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kiya #35333 14/06/03 03:55 PM
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I ran down the stairs taking 2 steps at a time, almost falling. luckily I still had my wings to keep my balance. I ran towards where Womble and Jurak were looting and laughing.

I went to Jurak, took him by he ear and dragged him to Womble (not an easy task I must admit), I took both heads and smacked them (not to hard though) against each other, they both fell on the ground.

"Heeeeeeeey, what's got'n into you??!!" they shouted, amazed by what just happened.
[color:"red"] "You 2 care about nothing else but this gold for the moment! I know you love it both, but when there are more important matters at hand...... YOU BOTH NEED TO SET YOUR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT!!
Is the sled ok??? don't think so
Do we have a fire yet since darnkess is falling??? Don't think so..

Shh, don't interrupt me

Do we have anything to carry the extra luggage with us?? Nope, haven't seen such a thing yet have I.
*Sarcasm* Oooooow but wait, we DO have enough gold to buy a whole village don't we?? Phew, I was almost worried there.*/sarcasm*

Agreed we need Gold, but we can pick that up when we leave, can't we. SHHHHHH, DO NOT INTERRUPT ME AGAIN <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" /> Upstairs are important things happening to the group but none of us knows what, because we aren't there !!!
Did you even know that jvb, Luc and Dragh have rejoined us... OFCOURSE NOT !!!

So get you butts upstairs and take 1 FINAL look at your precious gold because in a few minutes" [/color]
I took out the potion and said "Well, just take a last look and see what happens to your gold".
I threw the bottle at the gold, heard them both yelling "NOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo" and when the potion hit the gold all the gold started changing into dull, grey lead.
"NOOOOOOoooooo" they shouted, "Our precious gold".

"Still complaining about gold I see, maybe I need to throw the 2 bags you seperated onto the pile as well huh? Now get your butts upstairs, figure out a way to get the sled there and how we can improve the sled to carry more luggage. I'll make the fire with jvb (little did I know jvb was all fire <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" /> )

jvb #35334 14/06/03 03:58 PM
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Three women looked at each other - DQueene let out a deep sigh:

"Whew, that was close - I really thought for a moment I would have to freeze him..."

I nodded:

"Yep, saw that and I hope we find a solution very quickly for this little guy. LaShandra, is there a possibility for him to control his powers? I can't run around with a bucket of ice cold water all the time..."

The vampire stroked her chin, deep in thought:
"I understand - he can be a threat as long as both sides fight for power... Hmmmmmmm,this time his human self took over - but the next time?" She nestled at her arms underneath a cloak and came up with a beautiful silver bracelet, runes engraved in it and gems in 4 different colours.

"Now you know my secret, why I can control myself and not suck out every single drop - here, it will serve this young boy now. It's the [color:"yellow"]Bracelet Of Utter Control And Balance[/color]. If he changes into a dragon now, he will do it at own wish... And only you, DQueene, will be able to take it off!"

With these words she bent down to Jvb silent figure, and snapped the bracelet around his wrist. It made a final snapping sound - like handcuffs?

kiya #35335 14/06/03 05:36 PM
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So many things had happened already today - we had killed the Wizard Aganeth, Viper had discovered the means to find some of the 7 Wizards we were seeking, Viper was very ill and I feared for him, Jurak had killed two innocent tortured beasts (I still had to deal with that and would <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/suspicion.gif" alt="" />) one in its sleep, jvb was becoming a dragon before he was ready to control it, and now LaShandra may become a blood starved demon without her bracelet to control her internal monster.

I looked into LaShandra's beautiful dark eyes and asked the question I think she most feared, "Will you be able to control your bloodlust?" She looked at me with her fathomless dark eyes and I read her thoughts as surely as if she had spoken them to me out loud. I nodded once, "Right, you stay with me and jvb, our 'dragon' blood seems to satisfy you quickly, with little or no pain for us." She smiled at me gratefully and tentatively held out her hand for me to grasp. I took it and smiled back, if anyone understood the beast that dwelled within, it was LaShandra.

I turned to Kiya and when I looked into her eyes we shared the same kind of intimate knowledge, What?? What did this mean? How could Kiya understand the beast? Then I thought about her sudden ability to fight with ferocity that rivaled a dragon, could this mean she had changed? I shook my head, only time would tell.

"Kiya, what do we do next? Find Nero? Find Rabaer? Or what about Aloicious from the prophesy?" Then I leaned over and whispered, "Something dreadful is wrong with Viper ... Do you know what it is?"

DQueene #35336 14/06/03 05:44 PM
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"I'm not sure, DQueene - I fear for the worst... he'll tell us this evening - please, be brave. If there is anything we can do, I'll rip this world apart, believe me. We've got to find Rabaer - wish the guys would hurry up and solve Viper's little chores... Nero? Bah, why didn't he stay here with us? I'll have to save his butt again, grrrrrrrr."

Then I had an idea:
"Meetheka!!! DQueene, why can't you ask her? Can you talk to her by using your mirror?"

I turned to Jvb - he was still unconscious - damn, some guys really have a bad habit to fade off, become invisible etc. when work is calling. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/memad.gif" alt="" /> Then I remembered - the dart I had picked up - grinning devishly I fished it out of my satchel - pricked it into Jvb's behind <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" /> and dodged away.

kiya #35337 14/06/03 06:10 PM
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I saw Kiya get an impish look on her face, fumble in her pouch and approach Jvb. I just shrugged, Kiya wouldn't hurt Jvb - maybe make his life a little interesting <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" /> but she'd never harm him. I concentrated on pulling my little mirror out of my pouch to try and do what Kiya had asked - contact Meetheka.

I stared into the mirror and it started have dark storm clouds billowing across its reflective surface. They started forming words! The words were [color:"black"] Out to visit a friend. Call back later. [/color]

"Kiya, she's not answering," I looked up just in time to see her doing something to Jvb's backside <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/suspicion.gif" alt="" />, laughing and jumping away ...

kiya #35338 14/06/03 06:13 PM
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[color:"pink"] the air felt wonderfull, soft wind in my face, while i was flying over the landscape.
It all looked beautifull..
And that was not all, I was flying next to a silver dragon, which emitted a great energy and.. [/color]

I jumped up.
"Who, what, why, when, where?"

"You were unconsious, we had to wake you up <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" /> " Kiya said, smiling very evil <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />
"Very well then..Hey what is this thing?"
I looked at my bracelet.
"Since when do i have this?"
"LaShandra gave it to you, it will make it possible for you to control your dragon half, because you are still to young to be able to do that on your own."
"But that means that LaShandra can't-"
"Lets not talk about that." LaShandra said.
"I believe viper needs you outside."

"Ok then, i will go see him."
I walked back down the stairs, and saw viper being not very kind to womble and jurak <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />
"Hey vipey, I've been told that you need me?"
"Yeah thats right, i was wondering if you could help me to make a fire."

"Hmm let me try."
this is a great oppurtunity to test if this thing really works.

I closed my eyes, and for the first time a was able to SEE the dragon that was inside of me.
I looked closer..
it doesn't look evil.. it looks powerfull but not evil.
But still I hesitated.
In my mind i walked towards the dragon and touched it, its skin felt nice.
why not, I'll just try it.. I trust this dragon.. Besides.. this draon IS me.

Then is happened.. I started changing again.
But this time it was a bit different.
No violent thoughts..
Just my own mind in a dragons body.
I inhaled and blew at the campfire, spitting fire.
It worked.. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
I saw viper, womble and jurak sitting there : <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />
They didn't have a clue what had happened.

I changed back.
"You guys shure missed a lot."

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #35339 14/06/03 06:20 PM
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I saw jvb changing and as he blew fire came out of his mouth and we had fire. I was astonished <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />

"Does this mean what I think it means???", jvb nodded, "you to jvb, you... and DQueene??" he nodded
"Indeed we are" he said, "we're both dragons".

"Right, c'mon Bump-heads <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />, let's go do something about that sled. any ideas??"

"AAWWW!!" I reached for my neck, the pains came more unexpected and more furious than before. "I'll explain everything tonight" I said to jvb, Womble and Jurak.

Viper #35340 14/06/03 06:26 PM
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Ahem... Maybe I should be more careful with Jvb next time... I tiptoed away and seeked shelter near DQueene, keeping a low profile and whistling innocently - frost can ward off fire? I hope so.

"DQueene, did you see that? We've got a problem, huh? Oh, about Metheeka - just ask her, where Nero is, please... Would help me to find him quicker."

Viper, you're giving me the creeps - I hope you'll really come out very quickly what's ailing you...

jvb #35341 14/06/03 06:40 PM
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I watched as Jvb walked out the door looking for Viper, he was unconciously rubbing his backside where Kiya had either pinched him or something. I laughed, looked up at LaShandra and saw laughter in her eyes too. I grinned at her and Kiya (who was giggling and looking totally mischievious) and said, "Even in the worst of times we can laugh, and if we can laugh we can love, and if we can love there is hope for all."

"Geez, now I'm trying to spout philosophy!" I just shook my head and waited for Kiya to tell me what she wanted to ask Meetheka.

Just then I heard music coming from my mirror. [Linked Image] The three of us jumped and stared at the mirror. I picked it up and stared at its mirrored surface questioningly. Suddenly a huge troll face appeared and I was staring into big black troll eyes with red sparks shooting out of them. To my shame, I almost dropped the mirror, catching it in the nick of time, just before it hit the ground. The 'picture' zoomed backwards so that I was no longer staring directly into big troll eyes and a hook nose; instead, I was seeing a tiny Meetheka standing there in a flowered muumuu looking very disgusted. "Hello? Meetheka is that you?"

She just frowned at me, looking even more disgusted if that's possible (I know, it's hard to tell when a troll is just looking like a troll, or is trying to look like a very disgusted troll).

"DQueene, what do you think you are doing? You've lost one of your companions haven't you? Not only that, you've lost him to Rabaer!"

"What? Who?" I glanced around, sad to say I was noticing for the first time that I hadn't seen Nero for some time. I glanced at Kiya, "Who's missing? Is it Nero?"

Kiya replied, "Didn't you just hear me? I told you to ask her about Nero!" She started tapping her foot impatiently and had her hands on her hips in a no nonsense attitude.

"Hey, I was busy dropping my mirror, and catching it!"

Last edited by DQueene; 14/06/03 06:46 PM.

DQueene #35342 14/06/03 06:46 PM
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I gasped and ran up to DQueene:

"Yes, Nero is missing, he thought he smelt some enemies and said it was an allergy and then I lost track and.... Now he's with Rabaer? DRAT!"

I grabbed for the mirror and DQueene nearly dropped it twice - after endless seconds of tugging we peered both into the mirror.

"Where is Nero exactly? What happened to him, is he alive and well off?"

The troll face remained silent - I bit on my lips and tried again:

"Please, Meetheka, give me a clue...."

She folded her fat arms under her breast, and the horrid flower pattern on her muumuu started to move how can a woman have such a bad taste? Yuck,orange and red! Probably from troll designer Karl Lagerfeld... then she parted her lips reluctantly:

"Your companion is a demon now, one of Rabaer's undead wizards has him under his force - if you don't stop him very quickly..." Scratching her nose - do those mirros have to show everything? "He'll march up to Beregost with a demon army and every day your comrade remains in this force will diminish his human self - bit by bit, day by day, hour by hour..." yes, and minute by minute, too

I gave DQueene back her mirror, leaving courtesies up to her, I was in no mood to thank for these bad news.

No, I'm not even going to show anyone how worried I am. We need all our strength to find that wizard. And he'd better be alive and well cared for, Rabaer... I thought grimly - feeling my face going stoney and hard.

[color:"#a0a0ff"]The drumming Tune of Revenge started...[/color]

Last edited by kiya; 14/06/03 07:50 PM.
kiya #35343 14/06/03 06:48 PM
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Everybody gathered around the campfire, everybody was hungry and Womble and Jurak found a nice dead pig that they had cooked over the fire.

They all were there, one big circle around the fire in the dimmering light of day. Womble, Jurak, jvb, Dqueene, kiya, Lishandra, Luc, Dragh, Jolie and willow, even Kilala, LadyStreak, Fe and Meatloaf were there (I hope I haven't forgotten anybody)
Darkness started to take over from the day and the silence it brought with it was penetrating, hardly anybody was talking and they all looked at me.
"OK, this is not easy for me, but I feel I owe to all of you the truth, you're all in my heart and I love every single one of you so greatly I never thought I could."

*silence* I walked around a bit and then I stood stil, my back turned to the fire. I looked to the stars adn started talking.

"As you all know by now, I'm a Deva.... a fallen Deva. I didn't know much about my race as I didn't come from this world but every night I had vision about my origin and race. This allowed me to understand a bit more about myself.

In nature we deva's are immortal but there is one disease that can kill us: 'Pothakitis'. It's a disease that comes with great pains. I know about this disease and it's name through these vision yet I don't know how to cure them. Maybe some day i'll have a vision about it or we find a way to solve it."

I breathed deeply and blinked away a tear, luckily I was with my back turned towards them so they didn't see it

I continued
"These pains keep comng more unexpectidely and more furious. I don't know why but in my case the disease is evolving 3 times faster than normal.... maybe because I'm not from this world. The pains began when we left the city inside the invisible barrier. I also think that the 'evil' jvb sensed in there maybe gave me this disease. it's possible than the cure can be found there as well and that the 'evil' in there is related to some wizard, I don't know, I'm just thinking outloud here.

Anyway, the pains kept coming faster after each other and a lot more aggressive, It's hard for me to cope with them but I'm hanging in here. When needed i'll ask one of you to make me some pain-diminishing potions.

The downside of all this is that I can't keep it together sometimes"

I bursted in tears............

Last edited by Viper; 14/06/03 06:50 PM.

Viper #35344 14/06/03 07:06 PM
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it touched me.
i had tears in my eyes..
"I dont want to lose you.."
I went towards viper and comforted him.
"I swear that we will find a cure for you, i promise.
Even if i will die trying, i wont let you die."
My bracelet started glowing.. strange.
There's a lot more about that thing that i need to find out.
We sat there, by the campfire.
We were all sad.. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/puppyeyes.gif" alt="" />

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
Viper #35345 14/06/03 07:09 PM
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I was frozen for a moment in my shock, Why hadn't I known my love was in such pain? Had he kept it from me? First, I felt anger at his deception and then I shook it off and jumped up and ran to him. Wrapping my arms around him, I held him tight as his tears flowed into my hair.

"Let me try to heal you." I begged, although the dragon healer inside me was just shaking her head as if to say we couldn't heal him. I yelled at her inside my head, Why not? Why can't I heal him? I'd give my life for him! She just shook her head and turned away, no answer coming from her lips.

I turned my eyes outward again, holding Viper and feeling him echo my inner dragon's thoughts. "DQueene, I know you love me as I love you." He hesitated, "But this is something I have to do. I know, from my visions, that your touch cannot heal this disease. Your help to me will be in fighting and destroying the evil Wizards, destroy their dominion over the world and we might all be free."

DQueene #35346 14/06/03 08:03 PM
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Another blow - we lost one companion already - and now the next was threatened, I felt cold and numb, I was slowly taking Milady Fate very personally - then I pulled myself together, went up to Viper:

"I'll not allow this damn world to kill you - hear me? I... Kiya... won't allow it!!... and if it's the last thing I'm going to do on this goddamn planet - I'll rip it apart, drag all healers to you, I'll..." Calm down, Kiya - don't panic now...I took a deep breath and tried to encourage this wonderful, brave Fallen Deva, the leader of your group, with a smile - crooked one probably.

"Viper, we need to get to Beregost, that town Jolie comes from - maybe a healer there can help. Just tell us when you need rest, ok? Spare your strength. As soon as we've kicked Rabaer's whatsoever and freed Nero we'll go to this town. If that sled ever gets ready in this century...."

[color:"#a0a0ff"]The slow pulsating rhythm of Revenge grew stronger... joined by the highpitched notes of Impatience...[/color]

kiya #35347 14/06/03 08:23 PM
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"thank you for your support" I said to all of them whiping away my last tears. "I usually don't break down like this but I have held it inside too long now.

No kiya, I'll fly to Beregost when needed and contact healers there, no need to slow you guys down on this kinda 'timed quest'."

I went back to the fire, gave DQueene a soft kiss and went to sit next to Womble and Jurak "So guys, what are your plans with the sled, we need it by tomorowmorning. I can help all night since I don't need a lot of sleep anyway, so tell me what I can do to help ok, even if it's just making some 'irish' coffee <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />. Hey Womble, have we got some good alcoholic drink here, I need some"

Dqueene, jvb and kiya went back to their places discussing their plans as well

Viper #35348 14/06/03 09:25 PM
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"I'm sure there was some in the castle. That is if we're allowed to go and 'loot' the kitchen?"
Viper sighed. "Sure....." He said despondently.
"Mark my words.. " I said, "if there is any way to find a cure for you I will personnaly beat it out of every one of those wizards!"
Viper smiled, "Thanks man, hey, sorry Kiya is so horrible but she's kinda hard to refuse, you know?"
"I know, she reminds me of a dwarven woman." I said wistfully. There was a thought that hung in my mind for a second but it was jumped on and beaten up almost immediately.

"Cmon then Jurak!" The Orc rose, tired and grouchy. He didn't even bother speaking.
We made our way towards the castle courtyard to find some materials for a sled 'trailer'.

The courtyard was empty, the guards we didn't kill had fled upon hearing about their master's defeat. There was a cart over in a corner. "This'll do!" I said to Jurak. We went to investigate...

The mid-sized wagon was laiden with barrels, on the side of each were the words 'frederick's quality dwarven ale'. "Hey look Jurak!" I pointed excitedly. Jurak's eyes widened. He laughed loud and proud. "Looks like today isn't all hard word then my small friend!"
"Let's get these wagons moving then eh?" I replied.

We found a few horses left in the stables and hitched them to the wagon. We had to dispose of a few kegs for eventual transport space. That hurt....
We rode back to the camp in a few minutes. Viper grinned at us with his back to Kiya. "I can always trust you guys to find the necessary supplies!"

I unhitched the horses and started to hook up the wagon to the sled.
"AAAAAAACHOOOOO!" A violent sneeze tore through my body.
"Looks like someone's allergic to horses" DQ said with a smile.
"Yeah, never did like them much." I replied. "These horses can be useful if you want to ride instead of sitting on the wagon with a pile of supplies."

We hitched up the wagon with no problem. Loading our supplies and the remaining gold we had.
After about an hour of work Jurak, myself and Viper sat down and cracked open one of the beer kegs. It was a bit ripe, warm and flat but it tasted like the nectar of the gods.
"Ahhhhh!" I said, finishing my mug in seconds.
Viper sipped his quietly, staring into the distance....

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #35349 14/06/03 09:46 PM
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I kept watching our passionate looters and couldn't concentrate on our discussion - so I excused myself and went over to even more passionate drug addicts. I glared at Womble:

"Well, master thief? Is the sled ready? We have to start very early in the morning - so, I'd not drink so much, the sunrays could hurt you... In case you don't know: Nero has been kidnapped, transformed into a demon and is under force of an undead wizard at the service of Rabaer - keep a few braincells of yours dry, will you?" The one or two that were able to rescue themselves on a rock in...

[color:"#a0a0ff"] The slow pulsating rhythm of Revenge grew stronger... joined by the highpitched notes of Impatience and underlined by aggravation...[/color]

kiya #35350 14/06/03 09:51 PM
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"Yes mistress! Your chariot awaits!" I said pointing to the sled with a grin.
"Now leave me be to enjoy a hard-earned drink will you?"

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #35351 14/06/03 10:09 PM
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Anger rose - how dared he to address me like that? I swallowed it - for now, turned on my heels and went back to the others. There I told them, I was tired and wanted to look for a quiet place to sleep - far away from everything.

I said goodnight - leaving Womble and Jurak out - gave Viper a reassuring pat on his shoulder, snatched a blanket and settled down near the castle walls. Trying to find a comfortable position, I closed my eyes and started to dream...

[color:"#a0a0ff"] The slow pulsating rhythm of Revenge dimmed... the highpitched notes of Impatience, underlined by aggravation were held in balance...[/color]

kiya #35352 14/06/03 10:45 PM
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I was fuming, Viper was ignoring me and sticking with the other men. How dare he? He tells me he might be dying and then he goes off to be with the boys?

Ouch, my skin itched. I glanced down at the current offending spot and noticed that my silver scales were even denser than before. Dratted deva! He was making me angry which even a dummy could see wasn't a very smart thing to do.

I glared over to where the 'guys' were sitting and swilling down their latest find. I had watched them loading the wagon with our supplies for over an hour, while Viper studiously ignored me, and then they sat down to drink from their pilfered stash of homebrew. I strolled over toward the wagon, wishing I was a fire dragon for just a few moments, I'd toast their cahones but good!

Glancing up at the wagon, I noticed the 'ale' keg they had been drinking from had some writing on it. A word that started with [color:"orange"]H [/color]. Curious I turned the barrel around, surprized that the dwarf hadn't checked it out first. When I saw what was written on the barrel, I died out laughing.

All of the men looked up at me and Womble asked me what was so funny. I looked at them, tried to stop, choked and burst out laughing agian and just started pointing back and forth between their mugs and the barrel. Womble got up walked over and glanced at the barrel and choked, turned purple and started spitting on the ground, which of course only made me laugh harder.

Finally catching my breath and looking at the totally confused look on the the other guy's faces I was finally able to stutter out, "You are drinking, [color:"orange"] H-h-horse U-uri-urine! [/color]." I choked on my laughter and held my stomach because they were all jumping up and spitting and rubbing their mouths trying to get the taste out.

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