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Carrie #35233 10/06/03 02:42 AM
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Grabbing the keys that Kiya tossed me I turned reluctantly toward one of the other cages, the one holding the beatiful Phoenix - Firedawn. It was almost funny, my feet wanted to go where the gold was and my mind was forcing me to set the other creatures free as soon as I could.

Drat Womble for tempting me like this... Well, he'd just have to share! I glanced in his direction and he must have felt my gaze because he looked up from what he was doing at the same time. My look said You're going to share, right? He started shaking his head vehemently and I started nodding mine. He heaved a dispirited sigh and nodded once. I smiled and unlocked Firedawn's cage; watching the spell gleam disappear from around the cage as soon as I heard the lock click open.

I looked at Firedawn and really saw her for the first time and was totally ashamed of myself, I had left this beautiful creature entrapped while having a battle of wills with Womble over gold. I gently reached into the cage presenting her with the back of hand so she could see I wasn't grabbing her or preparing to slap her. She trembled violently but slowly tiptoed across the cage and climbed to the back of my wrist, meeting my eyes continuously - ready to leap if I moved to suddenly. One of her wings had been broken in two places, she was missing great clumps from her breast feathers, and there appeared to be little pieces cut out of her skin. My heart broke as I realized if I didn't do something she might never fly and if she couldn't fly she would never be reborn. Tears slipped from my eyes as I gently hugged her to my chest and started chanting the healing spell, this time was easier - I had met my dragon healer before so she was no longer a shock to me. She (my dragon healer) acknowledged my presence as an observer with a smile and then ignored me to begin her job of healing.

Time passed ... seconds? minutes? It could have been hours for all I knew, except I was pretty sure someone would have broken my trance if that were so. I opened my eyes and she was beautiful again, Firedawn flew up in the air [Linked Image] brightening the whole room with her light. She trilled a joyous song, and one long iridescent tail feather floated down to my hands. Somehow I knew that she had just made a pact with me to come if I ever called.

Kiya opened the door that Womble and Jurak had entered earlier and Firedawn soared free, trilling her farewell.

Ascolan looked at me and I'm afraid I must have looked a little pale, because he smiled and said "I know you will heal me if you can. Kiya, was right, my strength doesn't lie in my claws, but in my heart and soul. I will fight by your side against Aganeth and against his master Rabaer when the time is right."

Leaning weakly against the cage, I held up the keys for someone else to free the other creatures. I needed to recover my strength quickly and that meant rest.

DQueene #35234 10/06/03 03:06 AM
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[color:"#aoff80"]I watched as DQueen worked her majik on the poor Pheonix, it was incredible, it was as if the wounds lifted into nothingness...well they had I thought to myself. As soon as she was finished Dqueen collapsed in exhaustion. I ran over and caught her as she was falling to the floor. I laid her gently down and looked around the room. I saw ascalon and I knew he had promised to leave me be but I was still a little scared to let this great demon hating beast get too close to me. As I approaced him he spoke softly. "Fear not half demon, you neednt fear me. While I hate demons and their ilk you are different, you have separated yourself from their horrid ways. And something more I will tell you...

[color:"red"]While you seek the seven wizards and their pawns, they are but pawns themselves to one even greater....I do not know his name, it is said that those who learn of it are as quickly destroyed. A great evil with which you have something in common....half of your blood is of the same kind as his but his blood is pure...The seven wizards keep the keys to his sanctuary, you must seek them out... [/color]

I sat down confused and wondered if what he had told me was true, he thanked me for my help (I gave him some healing salve) "Be careful who you share that information with." he said this and walked over to Kiya. Suddenly my nose tingled..."Enemies are coming, they smell like blood" [/color]

Last edited by NeroJB; 10/06/03 03:34 AM.
DQueene #35235 10/06/03 03:22 AM
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[color:"a0ff80"] Jurak was getting restless. I could see that. He seemed to have an idea about another secret passage in the cell area. As Jurak wandered off to check it out I called after him "Be careful!" Damn there was so much lovely gold here.... It was more distracting than beer!

I went and stashed it on the sled. There was plenty more for DQueene to grab in the treasure room. I knew she wanted it too... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />

On my way back I noticed Jurak poking at the walls to one of the empty cells.
"What you doing buddy?"
"I reckon there's a secret entrance here!"
"Really?" My eyes widened. Hidden passages=secret rooms=treasure chests!
"Lets have a look at it then."

I traced the cracks in the rather uneven wall with my dagger! The blade slid into a crack partially. I pushed the section of wall near there and a door opened. I revealed a dim hallway lit with torches.

"Cmon mate! Lets see what's down here!" Jurak's grin was wider than a rivermouth at the thought! [/color]

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #35236 10/06/03 07:41 AM
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When I opened my eyes again I was back in the corridor.
This may be tougher than I thought, I thought to myself. I got up and continued my journey. While walking I started thinking and sending out thoughts

[color:"orange"] Can someone hear me?? Please?? This is Viper, my journey seems to be tougher than I hoped for, so I guess I’m coming very close but the tests are hard and the traps trecherous. I don’t know if I’ll make it back, please send help but beware of the traps, use magical shielding of some kind. [/color]
I kept sending out this thought hoping someone would receive them, my best chances are DQueene and Willow, but Willow can’t send help. PLEASE DQueene hear my thoughts, I doubted she would, the castle was weird and I didn’t know if my thoughts would reach so far.

The corridor was almost at an end and I came to a door…..

Womble #35237 10/06/03 10:40 AM
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[color:"#77aeff"]Geoff and Helen accompanied us to the big library. Man i had never seen so many books in one room since i was in Candlekeep a few years back.
Memories came.... and went. Willow took a book and i vanished on toutch <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />.
Now What?? Helen explanded it was an illusion, the real books were at a hidden place. After she opened it, Willow almost fell. "That evil is to big for me, it would kill me if i entered."
"Ok, then i will go alone. I promise to be really carefull."

I went in, even the smell in there was almost unbearable. I looked around. The poorly light in there came from some tourches on the wall and a small window-like thing in the ceiling. The books in there were laying on a desk disorderly. One book cought my attention. It was a big black one with golden rounding and a silver lock on it. I took a closer look. It was titled 'Ecilibrum delirius mortis'. That didint sound good at all! from what i could tell it was pure evil. I didnt dare touch it. Then as i walked on something hit my feet. I looked down and saw something like a percament or so. I picked it up. Opened it and held it to the light.
This was written on it in bloody color:
'How to act in battle with ....[/color]
(i couldnt make out the last part, probably the beasts name or so).
[color:"red"]Split him in two and two will reappear.
He who dies will rise again.
Unless the heat is on or his body desolves.'
I took it with me. I was about to go out when i noticed something weird about one of the tourches. I touched it.
<<EEESSSHHH>> Ouch that doesnt sound good...
One of the doors of the desk opened.
I took a closer look and saw a book. 'The doom circle' hmmm, could be interesting. Maybe it contains the names of the wizards! I took a look. It was written in a language i couldnt read. Maybe someone else can. It looks like a magic language. The one you see on spellscrolls.
There were also a few papers with all kinds of scematics on. Maybe Womble knows what this is

I went out but hesitated. I couldnt resist to take the black book with me too.
Seems like nothing else of interest here, so i went back to the library.

Last edited by joliekiller; 10/06/03 10:53 AM.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
Viper #35238 10/06/03 10:43 AM
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Jurak smiled at the humble womble, and thought for a moment:
Sometimes it just takes a little time to make a plan,
and sometime too... it just takes a kick in the pants to get on track. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
Jurak was grateful for that kick, since he loved a good quest,
as well as his partner, Womble who too loved a good adventure. Womble who was
a skilled,devious proficient thief, along with his renowned dwarven ingenuity,
and the vitality of a small tornado,
jurak knew they could only fare well.......
They descended down the dimly lit, slime laden staircase, that seemed
to be cut from the very rock of the earth! and slippery.... the smell of must filled the air,
which was stale and thick.The stairway seemed to spiral
down to the depths of hell, and for a while it seemed it would never cease!
"Geez, Jurak, we must be halfway to Hades by now, and that smell is getting worse,
said Womble in a stern tone,
"have you been into my beer again" and waved his hand rapidly
in front of his smiling face.....
[color:"#33cc33"]No way my friend, I've been on the sled for days!, but now
that you mention it, a cool ale right now would certianly be refreshing
......despite the inevitable outcome <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />[/color]
They continued down for a short while longer, getting deeper and deeper
into the rock...
At last they reached the bottom, and had two immediate choices, take the long
crooked hallway that was very dimly lit, or take the much finer illuminated
hallway directly in their path,
"the choice is easy it is",said Womble knowingly, "and it will be quicker to find our way back as well,
besides........what's that glowing way down there at the end?"
Womble sounded as a true explorer did,and was smiling like a capital "D"
turned sideways...Jurak looked, squinted, looked at his friend.....
they carried on straight down the hall, towards the faint glimmering.
They walked and walked, until Womble pointed out that it seemed they were
getting nowhere, could this be another trick of the castle?
The shimmering at the end of the tunnel, was disturbed by shadows every now and
again, obscuring the faint opening that now seemed to be very close indeed,
must be the dim light, thought Jurak.
They both halted momentarily, and at the same time heard a rush of footfalls
behind them........
They turned in time to see 3 ugly looking guards cannonballing towards them....

[color:"orange"] Ahhhhyyyyaaaaaaaaa![/color] Womble let out a bloodcurdling
yell,and was up one side, and down the other of the first guard,
who was too busy focusing on Jurak and didn't see Womble standing
in the lower shadows.
Heaving his axe skyward, Womble ripped up the poor devils mid-section and
exited around his left shoulder...the guard fell, a lifeless mass, guts were
everywhere.... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> while this was happening Jurak drew his sword and
attended to the second guard as quickly, carving a large X into the his chest,
they both then rushed to the last hapless guard, who was about to turn tail
and run like a banshee, but did not make it...short work was made of this fool.

They both stood in silence, listening for any more danger,...all seemed to be
clear for the moment,they continued on undisturbed
and finally reached the doorway to the mysterious glow.
Using extreme caution, Womble ducked very low and stuck his head in for a
peek.....the coast was clear and they made their grand entrance.....
and it was grand!
The room they had entered was not a room at all,
it was a naturally formed cavern of what looked like limestone
with many small caves around the perimeter
there were strange spikes hanging from the ceiling
and even some coming out of the seemed!
Whatever they were, they took on a flourescently twinkling glow.....
"This has got to be a magical place Jurak, I can feel it", as Womble was speaking
the runes in Jurak's pocket started to glow and flash rapidly back
and forth. Jurak took them out of his pocket, they glowed even brighter!
You could now see the massivity of this formation, it was huge........
[color:"orange"]"Yodel-lady-whoooooo....."[/color]I've always wanted to do that, Womble said
with a smile, and gave it another go,
"you try" he said to Jurak, who watched in amusement,

[color:"orange"]Ggggrrooonnnkkkk! [/color]howled the orc! [color:"orange"]oooonkk....ooonk...oonk,[/color]

"I thought you'd say that", said Womble,
and they both collapsed in a heap with laughter.

"Wwhhhhheeeeew!, that was fun Jurak, but we've gotta scour these caves
and see if there might be some artefacts, or scrolls or something of use
to us, you check that side and i'll go this way, and we'll meet somewhere over
there,pointing to the opposite side of the somewhat circular, domed cathedral
looking chamber, and be sure to search thoroughly! We don't want to miss

Yes, said Jurak, keep yer eyes peeled and your ears open, and started

Last edited by Jurak; 10/06/03 10:54 AM.

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
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[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
NeroJB #35239 10/06/03 04:07 PM
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[color:"#aoff80"]"Gah, nose tingle - blow your nose, Nero, you've probably got an allergy. There are no enemies," I said sharply. "Come on over now and help me with the cages, will you?"

I gave the griffin a smile and then peered into the cage where Fergus was: Not a nice creature - its tail was cut off at the end where the dangerous porcupine stings were, but his pincers were huge and sharp, he slashed against the bars and winced back when the magic hit him.

"Uhoh, Fergy, I'll leave you to Womble..."

I turned to another interesting cage where I saw something grey lifeless on its side and then....

"Ohhhhh, nooo!"

"What's the matter DQueene?"

She was pale and held her head, then she told me that Viper was in danger and needed aid - that the way to him was trapped and:

"Kiya, he's hiding it from me but... he's WOUNDED! Something has pierced him!"

"Okok, keep calm - you, DQueene go for him, I'll get Womble and Jurak - they'll have to stop their loot party - and you, Nero... bah, do what you wish... look for your enemies, join her or me..."[/color]

[color:"#00cccc"]I darted off to the secret entrance without waiting for an answer and whizzed into the secret entrance Womble had discovered. I was angry now <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/memad.gif" alt="" />- angry and worried about Viper. I sped down the staircase - or to be exact I slipped down - falling, stumbling and bruising myself. This did NOT improve my temper - ran across the hallway - easy, Womble had lost a few gold coins <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" /> - jumped over the 3 dead guards What's wrong with you, Womble? they've still got their clothes on - are you getting picky? - crossed the doorway with the mysterious glow and stopped dead in my tracks! I was panting, wheezing and coughing by now, trying to catch my breath: It was a naturally formed cavern of what looked like limestone with many small caves around the perimeter full of stalagmites and stalagtites with a fluorescent glow.

And now? Calling: Yoohoohhoo, Wombly-Pet, where are youuu - dinner's ready? I've got a nice jug of beer for you, matey? Have you seen these pretty diamonds in my cleavage? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />

I decided to calm down first and then use my ears as a guide.

I'll just have to follow jingling bells then... AND you'd better start jingling very soon - you truant! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />

kiya #35240 10/06/03 04:22 PM
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[color:"#77aeff"] After what seemed forever, Jolie came back out of the gloom of the library.
I ran to him, and threw my arms around him.
I was so glad he was safe, i was worried about traps or spells of protection in that room.
He smiled at me, and told me everything was alright.
He had two books in his arms.
"Look he said, both of these, we will once again need to get interperated, but i think they may be of value."
I could not touch these books. I still felt the radiation of the evil - whether they came from the books or from being in that room for too long, i could not tell.

"Jolie, i think we should get back to the others."
I looked at Helen and Geoff.
"I think they will have to come with us. We do have to get back to the others, but we did make a promise to these poor souls"
I turned to Geoff....
"This may be dangerous, but you will be in good hands...."

"Let us go back to where we started. We will go through the middle door, the one Womble and Jurak went through, i am sure Viper is with them now too. Then we will all be together again."

We started our journey back up the staircase.

Carrie #35241 10/06/03 05:27 PM
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The barrier I had slammed down around my mind to protect jvb from Aganeth's scrutiny earlier kept itching. Itching? Why would it itch? Maybe someone's trying to talk to me ..." I lowered my mind shield just a fraction, trying to protect myself and still get a sense of what was going on. Then it hit me, it was Viper and he was hurting and possibly trapped. I think I must have lost even more color, first the healing and now this, because I heard Kiya saying: "What's the matter DQueene?"

"It's Viper, I had my mind shielded so I didn't hear him at first, but ... He's in danger. I see traps," I gasped, "Not very clear what kind ... Kiya, he's hiding it from me but... he's WOUNDED! Something has pierced him!"

I heard Kiya saying something about, "Ok go after him", but I was already on my way. Going out our door I turned left, stopping to lean on the wall, swaying a little and taking deep breaths while trying not to be sick - geez, my head was spinning and I felt like I might throw up. Gritting my teeth, I thought, it doesn't matter if I do throw up, it's Viper in there.[/color]

I opened the door and looked down a long corridor that seemed to go forever. I started walking and after about 100m the corridor changed, it started to vanish. First the corridor walls vanished and then I was in some sort of room, chairs have been spread over the room all facing a small ‘podium’ where a sign stood “Welcome to Larian Studio's gala 2003 Larian Gaming Conclave”. I saw some of my companions in that room, sitting and chatting and eating pastries. I even saw someone who looked like Viper, except he didn't have any wings and he was standing quietly over in a corner just watching everyone. I reached out my hand to him and he vanished...

Get a grip DQueene! It's an illusion! The corridor I was walking on blurred again and I was walking down a garden path in a beatiful silver wedding dress, Viper was standing under an arch decorated with flowers and ribbons and he was smiling at me, love shining from his eyes, and then he held at his hand. It was the happiest moment of my life ... and then the toe of my shoe hit a rock and I tumbled to the ground - falling onto my hands and knees in the corridor - saving my life as a trap was sprung - two spikes slamming together above my head just where my upper body would have been if I was still standing.

Thank the goddess, my subconcious mind was still protecting me! I sensed that Viper was nearby and caustiously sent out a tendril of thought, "Viper? Where are you?"[/color]

Carrie #35242 10/06/03 05:27 PM
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[color:"#77aeff"]As soon as i arrived in the library again, Willow flew at my neck and hugged me tightly. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/delight.gif" alt="" />
"Its alright, Willow. I'm fine. Look i've found these books, but they'll need translation again <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/suspicion.gif" alt="" />."
"We better get back, Jolie."
"Helen are you sure these books in here are all fake???"
"Yes, i'm sure. This room is pure show and fake."
"Alright then lets move out. Stay close and watch your backs, this could be dangerous."

We started to move. We took the stairs back up, very carefully.
Suddenly i heard some voice. "Quite everyone <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shhh.gif" alt="" />. Stay close to the wall. Theres some people comming!"
I saw two guards walking at the floor above us. They stopped at the stairs.
Damn, come on move along!! They stood there and talked for what seemed hours. Then they moved on. Pffew that was close.

We continued our way to the room were we entered the castle. Watching every step we made. Once we were back at the room, i stopped.

I suddenly had a weird feeling. I looked at Helen and Geoff with suspition. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/suspicion.gif" alt="" />
Hmmm this has gone waaayyyy to easy. There werent even traps in that secret library. No alarm. I looked at them for a while. I exchanged some looks with Willow, who nodded it was ok.

After that we went through the door into the cave. After us the blue shield reappeared.[/color]

Last edited by joliekiller; 10/06/03 05:35 PM.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
kiya #35243 10/06/03 05:47 PM
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[color:"00cccc"] The echoing chamber reminded me of the caves in which I grown up. They would usually ring to the sound of pickaxes as they hammered away rock for the construction of dwarven cities. This was a pretty large cavern. There were lots of sparkling lights around us. Very faint but I could see well in the dark.
There they were... large piles of gold! Gemstones! Bigger piles than the room with the golem!
"Woohoo! I dived headlong into a gold pile. Trying to scoop up as much as possible. In the end I just rolled around in it, laughing manaically.
Dwarves have a thing with gold, as you may have noticed. Dwarven thieves are allways notoriously poor if they encounter it. They usually get caught with their pants round their ankles trying to carry it all. Many a potential dwarven dragonslayer has been cooked due to the distraction the dragon's gold provides. It took a dwarf great willpower to resist. Someething I was lacking right now....

"Hey Womble...." a worried Jurak called to me. No answer.
"WOOOOOMMMMBBBBLLLLEEE!" He bellowed. So loud that a stalagmite fell off the cave roof and shattered on the ground.
"JEEZ! NO NEED TO SHOUT!" I bellowed back. "What is it?"
"Well you had a funny look in your eyes and.... anyway, look what I found in this gold pile."

Could that be.... no, surely not! [/color]

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #35244 10/06/03 05:55 PM
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[color:"00cccc"]JEEZ! NO NEED TO SHOUT!"

HA! Gotcha! Womble in greedy looting mood - I sprinted towards the bellowing shouts.[/color]

Womble #35245 10/06/03 06:05 PM
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yep <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />, it certainly was the biggest, shiniest gold nugget, they had
ever seen, and it was glowing brightly....
"[color:"#33cc33"]This must be the nugget your looking for,
it is the only one, and a darker orangy shade.......alot different than
the other gold, this gold is NOT from around here,[/color] they decided
this must be true!
"Womble's eyes went eek, <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> and were very large and blinking,
he grabbed the nugget, and an evil smirk ran across his face,
they filled their pockets with as much as they could carry
and exited the dead-end cave to head for another when they heard......
Kiya???.......Wha.......and she don't sound very happy......they decided
not to hide and try to scare her, but instead they yelled........
"over here....kiya, and look what we've got.........

Last edited by Jurak; 11/06/03 03:50 PM.

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
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[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #35246 10/06/03 06:29 PM
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[color:"#00cccc"]"over here....kiya, and look what we've got..."

"STOP shouting, I'm... puffpuff... not deaf," I wheezed up to them - as my oxygen deficit was higher than my willingness to negociate, I started to wheeze again and panted,"
"you... looters... greedy... lazybones - Now, just to get it straight: We're NOT on vacations - we're in a castle, a dangerous wizard is waiting for us, the animals haven't all been freed yet - why on earth don't you concentrate on important stuff first and loot afterwards?"

I picked up an emerald, held it against the air and then in front of Womble's eyes:

"Do you see any legs? No? I don't either!" Throwing it on the floor, where it rolled a few centimeters and then stood still. "AND? Does it vanish? No? Good - we agree then! Come on, Viper's in trouble, he is wounded, trapped and DQueene just received his call - we must get him subito - pronto - capisce? Don't look at me like that... get going, guys!"

I started to run the way back, glanced over my shoulder and saw Womble couldn't keep up the pace.

"Jurak, hoist Womble on your shoulder - just imagine he's a sandsack or a rabbit <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" /> - now GET GOING!"

Through the cave - up the stairs... I heard Womble cussing and saw how all that jolting caused his coins and gems to fall out and roll down the stairs - I had no pity or mercy - served him right <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/memad.gif" alt="" />. Jurak tried to keep up the pace, though his green body seemed to have a blue shimmer.

At - last we reached the cage room, where was Nero? GAH! And then we headed for the main entrance hall.

"Oh, why didn't you two release the basilisk and the manticore? Too hard business for a small feeble orc and a stumpy dwarf, right? As soon as we 've helped Viper, I'll deal with them myself!!"

We entered the main hall and I looked for clues to find the correct entrance. Jurak pointed at the south door, clinging on to his redheaded buddy and I rushed in, hoping they would follow.
Luckily DQueene had left a warning, I stopped dead in my tracks - a trap!

"Now, let your baby down, very carefully and slowly, Jurak - your turn, Womble." And whispering, so only the dwarf could hear what I hissed:

"As soon as Aganeth is history, you and I are going to settle our matters once and for all - and I don't know who is going to see the next morning again - but for now: HELP Viper!"[/color]

kiya #35247 10/06/03 06:52 PM
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I heard the clinging of the blades used in the traps and saw DQueene evading htem for her life, trying to get to me as fast as she could.
"NOOOOOOoooooooooooo !!!! Save yourself DQueene", but she was to stubbern to obey. foolish girl
"Don't let the others follow us, it'll kill them, it's not worth for us all to die in here, we've got a quest to complete" I shouted, "Contact kiya or Willow, tell them to wait it the 3 doors !!!"

I really hoped that she heard me. I decided to wait for DQueene before I was gonna enter the room, it felt important. I sensed it somehow. I sighed down, back to the wall and waited for DQueene, 1 more test my love, you can pass it, so could I, remember, it's mere an illusion, it's all Aganeths work.

Deep down I was pleased to see DQueene risking her life for mine but sadened as well because it's no life risking your own's for. And yet somehow, I felt that we'd both be necessary to complete this corridor and return to the others

LuCiDiTy #35248 10/06/03 07:03 PM
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Location: dragon lair

"Thanks a lot for saving me you guys."
I heard dragh repeating what i said.
"You are learning quite well <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> , but its annoying if everyone copies everything you do <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" /> "
He seemed to understand, because he stopped it.
"Just try to listen carefully and see what it means."
"Ok, i will do that." he said.

"Well you guys, where are we heading next..?
you can pick now, this town wasn't the bestest of ideas <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shame.gif" alt="" /> "

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
Viper #35249 10/06/03 07:14 PM
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: Canada
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: Canada
[color:"#00CCCC"]We once again entered the chamber we had all started in.
There was such a commotion as we approached it, yelling and fighting.
Whatever is going on i thought?

"KIYA!!!!" I yelled. She was back, safe and sound.
But something was wrong...she didn't seem the same. She had changed...
I could feel she had been through a lot.
None the less, i went and gave her a hug to wish her home.
She beemed at me.

"We have to go" she told me.
"Viper is in grave danger, and DQueene has gone to help him. It might be over both their heads"

She shot Womble a nasty look.
What was this i thought to myself?

Once we went through the door Viper had, we encountered what was left of the trap that was meant for DQueene!

This is going to be the test now. Aganeth did know we were here, i could feel his presence in my mind like a thorn. He had not shown himself to this piont, testing us, seeing what we would do. Now, it was going to come down to a battle of the wits and brawn.

I think he had brought us all together to destroy us all when we had our guard down, and were together, so no one would take notice. And...using Viper as bait for us all....

I knew he was watching our every move, this hallway felt like it was breathing, and watching every move we made.

"I think we should be very cautious here " I said to the others.
"I can feel Aganeth all around us, watching our every move, this castle now seems to breath on it's own accord...."

Carrie #35250 10/06/03 08:11 PM
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: Germany
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: Germany
[color:"#00cccc"]I was slowly catching my breath again - DQueene's painful face had scared me nearly out of my wits. I looked around and saw Jurak, Womble, Jolie, Willow. Where was Nero???
I pulled out my amulet and asked all to listen closely:

"Now, this is very important: I've been in the Crystal World - Lynn, Hypatia, Polgara, BeeGee and Wolfy are there. They've become the Crystal keepers, the balance against the Circle of Doom wizards. These 7 wizards have an ally each. See this?" I held up my crystal. "This is an amulet giving clues which race had to or wanted to side up with them, have a close look at the embedded objects there, please."

I gave it to Willow (nice that she had greeted me so heartily, even though I hardly knew her, I had left the group when she arrived) and asked her to pass it around.

"As you all see, there are only 6 objects left - we've released one ally already: the unicorns. I only know of another ally by now: the nymphs are forced to serve one Doom wizard: ARKUMBAR, because he stole a nymph's voice. If we find a way to retrieve this voice - not very easy - another object in this amulet will disappear.
Now is the time to share all knowledge we have - please, let's use waiting until DQueene calls for us to proceed. I believe, the teardrop points to the nymphs, but I'm not sure. Has anyone of you got a clue about the scale, the tiny claw, the tattoed stone, the nugget and the feather? To which allied race could it point out?
Has anyone found something, that may be of interest for later?"

kiya #35251 10/06/03 08:19 PM
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: Belgium
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: Belgium
[color:"#00cccc"]"I may have something." I showed what i've found. "This gem is a nymphs tear. Willow had a connection with the creature. Maybe we can find out were she is this way."

I took the red book: "This book is titled 'circle of doom' So i suspect it has info on it, but i cant read it. Its written in a for me unreadable language."
I passed the book along.

I putted the black one away again.
"I also found these weird scematics. Womble do you know what they are?"
I gave him the scematics.
"Well thats it for now. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />"
Then i tought about the note i found...

"Oh, i almost forgot. I've found this note too:
[color:"red"]'How to act in battle with .... [/color]
(i couldnt make out the last part, probably the beasts name or so).
[color:"red"]Split him in two and two will reappear.
He who dies will rise again.
Unless the heat is on or his body desolves.' [/color]
It probably about how to defeat or fight some beast. I just cant make out with one. Maybe one of you can."

Last edited by joliekiller; 10/06/03 08:42 PM.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
Jurak #35252 10/06/03 09:11 PM
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: MOO!
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: MOO!
[color:"00cccc"] I sighed, "Fair enough woman... Lets get through these traps. I'm not letting that manticore out though, its bloody evil! Probably insane too by the look in its eyes!"
"You'd better not turn your back on me bitch!" I added as a barely audible whisper.

Willow and Jolie appeared. There was much greeting and story-telling. Jolie passed me a manual full of technical layouts. Intricate machines from torture devices to bombs to an orange-juice maker.
"Interesting...." I mumbled, fascinated by each page.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Go, stumpy!" Kiya replied.
"ONE MORE INSULT!" I yelled. Kiya fell silent.
"Oh by the way. I found the nugget of the dwarves. Well, Jurak found it actually." I tossed it to Jurak. "Guard it for me my friend, especially from her!" Jurak nodded.

The corridoor ahead of me was very clear, too clear. I brushed aside a spiderweb and heard a pffft! sound. It was very quiet too. "What the hell was that?" I thought. Then I saw something insane...

[color:"yellow"] Goblin arrows flying around me.....dwarven men and women massacred....corpses piled high and there was nothing I could do, nothing! Suddenly there was a noise beind me....goblin cackling.....evil laughter....I....NOOOOOOOO! [/color]

"Get a grip on yourself lad!" I scowled as the illusion cleared. "Evil magic.....but maybe not." I felt my neck. There was a tiny dart sticking out of it! I pulled it free. "Hmmm" I said and looked closely at the walls. They were not as smooth as I'd originally thought. There was a tiny hole near to where the supposed spiderweb met the wall. "Lets see what's in here...." I smashed the surface wall with my axe, revealing a blowpipe and several pistons. There was a big rack of darts on one end of the blowpipe, spring-loaded to move the next piece of ammunition into the pipe, each tipped with a powerful hallucinogenic drug. "Ingenious machine!" I thought. Then I dismantled it and took it with me. The ammo-loader would certainly be useful on my boomstick.

There was a door to the right a little furter on. The remains of a corpse lay there. It wasn't DQ or Viper thank gods, it had been there a while. A book lay underneath the body. "Lets take this back and see what the group can make of it." I thought.
The manual was fairly old. The title was covered in dirt.

I got back to the group.
"Still alive I see...." Said Kiya with folded arms.
"Of course, wouldn't want to dissapoint you would I." I flashed Kiya my sickest grin.
"Anyone know what this is? I found it on some body out there." [/color]

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
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