Ah yes, I didn't even consider the ubiquitous use of potions as drugs, but of course! Not to keep touting the Witcher, but this game (and probably others as well) had an interesting system where any beneficial potion (or alcohol!) consumed will raise the character's toxicity level. If this level gets too high, his coordination, fighting skills and even life are negatively affected. This toxicity can only be reduced through rest and meditation or with a cleansing potion.
DD, too, warns against overuse of potions and potion addiction in one the "magical tragedies" books that you find. I remember wondering, early on, if it actually would be a problem for my character if he consumed too many potions in a period of time.
Speaking of potions, anyone else notice that Diablo 3 completely abandoned potions and has enemies just drop health orbs that you simply walk over?

K, enough rambling. Off to get some
