Only areas in Rivertown that you have already been to will be effected by keeping the new world.x0 file (Verdistis and the Dark Forest info is stored in different world files). Off the top of my head I can not think of any critical areas that would get resealed which you would need to return to. Nericon's garden will get sealed again if you had already been there, but in the latest game version it can be lockpicked (level 5), and there is an extra key (though tricky to steal). I think you can lockpick the house straddling the quarantine area. There are a couple other places that may get sealed, which you might need to return to...
Since there were missing walls as well as the problem stairs, it may be better to stick with the new world file. Once the data is corrupt it will not get reset in a future save, though if the corrupt data is limited to Iona's dungeon, it probably would not cause any further problems. With the new world file there are limited problems (re-sealed locations and possibly missing items if you leave things directly on the ground), with several workarounds. The old file has corrupt data at least in Iona's dungeon; if that is the extent of the problem, hex teleporting could be an adequate solution. There is one item in the dungeon you will want to get (holy sword), and one optional location of note... The only problem with keeping the current world file is that you may run into additional problems if the data corruption was more than just in Iona's dungeon. When you go to rescue Zandalor after getting out of the dungeon, for example, missing walls or levers, etc could cause a problem. Of course you could wait and replace the world file if you run into additional problems, but the farther you get into the game before doing that, the more places would get re-sealed (of course the farther along you are, the less likely you would be to need to return to various locations).
It is a bit of a gamble. If the corrupt data is limited, then bypassing the stairs is easier all-round. If there is additional corrupt data, it could cause problems with future quests...
I think I would try just hex teleporting past the stairs, and hope the corrupt data is limited to Iona's dungeon. If you can not get the holy sword there (hidden on the first level), or run into additional problems, then you may need to delete the world.x0 file.
In any case, if you keep the new world file, or have to reset it later in the game, there are several workarounds for the problems that can cause:
FIX for the Missing Catacombs Portal - file swapping to place a teleporter stone where you need to be, though it doesn't sound like you would have a problem with hex teleporting.
Lost Items - guide and directory of inventory filesA belated welcome to the forum.