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Womble #35253 10/06/03 09:21 PM
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[color:"#00cccc"]Try reading, Dwarf," I snickered - took the book into my hands and found a small note in it:[/color]

[color:"yellow"]Dearest Turinus,
I'm missing you dreadfully - how's the work with your machine going on? Is Aganeth treating you well? I've left our home - was too lonely without you - went back to Mum. I miss you.

[color:"#00cccc"]By the way, dearest Womble, did you find an instruction in the technical devices of how to grow up to human size? Or, a plot about a folding ladder, in case you don't reach a shelf worth looting? Or a pretty cleavage? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />"

Secretly I picked up the dart he had thrown away and placed it in my satchel... - hmmm, it's hollow... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/think.gif" alt="" /> .[/color]

LuCiDiTy #35254 10/06/03 09:36 PM
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JVB, Dragh and me set off to find the group. There was a problem though, we had no idea where they had gone. Suddenly I had an idea.

"Dragh, you can talk to animals right? Can you call Kilala, Nero's bird, and see if she knows where at least he went?"

[elvish]"sure"[/elvish] replied Dragh

"Ahem, Dragh you mean 'sure' right?"

Dragh groaned and repated "sure"

"Nicely done my friend, nicely done"

Dragh now inhaled deeply and let out a perfect hawk call, without much time at all (which I was glad for because it meant they were close) we saw Kilala coming over the horizon.

She perched very gracefully on Dragh's shoulder and he cooed at her with enormous respect. She then returned the affection making it obvious that Dragh had a special way with the beautiful bird.

After some skwaking and cooing Dragh briefed us on the situation according to Kilala.

[Elvish]It looks like all of our group are in a castle about a 2 leagues from here. Being that she didn't go inside Kilala doesn't know much more than that, though she did say that she has seen several very majical creatues come out of the castle since they went in. [/elvish]

I looked at him and repeated what he had said to JVB. I then looked at Dragh and he was activly avoiding eye contact.

I cleared my throat, [elvish]"at least a summary Dragh"[/elvish]

He looked at me pointed toward the castle and said

"That way"

"OK, that will do for now" I said laughing

We then set off in the direction with Kilala setting lighly on Draghs shoulder

Womble #35255 10/06/03 09:40 PM
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old hand
old hand
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I was flat on my stomach evading the trap when I heard Viper calling me, I glanced down the hallway and I could see him lying on his side. I heard his voice saying "NOOOOOOoooooooooooo !!!! Save yourself DQueene". Foolish man, did he think I would leave him now?

I called back, "Don't be silly, I will not save myself!" I don't think he heard me because he continued yelling, "Don't let the others follow us, it'll kill them, it's not worth for us all to die in here, we've got a quest to complete. Contact kiya or Willow, tell them to wait it the 3 doors !!!"

"Right," I muttered to myself as I climbed to my feet just past the current trap, "Leave it to a man, first he says come here, then he say no, go away - save yourself and then he says warn everybody. If I didn't love him so much, I'd tell him to go jump in the ... <grumble, grumble>. I pictured Willow's face in my mind and felt her eyes brighten as I caught her attention. Traps, illusions but reality is buried within - I sent a picture of the swinging axe. Beware if you follow! Warn others! I felt her understanding and agreement, and prepared to walk the last few steps to Viper.

Again, I felt reality shift and this time Viper and I were holding our new born daughter and laughingly trying to decide her name when I looked over his shoulder to see a dark menacing shadow spreading rapidly over our little family ... I screamed and pushed him and the baby down and covered them with my body ... I felt the whoosh as a spear flew within inches of my head and buried itself in the far wall. I had ducked just in the nick of time.

Picking myself up, I walked the last few steps to Viper without incident. I leaned over and kissed Viper, "Hi sweetie, need some help?"[/color]

Last edited by DQueene; 10/06/03 10:15 PM.

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Jurak clutched the gold nugget and stared at it in wonder, it had to be one of
the biggest pieces of gold in history!
[color:"#33cc33"]Check this out!,[/color] Jurak drooled....
and held up the nugget in question, it was 3.4 x 2.5 cm, and mounted on a cut
crystal base. There were little pock marks all over it,
and the crystal base held all the colors of the rainbow........
[color:"#33cc33"]see...........pretty isn't it! [/color]
[color:"#33cc33"]"Hey...don't touch it will ya, just look at it, and keep yer
hands off!" [/color]said the preturbed Orc, and snatched it away before anyone
could grab it from his grasp.
[color:"#33cc33"]Everybody knows what gold can do to a person around here!

Hey kiya....kiya.....
KIYA, snap out of it girl!!![/color]......
she was dazed by the splendor of the shiny gold, Jurak could not
understand what the major attraction was for women to be so mesmerized,
by a simple chunk of gold! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> and diamonds too, for that matter!
C'mon don't we have a beast to rescue.......let's go!
And they headed off in the direction of the cages......

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[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Womble #35257 10/06/03 09:45 PM
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[color:"orange"] What ascalon had told me had enraged my inner being.

As my companions ran off in different directions I lept into the rafters of the large high cielinged jail. My anger grew as I moved my eyes turned red and my claws longer, I lept from the rafter and punched the ceiling as I went up *BOOOOOOOOM* strait thru to the floor above, a demon, one of my kind was behind this, I felt like it was my fault as well, my muscles twinged as the anger coursed through my body, I found myself in a great hall with a long wooden table, as I glided through the large room I swung my rabid claws leaving a trail of destruction,


I could smell him....the dank and insidious smell of this castles owner, my perception of his presence enraged my already angry mind and body, I would find him and kill him. I ran, following my nose, my anger was so great my eyes grew blurry and my jaw sore, my teeth ground together like a sword to the sharpening stone.

As I ran down an elaborate hallway thrashing as I went I came to a large door triple my height and wider than an oxcart. Without thinking I jumped into the air running at full speed and slashed the door with my razor sharp claws


the door was rubble and as the dust settled I saw a small army coming at me, I didnt even draw my sword my rage didnt give me time, I whirled and swung cutting down goblins and beasts no thought of mercy entered my mind.... "DDDDDDDIIIIIEEEE!!!!" [/color]

Jurak #35258 10/06/03 09:50 PM
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[color:"#00cccc"]Huh, Jurak really thought I was interested in the gold?

Nope, it was the form - I clutched my amulet... and let Jurak drag me away from the group - yep, those animals had to freed first.

"Willow, please, keep the group together - you're the only one who can hear DQueene's mental call... And then Jolie, you and... that engineer there," pointing at the glowering dwarf," can rescue Viper. I hope, you can help him - his shoulder is pierced - he's in a really bad shape. Oh, Wobbly <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif" alt="" />... here's the book, keep it, could come in handy."

Womble was ready to jump at my throat - only Jurak's tight grip prevented me from going into attack mode. I followed meekly.

First comes first..[/color]

[color:"#aoff80"]We reached the cage room and then Jurak went up to one cage...[/color]

Last edited by kiya; 11/06/03 07:14 AM.
kiya #35259 10/06/03 10:08 PM
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Jurak stood at the cage, pondering how to best deal with this "thing",
it had a lion's body, human face and ears, three rows of razor sharp teeth,
that were dripping, what looked like frothy, bubbly spittle,
"Yucky, said the Orc, and then noticed, that the spines on it's tail were shooting off in all directions! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />
This had to be one of the "butt-ugliest" creatures to date! and very possibly
not very nice.
Kiya, watch out for it's tail[/color] he said,
just as a barrage of quills went shooting by,
[color:"#33cc33"]"have you got any idea in heaven how we should go about
freeing this monstrosity!!! Personally, i think it would be better
if we left it to's sooooo ugly![/color]
He looked at Kiya, and hoped she would agree,
but that was not to be....

Last edited by Jurak; 11/06/03 03:44 PM.

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[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #35260 10/06/03 10:23 PM
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[color:"#aoff80"]"Ohhhh, Jurak - that's the manticore Fergus - I thought we wanted to rescue the basilisk first?"

Orcs - even smaller brains than a walnut

"There's not much to rescue, Kiya," came a deep voice from behind. I jumped out ouf my skin, LaShandra, the lady vampire, has sneaked up behind me. "The basilisk is over there - poor thing, it's eyes were taken out for the crystal experiments. Since then it has barely moved."

I went up to the cage and took a look: the basilisk had the head and legs of a rooster, the body of a serpent, and the wings of a bat.But it looked dreadful, the serpent body was grey and dull, the wings lay lifeless on the floor, pus trickled out of its empty eyeholes. I knew it was the potent symbol of death - but this fate?? How cruel! Still we had to be cautious, it was deprived of it's deadly gaze, petrifying those unlucky to see into its eyes, but it's breath was still deadly.

"Jurak, how can we help? This is wrong and cruel what happened - do you have an idea?"[/color]

Last edited by kiya; 11/06/03 07:15 AM.
kiya #35261 10/06/03 10:59 PM
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Jurak, without a word,except..."oops!" he remembered the "collar" and
retrieved it from one of his many pockets,
[color:"#33cc33"]Here hold this for a sec... Ahhh, er......Lashandra,
does this forlorn creature have a name,[/color]
he asked pointing to the Basilisk....
She replied,... it's name is Brobdingnagian the Basilisk,
but we refer to him playfully as Brob the Basilisk..... she joking?
Quickly he snatched the keys from the floor, pulled out the runes he had,
that he was not quite sure, how to use, and started waving them in the air,
the glow was instantanious and a flash ensued..........eek
soon after that the eyes of the previously blinded basilisk were blinking
uncontrolablly,and without feeling except relief.......
seeing that
Jurak grabbed the keys, found the lock and opened the door to the cage...
there little Brob......there, there, everything will be allright, he said soothingly......
He turned to Kiya and the manticore,
the sinfully ugly manticore........

Last edited by Jurak; 11/06/03 03:44 PM.

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Jurak #35262 10/06/03 11:13 PM
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[color:"#aoff80"]I went into the cage, the collar snapped around Brob's neck.

"Just to make sure, hm?"

The basilisk opened its new eyes and I saw what had happened: Juraks protection rune had given it back its eyesight - but instead of petrifying me... I felt a warm glow... I felt protected...

"Well done, Jurak," I smiled in gratitude - and to Brob, stroking it, I whispered gently: "Mind your breath, will you? Just for a while... and then use it on Aganeth! I wish, I could do more for you now, but we've got to pass on to Fergus - you're free, Brob. And thank you for the protection. We'll need your help very soon."

I took a healing potion and trickled it into its beak - with every drop the basilisk seemed to regain more strength. He staggered - got up and shook its body - and his silvery eyes followed me, then it left the cage and stalked to the griffin.

"Ach, I'm glad, Jurak - ok, now for Fergus, though I have no idea at all."[/color]

Last edited by kiya; 11/06/03 07:16 AM.
Jurak #35263 10/06/03 11:26 PM
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[color:"orange"] The small soldiers were no match for my enraged body. Enemies flew into the walls with skull shattering speed. Once I had killed them all I looked around to find out where I was....I was calmer now and I had regained control over my senses. I was in a gargantuan room large stone slabs made up the floor and pillars of shiny black rock help up the bloodred ceiling. The room was filled with eerie looking contraptions and vials.

My nose twinged and I turned around to find that I was no longer alone...I had been joined by and, His face was covered by his cloak which flowed down to the floor as red as the ceiling the robe shone out amongst the black and gray of the room. "WHO ARE YOU!" my rage was returning...

[color:"black"] "Calm yourself demon child you cannot hope to defeat will die, your friends will die, everone will die, it is cannot stop it" [/color]

My body tensed as my emotions took over my body once again...

[color:"black"] "You still have strength, I am mildly impressed...but it wont last long my minions will destroy you" [/color]

"Maybe you hadnt noticed" I said "but your minions are all dead

[color:"black"] "No matter" the sorcerer said pulling down his hood to reveal nothing but a skeleton, "as you can see, I am not alive myself" [/color]

A great rumbling passed thru the hall as the undead mage began chanting under his breath. Suddenly the bodies of my fallen enemies began to move and shake. He was raising the dead to fight against me

[color:"black"] "Thank you for killing those wretched creatures, they were weak...the will be much stronger filled with the sould of dead and evil demons...HAHAHAHAHA [/color]

My senses no longer mattered I could will only one kill all these abominations..... [/color]

kiya #35264 10/06/03 11:51 PM
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Jurak seeing that Kiya had gone through a very strenous day,
suggested that she wait there, and he would make a mad dash
to find Womble and see if he might be able to help with the
ugly looking manticore....called Fergus!
[color:"#33cc33"]Wait right here, I'll be right back with Womb......[/color]
kiya looked relieved and muttered something under her breath......then stood
up and said they should finish it now....
O.K thought Jurak......think, think.......
he started running roun and round the cage while the manticore
aimed at the orc, with it's tail...... after a few laps around the cage
Fergus had exausted his temporary supply of tail spikes,
which would soon enough be regenerated,... they had to move faster.!!....
Jurak grabbed the rope attached to his belt and quickly
made a muzzle for the beast,Kiya noticing this,
stood poised by the cage door ready to open it,
so Jurak could apply the muzzle.........OK NOW shouted the Orc.....who was sweating bullets....
(I've got to get more excercise, he mused) and the door flew open,
the muzzle was on......the creature pounced out of the cage
and Jurak being the experienced "rope handler" used what was left of the rope,
to secure it's tail, which he arced upwards towards it's head,
looped it around and secured the knot.!
There we go.....that was easier than looking at it's ugly face........[/color]
he said halfheartdly.....
hoping that knot would hold.........

Last edited by Jurak; 11/06/03 03:45 PM.

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Jurak #35265 11/06/03 12:09 AM
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[color:"#aoff80"]Fergus, the manticore, put up a fierce struggle and tried desperately to free itself, but Jurak had thankfully used tight knots - they held. Its eyes rolled wildly and I knew this symbol of tyranny, disparagement and envy - ultimately the embodiment of evil - would have no open ear for any arguments. It wanted to kill - and if it had a chance - even us. Only one thing could put it at peace - for a while...

The Lullaby of Sleep began... soft whisper of trees in the wind... silver light of the moon... a gentle snore... sleep... a little sigh... sleep... cradle rocking... peace... all is well... sleep

The manticore slowly ceased to struggle, its head dropped to the ground and after a while it lay there - silent - asleep.

I looked wearily at Jurak and whispered to LaShandra:

"Take good care of all - we're gone for a while, but we'll come back, I feel Aganeth is not far away anymore - we're running out of time, but our comrades need us. Remember your promise: If you all are freed, you'll aid us in this last fight - for now, farewell. Come on, Jurak, back to the troops again," she smiled and nodded grimly.

My eyes were heavy and sore - I really needed sleep myself - but...[/color][color:"#00cccc"]I followed Jurak to the main hallway... weary... exhausted and wondering how we could help Viper...[/color]

Last edited by kiya; 11/06/03 07:19 AM.
LuCiDiTy #35266 11/06/03 02:57 AM
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[color:"a0a0ff"]As we continued on our short journey, we came upon a river. Lady streak had finally woken up from her 'nap' and was wandering ahead of us. As she approached the bank ahead of us she called to us (it was an excited meow), being that she didn't usually say much we went running.
There at the bank was what at first looked to be a pile of rags. Then it moved. JVB drew his sword and Dragh stood ready, but I held them off.

"It obviously isn't hostile or Kilala and LadyStreak would have warned us"


"and I think its hurt"

I walked over to the being that was there and uncovered it. It was a woman!!! Between the three of us we carried her up the bank and set her down very gently.

I put my hands over her face and chanted my healing spell, knowing full well that there was nothing I could do that would help this woman alive for long.

"Be war...nd the wiz.."came a trance like moan from the woman

"Shhhh, don't speak save your strength" I cautioned

Suddenly without warning, She reached up and grabbed my face and I saw horrible images that were beyond my imagination.
[color:"#33CC33"] Death

These images became more and more intense until saw one more image.
Two words

Arkumbar and Mardum.
These came with a picture of a long black robe with deep blood red eyes. He had a staff that glowed while he laughed. The picture started in on his eyes and pulled out. First I could only see him then I saw what I instincivly knew was Mardum, his mountain troll. Bigger than some trees and just as stout, the picture kept pulling out. Past the castle which was on an island out to sea. Further up where I could see the coast line then over the land to where our forrest began. Then suddenly I see JVB, Dragh and I as small specs and the vision zoomed in so fast that I was thrown to the ground.

"We must go now, we must find our group and move on" I said as if I was still in my trance. "I cannot speak of the horrors that I have seen but I know that we must move on because there is much evil left for ust to overcome"[/color]
LadyStreak was licking my face, which made me feel much stronger.

"She has died Lucidity"

It took me a minute but I realized that it was Dragh that had said it. "My friend you truely amaze me."

Off we went, Me carrying JVB as we lept over the river and rushed throught the field to the fast approaching castle.

LuCiDiTy #35267 11/06/03 04:04 PM
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After they were sure the beasts would be no more of a problem,
and double checked the knots while the manticore was asleep,
Kiya said a few words to LaShandra,
and they headed out to the hallway to rejoin the rest...
so they could start to devise some sort of plans,
for the retrieval of Viper who was injured......

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[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #35268 11/06/03 06:10 PM
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[color:"#00cccc"]While we were waiting to continue on our trip, i closed my eyes for a bit.
Again i had some visions. Starting with bright colors and then everything started turning around me. Then i heard a voice....
[color:"yellow"]"Jolie, Jolie, .... Watch out for the undead. They are powerfull." [/color]
[color:"yellow"]"The Book of dead is the clue to there downfall and my release." [/color]
"Lisa?? What are you talking about?"
She was gone again.

I woke up. Still a bit confused about what happend.
I took the black book with me and went a bit back to read it.
I opened the cover. I tried to read the pages, but they were written in some kind of old language.
Damn, and we dont have an interpertor around here now!

Suddenly i had a strange feeling, like someone was trying to enter my body.
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> My eyes turned away. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/silly.gif" alt="" /> I tried to resist, but failed miserably.....
A shock went trough my body and then i was silent.... I lost conscience for a while and when i regained it, i took the book back at hand.

I turned to the next page and everything was very clear to me. I could read every word of it.

'Arcantus requiem immorante fenus tries gallactucum'. The ground started shaking under me.
Now what????
The ground split open and some skeltons apeared. They attacked on sight.
"Oh Holy Christ!!!"
I grabbed my sword and hitted one of them. Nothing happend.
Looks like i'm in deep trouble here!!
"Heeellllppp, i need some help here! Anyone!!"

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
LuCiDiTy #35269 11/06/03 07:24 PM
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jvb Offline
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Luc picked me up and jumped across a river, then he dropped me and started running over the field towards a castle.
i followed them.
"Can anyone explain what is going on?"
"Later, we must hurry now.."

and so we ran along, 3 men, running over a field..
the night was falling..
running next to eachother.
i wasn't afraid, for they were with me.
I could overcome everything and i would overcome everything.

We came nearer and nearer to the castle.

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
Jurak #35270 11/06/03 07:47 PM
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Location: MOO!
[color:"00cccc"]I looked over towards Kiya. She was exhausted from forcing the manticore to sleep. She cared too much, allthough not for me apparently. The best way to put that beast to sleep would be with a bullet. They were evil dammit! That one was also crazier that a sh*thouse rat. I just hope it'll distract Aganeth long enough to give us time to get past his spells.

Willow was looking worried. "What is it?" I asked. "Dqueene and Viper... we should help them... You also have to control your hostility towards Kiya"
"Hey, she started it! Anyway, lets see if we can get them out of the mess they're in then. Will you come? Can you be separated from Jolie?"
"Of course!" She replied a little testily. I grinned.
"Hey Jurak, let's disarm these traps!"
Jurak moved quickly, eager for something to do.

Suddenly I heard a cry for help. "Jolie!" Willow yelled and dashed in his direction.
"Dammit!" I muttered to Jurak. "What now?"
Kiya lay in the corner, almost unconcious. She'd be no use at the moment. We went on by into the cave where the group had gathered. We saw Jolie, surrounded by skeletons! Moving ones!

I whipped out my axe and brought it crashing down into one of the abominations. Lightning flashed and the bones flew apart. Jurak lopped the head off another with a precise blow....
The magic that summoned these undead was strong, only precise blows would destroy them. A skeletal blade narrowly missed my head. I rolled and chopped its legs off, it was still crawling though.
"Jolie! Where did these come from?"
"I read a line from the book of the dead! They just appeared!"
"Well make them un-appear then!"
"I'm trying!" Jolie cried, deflecting another blow.

Jurak was defending Willow. His razor-sharp sword cleaving bone easily. I saw Willow scrunch up her face in pure concentration, a skeleton crumbled to dust. That was impressive. Then she fainted from the effort. Not so impressive. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

I got between Jolie and the skeletons so he could read the book. I swung my axe again and lightniing sparked off a skeleton innefectively. It dodged most of the blow.....
"Hurry up there Jolie...." [/color]

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #35271 11/06/03 07:59 PM
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[color:"#00cccc"]The Lullaby of Eternal Sleep continued... soft whisper of trees in the wind... silver light of the moon... a dark gravestone... sleep... a little sigh... sleep... cool earth... peace... eternity is there... sleep the everlasting sleep

I didn't have more strength left than to mumble... my soft tune floated through the air and the skeletons nearby sank to the ground... crumbling to dust. I hoped the others could cope with the rest - then I dozed off.

kiya #35272 11/06/03 08:06 PM
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[color:"#00cccc"]"Aaah, the pain is diminishing, I think I can move now" I said to DQueene, her face lightened up with relief.

"If only that damn drunk dwarf <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> would be so kind as to help the others to get here, then we'd be on our way"

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