Originally Posted by Lar_q
-We’re prepping ourselves for the voice recordings and subsequent animation work and I’ve had pity with the guys who have to prepare everything on the logistics side. There’s this one excel file containing around 131000 fields of data, and they have to make a plan for hiring actors and assigning voices to npcs out of that, preferably a plan that makes a lot of sense wink It’s another one of those RPG specific things – there’s a lot of text, especially if you add in things like multiple solutions and choices, and each piece of text, with the associated event flags, is an opportunity for things to go awry.

So, if there are about 130k Excel fields - does that only refer to the (spoken or not) texts in the game? Like X * 130k... about 300-400k words in total? (just a rough guess wink )

It would be nice to know if you plan to make voice over for all dialogues or if only a few selected lines will be recorded. Can you tell something about that already?

Nigel Powers: "There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures... and the Dutch!"