The Tune of Freedom began... wild lion in the desert on the prowl... pride... guarding freedom... soaring eagle... sharp eyes seeing lies... protector of weak... clear cold air... soaring... racing through the sand... relentless and just... guarding... pride in the sun... pride in the air... freedom... gliding.... pouncing on lies... tearing them to shreds... revealing what is... unerring pride of heart... not wavering... not giving way... never giving up... never... freedom... freedom...

The griffin raised his head again and I saw fire returning slowly into his eyes, they shone in a clear piercing yellow. This time he really registered me.

"Mortal, you are right - a griffin never gives up - but my duty is still here in these castle walls, as long as Aganeth lives..."

"Why? I'm sure, Womble will find a way to break these locks... and I don't know how, but... we'll find a way to give you back your claws! And then... aid us... help us against Aganeth. Fight for your freedom!"

Ascolan kept silent... I couldn't do more for him - for now. I looked impatiently at Womble and told Jurak in quick short words to keep his collar and runes away from the griffin if he relished unbroken bones.[/color]

kiya #35224 09/06/03 01:37 PM
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[color:"#77aeff"]Jolie found a gem of some kind.
He showed it to me, and asked me if i knew anything about it.

I took the gem in my hand, and gazed into it's swirling depths.

Suddenly the sound of singing, the most beautiful voice...
Then of crying, begging...
"No please, please, do not take it from me, i will be lost with out it..."
Evil laughter...

Then nothing....
I could still hear the haunting song.
I held the gem to my heart.
More feelings....

Another creature of the earth.
A water nymph...
A creature trapped...a wizard, but a diffrent one.
This was one of her tears, left here when they took her voice. Another creature of the earth like her could look into it, as it was like looking into her heart.

Of course, there were seven of them...
So, she is not here, in another castle.

jvb #35225 09/06/03 04:07 PM
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I lifted my head off of the bar. Great, now Nero was gone as well. At least me and Dragh were still here.

[elvish]Dragh let us go see where JVB is and then we can find Nero and Kiya[/elvish]

We both went outside and noticed there was a dark spot on the ground that seemed to be burned into very earth itself.

"Hmmmm" I wondered "what could have caused that"

Dragh said [elvish]"I have never seen anything that would do that to the ground, must have been some very powerfull magik[/elvish]

I repeated him what he had just said in commmon tounge
and he looked at me like 'do we have to do this now'

I waited patiently

"I haf nvr seen anthng that wood do that to the grund, mst have bEEn some berry powerfll magik"

"Very well done dragh, I am impressed at your recollection"
Or he could just be mimicing me, I thought.

We found the house that we had seen JVB go into last night 'for info' and decided that the direct approach was good enough for me. Though I wanted some security in case something went amiss.

[elvish]"Dragh can you go around back and make sure that no one can take off that way?"[/elvish]

He nodded, probably not saying anything because he didn't want to work on his vocal skills currently.

While he went around back I knocked on the door.
No response

There was only one light on in the house and it was the main room. I heard some noises and realized that someone had fallen to the floor. Knowing our track record and JVB inparticular I muttered a short spell that I had learned as a child, after my parents died, when I had to steal food to eat.

The door popped open to a woman standing over a very uncouncious JVB. I immediatly sent a mental image to Dragh of the visible back door with the elvish word COME!

Dragh was not as kind to this womans door as he came crashing in without repsect for property...I would have done the same if I had been summoned.

I quickly drew my blade and advanced on the woman, who burst into tears.

"I just needed the money, I bear no ill will towards any of you" She cried


"I understand" I consoled "but we cannot let you take our friend"

she nodded and got up muttering something that made JVB stir. I handed her as many gold coins as I could carry, hoping that it might help her out enough where she didn't kidnap good people.

"wha...What happened" JVB groaned

"well" I replied "I will tell you on the way, but we have to get going to see if we can find Nero"

"srry bout the door" Dragh pieced together

I grinned knowing that he was just showing off at this point.
"nicely done dragh"

We headed out into town determined to find Kiya, and Nero...

LuCiDiTy #35226 09/06/03 04:48 PM
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[color:"#77aeff"]Willow took the gem and examened it. "It a Nymphs tear, Jolie."
She concentrated on it and she 'connected' with it. "It belonged to a waternymph. But she isnt captured here. She lost her voice."
"Anything else??" "Not yet."

I looked around the room ans saw the door. I stepped slowly towards it, incase of traps, and toutched carefully. Seems ok. I turned the handle down...
<<EEEUUCCCHHHSSS>> "oeps, i hope nobody heard this. Are you comming Willow??"

We entered a small hallway with some doors. To the right was a dead-end the left ended in a T-crossing.
I heared a noice from one of the rooms to the right. I couldnt help it, but i was srongly attrackted to it. I needed to know what that was. When i came to the door i put my ear against it.
"We have to be carefull." said a male.
"Dont worry, he'll never know" anwsered a female.
"But what if he does??" "He wont.."
The coversation went on. I couldnt figure out what they were talking about.
"Willow, can you see whos in here?" I wispered. "I'd like to know if they are friend or enemy."

Willow came closer and concentrated. [/color]

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
LuCiDiTy #35227 09/06/03 05:25 PM
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Location: dragon lair
jvb Offline
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Location: dragon lair

i awoke.. And saw dragh and luc standing near me.
"Wha-what happened?" I said, still confused.
"well, I will tell you on the way, but we have to get going to see if we can find Nero"

"Ok then, lets go."
The woman yelled after me: "Even though i'm letting you go now, remember that you ARE a murderer, and you shouldn't be able to walk around freely."

"Hmmpf, i am not a murderer, you strange woman."
"Ow but you are, you are responsible for the deaths of many people."

"Thats true, but only of evil ones."
"You dont have the right to judge over good or evil.
What might look good to you, can be bad for another."

"...liar..." She whispered, not knowing that i heard her. but i chose to ignore her.

I cant be a murderer.. just cant.. it is a lie!!
But why cant i remember anything about my past? maybe.. No, i will not allow myself to think such a thing.. JVB you are no murderer!

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #35228 09/06/03 05:39 PM
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Noticing the exchange between the JVB and the woman

"damn what happened there?"

We made out way out of the city and into the surrounding forrest.

LuCiDiTy #35229 09/06/03 07:07 PM
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Location: MOO!
[color:"a0ff80"] "How the hell do I get these cages open?" I pondered to myself. Kiya was watching me expectantly. Tapping her foot with her arms folded.
"Well come on then master locksmith! I could...."
"Ye gods woman! Be silent for a few seconds and let me think!"
Kiya almost went purple with rage. DQueene's hand on her shoulder seemed to calm her. "Let the little guy work...." She looked at Kiya. "We NEED him, remember."

Ignoring the hysterical woman I turned to see the imp from the control levers bouncing and poofing around. Loving his new freedom.
He frolicked over to me and I grabbed him. "Listen to me a second you! Do you know anything about these cages?"
"Keys! Find the master's keys! Door over there... Passage!" With that he poofed off again.
He'd pointed to a rock face. I went to take a closer look and there was indeed a door there....
I opened it. [color:"yellow"] Zoop! [/color] The imp appeared on my shoulder again. "Master's safe room! Secret..... Watch for the guard! Iron Golem! Password is 'flux'!"
"Why... thank you my small friend...."
"You freed Xerkyl! I help!"

With that I set off into the narrow passage. Xerkyl bounced at my feet, I almost stood on him a few times. Jurak was concerned for my safety but I told him it would be fine. The passage widened to a larger door and indeed in front of it was the hardest looking iron golems I'd ever seen.
"Eeeek!" Xerkyl yelped and dashed into hiding. Imps...
" [color:"brown"]PASSWORD? [/color] " A deep, soulless voice boomed. Red eyes glowed at me.
"Flux! I come from the lord Aganeth on urgent business. Open this door immediately!"
" [color:"brown"] AS YOU WISH, MASTER. [/color]"
The golem pulled a lever, I could hear a winding, clanking noise as the door mechanism ground open. I went in...

This was a pretty impressive safe room! There were chests of gold, a few 'interesting' looking weapons lying around. No sign of the gold nugget or the dwarf king's axe however. Probably in Rabaer's hands by now.....
I saw a small, horned helmet on the top of a pile of armour. "I wonder if this is Garak's equipment?" I said to myself. I tried on the armour... chainmail, very tough and light. Not bad, I thought, doesn't jingle either. I could use this.....
I tried the helmet, it was also well made. Other than that it seemed ordinary. I used it to scoop up some gold coins for now. Now where were.... aha! The keys! The sight of all this gold made me forget what I was doing for a while. I snatched them from where they hung and hurried back.
"I'll will return! Guard this room!" I called to the golem.
" [color:"brown"] YES. [/color] " Came a reply. Chatty fella.....

I hurried back. Gold jingling everywhere, my pockets, Garak's hat. Got to stash this stuff somewhere....

"Where have you been?" Kiya glowered. "Filling your pockets I see... Typical!"
DQueene's eyes lit up at the sight of the gold. "Womble? Where did you get that?"
"Aganeth has a substantial stash in his safe room. Weapons too! I just couldn't carry it all!"

"Anyway, oh thankless one. Here's the keys to the cages!"
I tossed the keys at Kiya. [/color]

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #35230 09/06/03 07:34 PM
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Location: Germany
[color:"#aoff80"]Gah, thievy little bugger...jingle bells, jingle bells, jingling all the way... hmmmmmm, old Dwarven Loot Ballad probably

Grabbing the keys I turned to the griffin's cage in utter disgust and opened it - took me only about 8-10 efforts with that bunch. The bars ceased to glint and I knew I could safely touch them. I swung the door open and entered the cage. Ascolan watched me and rose up slowly - what a wonderful sight to see. He stretched himself like a cat after a long sleep and then I saw how crusty his paws and talons were. I took out the desinfection lotion, swore under my breath because I could have used the R&P spell here - took out a piece of cloth and carefully started to clean the wounds.

"Sorry, if it burns - but it must be done. DQueene was able to regain Featherwing's horn, I hope, she can do something of that kind for you, too," I whispered. I was pretty absorbed in my healing job - then I felt his beak on my shoulder.

"I won't forget what you have done for me, Mortal - maybe the day will come, when I can repay you - here," he plucked out a breast feather and held it in his beak, "use it and I will come - you just have to blow over it."

I thanked him with a smile and accepted his gift. Then I suddenly remembered:

"Ascolan, we've got a half-demon in our group - I vouch for his sincerity - can you refrain from killing him?"

The griffin started to laugh - it boomed throughout the room - a deep ringing sound.

"Mortal - I had sensed him from the moment on when he fought at your side here! We griffins don't judge the outer appearance - we look inside - and your half-demon may be rash, unpredictable and unwise sometimes - but he has a loyal heart. No attack will come from my side, upon my honour."

Whew, I was relieved and left the griffin to himself, knowing he would aid us in the final fight against the troll wizard. I tossed the keys to DQueene:
"Hey, what about you leaving Womble's treasure to himself and freeing another animal? I'll scout around..."

Sheesh - she and her greed for gold... Nero has already started to use his alchemy kit on some cages, probably in the looting mood, too... Womble has a bad influence on every one!!! Now, look at that little mongrel - already scouting the other cages with his greedy little eyes... I hope, he deals with Fergus! Or Fergus with him... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />[/color]

kiya #35231 10/06/03 01:12 AM
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Location: Canada
[color:"#77aeff"]I put my hand up to the door.
I concentrated on the room next to Jolie and i.
There was nothing forboding next to us. I reached out with my mind...there were no evil auras there...
I smiled at Jolie, "i think it is safe Jolie, i can not feel anything evil"
We opened the door.

We came upon two people, a man and a women. They were wearing rags, and had chains around their legs.
They also had in their hands the most brillant jewels i had ever seen.
Their faces showed pure horror when they saw us.
"Don't be afraid" I told them, "We will not harm you..."
"What are your names" i asked them

"I am Geoff" said the man "and this is my sister Helen"
After Jolie introduced myself and him, he asked who these people were.
Helen started to cry...
"We were put into bondage by Aganeth"
"He keeps us in these rags, and chains, and plays with our minds, at least he kept helen and i together - we have each other"
They were hiding the gems behind their back...
Geoff looked at us and asked who we were.
We told him that we had come to find an artifact that Aganeth held.
"We know this castle like the backs of our hands" he told us.

"we steal from our master when he does not have us under his spell" Helen told us. "It is our security if we ever get out, he does not believe that we would do this. " "He pillaged our village, and burnt everything we own...that is how he gets all his servants" She started crying again.

Jolie asked if there was somewhere that might give us a clue as to the whereabouts of this artifact. "We will free you if you help us" Jolie told them. "When we leave this god forsaken castle, we will bring you with us"

Geoff told him that there was a library towards the bottom levels of the castle. Maybe we could start there...

I nodded my head in agreemet, "Yes Geoff, that would be great, perhaps we can start there, it is our only hope..."

They led us down a corridor, all the while looking around corners. There was no sign of life besides us.

We came to a door, and went through it. There ws a massive spiral staircase winding down into the gloom of the depths of the castle.

This led into a massive library. There were so many dusty, molding books on the shelves and piled on tables.
"So much knowledge" I wispered...all going to waste and decay.

I picked up one of the books, i opened it and touched the paper. It crumbled under my touch.

Hopefully not all the books are like this, or we will never find anything i though.

Helen say the look on my face. "Oh no" she said "this is just for show, the most of his important books lie in the secret chamber"
"Let me see she said...let me remember"
She started pulling books.
Suddenly there was a click, and one of the shelves swung out.

The evil of that room hit me like a slap in the face. I was thrown back by it. The others did not seem to feel it.

"Jolie i said, i can not go in that room, i will perish" "There is so much evil"

He looked at me with concern...
"I will not be long my beloved"
"I will come back as soon as i find the answers we seek." He walked into that dreadful room...
At least i could still see him.

Helen told me he would be fine.

Carrie #35232 10/06/03 02:23 AM
Joined: Apr 2003
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[color:"a0ff80"] Watching womble scurry around, and investigate the other cages, Jurak had an idea,...
Hey...Womble, remember back at the cells, with your friends, the other dwarf prisoners,[/color]
"Yes said womb, rather preoccupied......go on...."
[color:"#33cc33"] well i happened to notice that there is a cell,
near the very end of the row of cells that , did not look quite right,
and i'm going back for a second look, i'm sure i saw,...or at least i thought
i saw, a thin line of cracks, around the back wall outlining a doorframe
that could be another secret entrance... and there are many different secret
entrances in this castle,.. if those dwarves are not mistaken",
we must find the axe and gold nugget, and any other useful items
that we need to continue on with this quest."

so i must suggest that i leave you, for a wee, to go and check if my
assumptions are correct?
We must check every nook and cranny
of this castle to come up with some sort of
answers, and this may be a good idea........
it would double the search area,
and speed up the search at the same time....
besides i am sure of your defensive skills,
and they will guard you well,[/color]
the orc looked down to his side,
gently slapped the scabbard holding his dragonwing sword,
and said that was all he needed.....
that and his sharpening stone
womble agreed and off went the orc..........
alone..... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />

Last edited by Jurak; 10/06/03 02:54 AM.

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