OK, after I reinstalled my GPU-drivers I haven't gotten any freezes, but I have gotten this other weird glitch (probably once a day or something like that). What happens is that my mouse gets stuck in the upper half of the screen. When I try to move it below a point that's roughly one third of the screen it gets transported to the top of the screen again. It stays like this for a few seconds then starts to run like normal again (I think there's a short black out in between, as if the computer refreshes itself before carrying on as normal).

I allso experience really, really short freezes from time to time. Like now, when typeing sometimes the screen stops updateing every letter, and instead does nothing for about a second, then all letters I managed to type in between gets printed at once. This is no big issue (it happens occasionally), but it's not normal either...


Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.

Ambrose Bierce