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jvb #35293 13/06/03 01:43 PM
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I'm blind!!
i cant see anymore!
ouch, i must have tripped over something.
i was just running there.. and suddenly the lights went out.

"Jvb, what happened? are you ok?" I heard from somewhere near me.
"No, i'm not, i cant see.."

"You could try opening your eyes.. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" /> "

"Smart idea.."

i had a lot of trouble with it, for no apparant reason, but i was at least able to see again.

"What has happened to your eyes??"
"What do you mean?" i said, looking up at luc and only now seeying that i saw everything different..

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
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[color:"00cccc"] "Are we all here?" I asked and did a small roll call. Lets see, "Jolie, Willow, Viper, DQueene, Jurak, me, Kiya...." She snarled at me, grinding her teeth. "Where the hell is Nero?" We ran back to the cage room but he was nowhere to be seen. There was a large demon-shaped hole in the ceiling....
"We have to get up there." Dqueene said.

"Take the door over there." A voice said. "Oh hi there Xerkyl." I replied.
"Go kill him, kill nasty troll!" With that, Xerkyl poofed off.

Viper tried the enchanted keys and the door opened. We all set off to the hall above to find Aganeth. Jurak even brought his rat, Meatloaf grunted at my side, happy as a pig in..... "Hey! I sniffed. What have you been rolling in?" The griffin and other imprisoned beasts followed, eager for revenge. The manticore still slept. Kiya said she could wake him when the time was right...... [/color]

Last edited by Womble; 13/06/03 02:30 PM.

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
jvb #35295 13/06/03 02:33 PM
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i could see everything so clearly now.
my eyes always had been good (for as far as i could remember) but now i could see even shaper and further.

When i saw luc and dragh, i saw a beatifull aura around them.
A peacefull one.. They would never do me harm, without a good reason.
I looked to the castle.. "There is a strong energy in there.. We should be carefull."

"How do you know that? You are a strange boy you; first your eyes change into more lizard like ones and now you are telling things we cant know..?"

"I dont know how and why, but i like it.
I also know that i ain't able to destroy whatever is in there.. I dont think you will have any use for me, since you have been dragging me alone because i'm not agile and fast enough.
If you will have to protect me all the time in a fight, you will drop your own guard.."

"JVB, Don't-"
"I am not being stupid..
Something tells me something is going to happen to me soon.
I dont know what it is yet..
But if it is dangerous.. I dont want to bring you in danger with it."

"Dont talk silly, just come with us, or we will take you."
It was dragh who said that.
"Very well then.. but you have been warned."

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
Womble #35296 13/06/03 07:39 PM
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[color:"#00cccc"]"Hold on, hold on - not so fast you, immature glory seekers... Wait a sec, will you?"

I went up to Brob the basilisk, took off his magic collar and tossed it over to Jurak.

"Now, use your own free will, Brob," I whispered. His silvery eyes followed me. I touched DQueene and turned around, I bowed and hummed the tune my heart felt.
I moved
I tipped the others one by one
I bowed
and turned around
I hummed and stepped - encircling every member of the group - and the silvery basilisk eyes followed me all the time, causing a perfect protection globe around companions, the beasts and LaShandra. Then I danced over to him again, I bowed and thanked at last. The basilisk closed his eyes...

"Now, Brob - just keep your deadly breath for a short while to yourself - I'm sure, you'll know when to use it, right?"

He opened his eyes - very very wide this time - and I saw a faint red glimmer in its silvery depths - oh, yes, he knew!

"Ok, that's it - let's go out and be prepared," I crossed the grand hall quickly and leapt up the stairs leading to Aganeth's chamber - the GRand Hall ... The Final Battle song sang through my veins... and I heard Brob writhing up right behind me, feeling the redhot heat in his eyes growing and nearly burning a hole in my back ...[/color]

kiya #35297 13/06/03 10:56 PM
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[color:"#00cccc"]Viper opened the door and we all went through it. On our way to Aganeth.
Hah i could smell the sweet smell of revenge I was so close to revenge the unnessassary dead of my wife. O yeah you freaking, no-good, puny, sorry-excuse-for-a-wizard. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/memad.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/memad.gif" alt="" />
I had to calm myself again. Keep your anger for him!

I could barely wait till we met <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />. So we went on.
Kiya was busy with something. She was walking back and forth between us and the basilisk. She tipped everyone of us on the shoulder. What was she doing??? At least i knew it wasnt anything bad.

We climbed the final stairs............

We came at the door of the big hall. It was labeled 'Aganeths room'.
I ran to the front yelling: "I want to go first!! I want to meet him face to face."
I readied myself and opened the big oak door.
The room i entered was enormous. Big pilars were holding the ceiling. Windows as big as a man every 5 meters or so. I was standing on a red carpet that was going right through the middle of the room.

I continued sword ready. Watching every move. Carefully to avoid traps.
The others followed abit behind me.
After a few meters i noticed someone or something standing in front of me in the shadows.
I stopped and tried to see what/who it was. But i couldnt see it clearly.

I did see it was a bit bigger then i was. I could also distinguish what was like a staff or somesort.
I slowly went closer, eyes focussed on the 'thing'. I was tensed and feld my heart beating in my throat.
The closer i came the better i could see the 'thing'.
I now could see what is think were its legs. Two thinny, greeny, greasy legs went up from the floor till they 'dissapeared' into the shadows.
Suddenly it moved. Oww S***t

It came into the light.
"Thats close enough, Jolie" Said the 'thing' with a very scraping voice.
You could defently hear the evil in it.
"Who/what are you?? And how do you know my name???"
It laughed. Loud and freaky.
"I'm the one you have been looking for the past 2 years. I'm the ghost in your head. I am AGANETH!!"
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />

"So finaly we meet. Now you'll pay for what you have done to me and my family!!"
I charged in...........

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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[color:"00cccc"]"Nooooooo, Jolie," I barged in, gave him a bodycheck and sent us both reeling over the floor.

Whew that was close...:

Brob had already opened his beak and a billowing cloud of ugly-looking green-yellow poison floated towards the troll wizard - I heard him gagging, then he staggered and fell - out of the cloud.

"NOW, let's get him - everybody: CHARGE[/color]

kiya #35299 14/06/03 02:05 AM
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[color:"00cccc"] "Charrrrrrrge!" I yelled, axe held high, "into battle!" The power of my dwarven ancestors washing over me.

Kiya grabbed me, I whirled around, almost chopping off her silly head.
"You idiot dwarf! She yelled, don't follow into the poison cloud!"
"Thanks....." I said cautiously.
"No problem....." She said quickly so no-one else heard.

Viper took to the air, his bow at the ready. DQeene readied an arrow too.
"I still can't see through the poison cloud! Viper called down. "Kiya! Go and free the manticore! Kiya dashed back to the cage room.

I could hear coughing and spluttering through the thick green poison cloud. Something was moving. "Gaaaaah!" A voice spluttered. "Guards!"

Another door burst open and several heavily-armed fighters rushed in. DQ and Viper met them with a hail of arrows. Jurak roared with glee and waded into them, dragonwing sword flying. I saw Aganeth stumbling out of the green mist, his body already regenerating. He held staff before him and chanted a short phrase. From the very ground dust rose, swirling, forming shapes, a summoning of magic to physical form.... Skeletons, lots of them. I swiped one down, Willow screamed and held out her hands in defence and one advanced at her, sword held high.
"NOT AGAIN!" Jolie called out. Suddenly holy light shone from him. The skeletons simply didn't freeze this time, they crumbled back to the dust they had come from.

"Cursed Paladin!" Aganeth yelled, he gestured with his staff and sent jolie spinning backwards. He prepared to chant again but this time Viper, DQ and myself pepped him with ranged fire. He howled in pain as the arrows thudded home, my boomstick made a large hole in his chest and he hit the ground with a dull thud. "Finish him Jolie!" I yelled. Jurak hacked down the last of the guards and howled his feared orc warcry. Jolie went cautiously up to the 'corpse' of the troll.

"Now you pay for the death of my wife!" Jolie cried out, raising his sword... [/color]

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #35300 14/06/03 02:21 AM
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[color:"#00cccc"]"Go, free the manticore... huh...and how?" I grumbled, dashing down the stairs at high speed - skidding into the cage room, where Fergie slept sweetly. I scratched my head - then I made a dash for it: I slashed the ropes binding it - and ran to the door - Fergie was awake at once and ran after me, I sped up the stairs, dodging its porcupine stingers and reached the battle field again

"Look out! Manticore on the rampage - get out of range! Everyone!"

I saw to my dismay that several had already used up their protection globe and Jolie was not fast enough to stop Aganeth regenerating. Without thinking I bodychecked the paladin again - not one second too early, because Fergus had already entered the hall and shot a battery of his highly poisonous and acidfilled stingers at the wizard. He screamed in agony.

Well, I couldn't deal with that anymore - Jolie had gone into berserk state and was fighting me with bloodshot eyes.

"Sorry, chum," My clenched fist hit the right spot at his chin, I heard his teeth clattering (hoped they were still in place), his head shot back and he slumped on the floor. Thankfully Fergie concentrated on the troll wizard, so I could heave, pull and drag Jolie out of reach, kicking away the wizard's staff at the same time.

The others had meanwhile taken a respectful distance to the manticore and I prayed for a wonder.[/color]

kiya #35301 14/06/03 03:13 AM
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Jurak was watching Aganeth stumbling from the effects of the poison, while
trying desperately to get away...DQ and Viper had their hands full with some
heavily-armed fighters that had burst from the door to their right,
Jurak jumped towards the intruders, with sword flailing,
bits and pieces of cheap armor filled the air, skeletons were after Willow...
... and Jolie glowed with a brightness never seen,

had he just turned the skeletons to dust <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />,

no time... guards were pouring through the opened door, the battle was on,
and Jurak was in his glory, sidestepping advances with counter-attacks, and
moves he remembered from way back, during his intense training...

Jurak heard Womble scream at Kiya to go free the manticore, and she rushed off with a puzzled look....
she was back in no time with a demented manticore on her heels, she flew
through the door just in time to check Jolie out of the raging manticore's
poison projectiles...

it didn't take long to finish off the few remaining guards trickling through
now....the guards seemed to be taken aback at the sight of a manticore... along
with a basilisk both attacking their master, they stood in wonder as Jurak,
DQ and Viper, cut them down like statues!

Jolie and Kiya were tussling on the floor, when suddenly Kiya knocked him cold,
and headed for the nearest exit to safety.
Willow was using the large pillar as a shield, as were the others,
taking shots as the opportunity arose......

the now enraged manticore Fergus, and Brob the basilisk, circled around the
visibly weakening wizard.... as if planning their next move,...

they tortured the wizard to within inches of his life,
and they all thought it was over......

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF.
[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #35302 14/06/03 03:24 AM
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[color:"00cccc"]"It's now or never, Jolie..." With a loud heave-ho I yanked Jolie's swordhand plus sword towards the wizards chest - heard a sickening crunch - oops, dislocated arm? - and thrust it down, with all my might. Bending over the sword, holding on to Jolie's hand, I forced the sword deep into Aganeth's body... a last writhe - a groan - the wizard died. Jolie was still unconscious...

"There, my boy - that's it - you've had your revenge..." I wiped the green bloodsplatters out of my face and turned around - Fergie was there - alive, well and very badtempered, he had dug his 3 rows of razor blade sharp teeth into the wizard's leg, chewing at it, smashing bones and seeming to have a pretty good time. Brob opened his fangs.

"STOP IT, BROB, no one is impressed!" The basilisk whirled around and blew his poison cloud into Fergie's direction... The manticore let loose of his meal and gagged... Then its eyes fell on Womble. With a loud howl it raced into his direction, spitting, gasping and obviously on the lookout for a tasty dessert...

"Hey, you guys, do I have to finish off everything on my own?"

What would I give now for the R&P spell... gagging, doubling up and puking like hell... and trying to keep Brob focussed on me.

In spite of me feeling very sick, I crept over to the basilisk, fixing him with my eyes and started to hum...[/color]

Jurak #35303 14/06/03 03:37 AM
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[color:"00cccc"] "Not really Kiya...."
I steadied my pistol and shot the beast right between the eyes. With a barely audible final exhale of breath it sank to the ground.
"Insane.... That thing should have been put out of its misery to start with." I muttered, sliding my boomstick back into my belt. [/color]

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #35304 14/06/03 03:50 AM
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[color:"#00cccc"]Humming the Tune of Calmness... soothing water... deep dark caves... solitude... peace... I moved over slowly to the basilisk until I had contact. It was not easy, but emotions were not helpful at the moment... my tune changed into the Lullaby of Sleep... soft whisper of trees in the wind... silver light of the moon... a gentle snore... sleep... a little sigh... sleep... cradle rocking... peace... all is well... sleep

At last - Brob fell asleep... and I lay next to him, still fighting with my nausea, gasping, gagging and wishing for a nice vacation somewhere...[/color]

kiya #35305 14/06/03 04:36 AM
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Jurak stood flummoxed, stupefied, baffled, and confounded,...
if he only would have known...
about Wombles wouldn't have been so shocking, <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> and with Kiya
crawling over to Brob, humming the "tune of calmness" and willing him to sleep,

Jurak seized the moment, broke out of his stunneded-ness,
rushed over to the sleeping Basilisk, and in one gigantic swing
of his long arm, brought the blade of DragonWing down across the
unsuspecting Brob's throat, severing the head from the neck cleanly.......
[color:"orange"]WhoA!,... WaTcHouT EverYonE!!.......[/color]
the basilisk twitched, and shivered, mindlessly jumping to it's feet...
it's headless body ran circles around the room for endless moments, until
finally, after depleting all it's lifeblood....
fell into a lifeless bloody heap, next to the manticore
with a large hole in it's skull...

Willow came from behind the pillar to join jolie, who was just coming to
and shaking his head slowly, DQ and Viper advanced towards the dead monsters,
Jurak,Womble,"meat, and Fe, joined the others in the center of the room
to witness the fallen evil sentinels, transforming into what looked like
were at one time... human?, and without a seconds passing.........

[color:"red"]!!Pooo[color:"orange"]ooooo[/color][color:"yellow"]FFFFF!![/color][/color] the lifeless masses burst into flame,
and were turned to ashes.......
The group looked over to Kiya, who was sitting up now,
and in turn looked about the room, at each others war-torn faces,

and somehow managed a smile... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

And with that very same smile,Jurak turned to Womble,
whose smile was splitting his face, and they both yelled,
at the same moment [color:"orange"]PLuNdeR!!Whoo-Hooo!! [/color]
and off they went headed in the direction of the dungeon,
like a couple of screeming meemies..............

Last edited by Jurak; 14/06/03 06:45 AM.

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF.
[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #35306 14/06/03 05:04 AM
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[color:"00cccc"]"Well you don't see that every day!" I mused on the demise of the beasts.
The Griffon sat quietly, as if lost in its own world.
"What of you now, proud beast?" I asked.
"To each his own destiny, young dwarf. You have much to do yes?"
"Yes." I bowed my head in contemplation.
"Since I cannot lie to you I'll just admit I'm going off to loot Aganeth's treasure first!"
"He no longer needs it.... I ask only this of you, return some of the wealth from where it was plundered. If you can allow one more child to sleep with a full belly tonight I would be glad."
"Consider it done, noble one!" I said through slightly gritted teeth.

"Jurak! Wait for me!" [/color]

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #35307 14/06/03 05:22 AM
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Jurak had hit the groun runnin, and barely heard
the faint Wombles voice, trailing after him.
Bounding down the stairs like a rabbit
[color:"blue"].....Mmmmm,rabbit! [/color] <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
he knew exactly where he was headed......
through the door, sharp right and over to the far corner,
where the small shallow cave lay, glistening and shining
in the dim light of the cavern,...
Jurak began rummaging around, and filling his large pockets
with the jewels and coins, there were some potions stacked by a small hole
in the wall, Jurak grabbed the potions and stuck his face to the ground,
to peek into the dark hole, but....nothing was there.....
as he stood Womble ripped through the door, Jokingly suggesting that
Jurak had better saved him some plunder, two kids in a candystore they were,
laughing maniacally, and throwing gold bars at each other......OK stop....
my pockets are full already.......grab that burlap over there,
and we'll make a pouch for the rest,...
we've got to get as much of this treasure as we can,
we will need many supplies, enhanced armorplate and helmets, food, beer,
and perfume for the ladies <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />, cause they're pretty "ripe" as well... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/suspicion.gif" alt="" />
plus the fact that we still must give some to the poor folks
of the surrounding villages, who have suffered the long wrath of Aganeth!

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/idea.gif" alt="" /> [color:"orange"]"MeAt", C'me're boy,[/color] said the illustrious Womble,
always thinking that fella!!.....heaving the now overstuffed burlap pouch
onto the pigs back,... poor "meats" belly was almost scraping the ground
with all that weight!
Womble looked around desperately for more burlap.....

The rat "Fe" was doing his own complaining, by scurrying up,
out of Juraks deep pocket, that was now filled with gold pieces,
and Fe, made squeeking sounds as if to
give Jurak a piece of it's mind....... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />
Juraks mind was far from the Squeeking rat.........
for what the heck.....???


better c'mere and have a look at this.......wha?.... [/color]

Last edited by Jurak; 14/06/03 03:04 PM.

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF.
[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #35308 14/06/03 08:54 AM
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[color:"#00cccc"]Finaly the fearsome battle came to an end. I woke up.
"What happend???" Willow came next to me and said what happend. So Kiya saved my life twice in a few hours?? Thats a bout the third time since we met!? I'd better be more carefull....

I went looking to the dead wizard, just to be sure he was dead. When i was near him, his 'body' bursted into flames.
Suddenly i saw a bright light right next to me. I turned around a saw who it was.
"Lisa...." I dont know if the others could see her. But at least Willow saw her, because she almost freaked out. Understandable if you know my wife and her were like twins. Only my wife had long blond hair to the middle of her back and in blue eyes.

[color:"yellow"]"Jolie, You have killed my murderer. But the job isnt finished." [/color]
"What do you mean???"
[color:"yellow"]"I cant rest now. He has doomed me to haunt this realm forever." [/color]
"I there nothing that can be done??"
[color:"yellow"]"Yes there is, the reverse spell is in the book of the dead. But the book has been hidden and i dont know where."[/color]
I smiled. "Dont worry, i've found the book already."
I turned to Willow. "Dont be afraid. I'd like you to meet Lisa. Have you heard what she said??"
Willow nodded. "Ok lets look in the book."
She started to look in the book.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
Jurak #35309 14/06/03 11:20 AM
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[color:"#00cccc"]I took a quick look around:
Womble and Jurak were off - looting again, of course... Jolie and Willow were absorbed in finding a solution for Lisa, both stuck their heads together over the magic book. DQueene was talking to LaShandra, both looked very solemn and Viper listened attentively, watching DQueene's changed skin.

Aha, they're getting somewhere!

I knew from DQueene that she was slowly accepting her dragon self and I wondered how she would look like afterwards and I knew our next goal would be Rabaer, as soon as Viper called the group together. How would that wizard react - now that his bond with the unicorns was broken and Aganeth's experiments for creating a flawless soul crystal were shattered?

"Kiya - I am free now and will return to my mountains..." Ascolan was next to me, I hadn't noticed it. "As you have given us back freedom, maybe LaShandra will join me, but this is not for me to decide. Remember! Call me if you are in need, keep the feather."

I nodded, still numbed by what had happened in such a short time and watched him move over to the window, spread his mighty wings and fly away. I gazed after him and was sad - why did Brob have to die? Had this been necessary? - and killed during his sleep? I felt responsible and bad - Brob had no chance at all to defend himself, why did Jurak, who had been protected by the basilisk's gaze do this? NO - it was cruel and needless - I gulped and held back my tears, trying to smile - but guilt welled up inside. I was guilty for not preventing Brob from his fate....

Why did Nero have to disappear, would we ever be able to catch some breath in this archaic world - within our mixed up group, consisting of so many different characters, priorities and aims?

I needed fresh air desperately, so I slipped out of the room, went down the stairs, crossed the entrance hall there and finally stepped out of the door... then I rubbed my eyes: Were they deceiving me? Or was it Jvb, Luc and Dragh slowly coming towards the castle entrance?

kiya #35310 14/06/03 11:38 AM
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I was listening attentively to DQueene and Lashandra when I noticed in the corner of my eye kiya talking to Ascolan. kiya looked sad and then Ascolan took off... home I think.

kiya went outside and I decided to follow her. When I came outside she was sitting on one of the merlons (is merlon correct??) of the castle staring into the field in fornt of the castle. she looked ashtonished and amazed.

"hey kiya" I said..
"Look" she said and pointed to 3 moving spots in the field "I think it's jvb, Luc and Dragh. THEY FOUND US !!"
It was quite some time since i've seen her this happy, it felt good.

"Look kiya, there's something I need to talk to you about. You really gotta see this." I took out the colored ORB and the wand and drew the symbol I remembered in the sky. Here eyes opened wide as she saw the ORB flying towards the others castle from the point we were standing.

"That's amazing" she said, "this leads us right to the next 'target'".
"I know" I said, " I only hope I remembered the correct one because there were no names on the paintings and I forgot the other 2 symbols.... they're so complicated <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shame.gif" alt="" />"

"That's a gamble we gotta take" she said

kiya #35311 14/06/03 11:42 AM
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and so i had agreed to acompany them further.
When we came nearer the castle, i saw someone coming out.
Luc and dragh didn't trusted it and grabbed their weapons, but i said to leave them.
"Dont worry, its an old friend."

Kiya, you dont know half how glad i am to finally see you again... You don't know how much i have missed you
i thought to myself

"Kiya! It's us!!"
We sprinted towards her.
"Where do you come from? I thought you had left?" Luc asked.
"Its a long story my boy, i will explain it to you later."
"Its a long story my boy, i will explain it to you later." Dragh repeated.

We all laughed because of the funny way he pronounced it, he tried to talk female like.. it sounded very funny.

"Where is the rest?" I asked her.
"Are they still inside?"

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #35312 14/06/03 11:56 AM
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Yes, things happened very quickly - even pleasant ones... I was glad to finally get somewhere - Viper had shown me the orb and we both knew: Our next destination would be Rabaer - hopefully!

"Viper, we have to show this the others... Hey, look!"

I ran up to Jvb and tusseled his hair - then I beamed at Luc, that silent helpful mage - and laughed at Dragh's progress in gaining our speech.

"Good to see you all... I'll explain my own story later - but we've got news for you!!! Aganeth is dead! And his master Rabaer is the next on our list. He's one of the 7 Doom wizards responsible for what's happening, remember DQueene's note? The others are inside - why don't we join them? Come on... all of you, let's hurry up."

Whispering to Viper:

"When are you going to gather our troops? When are we leaving? We're all pretty tired and who knows how long it will take until Willow has freed Lisa's soul?"

He shrugged his shoulders:

"We'll see - hey and welcome to you others, good to see you! Jvb, why did you wander off on your own? Couldn't you have waited and staid with the group?"

He slapped all on their back and we made it back to the castle entrance.

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