Joined: Mar 2003
- D2-ED - complete, though a bit long
- D2:ED - same
- D2ED - slightly shorter...
- DED - would be better for a zombie / vampire game, IMO
- D2 - conflicts with another game
- DII - roman numerals are out of place, and (depending on font) looks like dll
- DD2 - forget the new name, just stick with the old abbreviation
- ED - short, consistent with DD / BD abbreviations
I was going to add a poll, but it seems they have not been enabled in the new forum software. Therefore, I'm just going to keep using ED and wait for everyone else to get lazy enough to do the same. 
Joined: May 2003
I say one of the last two options. It was DD2 in a lot of our minds since it was first announced years ago. On the other hand, ED honors the new title and is a nice consistent two-letter abbreviation. So, ED for ultimate laziness.
Joined: Mar 2003
I though ED was short for EDitors comment... 
Joined: Apr 2003
What about "Div2"? I remember "DivDiv" for the first game.
Joined: Mar 2003
How about DToo? 
Please click the banner...
Joined: Jan 2006
I like ED. The name is full is spectacular too ;D
Joined: Mar 2003
The downside with continuing to use DD2 is that people unfamiliar with DD may be a bit confused. When ED is used to indicate an editor's note, the entire comment is usually enclosed in square brackets, or otherwise separated from the main article. Div2 would work, but then you are up to 5 whole keystrokes  rather than ED's 3 (still less than D2ED at 6 and D2:ED at 7).
Joined: May 2004
Er...ED is short-form for a physical disorder. Namely, erectile dysfunction. No one see those commercials? Anyway, might not want to use it too much. Can you imagine? "Hey all! I have ED!"  Of all abbreviations, I like Div2 the best. Quick to type and people tend to understand it.
Joined: Mar 2003
I prefer ED,
Raze are polls enabled on this board...if they are you may consider posting one.
Joined: May 2003
Er...ED is short-form for a physical disorder. Namely, erectile dysfunction. No one see those commercials? Anyway, might not want to use it too much. Can you imagine? "Hey all! I have ED!" Oh, I can't believe I didn't catch that! Maybe I'll just type out the title.
Joined: Mar 2003
Maybe I'll just type out the title.  Divinity II - Ego Draconis by Larian Studios Hmmm...
Joined: Mar 2003
No one see those commercials? I have a DVR so I don't have to watch commercials (among other reasons). In any case, we are not going to get any completely unique short abbreviations. For example, Larian's games do not show up on the first page of Google results for DD, BD, DD2 or Div2. Raze are polls enabled on this board... That was what I was planning, but I don't see how to insert one (the FAQ says there will be an option under the text edit box of a new post if polls are enabled) and when I searched for a topic I knew had a poll (on DirectX), the first post was blank. I'm sure eventually one term will gain common usage.
Joined: Aug 2003
What about DIIED 
Last edited by Morbo; 15/08/08 08:56 AM.
Not in the mood for cheese? That excuse has more holes than a slice this fine Gorgombert!
Joined: Oct 2003
Good topic, Raze. It's not unimportant to have an abbreviation the community generally agrees with and sticks to. I'd go with ED, but it's up you you guys and gals.
I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jun 2003
First I would say DD2, cause I'm a bit used to it. But I chose for ED, cause it sounds like it could be your best friend's name.
Joined: Mar 2003
All joking aside, ED works best because it's the shortest and because everyone will know what we all mean from context. I don't think we get that many topics about Erectile Dysfunction here, after all... 
Joined: Mar 2003
Yes, at least in this forum I think ED would be fine. In other forums or web pages I would use a longer version (D2:ED or Divinity 2, depending on whether most people there would be likely to be familiar with the game). PS thanks Macbeth. Some people might complain that you left out the 'potatoe' option, but just ignore them. 
Joined: Oct 2003
PS thanks Macbeth. Some people might complain that you left out the 'potatoe' option, but just ignore them. Oh boy, I can't believe I did - or rather didn't do - that! Still, D2: Potatoe somehow doesn't really have that epic ring to it.
I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
Joined: May 2004
Aw shucks. Div2 didn't make it to the poll. I went with D2ED, since it separates it from D2 (which I've been using for years to describe a certain other game) and ED isn't known outside this forum (I certainly wouldn't have thought to use just ED to describe Div2). I think I'll stick with whatever is used by the original poster of a thread or post when replying and use Div2 or Divinity2 outside of here (or the full name).
Joined: Dec 2006
Er...ED is short-form for a physical disorder. Namely, erectile dysfunction. No one see those commercials? Anyway, might not want to use it too much. Can you imagine? "Hey all! I have ED!" Are they selling erectile dysfunctions where you live ? ED would be the best but as said before I don't know if anyone outside this forum would understand what game we were talking about.
There is no spoon !