old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2005
You hit some1 in the hand and you hit some1 in the head, same amount of damage! (how lame is that...), Yeah, but what if the enemy hits you in the head???? Game Over????
Joined: Oct 2003
Why not? Unless you're protected by a helmet! About time helmets got some real actual use and don't just add to your armour class.
I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2005
yeah, but a full helmet would fully protect your face and stuff, while the open helmets would protect only the back of your head, your hair and a part of the forehead. still plenty of room for a one-shot-one-kill and again additional programming.
Joined: Jul 2005
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/alien.gif" alt="" />
Joined: Oct 2003
I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
Joined: Jun 2005
This suggestion I have is story based really, I think its nice. Here it goes: Now as of consequences and reactions I dont have any particular ideas in mind, but here's the trigger. I was thinking that if some key characters in the game (evil and benign) found out <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/idea.gif" alt="" /> that Arhu the cat is actually a wizard <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mage.gif" alt="" />, and Zandalor's close friend at that, would lead to very interesting events in the plot of the game. As to what exactly, I dont know.
Joined: Apr 2006
Wow, there are some really good ideas here but I can add some of mine too.
How about to be able to have/built/buy (whatever) headquarters where you could choose the location of them and you could hire allies, guards, make your own castle with army anywhere you want or some specified locations. (ie. Imps deserted castle in dark forest or that spooky place with the engineer near the farmlands, abandon places or new). And some of the quests to occur in your castle (like in divinity when you were in stormfist castle) in order to gain territory or other quests. And the locals to make raids against your castle (whatever race they are) and you must defend it, your territories too. Something like a real time strategy game, GTA San Andreas and divine divinity. It would be something new and awesome.
Another suggestion: To be able to choose if you want to be a good guy or a bad one. (but I think this needs two scenarios and larian studios must program something like two games). And more skills and spells would be great.
Also the map to be bigger with much more enemies, monsters...
Oh, and the most important, to have multilayer. Not from the same computer though. And to solve quests with your friend and fight orcs and such. And to be able to split. Not go together all the time. (ie. one will be in Verdists and the other to the dark forest)
Anyway, these are my thoughts of the new game. It would be awesome a game like this. Of course the difficulty is which makes the game interesting. Divine Divinity was awesome.
Last edited by Creature; 31/08/06 03:03 PM.
Joined: Jul 2005
thanks, Creature, and Welcome to the forums.
To all: I still read these suggestion posts every day, so keep them coming. I can't make any promises nor say anything (yet?) - but who knows, you might be surprised when you play the game. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mage.gif" alt="" />
Stay creative and keep thinking, we appreciate it! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" />
Joined: Oct 2003
Thanks Wazzz! Good to know we're being heard <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/kitty.gif" alt="" />
So I'll make another suggestion: how about naming some evil warrior/warlord Macbeth? I'd love to meet myself in the game <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />
I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
Joined: Apr 2006
Thanks Wazzz for the welcome. And thanks for taking the time to read my suggestions.
Joined: Jan 2006
What I really want to see is some puzzles, you get one or two hints, then have to figure it out, nothing particularly hard though...could be a bunch of patterns, which resemble figures or people...
Reading up...perhaps if you was attacked from the behind you may take more damage...like you can parry the front and side but always get hit from (or in) the behind...
Last edited by SirChronos; 11/09/06 07:34 PM.
Joined: Feb 2007
1st. Hireling's. We should have atleast 1 Companion (Druid,Elven Ranger,etc)
2nd: Pets. I'd love having a faithful wolf by my side at all times.
3rd: Houses. Like DD I would like to own my own (House,Castle,Abbey)
4th: Customizable Character. Complete Customization like: Male Elven Thief, Long Black Hair & etc.
5th: Military. Able to join (Factions,Guilds)
6th: Furniture. Keep that feature (Stealing furniture for Home)
7th: Larger World LARGER WORLD lol
My 7 Cents <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/alien.gif" alt="" />
Watch An Angel Fall & Tell Me What Pain Is
Joined: Oct 2007
Well well, my friends..im now addicted in DD, its really a good game. suggestions,?..always there are something need to be change, right...? --The best thing is DD has a special atmosphere to attract gamers, hard to say clearly, but it seems the result of many successful elements in the game. --Here are my ideas:
1/More class: if some, make it no human but also elf (archer), dwarf (warrior)....I like to be a heroic hero, so i hate something that comes from the dark...(vampiress, daemon in Sacred for example...).
2/Hirelings: I think this is rather important, i do not suggest a large party of hirelings (like Dungeon Siege...><). but only one..we still should concentrate on our character...Dont control the Hireling but can interact a bit...(Gives items,..order AI...).And if you do so, dont make it slightly...poor games come from poor elements....Of course, make it that we can choose what hirelings we want from various men/women of the world. They must level up, too...And change their form at least one time once strong enough (Upgrade is always interested)..They must be useful (dont make fool, stupids ones like they be in Sacred.)
3/Pet: mouting and fightning pets,..also...What i want is various, legendary pets, and the ability to choose...Dont make just boring horse...strange, neat monster , Character, objects interest everyone.
4/Better item system, upgrade available, Has better effect if any item is crafted...Look well if you equip it....Dont make just simple, pure ones...(Have u ever played MU - LEGEANDARY CONTINENTAL ?), WE WANT something striking to boast...
5/A bit more comfortable while fighting, dont halt us too much with the concept "a combination of ARPG and PRPG" (that make the game's combat process slow down),
6/Better skill system, by experienced the game, i realize that the skill system is come from the PRPG than an ARPG, it show the various use of the skills than to show their effect..(Its Ok, but if you can make it the the skill system is abit nicer and more actional, it will be very nice...)
7/ Use voice acting as much as possible, one of my favorite is hearing people say in game..
8/Make better AI...almost all RPG can not do this well, according to me...people in game are ll stupid and not human - being. --And the game does not fit the story..(I see most in MMORPG)..For example, you was told about a legend, a war, the fate of the world and your duty, face the evil to save the good....But what u can see in the game???nothing,...the moobs in the game is stupid, wandering units..(i dont wish to encounter such thing)..And u r a hunter, not a hero, lol..
---Oh, sorry, again, to our game..something that i dont satisfy: ++When the Orc attack the barrack, people seem r not worried enough, though they will fight any enemy who dare to intrude...but thats not enough, i still do not feel the taste of war...And generals (Mitox,..alix...) funny, just wander in and out, dont care about it...the Guards are surprising weak... ++The Orc still is animal for us to hunt,...Though they said much about their force...I dont hurry or worry at all...The moobs just wander and waiter... ++People seem just wait you to give the quests...its not natural...Do u really believe in a stranger, just from what they look - like?...(or the reputation...i see it...but if you cant do any thing more better, just change the conversations...)
++Much much more want to say, but i have no time now...I know i post my ideas here just to show what i think .because its must hard to make it real (event by other people..)...Any way, good luck to you, my friends at Larian and all you warm people here.... ==========================================Best Regards=====================
+I come to cleanse this land+
Joined: Apr 2004
Lotus: Funiture... oh yes a good one, maybe you can have a merchent who sells just furniture of different types, that way you can personalise your own home. I mentioned somewhere that it would be interesting to have a skill where you can build you own house. So Skill level 1 would allow you to build a tent where you can store some stuff and sleep. However you health/mana may not fully regenerate becuase sleeping in tent is uncomfortable, so you would have to sleep maybe twice or three times. Also you cant enter the tent, clciking on it means you can rest and dragging items on the tent will allow you to store items. Skill level 2 - Bigger Tent- Can put chests and the such in as well as a sleeping mat on the floor, like the orcs tent. Skill level 3 - 1 Room House- More solid and can have a weapons rack as well. Skill Level 4 - 3 Room House - 1 bedroom including a weapons/armour rack, Living room, kitchen. Skill Level 5 - Minature Castle, Paintings, Fireplace, Guards and a cook( naturually) as well as a butler, obviously you would have to pay them  Tragic
Joined: Nov 2008
To add my thoughts... About the items(weapons,armour...): -make them more difficult to obtain. -Random item generating is not so interesting(it lacks unique items) -make creatures/humans/imps drop what they are wearing and/or using as a weapon.It's kinda stupid when You battle a huge imp who is wearing a shinny helmet and wielding a Branch of Stamina and when you stomp him,he doesn't drop those items... -Item creating? But not in a way that You can create so many items as if You're a manufacture-person.
P.S. bad English...muahahahaha
Joined: Apr 2004
The only problem about monsters dropping what armour they wield is that, if they all drop weapona/armour you would be a very rich person( a bit too rich) seeing as you are killing loads of orcs and the armour/weapons would be valuable....... unless you sell them for very little value but then that would not be fair on the player! I think for this reason treasure is kind of limited.
I would like to see monsters using potions such as mana/health to regenerate themselves.
Joined: Nov 2008
That's all correct but let's see it this way:You'll kill dozens of imps but you won't be able to carry all this equipment because it will be very heavy(imagine youresf wandering across the impland carring 7 swords of stamina,5 helmets,10 gloves and 4 pieces of body armor...impossible),so you'll have to think carefully what you'll take and what you intend to sell. Another thing i would like to add to suggestions is a smaller and more realistic inventory.Let's say you can carry several potions,an axe and a sword or two and few pieces of spare armor parts.Also You'll have a bag for herbs and trinkets. I don't wanna this game to be some kind of real life simulation but with lesser stuff you can carry comes more decisions and planning(more thinking).
Joined: Mar 2003
Siege of Avalon did something similar with equipment. What was available was based on the opponent you defeated; you might not get all of the equipment, since some could be ruined in the fight, etc, and they might (rarely) be carrying something extra, but you pretty much got a selection of what they were wearing. The inventory was also limited, so selling excess collected loot required a bit of tedious running back and forth.
The setting is in a castle under siege (and the surrounding area), so initially the equipment you bring back can be sold for a fair amount of gold (which is needed mostly for skill training). The more you sell, though, the less they are worth. Eventually most of the equipment becomes worthless, which makes it a little boring checking defeated opponents on the off chance they might have something new you can upgrade.
Overall the game was fun, if a little short, but IMNSHO I have to say the 'realistic' equipment drops and inventory size were negative points.
Joined: Mar 2003
I enjoyed Siege of Avalon quite a bit, and there's still an active (and modding) German-language community at SOAmigos out there (it's a forum, actually).
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Joined: Apr 2004
Wishmaster: Good point about making the inventory smaller, the only thing which may be a snag is when you are fighting top bosses, there has to be a way that you need not drink 20 health potions!!!!as obvuiously you would not be able to carry it.
I do think that your strength should effect the amount you carry though.
Maybe use of more skills rather than healing potions???
Or maybe the use of allies or summmoned creatures may help??