Joined: Aug 2010
Completed a mass effect 2 with all the DLCs over a month ago i think.. Ive even beaten Mass effect but that game was just meh ME 2 is much better.
Joined: Jan 2011
Completed a mass effect 2 with all the DLCs over a month ago i think.. Ive even beaten Mass effect but that game was just meh ME 2 is much better. To me, the story was better in ME1, gameplay was better In ME2
Joined: Apr 2011
I have the orig Me1 and ME2. I have all the DLC from XBOX LIVE for both. I want to make sure I have all the latest in preps for ME3, and I'm looking into getting the GOTY of ME1. Can anybody tell me if the GOTY has anything added or maybe better gameplay/textures from the orig? PS: BTW, I went to the Bioware forum, and that was A FRIGGN' JOKE, NIGHTMARE and MENTALLY PAINFUL experience. That forum is filled with RAVING LOONS. ME2-KUNG-FU FIGHTING
Last edited by SENIOR CINCO; 15/05/11 01:28 PM.
UNKNOWN: Friends help you move...True friends, help you move bodies... E.A.P.: Blood was it's Avatar and it's seal. E.A.P.: Stupidity is a talent for misconceptions.
Joined: Apr 2011
The Mass Effect games are good story based RPG's, I played the first game on the PC and enjoyed it but the mining on planets and searching for minerals was a tedious pain. They have improved this with the planet scanning in ME2 but this is starting to do my head in. I think I'm about a quarter into ME2 and liking it so far. The story in both games is well written with betrayals, plot twists etc and I like the idea of multiple endings which can be imported into the next game.
Cinco, yes the bioware forums are filled with idiots. I didn't even bother to sign up on them.
By fire and by blood I join with thee in the Order of the Flame! Arokh's Lair - Drakan & Severance: Blade of Darkness forums - https://www.arokhslair.net
Joined: Apr 2011
I've played through ME1 and ME2 several times, each time as a diff char (obviously) and the story changes with ea playthrough. I found the Mako to be a pain in the arse as well, while traveling and especially when it comes to Thrash Maws. I exit the Mako and take them out on foot. I have yet to kill ANYTHING, even Tuttets and Goliaths with it. You get like a gazillion more XPs from taking things out on foot anyway.
The storyline is pretty incredible. I find it amazingly similar to the ancient writings of the Sumerians. Which is probably where they got the inspiration for the story.
UNKNOWN: Friends help you move...True friends, help you move bodies... E.A.P.: Blood was it's Avatar and it's seal. E.A.P.: Stupidity is a talent for misconceptions.
Joined: Jan 2011
The trick with the make is to take the enemy down to a sliver of health then jump out and finish him
Joined: Apr 2011
The trick with the make is to take the enemy down to a sliver of health then jump out and finish him That's just it. It's to much of a pain in the butt to operate that stupid thing.  It's set like 300 yrs in the future, and were still driving around in a rover with a diesel engine and goodyear tires. Besides, there is just something about taking out an acid spitting giant worm with a pistol, that says 'Get you sum o dat'. Plus the fact, that when you get the sniper rifle maxed out and loaded up with those high explosive rounds and two scram rails, it becomes a portable hand cannon in itself. If I'm in an open area with little or no cover, then that's when the Mako becomes a barricade. Now for that, it's very useful.
UNKNOWN: Friends help you move...True friends, help you move bodies... E.A.P.: Blood was it's Avatar and it's seal. E.A.P.: Stupidity is a talent for misconceptions.
Joined: Apr 2011
It was satisfying to take one of those thresher maws out as they were a challenge. I remember using the Mako as a barricade once but it exploded, flew up into the air and landed on my head, lol.
By fire and by blood I join with thee in the Order of the Flame! Arokh's Lair - Drakan & Severance: Blade of Darkness forums - https://www.arokhslair.net
Joined: Apr 2011
What's everybody's issue with the MAKO? Is it more difficult on the X-box or something? Works real easy on the PC.
And I already maxed out my XP rather fast even using the MAKO, so why bother for that?
Joined: Apr 2011
What's everybody's issue with the MAKO? Is it more difficult on the X-box or something? Works real easy on the PC.
And I already maxed out my XP rather fast even using the MAKO, so why bother for that? Are you referring to a second playthrough? I didn't think it was even possible to reach lvl 60, with a new char in one playthrough. I have all the DLC, and even with careful managing and not using the Mako, I could only reach lvl 57.
UNKNOWN: Friends help you move...True friends, help you move bodies... E.A.P.: Blood was it's Avatar and it's seal. E.A.P.: Stupidity is a talent for misconceptions.
Joined: Jan 2011
it is impossible to get to 60 in one playthrough
Joined: Jan 2011
What's everybody's issue with the MAKO? Is it more difficult on the X-box or something? Works real easy on the PC.
And I already maxed out my XP rather fast even using the MAKO, so why bother for that? I don't have an issue with it 
Joined: Jan 2011
The trick with the make is to take the enemy down to a sliver of health then jump out and finish him That's just it. It's to much of a pain in the butt to operate that stupid thing.  It's set like 300 yrs in the future, and were still driving around in a rover with a diesel engine and goodyear tires. Besides, there is just something about taking out an acid spitting giant worm with a pistol, that says 'Get you sum o dat'. Plus the fact, that when you get the sniper rifle maxed out and loaded up with those high explosive rounds and two scram rails, it becomes a portable hand cannon in itself. If I'm in an open area with little or no cover, then that's when the Mako becomes a barricade. Now for that, it's very useful. Yeah that sniper rifle can only fire one shot before overheating :P
Joined: Apr 2011
You can't fire the high powered sniper rifles more than 1.5-2 shots anyway. A sniper is far enough away, and behind cover, the 4 sec cooldown is an easy trade off.
UNKNOWN: Friends help you move...True friends, help you move bodies... E.A.P.: Blood was it's Avatar and it's seal. E.A.P.: Stupidity is a talent for misconceptions.
Joined: Apr 2011
I didn't have an issue with the Mako it was just the mining that was tedious. The Thresher Maws were very hard but not impossible to defeat. Using the Mako as cover does help but as I put in my previous post be careful it does not blow up and land on you.
By fire and by blood I join with thee in the Order of the Flame! Arokh's Lair - Drakan & Severance: Blade of Darkness forums - https://www.arokhslair.net
Joined: Apr 2011
I haven't had that happen yet. I used it like a barrier, mostly on the 'Bring Down The Sky' DLC, where you have those turrets in those collapsing barrels. I pulled the Mako in close enough to trigger them and jumped out. They blasted it for a half hour, it seemed, and it just sat there in a blaze.
EDIT: I assume you're on the PC, and that could possibly make a diff.
Last edited by SENIOR CINCO; 18/05/11 02:30 PM.
UNKNOWN: Friends help you move...True friends, help you move bodies... E.A.P.: Blood was it's Avatar and it's seal. E.A.P.: Stupidity is a talent for misconceptions.
Joined: Apr 2011
Yes, I was playing on the PC and the Mako was parked on a slope so that could be why. I did get strange things happen in places where the Mako would flip over or sometimes suddenly jump up if you tried to go up steep slopes or very rough terrain. Figured it was because I was trying to make it do something it could not handle. When the Thresher Maws hit you, it often threw the Mako around like a toy.
When I said it exploded, I guess I was exaggerating a little; it did not explode into several pieces, it just blew up into flames.
Last edited by Arokh; 18/05/11 02:53 PM.
By fire and by blood I join with thee in the Order of the Flame! Arokh's Lair - Drakan & Severance: Blade of Darkness forums - https://www.arokhslair.net
Joined: Apr 2011
it is impossible to get to 60 in one playthrough It may be possible with the BDtS DLC. In the second building (the one with the prox mines around it) the Rocket Drones from the second floor will respawn, as long as you leave an enemy or two alive on the ground floor. EDIT: There is also a save/reload exploit where you step off the elevator during the rescue of Liara, but that could take a while.
Last edited by SENIOR CINCO; 18/05/11 02:52 PM.
UNKNOWN: Friends help you move...True friends, help you move bodies... E.A.P.: Blood was it's Avatar and it's seal. E.A.P.: Stupidity is a talent for misconceptions.
Joined: Apr 2011
Yes, I was playing on the PC and the Mako was parked on a slope so that could be why. I did get strange things happen in places where the Mako would flip over or sometimes suddenly jump up if you tried to go up steep slopes or very rough terrain. Figured it was because I was trying to make it do something it could not handle... I think that was the bigger prob I had with it. At first it was fun rock climbing in that thing, but the new wore off after the third planet. The scanning in ME2 makes it a little easier, but even that can be tedious after a while. But there has to be some type of exploration involved. I just think it should be done with a flying transport. A real flying trans, and not that hovercraft thing they tried came out with in ME2.
Last edited by SENIOR CINCO; 18/05/11 03:09 PM.
UNKNOWN: Friends help you move...True friends, help you move bodies... E.A.P.: Blood was it's Avatar and it's seal. E.A.P.: Stupidity is a talent for misconceptions.
Joined: Jan 2011
You can't fire the high powered sniper rifles more than 1.5-2 shots anyway. A sniper is far enough away, and behind cover, the 4 sec cooldown is an easy trade off. If you put 2 X Frictionless coils in it, there is no cooldown