There has been no word on what weapons will be in the game, other than what has been shown in screenshots or videos: swords, knives, war hammers, clubs, axes, bows....
There were no mods or development kits released for DD or BD, due to the use of proprietary tools used (which could not be re-distributed) and the lack of user friendliness of some of their interfaces. There is at least the possibility that modding tools could be released for D2:ED at some point after the game itself is released.
There is some information on D2:ED on the
official site, but no exhaustive FAQ. Myrthos has compiled some background and FAQs at the
Locus Inn. The
fansite kit (17.7MB) contains some background for DD and a novella covering most of the events between DD and BD.
The books in DD are already in one file: '
..\Divine Divinity\Run\main\startup.v2\static\books.000'. It is not a straight text file, but you can open it in Wordpad (etc) and read/copy the text portions.