I'm thinking about few game mechanics so I will try to present my questions/ideas here. I hope that Lar will have some time to write few positive lines for us

- Will there be some party comrades/henchmen (aside from the monster you can create)?
- Will there be some quests when you could use NPC soldiers/mages to indirectly help you? For example: you need to deceive some clan of fighters/brigands to attack your enemies. so you steal something valuable from them and convince the clan that your enemies are the thieves. Then you will see the fight between 2 strong groups and have chance to break through and get somewhere you need. Are there some quests like this - when you dont fight alone and with a little cunning you can outwit stronger opponents? (Also this should have consequences - when the clan finds out you lied to them, both groups could hunt you

- How do you design the world, I mean outside areas? Could we expect mostly open terrain (standard woods, rivers, small hills, rocks) or more grim, scrubby terrain (very dense woods, swamps, big mountains and rocks with cannyons) that limits your movement (and gives stronger impression as dangerous/unexplored territory)? With more scrubby terrain you need to find a way through and be carefull to not fall into a trap or boss guarding some mountain pass.
- Also do you plan swamps - REAL swamps - when need to find a way through and be carefull to not be devoured in a mud?
- What about fight system? Will there be somewhat aimed blows (controlled by keyboard) or dodge/parry maneuvers to spice the fight up a little? I hope Larian is not aiming for simple generic system "click them to death and if they dont die, use some skill or spell". I like more tactic elements in a fight, even small ones. (Maybe I missed some info on this topic)
- How strong will be dragon fire? Do you plan to give them ability to ignire fire on larger areas and/or burn wooden buildings?
- Will there be some magic especially designed to fight the dragons? For example ice spells to freeze their wings or "net" to snarl dragons in flight?
- Will you implement sneaking abilities for the Hero to hide and sneak past opponents in night or dark areas?