@lynn~ not sure when they started making d3, because of all the secrety..
but if you check out the gameplay of it, the last boss is, how to put it, "intense fear".
hope divine will have boss's like that :o

@flixerflax~ how about age of conan? lovely graphic :P and the charecter design is in the top (you can actualy choose which Nose (!) you want..).. thogh i dont recomand playing it.. lame game.
(ok so its not 2009, but its still count)

the good side of bugs- the more bugs added, the better the "secret bug killing level" gona be :P (and if you wonder where that is.. it's under lynn's studio room.

i assume the xbox version wont go out the same date as the pc one comes out.
there's alpha test, beta test, and the world wide test.. once it goes to the market, people could test thos bugs out and report :P then the xbox will have less bugs on it the same as the patches start going out..