Hy, I'm new to the foruns but I've been a very loyal fan to the Divinity series. Been playin since 2006 (my first decent computer \o/). I also run a thread about Divinity 2 in a brazilian forum, and what can I say? I love what you're doing, Lars *-* If the game's 75% of what you're saying it is, it'll already be awesome! But of course, I want MOAR, hehe.
Always been a big fan of dragons. I play D&D for almost a year now, as a Dracon Acolyte (custom class that can shapeshange into a half-dragon for a few hours), and I've read/write/saw things about these scaly creatures for more than half of my 22 mortal years, so you can only imagine how happy I am with the possibility to become a dragon myself in the game! *_____*
This thread is still open for box art suggestions? I had an interesting idea last night. That main blonde character staring the customer with his usual pose (just like in the banner here). But now, his entire body is appearing. He's holding his big sword in his front (typical paladin pose =p). On his back, his dragon self, folding/involving his "human self" with his wings while also staring the customer. That should occupy more than half of the box. On the left side, Damian in the shadows, whatching the "Dragon Slayer Knight" with jealousy, and in the right, another person standing in even more shadows, we can just see his eyes. Another dragon knight. The one that killed the Divine? Play to find out. x)
Waiting for a demo, more dragon screenshots and videos! o/ That rap at GC2008 sucks ._."
See ya!
Last edited by Razi the Dragon; 17/10/08 06:31 PM.