Joined: Jan 2009
What if  wasn't translated into Dutch, but produced in Dutch? Would you still prefer the English version? I guess you read books by Dutch or Flemish authors in Dutch, and you watch Dutch movies in Dutch ... so why not play a game by a Flemish studio in Dutch (or Flemish)? Just because you're accustomed to playing games in English? I can't imagine there are no good Dutch or Flemish voice-actors ... I know a bad (or even mediocre) localization can ruin a game, and I have no problem with playing games in English, but if a German studio produces a game in German (my native tongue), I see no reason why I should buy the English version instead of the German one. Of course, this is just a hypothetical discussion, since Larian has clearly stated there won't be a Dutch version. I think it's mostly about what we're used to. I'm sure I could like a Flemish game done with a Flemish accent, but such a thing would serve to even further alienate the Dutch populace, because their Dutch sounds different. What I think would be interesting though, is a game where people use imaginary languages and you have a nice margin of choice for subtitle languages. I'd probably play it in both Dutch and English then.
Joined: Feb 2003
<<I think it's mostly about what we're used to.>>Partially yes and because of this there's no market, we don't allow one, let's say. Every now and then I can enjoy a translated movie, usually an animation movie. I do prefer the Flemish version more than the Dutch version. A nice example is the movie Surf's Up. Watch that movie in Flemish, it's hilarious because of the different dialects, especially the Westflemish Chicken Joe And the reason animation movies are translated in Belgium is because of the kids.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Feb 2009
How will we earn gold to buy weapons ect? would we get it from Quests or do we have to do Jobs? Whats the estimated length of the game? Are you free to have conversations with any NPC's? Is the game set in 1 city or are there several cities to explore?
Lynn or anybody could you answer this plese:) Sorry for the load of text;)
Joined: Nov 2004
Money.... please, Larians, don't let animals drop gold.  Humanoid enemies ok, why not. But why should animals have gold? Or jewels. Or even weapons? That's so annoying in some of the other games out there. I can't remember any explicit example at this moment, but they are somewhere out there. And they better stay out. ^^
"They say if you play the Windows XP CD backward, you can hear satanic words." - "Oh, that's nothing. If you play it forward it installs Windows XP...!"
Joined: Jan 2009
But why should animals have gold? Or jewels. Or even weapons? It could be that animals killed someone who was carrying gold and weapons and they have eaten it all Will someone from Larian be at Cebit (3.3 - 8.3.2009.)?
Joined: Mar 2003
It could also be regarded as a simplification: Instead of giving you the animal's skin which you would have to carry along and sell in the next town, the game could just give you a certain amount of money - that's less realistic but also less annoying for the casual gamer. I reckon not many people like it to skin an animal and make clothes of its skin or trade it for other items. 
Nigel Powers: "There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures... and the Dutch!"
Joined: Mar 2003
since most entertainment that comes our way, movies, tv, games etc.. is in english, possibly subtitled. It's something we've grown accustomed to. When its dubbed in dutch, it just sounds wrong and cheap. I'm waiting until the day the people from Belgium stop speaking their own languages because they believe it sounds wrong and cheap. And then they'll accept English as the only national language ... Because they've grown too much accustomed to it ...
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Joined: Mar 2003
There is currently a windowed mode in the game for testing purposes, which may be left in the released game (as an unsupported feature IIRC... don't recall exactly what Lar said).
I don't have a problem with animals dropping gold as a substitution for hauling fur, etc back to town to sell (realism is fine in a game as long as it is not tedious). If claws, scales, etc were more useful (used in alchemy or forging equipment) then I would not mind collecting them. Other than that, I assume gold would be available from some quests, selling loot, defeating opponents (human thugs and trolls that live under/near bridges would be expected to have gold). I would guess no on the jobs (at least not required ones).
Before balancing the game, Lar estimated somewhere around 40-75 hours playtime, based on doubling or tripling the time taken to rush through in god mode.
Based on DD and BD, I would say you can probably talk to any friendly NPC, but they are not all going to have a lot to say (which in D2ED may depend on quests or decisions made previously).
There are several town and cities to explore; at least the starting village and Aleroth (changed from the days of DD) have been mentioned.
Joined: Jun 2003
in a very early screenshot there was a roadsign to verdistis.
Joined: Jan 2009
<>Partially yes and because of this there's no market, we don't allow one, let's say. Every now and then I can enjoy a translated movie, usually an animation movie. I do prefer the Flemish version more than the Dutch version. A nice example is the movie Surf's Up. Watch that movie in Flemish, it's hilarious because of the different dialects, especially the Westflemish Chicken Joe And the reason animation movies are translated in Belgium is because of the kids. Right Lynn! You should check out Chicken Little... that one's pretty hilarious in Dutch!
Joined: Apr 2008
I'm waiting until the day the people from Belgium stop speaking their own languages because they believe it sounds wrong and cheap. And then they'll accept English as the only national language ... Because they've grown too much accustomed to it ... Actually, if everybody in the world would do that, that would make our job A LOT easier: no more localizations for the game, the manual, ... We'd have way more time to add in more fun and useful features 
"The Large Print giveth, and the Small Print taketh away" - Tom Waits
Joined: Mar 2003
in a very early screenshot there was a roadsign to verdistis.
That was from an area created to test the game engine, not from the game itself. Verdistis may be in the game, but that screenshot doesn't necessarily prove that.
Joined: Oct 2008
Does equipment still use durability, & is exp general or broken down?
Joined: Mar 2003
I'm waiting until the day the people from Belgium stop speaking their own languages because they believe it sounds wrong and cheap. And then they'll accept English as the only national language ... Because they've grown too much accustomed to it ... Actually, if everybody in the world would do that, that would make our job A LOT easier: no more localizations for the game, the manual, ... We'd have way more time to add in more fun and useful features Would make communication throughout the world one heck of a lot easier, too! I am hugely in favour of this idea. I think in time there will be a universal language, but not for a few centuries yet at least, sadly...
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Joined: Mar 2003
Hopefully not! Hello, me translator. Me needs the money. Me needs the work!
Nigel Powers: "There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures... and the Dutch!"
Joined: Jan 2009
Divine Divinity had only a finite amount of Experience available. Since the mind-reading skill costs experience, does Divinity 2 also only have a finite abount of experience available?
Joined: Jan 2009
I'm waiting until the day the people from Belgium stop speaking their own languages because they believe it sounds wrong and cheap. And then they'll accept English as the only national language ... Because they've grown too much accustomed to it ... Actually, if everybody in the world would do that, that would make our job A LOT easier: no more localizations for the game, the manual, ... We'd have way more time to add in more fun and useful features Would make communication throughout the world one heck of a lot easier, too! I am hugely in favour of this idea. I think in time there will be a universal language, but not for a few centuries yet at least, sadly... Not me. Even though I can see its use in terms of communication, i think cultural identity is important, and language is a major part of that. If we could retain our mother tongue and the english language, it would be great, but if everyone started speaking a universal tongue, I fear that most languages would get lost eventually. Certain dialects are disappearing as it is, here, and I feel that's a bit distressing. There's a reason the Rosetta Stone is one of the most important ancient artifacts. There's so much we've forgotten about our past, and it's the past which makes the present.
Joined: Mar 2003
Past determines present, yes. But isn't it about time humanity as a whole looked to build a future? Ease of communication has to be a major part of that.
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Joined: Jun 2003
Learning one common language (say Esperanto) doesn't mean you'll lose the motherlanguage. Welsh nearly died out 30 years ago, because everyone began to speak English. Now Welsh is back as the motherlanguage (and they still speak English too).
Joined: Apr 2005
For those who understand German: We recently had a very similar discussion about a universal language in the Chat (German) section, starting with Esperanto here.