Sorry, Al, but what are you doing?
This is english language here and you post like a teaser w/out further detail.
That´s inappropriate.

There´s not much more that can be added.
But at least it would have been fair to mention that her bit is about
"Divinity 2: Ego Drakonis" being covered by popular German game magazine
PC Games with a four page(!!) preview - which marks about the first time of news about it in German media that border the treshold from rumor to serious announcement.
What is rumor again, is the word on another widely available press outlet,
GameStar, will feature
"Div2" in their next or one of the next issues as well.
And as inappropriate as Al´s short coming of his post is even more annoying:
Once again the Larians have failed to inform the Community in advance! 
They should be familiar with the German publishing dates of the various magazines and they should´ve known that subscribers get their issue eraly on Saturdays (not like Wednesday when all the others can find it on the shelves of their local stores).
I´m afraid to say, but the public communication since the early days has badly dwindled.
The decision to not have fans witnessing the development as close as with

or even involve themselves is one thing.
It always has to be considered a bonus if a game developer chooses to be open like this.
But this here is a whole different quality, it´s sad to recognize.

First the incident with the Belgian video - and now this!
I expect at least news about their own baby to be found here in their homestead.
And not as a total surprise from some unexpected angle like a magazine, when for years there had not been even a lifesign of the most anticipated game around here.

Ragon, the very disappointed Mage