Well yeah there were some abilities that I would call, um, "killer skills". I mean, one of my latest characters had poison weapon + freeze + deadly gift which kind of was the combo that killed off basically everything... so yeah, I think evening that out would be better. And also, if there are same old skills from D1 and BD, to weaken the ones I mentioned (well, poison weapon was not that overpowered, maybe, but still... and freeze neither was, unless it was charmed into a weapon, but scorpion traps WERE overpowered...) but especially to buff some that were theoretically good (when you read the description, i mean) but not so useful when actually used. One example would be all the summoning spells in general (mostly, for the fact that the summoned creature did not follow you... one of my latest characters was a summoner, and indeed he had a hard time in the beginning till he was able to summon Death Knight), and some of the Divine's spells (having that astonishing Elemental Attack or what it was called, and then see there are only creatures with 100% resistance to all elements around... well, it make me feel like i had just wasted my skillpoints... and that spell that was supposed to instantly kill enemies worked just the same way) too. But yeah, I'm confident that there won't be issues of this kind in the upcoming game, or if there will we'll barely notice them in comparison to the good things.
p.s. Don't make music suggestions... really, making music suggestions is like saying that Kirill Pokrovsky's work for the previous games had some flaws. Which is, at least to me, totally false. D1 and BD's soundtracks were just plain perfect, and I don't think there's any need to make suggestions when the same guy's working about D2's soundtrack as well. Really

p.p.s. excuse me, I know I tend to make all the text and phrases complex, don't ask me why, and again, I'm sorry for that as I can imagine it's not that funny to read tons of "(" and ")" and text between those. Well, w/e