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DQueene #35353 15/06/03 03:14 AM
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After Jolie's wife appeared, we started frantically looking though the pages of the book.
I was amased at how well i could read it...i had gained so much knowledge.

What to look for?
Freezing the

Whay should i look for????????

Maybe this is it...
Cursing a person to walk the earth forever.

Jolie, i will let you try this counter spell. It is your should free her, not i.
I helped him with the pronouceations.
Ora Vadama, Mea Germculpa, oh salhgmasa...

Jolie's wife's ghost started to fade...
Thnak you my love, i can now rest in peace...
Please, be happy, and have my blessing in all you choose. I will love you forever, and will see you in the after life.

With that she was gone, Jolie cried tears of unwept pain, and relief.

She can now be happy he mused...


That night, after travelling for some time, we all sat around a fire, eating and resting after seemed like a century of concern, and fighting.
The concern would not stop this night it seemed.
Viper told us of his very serious illness. Everyone vowed to do what they could for him. DQueene was so distrought.
Maybe if we could find another of his kind...unlikely, but maybe.
There was also Nero to find, and the next wizard to overcome.

And, of course, i still had the Nymph's tear. Again, i heard her haunting song...

I will think of it in the morning. I needed rest.
I curled up on a patch of soft grass, and went asleep hoping Jolie would come sleep beside me this night.

Carrie #35354 15/06/03 05:16 AM
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I looked at all the men, they were trying to do anything and everything they could to get the taste out of there mouth. I laughed one last time and went and put my [color:"orange"] marker [/color] back into my backpack. I'd found my backpack (with my [color:"orange"]marker [/color]in it) and my sword in the back of the sled earlier, although with all that had happened I hadn't unwrapped my sword yet.

I took the time to do that now. Feeling like I'd gotten a long lost friend back, I checked it for any signs of misuse. It was in good shape, Viper had taken great care with it. I glanced despairingly at him sitting by the fire. He was brooding and appeared to be in pain. Maybe I'd been too harsh, but he shouldn't have shut me out the way he did.

I got up and walked over and put my arms around him. When he started to move away to reject me I held him in place and whispered for his ears alone. "If we only have a little time together than it should be cherished, not cast away as if it has little value. Let me see if I can relieve some of your pain." He nodded his head slowly and bent his head and kissed my hand. I called to my dragon and she came, passing healing warmth into his body. He slowly sank into sleep in my arms. Kiya woke from her sleep and looked up and saw me struggling to lay him down without waking him and came over to help me, we lay him down close enough to the fire to stay warm.

I touched her hand and squeezed it slightly to say thank you. I walked over to LaShandra and asked if she would be able to find us at Rabaer's castle and she smiled, Your blood is now my blood, I can find you where ever you are. I held out my wrist and she closed her eyes and spoke haltingly, You shame me with your generousity, my queen. She dipped her head a sipped delicately and then licked the pinpricks, healing them in an instant. Call me when you need me, and I promise I will be there. She swirled into a mist and disappeared from sight.

I walked back over and curled up beside Viper for what was left of the night, resting my hand on his shoulder for comfort. Kiya was already sleeping soundly again, but I could see her eyelids fluttering, she was dreaming ...

DQueene #35355 15/06/03 06:50 AM
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I had spend the night with the guys because I thought DQueene needed to discuss important matters with kiya and the others AND because I needed to discuss our practical problems with the guys concerning the sled.

yet when I looked at her from time to time she seemed to be OR ignoring me OR looking mad at me. What did I do wrong... *sigh* Women, who will ever understand them??
Then she stood up to, went to the cart and studied the barrels I had hardly drunk from because it tasted pretty weird. Then she started laughing very hard and when she could control herself again she told us what she had found out.
YUCK!! I jumped up, spit out as much as I could and grabbed some meat to get the taste out..

"Good old dwarven ale eeey Womble" I said with a furious/teasing look in my eyes <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />

Then she came to me and tried to relieve my pain, I knew she wasn't 'allowed' to do that, but she insisted so I let her do what she wanted. I started feeling drousy and my eyes went shut.

After a few hours I woke up, the fire was still buring with the remaining coals and daylight started coming up. everybody was sleeping and DQueene lay next to me, her hand on my shoulder.
I got up, tried to sneak away as silent and softly as I could. She grumbled a bit but continued sleeping. I stirred up the fire again till nice flames came out and started to heat some water for coffee.

kiya opened her eyes "Aaah, I love the smell of fresh coffee in the morning" she said, rubbing her eyes.
"shhht, let's not wake the others yet, they need all the sleep they can get because I suspect we've got some hard times ahead of us."
"You're right, let's wake them up in an hour or so, when the sun is fully up. How are you holding?"
"I'm fine I said, I slept without pain tonight so I'm very rested. You see kiya, the pains come and go and most of the time they don't stay very long, but it's those long and furious pains that are hard to cope with. Luckily they don't come that often, so please don't think I'm helpless because you see me in pain from time to time".

Last edited by Viper; 15/06/03 06:51 AM.

Viper #35356 15/06/03 09:28 AM
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After long looking in the book, searching for the right spell, Willow said:
"I've found it. But i think you should say the words. It's your wife."
She helped me with the correct pronounciation.
"Ora Vadama, Mea Germculpa, oh salhgmasa"
Lisa started to fade. "Be happy. Do what you feel is right, i know you will do the right thing. I'll se you back in the afterlife."
She dissapeared.

I stood there for a few moments and started to cry <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cry.gif" alt="" />. Partially sadness and partially relief. Willow comforted me a bit. It feels good to be loved again.

Later that day

Viper told us about his illness. I was shocked. Oh no, i'm not going through this again. I dont want to lose another friend!

I also noticed Nero wasnt aywhere around. "Kiya, any idea were Nero is?"
"Nero is captured by some undead wizard in the name of Rabaer. He's becomming a demon."
I could see the worried lookon her face. "Dont worry Kiya. We'll find him in time."
I turned to Viper:"Once we're in Beregost, visit brother Ezechiël. He'll probably know what to do."

It was late and i was getting pretty tiered. Willow went to sleep in the grass.
I hesitated a moment to lay next to her. She gave you her blessing, go for it! I took a deep breath and lay myself next to her, putting one arm around her. I didnt took long for me to fall asleep. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/sleepey.gif" alt="" />

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
Viper #35357 15/06/03 10:47 AM
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I knew Viper wasn't helpless - but I was worried, we were running out of time. Looking around I noticed all were still asleep - and some of them probably still suffering from their "special drink" <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> - I cupped my hands around the mug of coffee Viper had given me and stared into the glowering embers of our campfire. My thoughts wandered to Nero - why did he have to get himself in trouble again? Why didn't he stay with the group in the cage room and stuck to freeing the beasts?

Bits and fragments of my last night dream came to mind again... Dark wood... high trees... moonlight shimmering on a little pond... and next to it: Nightwind, the unicorn. I was enhanced and in awe by her beauty... her blue eyes penetrated my soul and touched my heart, searched for something... "Mortal, you have freed my daughter - we unicorns are free again and will be forever in your debt."

"No, Nightwind, no debt - you're free and free you shall remain - I don't want your debt - no further bonds that tie and gag or force to obedience - NO!"

She whinnied and touched my forehead with ther horn playfully - a very sharp horn, by the way.

"Some bonds, Mortal, come by own free choice - they do not gag and bond... they aid and support - why are you reluctant to learn this?"

I blushed and kept silent...I'm not going to tell her why, so there! After a while she spoke again:

"You will find Rabaer's castle - but not him - your demon friend is in great danger. If you find Rabaer - you will find your friend next to him - but finding is not freeing him... He is encircled by the kind of bond you fear and decline... The solution for helping your friend to tear his bonds is in Rabaer's Castle, so search it thoroughly..."

Her appearance started to waver and become transparent...

"Wait, what do I have to search for - please, what is it?" I cried out and tried to hold her back.

"Look for his heart... It is disguised... but if you find it... you have the key to free him..."

I felt restless - we have to start soon - we're running out of time, I went over to my comrades and started to wake them...

[color:"#a0a0ff"] The slow pulsating rhythm of Revenge was alive again ... the highpitched notes of Impatience strummed...[i][/color]

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jvb Offline
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I opened up 1 eye and saw kiya walking towards me..
NO, not again.. I thought, and i jumped up.

"Haha, you didn't get me this time <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> "
"Its a shame <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" /> , could you help me wake them all up?"
"But off course."
and so i did.

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #35359 15/06/03 01:37 PM
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Kiya woke me up. "Goodmorning" i anwsered.
I kissed Willow on the cheek. She woke and turned her head towards me. I looked into her eyes. She smilled and kissed me back.
"Goodmorning, my love" i wispered. "Goodmorning to you too." She anwsered with a big smile. "Slept well?" she added.
"Yes, i havent slepped this well in weeks."
We laid there for a while, wakeing up, and then we joined the others around the fire for brakefast.

"What are the plans for today?" I asked.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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[color:"#00cccc"]Jurak awoke to the sound of a crackling fire and the smell of fresh coffee..

[color:"33cc33"]Hmmmmm, that was some night last night, eh DQ, [/color]
said Jurak rubbing his eyes,[color:"#33cc33"]
And by the way, i saw you scribble on those barrels, but i didn't say
anything...for I know you only wanted Viper to be by your harm done,
and it was actually quite funny to see everyone's reaction...... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> [/color] awake, shot a glare at DQ.....who just smirked
and broke out was so infectious that soon,... all who were awake,
shared in the joviality of the joke.

[color:"#33cc33"]Womble, myself, and Viper have prepared the sled, and it's trailer for the coming journey,
and we should get a move on,
to make the most of the daylight.....are we all in agreement?[/color]

"Meat" and "Fe" were finishing off the rest of "meats" cousin,
the rest were slowly waking up, and it was a new day,
with the sun shining brightly.... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

[color:"#33cc33"]Shall we venture forth into the unknown then.....[/color]

Last edited by Jurak; 16/06/03 03:28 AM.

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[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #35361 15/06/03 06:37 PM
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Everybody was awake now.
"ok people, gather round here, I need to show you this before I start forgetting stuff as well <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />"
I took the colored ORB and wand and made the symbol I remembered in the sky. they all saw an image in the ORB of us standing there. Then the image started to 'fly' away, away from the castle to the South-West, it crossed the wild river we crossed earlier and then it passed a lake, over some mountains. The image slowed down and came near a castle where it 'flew' in and went into a room with and ORB just like it, only with other colors.

"Strange I said, the ORB seems to adjust it's course depending on where I'm standing. Interesting though, this way we can travel a bit and use the ORB to reorient us."
I dropped the wand before the ORB connected with the other one

"Ok everybody saw that, THAT is our next destination. I suggest we go back to the bridge to cross the river and go South from there. Does anyone know the lake or the mountains.. someone from this world probably should... Jolie?? You lived the nearest imho"

Viper #35362 15/06/03 07:20 PM
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I made a decision - maybe a rash one - but I had to. I ran up to Viper and touched his arm:
"Viper, I've had a dream this night - Nightwind the unicorn warned me - Nero is in great danger! May I please take the griffin and rush over? I need to get an artefact to help him - Please?"

Viper frowned - I knew he didn't like this idea - but he knew how stubborn I was:

"Well, if I can't hold you..." My face brightened up... "under ONE condition, you take Jvb and DQueene with you. Ask them first."

I nodded and ran up to Jvb, explained everything and the little guy consented - though he went a bit pale by the thought of flying on a griffin's back all the long way to Rabaer's Castle.
A long and imploring look towards DQueene was all I had to do: "Thank you both - thank you very much!"

I took out the griffin feather, blew gently over it and wished for Ascolan...

The wind rose and after a while I saw a tiny spec in the sky, growing slowly - then - at last, Ascolan the mighty griffin landed in front of me.

I ran up to him:

"Ascolan I need your help - my friend is in the hands of Rabaer, the mighty Doom Wizard - your former master. I have to get to this castle and find an artefact to free him out of his bonds. Please, could you carry 2-3 of us there - and do you know where it is?"

His fiery and proud eyes viewed me - then he nodded silently, turned around, spread his wings and waited patiently for us to mount him.

"Come on, Jvb and DQueene - we're off and away!" To the others:

"Don't worry, we'll return as soon as we have this artefact, we'll catch up with you on our return - Farewell!"

I was excited - my eyes shone, I would fly for the very first time in my life. Then I scrambled on the griffin's back and held out my hand to pull Jvb up. I knew, DQueene would rather do it on her own...

kiya #35363 15/06/03 07:52 PM
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I saw kiya, Dqueene and jvb mouting the griffin and he took off. I blew a kiss in the sky... Goodbye my love, be carefull.

"Ok people, kiya, DQueene and jvb are going ahead because Nero needs help urgently. We are leaving to the castle as well for Womble's axe so everybody pack your stuff, throw it on the 'sled-car' and get going, I'll 'clean' up here."

They all packed their bags as soon as they could, gathered all they needed in the 'sled-car' and hopped in the sled and some in the car. "Don't forget people, I'll catch up as soon as I can, I won't take long, go now and go fast, I feel we're running out of time. Oh yeah, everybody get some gold for themself, if we get split up we got means to eat"

Jurak nodded towards me and drove off towards where we came from: the bridge over the river. I looked to the campfire, threw some water over it, scattered the ashes and started collecting my stuff. While collecting I drank the last cup of delicious strong coffee. Ah that black gold <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
I saw DQueene forgot her sword and I wnet over to it.
"Ok sword, we've been through this before, you know I've got DQueene's permission so don't fight this ok? I took the sword and.... nothing, it let me grab it. I tied the sword on my back and picked up my bag... did I forget anything..??

I got the ORB and the wand... I remember the sym... NO, I forgot it !!!
"Sh*t, gotta find the room again" I flew back to where I remembered me, Womble and DQueene coming from. I looked at the paintings and... "aah what the hell", I took the paintings out of their frames, rolled them up and put them in my bag.

"Now I've got everything" I said, "let's catch up with the rest"
I took off to the road leading to the bridge and flew at ease, enjoying the sun... it's gonna be a dam*n hot day today

Viper #35364 15/06/03 07:58 PM
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Ascolan tried to carry all of us on his back and it just wasn't possible. Suddenly I saw my dragon self in my mind smiling at me and shaking her head. She thought I was being really stupid about something I could tell. Wait, maybe I could fly? I had visions of all the possible disasters, not the least of which was making a complete idiot of myself. "Ascolan, land and I will see if I can't get there another way, okay?"

I walked away from the group, deciding that I might need a lot of room for what I was about to try. I finally settled on a large clearing, well away from the others. I closed my eyes and tried to picture my dragon self, not tiny like she was in my mind but a huge silver dragon. There! I had the picture! I concentrated fiercely on that picture and felt ripples running down my back, almost losing it when I felt my clothes rip away from my body. I was panting hard when I felt no more changes and slowly opened my eyes.

Everything was so small! I looked down and saw a tattered remnant of my dress hanging from one claw. I stood up and stretched - trying to estimate my size - I was at least 9.5 ot 10 meters from nose to tail! I looked over my shoulders at my wings and tried to stretch them out to their fullest extent - they were almost 15 meters. Wow!

Boy, wait till the others see this! I tried tiptoeing delicately between the trees, trying not to crush them, without much success. I opened my mouth to call to Kiya and surprised myself with a roar, "Kiiiiyaaaa".

I swung my right claw up to cover my mouth (the one with my dress remnant attached) in embarassment not realizing what the others would see - a huge dragon with a dress dangling off her claw.[/color]

Viper #35365 15/06/03 08:05 PM
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[color:"#00cccc"]Jurak noticed while Viper was showing the Orb visions......that he had
recognized the "lake by the mountians", he remembered this lake from
when he was a small orcling, his parents used to take him there,
to get away from the "hustle and bustle of their daily lives",
This lake by the mountians will be a wonderful place for us to rest,
i remember it from when i was a small orcling...
the waters there are crystal clear, and there is a very high waterfall that
empties into the lake, i think it is fed by the glaciers atop the mountians!.
So the water may be very COLD and cause shrinkage!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

The rest of the group, "ooooohed and ahhhhhhed", and were very much looking
forward to arriving at the lake for a much needed "swim" to cleanse
themselves of the dirt and grime of the previous days.......skirmishes!

Last edited by Jurak; 16/06/03 03:29 AM.

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[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
DQueene #35366 15/06/03 08:12 PM
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[color:"#00bfff"]I had to laugh - that dress looked soooooo silly - but DQueene had turned into a beautiful silver dragon! Not really silver... the sunrays rippled over her scales and they danced in all iridescent colours of the rainbow. Same was with her eyes - they changed their colour every second. She had a long slender neck - even her body was slender - only her fangs and claws - they looked as if they could teach some persons really good manners <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif" alt="" />

"Hey, DQueene - ever thought about visiting a beauty parlour? This dress of yours - it's a bit small. Here, let me take it for you."

I climbed down from Ascolan's back got the piece of cloth - hope, she finds some time to mend these holes- reaching her:

" You've freed your dragon self at last, hm? She's a beauty... welcome, SilverDragon..."

- and directed myself back to the griffin. Jvb was pale - he gaped at the silver dragon with wide open mouth.

"Come one, Jvb," putting my hand under chin and closing gently,"you wouldn't like to find flies in your mouth, right? Ok, off we go again - Ascolan, lead the waaaayyyyyyyyy!"[/color]

kiya #35367 15/06/03 08:26 PM
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[color:"yellow"]Mod Completed [/color]

[color:"#00bfff"]Ascolan took off into flight like a pro. I just sort of sat there and tried hopping up into the air.[/color] [color:"yellow"]Crash, Bam! [/color][color:"#00bfff"] I landed on my butt. Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! I tried flapping my wings and hopping into the air. I actually manged to hover for all of a minute.[/color][color:"yellow"]Crash, Bam, Slam! [/color] [color:"#00bfff"]Flat on my face (snout??) in the dust.

Meanwhile, Kiya, Jvb, and Ascolan were up in the air literally laughing themselves silly. I glanced up at them sourly, I 'blew' a little bit of frost their way. Kiya didn't stop laughing even when her teeth started chattering.

Okay, I thought grimly. I know dragons fly so there has to be a way. I closed my eyes and thought really hard about flying, and then I felt Viper enter my thoughts and he started giving me instructions. He reminded me it was half magic and half physical. He pictured himself and showed me how/what he thought when he wanted to do certain things. I opened my eyes and leapt into the air, following his instructions, wobbling a little bit at first and then starting to get the hang of it. Beautiful freedom!

I whooshed by Ascolan and yelled, "Come on you slow pokes! I'll race you!" [/color]

DQueene #35368 15/06/03 08:32 PM
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[color:"#00bfff"]"Getting fresh, huh? Jvb hold on - we'll show her," my teeth were still clattering from her icy kiss... "Whoah, Ascolan - show her what a griffin can dooooooooooooo!"


Jvb was pale - turned green, clung desperately unto me - I felt the wind soar through Ascolan's feathers and my hair - I ducked, held my hands loosely at his neck and felt his muscles moving beneath me, balancing myself merely with my legs.

The Song of Freedom blew through my veins... wild laughter... balance... faster... clear air... sunrays... endless horizon... freedom... soaring... weightless... untamed... freeeeeeeee!!!

I couldn't stop laughing - felt Ascolan's muscles and our harmony - I yelled out my delight... then he swooped under DQueene, touching her playfully with his wing - she lost her balance for a short moment - then she took up speed - we played in the air together - soaring up - dancing spirals - touching - loosing contact - touching again - up to the sun - down to the earth - she made loopings - I was weightless... sheer movement... wind... balance... harmony... I felt peace again - was one with the griffin - one with the air - one with the sun - one with life - one with the Dance of Freedom...

"Woohooooooooh! That's fun, right, Jvb?" I laughed wildly.

kiya #35369 15/06/03 10:38 PM
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I was finally getting used to the loops and twirls. This was true freedom and I could tell that Kiya was in her element, she was laughing and happier than I had seen her since we came here. I flew above Ascolan matching air speed so that my shadow blocked out the sun. We were playing tag, Ascolan trying to 'lose me' by making quick swerves and sudden drops. Kiya laughing and staying with his every move - born to fly herself. Jvb on the other hand was looking greener and greener.

Suddenly Ascolan banked almost straight up heading for the clouds, I followed closely behind riding his slipstream like a dophin in the bow wake of a sailing ship.

DQueene #35370 15/06/03 10:48 PM
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[color:"#00bfff"] the Dance went on - Ascolan took up for the clouds, dived into them - moisture on my face - DQueene followed like a gracious silver arrow - playing hide and seek - popping up behind... above... under each other - dancing spirals again - taking up speed - slowing down - whirling - sweeping - dancing around each other - a weightless waltz in the air - touching again - teasing each other - I laughed again - wildly - freely - no bonds that tie and gag - no worries - just the air... the clouds... speed... movement... balance... scales glittering in the sun... icy wind...

"Are you ok, Jvb?".... Silence - not even a gulp or gasp, though I was nearly sure he was still behind me...

kiya #35371 15/06/03 11:30 PM
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[color:"#00bfff"]I heard Kiya questioning Jvb as I flew straight at her and Ascolan in a game of chicken. Both Ascolan and I made a sharp 90 degree turn at the last possible moment both of us flying straight up toward the sun. I heard a muffled yelp, and saw Jvb tumbling head over heels toward the earth.

I banked sharply performing a split 's' (the bottom part of the 's') and diving as fast as I could after Jvb's hurtling body. Using my wings to accelerate rapidly toward the ground, it was going to be close ... the ground was looming closer and closer ...

Suddenly a grasshopper smacked me in the eye, blinding me just as I reached out to grab Jvb with my claws. I heard another muffled yelp, felt something in my claws, knew I had to bank another 90 degress to prevent creating a crater in the ground big enough to put a lake in (that some yahoo would probably name Dragon Lake in my honor) and possibly ending my short history as a dragon on a rather colorful note.

I still couldn't see, I was flying blind, when Jvb started yelling "Up, go up!" again I banked sharply hearing a KA-THUNK as Jvb's feet hit something rather solid. Geez, good thing he's a dragon. My eyes cleared just in time to swerve away from another rocky cliff.

I glanced down at Jvb, dangling by his jacket from my claws, to see him grinning like a kid on a roller coaster; with his color almost back to his normal heathly tan ... [/color]

Last edited by DQueene; 15/06/03 11:51 PM.

DQueene #35372 16/06/03 12:02 AM
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[color:"#00bfff"]Yikes, I didn't want that to happen! I froze with horror, my dance in the air was not supposed to harm Jvb - Ascolan folded his wings and dropped like stone to the ground, headfirst. I ducked even more behind his neck and leant my whole body against his. Together we raced against gravity and Jvb's death - then I saw how DQueene had managed to catch him between her claws, the griffin spread his wings wide again to slow down our breathtaking way to earth.

With an elegant curve he took up speed again and then hovered in the air. I watched DQueene tethering and loosing balance - I stifled a scream - but she coped with it and as I opened my eyes again, I saw Jvb safely in the air again - dangling from her claws. Ascolan swooped down in an elegant curve - I saw Jvb's legs over me and pulled him down behind me with a quick jerk. Not one second too early - with a dreadful RIPPP - his jacket tore and he plopped safely down on the griffin's back.

"Sorry, Jvb, from now on we'll fly decently," I mumbled ashamed.

DQueene floated next to us - her eyes were worried. I gave her a sign and we flew side by side via Rabaer's Castle.

"It's not far anymore, do you see the lake? The Castle is very near now," Ascolan spoke. "Your young one here is capable of more - just give him time."

Guess, Jvb will need new clothes again... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shame.gif" alt="" />

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