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Viper #35273 11/06/03 08:56 PM
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[color:"#00cccc"]"Undo the spell!!" Womble yelled. "I'm trying!!" I nervously turned pages and ages but couldnt find anything. Then i saw Willow was 'unconscious' and a sceleton was about to hit her...
"Nooooo" A bright light flashed out of my symbol.
<< [color:"yellow"] FLashhh [/color]>>
When it was gone, all the undead were well 'frozen' or something.
Seems like some of my skills are returning!!
I looked into the book again and then noticed a little writing at the side of the page.
'Requiem mortis apocliptica nervous est' And just when i said that all the undead turned into ashes and dissapeared as suddenly as they arrived.
"That was close!! Thanks guys. I'll have to be carefull with this book."
I turned to Willow. I hope shes ok, i would never forgive myself.

"Hey, Jolie. What was that al about?" asked Jurak. "What do you mean??"
"Well you changed or something. It scared the hell out of these 'undead'."
"OOhh that. It seems like my 'normal' pala skills are returning. Thats what they call a 'turn undead' skill. Either they freeze or the are destroyed."
"Then why did you wait so long???"
"Well it seems like the emotion had trigged it. To see Willow hurt was more then i could stand. I hope i'll be able to do it on 'call' soon. I think we're going to need it."

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
Joined: Mar 2003
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[color:"orange"] I whirled and swung my claws wildly at my new opponents, they were hard to destroy my claws did little damage. My mind was struggling against my emotions and I began to reason..."Oh sh##" I said to myself surveying my surroundings...skeletons and zombie creatures on all sides..."this isnt good."

Drawing tetsusaiga I lept into the air slicing and stabbing at anything that moved. They were hard to kill but it was not impossible. Clearing a path I let the small horde surround me...with a smile I closed my eyes and focused my power into my sword, in a flash of light and sphere of energy the undead were consumed.

[color:"black"] "Interesting" the lich said to me. Waving his hand in an inhuman motion [/color]

After my attack my strength was gone...I shoved the point of my sword into the ground and knealt down using it as support.

I looked up and saw a great dark cloud over the necromancers head...with a gesture from his hand the cloud focused into what was unmistakably a spear and flew strait at me. Unable to move from exertion and my wounds I could not get out of the way.

With a breath stealing crack the summoned spear went strait thru the center of my chest nocking me unconscious.

When I awoke I was unable to move and was in intense pain it felt like my whole body was on fire. (truth be told it had been while I was unconscious) I had no idea where I was or even who I was. A dark voice I had never heard said to me

[color:"red"] "Would you like me to relieve you of your pain?"[/color]

"YES, PLEASE, AHHHGGGGRRRRRR" the pain was unbearable...under my screams I heard a soft chant and suddenly bliss, mind numbing bliss.

I sat up with blank eyes staring strait ahead "what do you will...?"

NeroJB #35275 12/06/03 12:35 AM
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[color:"#33cc33"]Hey......we didn't get them all....yet,[/color] Jurak wailed ,
as a hoard of a half dozen or so, appeared! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> ...
as if right out of the walls.
Spinning sharply with his blade arcing through the air, still dusty from bone
chips and shards,Jurak splintered two of the poor souls, in one fatal swipe, instantly!
[color:"white"] "Wwhooooooosh![/color] the blade of his sword seemed to be singing the
"song of death and destruction"...arm and leg bones, littering the ground
around him,
Womble joined in, with a high pitched scream as well, and hefted his axe through
another "undead", he looked at Jurak and smiled a big grin.....I think he's
enjoying this, Jurak thought to himself as he turned another into a standing
rib, minus the roast part! Yes he too enjoyed a good melee!, especially with
the likes of Womble....he could sure pack an axe with a wallop!

Glancing over to where Willow and Jolie were, he noticed another trying to
sneak up on the unsuspecting couple......
[color:"orange"] Yyyhhharrrgggg![/color] he yelled, Jolie spun around to see what it was?, Womble hit
the floor running, and they all converged on the little sneaky bag of bones
and finished it off, the two blades- womble's and Juraks meeting at the spine
of the now slivered skeleton, made a loud [color:"white"]"CLANG" [/color]as they momentarily
touched, the sound echoed through the hall and there was nothing left.....
but silence.........
Jurak walked around what was left of the shattered intruders and gathered up
their now useless weapons, (well useless to them anyway) and set them in the
corner.........neatly, and he said to the rest
[color:"#33cc33"] we should take these to the next town or village we find....
they could bring us a pretty penny, or trade for some supplies.
.......Womble how are those traps going? Do you need any assistance?
It's imperative we get to Viper as soon as possible!![/color]

Last edited by Jurak; 12/06/03 12:49 AM.

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
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[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #35276 12/06/03 01:20 AM
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[color:"#OOCCCC"]I awoke to the sound of a massive TING.

What had happened?

Again, i had tried to help my friends and fainted from the magick....
I felt shameful, that i was not able to help in the fight, though i wished to.

Jolie, seeing i was awake, took me in his arms. I hugged my body against his, trying to choke back the tears that wanted to break free...

"Don't worry my love, you are getting stronger, soon you will have no problems dealing with anything that comes to your mind..."

I drew a shaky breath, trying to compose myself. There were other things still to think about.

Everyone was regaining their composer and strenght after the battle.

Jurak pointed out there was still Viper to be saved. We had accomplished our one goal of saving all the poor creatures that had been ensnared by Aganeth.

I could still hear DQueene's warning for us not to come....

"I think we should wait for DQueene to tell us it is safe" I told everyone.

I waited for a reply....

NeroJB #35277 12/06/03 01:34 AM
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[color:"00cccc"] People were looking burnt-out and tired, I was wondering if we could do this. Even I wanted just to go back to a tavern and kick up my feet with a mug of frothy ale something drove me on.
"These people need me!" I thought, "bugger! Viper! I knew there was something else to do.
"Jurak? Are you up to helping out Viper?"
"Sure... I think." He added cautiously.
I nodded to Willow. "It'll be ok..." I said with a grin.

We crept back into the hallway, past the first trap and the rooms. I didn't see much in there of interest. Probably dangerous anyway. DQ had gone straight on to find Viper, so would I. We carried on slowly down the corridoor when the world around me seemed to fade away for a second. I closed my eyes. "Concetrate Womble! These are the illusions that DQ warned about!" I opened my eyes and everything looked normal. Apart from Jurak walking ahead with his arms outstretched shouting "Orcette! orcette! I love you! You came back!"

"JURAK NO!" I bellowed, "ITS AN ILLUSION!" Jurak paid no heed.
"No you don't matey!" I grabbed a rock and hurled it at his head with the accuracy of a halfling. It made a dull 'clunk' against his thick skull. Finally he stopped, rubbing his head. "Where'd she go?" He mumbled.
"It was an illusion buddy."
"Oh bugger!" He said despondently. "Oh well..."
"DON'T walk forward! Jeez you almost triggered the tap!"
"What trap?" Jurak said carefully taking a step backward.
"This one.." I tossed another rock onto a now obvious floor panel, it sank slightly.

WHOOOSH! Two spikes shot out of the wall like a shark snapping its jaws shut. Anything in between would have been a kebab.
"YIKES!" Went Jurak.
"Easy boy...." I smiled
"Easy! I'd better go change my shorts!"
I sniffed, "hmmmmm you're right. Don't worry though, the smell will drive away any monsters we meet."
Jurak laughed. Loud...!

I diarmed the trap via the floor tile and carried onto the next.
"Be ready for the illusions this time mate!" I warned Jurak, "I you see anything weird, close your eyes."

Then it came, swirling images to tempt me, my family was alive again, I was home sharing supper and.... "NO! Not this time Aganeth! You don't fool this dwarf so easily!"
I concentrated and the image dissapeared. "Should've tempted me with gold. Dumb bloody wizard! Ha! what did you expect from a troll?"
Jurak stood with his eyes closed muttering "Not real, not real, not real." to himself. Sometimes being a dwarf was good. Magic resistance was a definate plus.

[color:"yellow"] *Dwarves aren't really innately magically resistant. Magic just doesn't like them too much. It tends to avoid them. Dwarven wizards are pretty rare....* [/color]

"Its OK Jurak. Keep yer eyes closed Ok?" Jurak was sweating bullets trying to overcome the illusion. Then he remembered how Womble had snapped him out of the other one.
"Hit me on the head!"
"Hit me on the head with a rock or something like you did before! These images are makin' me nuts!"
"Okaaaay." I hesitantly grabbed a big rock and threw it at his noggin"
"Ooof! Thats better mate!" Jurak opened his eyes. "Hey! That one was bigger than before!"
I sniggered. "I'll get you for that!" Jurak grinned.

We rounded a corner cautiously and saw DQ and Viper.
"Yoo-hoo! Need some help?" I called over.
"Be careful! Yelled DQ. "There's a big axe...."

"Oh crap!" I thought as the biggest axe I'd ever seen swung directly at me. "This is it! I'm deader than yesterday's goblin pie!"
Something made me dive forward. Pure reflex.
The axe continued to swing. I looked back and saw Jurak scratching his head. "Womble? Why did you dive like that?"

"Don't move!" I shouted. I timed the motion and dived though to the other side again. Easy enough...... Then I looked from the other side...... No axe to be seen. "Don't move forward an inch." I warned Jurak.
I could hear it swinging now though, veeeerrry quietly.

"Stay here buddy." I motioned toward Jurak. He looked totally confused now. Vision of the axe was blocked from this side by a magical illusion. It gave a vision of the wall behind, DQ and Viper......but no swinging axe! A cunning illusion! I listened for the axe....swish......swish..... I timed the sounds and dived through again.
"What ARE you doing?" Jurak was looking increasingly worried over me.
"You'll see...." I looked around for some sort of switch. I poked at an odd-looking wall panel. There was a satisfying 'click' and the axe stopped moving.

"Its ok, you can come forward now!" Jurak wandered over with a grin on his face.
"What you doin' funny monkey?"
"Look!" I pointed at the axe, visible from this side. Jurak gaped for a second and then went, "ooooo!"
"Less of that 'monkey' business too!" I grinned.

"Well done!" Viper said. We went over to them. "You okay? Both of you?"
"We're fine..." DQ gazed into Viper's eyes. I didn't know what was more nauseating, them or Willow and Jolie!

"What speared you?" I asked Viper.
"A trap on the door there." He pointed, indicating a strange-looking door at the end of the hallway.

"Let me look at this on my own." I said to the others. I went forward cautiously, there were no obvoius pressure pads or tripwires, hmmmmm.

Suddenly a spear shot out of the wall. I deflected it with my axe just in time. Then I heard a tiny voice.... "Bugger! Reload!" Coming from behind the wall.
There was a creaking sound, I looked up and saw a small periscope coming out of the ceiling. I grabbed a rock and hurled it. Smashing the device to pieces.
"Ahhhh! Can't see!" A small voice croaked. Then I heard rapid footsteps running away from the other side.

I wandered back to Viper. "Well the trap is sorted out, more like a sentry really and the door looks like it leads somewhere important. Here, try one of these keys."

I passed Viper the set of enchanted keys used to open the cages. There were a few spare so they had to be for something.
Viper walked to the door.... [/color]

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #35278 12/06/03 02:22 AM
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old hand
old hand
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Viper was trying to be brave through his pain but I could tell he was still hurting. I put my hand out in front of him to halt his advance on the door. I felt stronger now, maybe I could heal him as I had the magical creatures in the other room? I could only try.

"Viper, wait let me try to heal you." He raised one eyebrow, Heal me? SInce when have you been able to ... I shushed him. "Just let me try, it might not work."

I closed my eyes, and wrapped my arms around him, placing my hands on either side of his wound ... seeking, seeking my dragon healer .... this time I had to walk down a long corridor and found her resting quietly on a rug staring into a fire. What? Why aren't you helping me heal Viper? She looked at me and just smiled, Your other healings were for others, this one is for yourself. For this I require a payment. I gazed at her solemnly, knowing that the price would be steep, I will pay what I must to see him healed. Again she smiled, I know you think you will, but this will not be easy. You must acknowledge me. I was totally confused, what did she mean? As far as I was concerned I had acknowledged her just by talking to her! She laughed again, No, you must acknowledge that I am you. We are one, you are doing the healing, not some mystical beast. I wasn't her! How could she say that? Then I noticed that her eyes were swirling silver and the picture of my eyes in the mirror when I was angry came back, and her scales were silver too. I reached down and rubbed the scales the covered my body like armor - silver, they were silver too. Okay, say that I accept that we are one. What does that mean? Does it mean I'm turning into a dragon? She just laughed, You can never turn into a dragon. It is something you either are or you're not. She gazed piercingly into my eyes, And you, my dear, are a Dragon. With those words, she walked with me to where Viper stood in my arms and turned to face me, Join me and we will heal him. I felt myself walking forward and merging into her, we were separate - yet one, and we healed Viper.

Last edited by DQueene; 12/06/03 02:39 AM.

DQueene #35279 12/06/03 05:25 AM
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Those visions of the orcette, brought memories flooding back to Jurak,
who was now troubled deeply........
Uhh.....everybody.......I've got a secret to share with you all,
and before we go through that door, i've got to tell it,
for the sanity of my own being,
I guess those visions brought it all back"........[/color]

Jurak told them how he had been troubled for quite a few years now, and it
was time to put this beast to bed, he had carefully thought this out,
and was glad when it finally came to a "head"...
((even tho his head still hurt from a certain dwarf and a few boulders! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/suspicion.gif" alt="" /> ))

Anyway the answer was quite simple really, all he needed to do was
track down this "problem", and finish what should have been done long ago!
He knew...deep inside, that if he was ever to stumble across this "problem"
again, it would surely be a swift and glorious victory!
And he was sure it would put an end to all his bad memories and nightmares!

He informed his friends so they may be aware of this "problem",... who went
by the name "Wily Willy the Worm" who was a two-bit worthless piece of filth,
he was a thief, a liar, a polymorpher-
((well experienced to make things seem...well, not as they really are)),

and above all it was he who "murdered" his beloved orcette, who was left for
dead, (yes murdered! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> )whilst this amoeba ransacked and pillaged her humble shack, for all it's worth!!

The reason he was telling them this was, he had heard a mention of his name
at the last village, while he was using the "facilities" and almost
didn't make it!
He feared they were being "shadowed" by this vile creature and asked his
friends to be wary, if they ever ran into this "maggot", to please inform him of
his whereabouts pronto, so he may end his years of suffering and bad visions!
The group agreed wholeheartedly,and it seemed everyone wanted a piece of him. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/suspicion.gif" alt="" />
No No, he's all mine, scowled the Orc, [/color]
feeling much resentment towards this... invertebrate,
[color:"#33cc33"] he must die, so i may move on with my life,
and re-focus, re-channel my strengths, for the benefits of the whole group!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />

It was unanimous...... right then! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
Back to the matters at hand..... what are we going to do about our present situation.........?? [/color]
And just before they went through the door...

They huddled together to form a plan.......... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/think.gif" alt="" />

Last edited by Jurak; 12/06/03 05:27 AM.

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
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[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
BeeGee #35280 12/06/03 07:15 AM
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I went over to the door when suddenly Dqueen stood before me, “let me try to heal you first” she said and put her arms around, covering my wound on the front and back with her hands. The blood oozed slowly over her hands and I felt the warmth coming out of her hands….

Nothing happened and I waited a litlle longer, it’s then when I noticed, just for a long split second than some kind of silver armor covered her hands, like plates covering each other on a roof, and than it dissapeared again. Her eyes were swirling and an image of fire burnt in them for a short while. What is this? I’ve never seen this when she’s healing

When I felt a bit better and most of the wound was healed I pushed her away, “You didn’t look like you always looked when you’re healing” I said to her.
“Something happened” she said, while healing you, I’ll explain it later.

I turned around and went into the door…. Alone. The door almost closed imediately when I entered and I found myself in an octagonal shaped room. A red carpet with a blue pentagram on it lay on the floor and in it’s middle stood a pilar with a purple-black-reddish colored ORB on it. Against the wall there hung paintings of animals and wizards. On each painting the wizards had an ORB in their hands all in different colors. In the topright cornere of each painting the was a symbol… much like the symbols kiya talked about once, I’ve got to discuss this with her.
The wizards were forming some kind of symbol in the air with a wand and the animals on the paintings lay on the ground in fear, I just noticed.

It’s then when it struck me, a few walls were empty, but there were haning paintings once, you could see that they’ve hing there. Some of the paintings were removed and from the 7 original paintings there were only 3 left.

On the far side of the room I noticed a crate that had a nicely decorated lock on it with gold and rubies. I’d best leave opening it to Womble and I yelled for him to come in
“Hey WOMBLE, can you enter, I think there’s something in here I need you for”

I investigated further thinking what the symbols could mean the wizards made in the air with tha wand…..

Jurak #35281 12/06/03 01:48 PM
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[color:"00cccc"] "So you need to find this 'Wily Willy the Worm' Jurak?"
"Yep!" Jurak growled. I'd never seen him this angry, "gonna smash! KILL!"
"Whoa there boy!" Veins were bulging on his forhead, "We'll get to him later ok? For now we gotta kill Aganeth. Concentrate on that!"
"Hehe! I'll imagine he's Wily Willy and smush him!"
"Excellent! Oh, do you reckon you could nip out and change your shorts while I help Viper with this lock? Smells like a privvy in here! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />"
Jurak sighed.... "OK..." He mumbled and went back to the sled. Rubbing his sore head.

Thankfull the smell was clearing at last I went to help Viper.
"Stay back for a second! It may be trapped!" I warned. The lock seemed to look simple, too simple. I could see no other markings on the chest however, so I went ahead stuck in my lockpick.

The chest clicked open. Then I heard a ticking sound, very soft. "What the hell?" I said. It came from a very impressive-looking, big, shiny bauble in the middle of a pile of gold. I grabbed it. "Get down Viper!" I yelled and hurled it out into the corridoor. DQ ducked, just before a thunderous explosion brought down the roof!

"Great!" I thought. "Now we gotta dig our way back out...."
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/think.gif" alt="" /> [/color]

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #35282 12/06/03 03:23 PM
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Hiding behind the sled,... so nobody could see him
changing his soiled orc thong, Jurak heard a tremendous explosion,
he looked up to see thick, dust
clouds coming from the window where he had just been! Holy longjhons! ,
he thought his friends would surely be dead, or at least very injured,
by a blast of this magnitude! He looked to the pig "meat" and
knew that pigs were very good at finding stuff with their snouts,
and besides poor "meat" had been tied to this sled for almost a week......
suprised the pig was still alive,...
meat was squealing long and loud......either he was happy.....or
he knew there was trouble,
Jurak unleashed him, and they both headed towards his friends....

A few minutes later, they were standing at the spot that used to be a doorway,
meat sensing that his master Womble, was on the other side started snuffling,
and pushing his snout into the dirt and dust, fling rocks and debris
everywhere, Jurak stood in amazement for a moment.....then joined in the
digging.....grabbing large chunks of boulder, and heaving them aside
so little meat could get at the smaller ones ,
they were working as a team and it was quite a sight too...
the pig squealing, and Jurak yelling,and screaming,
and waiting for a reply........but not hearing anything from the other side!

Last edited by Jurak; 12/06/03 03:31 PM.

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Jurak #35283 12/06/03 03:48 PM
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[color:"00cccc"] I picked my self up from the ground. Thankful I was still alive. I coughed out some dust. My ears were ringing. "Everone OK?" I asked. DQ and Viper both nodded and continued brushing dust off themselves.
"Aganeth was sure to hear that..." Viper said worriedly.
"Yeah, we'd better get back to the others." I replied. "We gotta start digging! Cmon!"
We started to move the rubble. There was a lot. We could be in here for hours. Then I heard a sound, someone was shouting on the other side.

"Shhhhhh guys!" I motioned to DQ and Viper, "I can hear something!"
"Womble! DQueene! Viper! Are you alive in there?" It was Jurak! Meatloaf too from the sound of it.

"Keep digging friend! Get us out of here!" I yelled back. [/color]

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #35284 12/06/03 04:10 PM
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[color:"#00cccc"]I was reading my black book of the dead when i suddenly was disrupped by a big explosion. "Now what???"

I saw dust comming from the hallway were Viper was. "Oh No!!!"
I ran to it. I almost was run over by meatloaf and Jurak in its tail.
"Eeuuwww what a smell!!" We saw a wall of debris where once was a door.
"Lets start digging!!"

Jurak and i started digging on this side and the others onthe other side.

I sure hope nobody's hurt!! And i hope more Aganeth didnt heard this <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/disagree.gif" alt="" />

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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They continued digging, and yelling...rock by rock, bit by bit,
making a sort of tunnel through the was then that they heard
Womble's voice saying, "Keep digging friend! Get us out of here!" ,
they dug with renewed fervor, and soon had a hole big enough for the
three of them to crawl out!
[color:"#33cc33"]You must hurry!, i don't know how long this tunnel
will stay open, you've got to move fast!,[/color]
said the concerned Jurak, distressed and worried for the welfare
of his companions, just as the others arrived........ <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />

Last edited by Jurak; 13/06/03 07:06 AM.

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[color:"#00CCCC"]Jolie went to help dig DQueene, Viper and Womble out with Jurak.

I stayed by Kiya, to make sure she was alright, the entrance falling down had woke her up.

We went back to the collapse together, to see how the men were doing in saving our trapped companions.

They had managed to get breathing room in the rubble at least, and were now able to speak freely with Viper, DQueene and Womble.

Jolie and Jurak were still frantically digging.

They should hurry, i was sure that Aganeth knew exactly where we were.

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[color:"00cccc"]"Yeeehhhhhhhhhh, what a mess - let me guess: Womble?"

Jurak nodded and kept on digging feverishly.

"And I guess, he's still alive? Yes? Ok, then let him sort out this mess alone," turned to go back as Jolie mumbled that DQueene and Viper were still in there and they could use very hand - and I should be a little bit more cooperative and why I picked on this dwarf so severely and...

"All right, all right," I threw up my arms and started to help them - picturing how every stone of rubble I picked up and threw behind me would be Womble's broken bones <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" /> - AFTER I had dealt with him - I really hated getting woken up like this <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/memad.gif" alt="" />

Probably happened cause his thieving little fingers had to open a chest - with a warning on it - don't touch - trapped - will blow up - Grrrrrrrrrr...

kiya #35288 12/06/03 09:57 PM
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[color:"orange"] My mind was closed everything I saw I was seeing for the first time. Faint recollection would creep in and then be quietly ushered away by...something. I sat in my chamber, nothing more that a stone cube with a wooden bench, not moving. I sat and breathed and blinked. creeeeaaak the door opened revealing a short and stubby human. He wore a long cloak and spoke with a raspy voice

"Who do you obey?" "Rabaer" I muttered...who in the hell is Rabaer...?

"Follow me" With unquestioning obeidience I stood up and followed a few paces behind the short human. After some time we came to a room filled with weapons and tools of chaos. "Choose" I walked swiftly along the rows of the armory. I chose to use a halberd. It had a smooth black pole made of some strange wood. The blade was a reverse crescent...very sharp. I continued along and found a small crossbow no larger than my own hand, next to it were dozens of what were undoubtedly poisoned darts.

"Follow me" Again I walked silently behind the small human. He brought me to a door that was huge. He made a gesture with his hands and the door opened silently. "Your master has a job for you" He handed me a small scroll..... [/color]

NeroJB #35289 13/06/03 12:33 AM
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[color:"ff1654"]Jolie handed the book to me.
Please look at it my love, maybe you can read it better than i can...i know you are concerned, but as i have just shown, it can also help, it is not just meant for harm.

I took the book in my hands.

Sudenly i felt the floor lift away, it felt as i was flying...
Everything seemed to rush by me, and disappeared.
What was happening?

I was standing in a chamber, a massive library.
It was full of scrolls, old parchment, tapastries, and books.
I looked around in awe...
What a wonderous place, but where was i?

I looked down, my body was but a mist.

Three knarled old men walked into the room. Each had a staff in their hands.

"We must hide this book" One said.
"If it was come across by the wrong hands, all of humanity will suffer the concequences. If the one we can not speak of finds it, it will no longer be used for healing, and good."
They took the book (It was the same on that Jolie had given me seconds, moments, ages ago, but now much newer)

Again, i felt the floor lift, and agin i was somewhere else.
Here, demons of all sorts, digging, lifting up marble tiles, and destroying what must have been once a beautiful sanctuary.
One screamed in accomplishment.
"I have found something master!!!!"

The demon brought over a urn.
In it were nothing but ashes.
"Let me see" said the other entity. He was covered in a black cloak, you could see nothing of him, though his hands appeared human.

He muttered something under his breath (it sounded like an ancient dialect of elvish) and he was then holding the book that the other three men had hidden and protected some time ago.

"I knew they would use this language, there are very few who still know of it's existance." He roared with laughter.

Although i knew this being had been dead for some time, i could still see the black aura coming off him. This thing was pure evil.

Again swept away.
This time, peace, another temple of some sorts.
I was in a room with many desks, and my kind sitting at them. Working, all of them.
Each had a a quill and parchment, scribing words.

I was drawn to a young male in piticular...
He was writing in symbols, but speaking in elvish as he was doing it.
This elf reached out and touched my spirit, and my mind.

"You have been shown this so you can help humanity release this book from the evil that now binds it. We needed one to save it, and you have been selected from all the centuries of time as the one. Ironic isn't it, the very thing that created you, will now be the downfall of itself. The book must be brought back to a person of good, and you are that person. Do not hide it again, but keep it with you always. After you leave this world, find someone you can trust with your life to leave it with. A dragon might be a good keeper of this, they live longer than anything else on this earth. No one dares go near thier firely lairs, so it will be well protected."

I felt my body begin to fade.

"Mind my words...."

With that, the floor agian fell past me, and everything disappeared.

[color:"ff1654"] [/color]
[color:"#00CCCC"] I was back with the others...
Everyone was staring at me.

"What just happened" they all almost asked in unison.

I smiled...
"The book is now mine to care for, we have just saved more than you think from that library."

I left it at that. I will explain in my own time, when i have thought this all through a little more, and benn able to absorb everything.

Carrie #35290 13/06/03 06:54 AM
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: Belgium
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: Belgium
[color:"#00cccc"]After the explosion I saw DQueene and Womble run to the corridor and start digging. I went back to the crate and took out the wand that was inside, it looked a lot like….. no, it WAS the wand that showed on all the paintings. Were there more wands like this??

After doing some thinking and looking at the paintings, I decided to take the orb in my hand and form the symbol in the sky that was on one of the paintings.
After doing it the orb became warm and started to show MYSELF <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />
Then it backed up out of the corridor, up to the castle, outside the castle, always going faster and faster. I saw the village, the images I saw kept going southwest, turned straight west at some kind of tower. Then a castle showed up, the orb slowed down, entered the castle, flew into it’s dungeons into a similar room like this where a purple-silver orb stood, just like the orb I saw on the painting I copied the symbol from. The room was empty and I heard someone say “Call the master, tell him there is a communication”.

I knew it, this was some kind of communication device between the 7 wizards and the symbols were means to reach a certain wizard. Too bad we don’t have the other 3 symbols. Hopefully we’ll find them in other castles. Now how to terminate the ‘communication’….
I tried releasing the wand and *poof*, the orb was back into it’s original colors.

“HEY GUYS !!, I know how to find the other wizards !!!”

“What !!???” Womble and DQueene replied together. “Yeah, This orb is some sort of communication device, but to set up the ‘connection’ it has to fly to th other ORBs, showing the carrier of the ORB how to get there. Now we just gotta find out which wizard is which.

“C’mon, let’s get out of here.” I put the wand and the ORB in my backpack and we all started digging.

“This is useless.”, I said after 15 minutes and rmoving 3 big rocks, “there has to be another way. I did thought I saw a window in the next room. Womble, can you ‘untrap’ the door for me?”
“Aye sir” he answered and grinniked. After 3 minutes the door was untrapped and open, Womble had already slain the 2 guards in there as well. This happened so fast it amazed me. “I’m getting used to these kind of surprises” He said.

“DQueene, come over here!” I shouted and she came running into the room, her face covered with dust <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />. Hang on I said and they both grabbed a hand, hold on tight, I’ve never carried 2 persons, and I tried to lift them a few centimeters…. “Barely, but I’ll manage it”
I flew out of the window and immediately I took a plunge of 50 meters “AAAAAAAAaaaa” they shouted and I laughed, “did you really think I could just ‘barely’ carry you both” I laughed, I just almost made them both sh*t their pants

I flew around the cliffs looking for the entrance and I landed there. We walked inside, to the room with the 3 doors. We saw them all digging in despair “Hang on” they shouted

“Hey all <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" />, who have you burried under there” I asked with a huge ‘evil’ smile on my face <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" /> “Need a hand??”

Joined: Apr 2003
Joined: Apr 2003
They were digging frantically, to get to DQueene, Viper, and Womble,
there was so much dust in the air, Jurak couldn't see anyone through
the thick, microscopic particles of solid material, He was just about
to yell again when Willow noticed the three "victims" , sedately strolling
through the door <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />!!!
"Hey Viper,Womble,DQueene, how the heck did you get from there to here?
Which of you is the secret magician?"......she chided.

Viper told them about the window in the next room, and how they flew out
on his back.They all laughed when he had told them how he "scared the crap"
out of DQ and Womb..., and himself too almost!!, then further added
that the both of them should lose a little weight! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/suspicion.gif" alt="" />
for what good is a fallen diva with a broken back...
Womble walked over to Jurak and "meat" who were still busy digging away,
the dust flying everywhere, Womble stood there a moment, enjoying their stupidity,
and yelled "HeY! Jurak!"....the pig heard and turned to see his master <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />....
well!!,.. the poor swines tail went straight as a pin <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />
and it charged towards Womble, knocking him over in the process,
and lickin his whole face, the pig had womble pinned to the floor! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

Jurak hearing all the commotion, tried to exit his "little tunnel" a "little
too quickly", and banged his head for the third time today......... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ouch.gif" alt="" />[color:"#33cc33"]
"That's it i'm trading in some of my stuff in the next town for a GOOD HELMET,
[/color] and rubbed his head in the same spot and the previous two hits! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ouch.gif" alt="" />

Kiya was talking with DQueene,...
Jurak couldn't make out quite what it was ......
but it sure looked serious,..
Viper spoke again, after the dust had settled,
and told the rest about his wizard locator device.......
it seemed to be a very interesting topic... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/think.gif" alt="" />

Last edited by Jurak; 13/06/03 08:02 AM.

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF.
[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #35292 13/06/03 09:25 AM
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: Belgium
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: Belgium
[color:"#00cccc"]For my own safty, and that of the others, i gave the book of the dead to Willow. "Here keep the book. You saw it isnt only evil, it can be used for good too."
She hesitated a moment but took the book. Then she 'lifted' up in the air and dissapeared. After some time she re-appered. What was that all about??
"I am the keeper of the book now." That was the only thing she said.

Oh well, at least the book was in goods hands now.
DQueen, Womble and Viper had arrived too. They came from the way we entered <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />.
"How?!" They told us how. I had to stop myself not to burst into laughter.

"Ok, next stop: Aganeth! Or am i missing something??" I was getting really anxious to make him pay for what he had done to my family.
My blod started to boil. Luckily i could calm myslef down abit. Othewise my bereserk would have kicked in. And that wasnt good, at least not now.

There was alot of talking here DQueen and Kiya had a serious conversation.
And Jurak, well he wished he had a helmet of somekind. He just had hitted his head for the third time, if i understood all the stories right. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/delight.gif" alt="" />

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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