Joined: Jan 2009
Hi! I am new here and I've never played DD, however i saw some gameplay videos and they looked really good... I'm looking forward to c how the sequel will turn out to be.
Have few questions: 1) I've noticed you are doing 360 version next to PC, so i am wondering, what are the differences between two versions, except graphics & controls? 2) In DD items gave lots of bonuses, will D2 use similar item system, or it will be simplified (for example, like the one in Mass Effect)? 3) From what i have seen so far from D2 gameplay videos, there is no gore.. just a "flash" when weapon hits an enemy, is that true? 4) I don't know what kind of "atmosphere" was like in DD, was it "colorful and cheerful" or "dark and depressing" or maybe a mix of both... there are lots of bright colors in D2, i was wondering, will there be any gray and dark environments? 5) Regarding the combat, since it will be real time, will it be like button smashing Fable, or time triggered, Devil May Cry?
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2006
Hi Drazac, 1) The UI is completely different as are the controls obviously and the balancing is a bit different too. Other than that,they're pretty much the same. 2) The item system was rewritten but has a lot options for boni than than  had. 3) No, there's actually quite a lot of blood, especially in the dragon gameplay. It's possible that rating boards might have us tune these down . 4) The idea is that it changes continously depending on the mood and where you are in the story. We've only shown the beginning of the game which is quite cheerful but that's not the only mood you'll encounter in the game. 5) There's multiple ways you can handle combat - there is a pause mode allowing you to be more tactical, if you are skilled you can use rolls and jumps to gain an advantage, or you can be a bit more traditional and rely heavy on the stats of your characters and your equipment. In all cases you will need to use your skills and spells however to overcome the enemy.
Joined: Jan 2009
Thank you... looking forward to it 
Joined: Jan 2009
Divine Divinity had spell books you could find or purchase to get wizard skills. That felt a bit lopsided, especially since they appeared randomly on bookshelves and ignored level requirements. Hello level 5 Elemental Hail at level 11!
Will Divinity 2 have skill books, but not just for magic skills?
Joined: Oct 2008
Please, Lar, could you answer also my questions on previous page? I asked sbout - some party henchmen?, mostly open world or grim hard terrain?, real swamps :), aimed blows in combat?, dragon fire burning wooden buildings, sneaking... Thanks. I know you dont have much time for us, but fans are just fans...  P.S. Well you revealed something more about combat in your last post. Thanks. Tactical fight with pause - that seems promising.
Joined: Feb 2003
Please, Lar, could you answer also my questions on previous page? Please put a link here to your previous question(s). Lar has it indeed extremely busy. It would save him time. Many thanks 
Joined: Jan 2009
Here you are  Please, Lar, could you answer also my questions on previous page? Please put a link here to your previous question(s). Lar has it indeed extremely busy. It would save him time. Many thanks  I'm thinking about few game mechanics so I will try to present my questions/ideas here. I hope that Lar will have some time to write few positive lines for us  . - Will there be some party comrades/henchmen (aside from the monster you can create)? - Will there be some quests when you could use NPC soldiers/mages to indirectly help you? For example: you need to deceive some clan of fighters/brigands to attack your enemies. so you steal something valuable from them and convince the clan that your enemies are the thieves. Then you will see the fight between 2 strong groups and have chance to break through and get somewhere you need. Are there some quests like this - when you dont fight alone and with a little cunning you can outwit stronger opponents? (Also this should have consequences - when the clan finds out you lied to them, both groups could hunt you  - How do you design the world, I mean outside areas? Could we expect mostly open terrain (standard woods, rivers, small hills, rocks) or more grim, scrubby terrain (very dense woods, swamps, big mountains and rocks with cannyons) that limits your movement (and gives stronger impression as dangerous/unexplored territory)? With more scrubby terrain you need to find a way through and be carefull to not fall into a trap or boss guarding some mountain pass. - Also do you plan swamps - REAL swamps - when need to find a way through and be carefull to not be devoured in a mud? - What about fight system? Will there be somewhat aimed blows (controlled by keyboard) or dodge/parry maneuvers to spice the fight up a little? I hope Larian is not aiming for simple generic system "click them to death and if they dont die, use some skill or spell". I like more tactic elements in a fight, even small ones. (Maybe I missed some info on this topic) - How strong will be dragon fire? Do you plan to give them ability to ignire fire on larger areas and/or burn wooden buildings? - Will there be some magic especially designed to fight the dragons? For example ice spells to freeze their wings or "net" to snarl dragons in flight? - Will you implement sneaking abilities for the Hero to hide and sneak past opponents in night or dark areas?
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2006
Sorry about not seeing those questions & thanks for putting them up again  Quick response is: To the first two, no (though you have an array of creatures you can summon) and yes. The World design is such that it starts all nice and open in a green area with people feeling relatively happy. It all goes down from there, so the later areas become more grim, dangerous with plenty of nasty surprises, though there are the occassional safe harbors. There's quite some visual variation which is something I'm glad of. Funny that you mention swamps, we had swamps, cool ones at that but somewhere during the production they were cut. Combat is definitely more tactical than just click & be done with it and can get quite intense. You're pretty agile and jumping around/evading definitely gives you an edge. For the lesser agile players among us there's a pause command to give you time to reflect and select which skills to execute but I can confirm that the battlescape is err... very dynamic  Next question - that's sadly not the case. Next - It's a world in which dragons are considered the ultimate evil, so there's different "things" in the world aimed explicitely against dragons. Next - There's a skill called "world of the dead" which allows you to become invisible for some time and sneak around. Cheers
Joined: Jan 2009
Heh. I'm REALLY amped about this game now.. sounds like loads of fun. Any word on how long it will, approximately, be? It's hard to do something like the original, but I'm really hoping it's longer than Rise of the Argonauts and stuff...
Joined: May 2004
Heh. I'm REALLY amped about this game now.. sounds like loads of fun. Any word on how long it will, approximately, be? It's hard to do something like the original, but I'm really hoping it's longer than Rise of the Argonauts and stuff... In this thread, Lar said this: Regarding the 80 hours - I didn't say that though it could, we really don't know as long as we haven't finished with the balancing. A general rule of thumb is to double or even triple the time in a walkthrough in god mode, and since we this in the mornings, that'd indicate somewhere around between 40 to 75 hours. So, it definitely looks to be a relatively solid amount of time for a game of this style. I'm a completionist, so it's likely I'm going to be on the higher end of that scale, but if it's at least around 60 hours, I'm liking it. Replayability becomes more important the shorter the game.
Joined: Jan 2009
Ahh, that sounds very nice indeed. I do as much as possible as well. But with all the options available, we can probably guess that replayability will be an obvious factor in this game. It will definitely be a repeater.
Joined: Oct 2008
Thanks for your answers Lar. It gives us more insight into the game's style and gameplay. The World design is such that it starts all nice and open in a green area with people feeling relatively happy. It all goes down from there, so the later areas become more grim, dangerous with plenty of nasty surprises, though there are the occassional safe harbors. There's quite some visual variation which is something I'm glad of.
It sounds nice indeed, I expect that of contemporary big RPG. Well in my question I hinted at a little different thing. I was more interested if there will be some hard terrain that limits your movement a lot. I mean something like narrow mountain path - on the left deep drop-off, on the right rock wall, danger way ahead? Or dense jungle/wood where the bushes and trees creates something like a maze of narrow paths in wilderness? Of course in dragon form you can fly above rocks and mountains, but you cant fly down a treetops - so woods are only ment to be crossed by foot. BTW I like high cliffs from game screenshots. Great work. It seems there will be some narrow paths I mentioned above  . Funny that you mention swamps, we had swamps, cool ones at that but somewhere during the production they were cut.
I see that in a game when player can shapeshift to dragon swamp is not as big threat as it should be  Next question - that's sadly not the case.
It's a little shame. Imagine evil dragon who can burn down whole village with his fire. A real nasty and fearsome monster. But I assume dragons will be strong on their own. Next - It's a world in which dragons are considered the ultimate evil, so there's different "things" in the world aimed explicitely against dragons.
You mean only dragon hunters or dragon hunters AND some other "things"? 
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2006
A dragon knight can jump from great heights without hurting himself so there are few hard terrain blockers, except the edges of the world and some specific areas where we blocked it to help the player, rather than constrain him (e.g. in areas where there is lava all around you, you don't necessarily want to fall off when engaged in very dynamic combat on a very narrow ledge or in the tutorial, you don't want to find yourself immediately dropping down from 3 kms)
Joined: Jan 2006
While it makes sense to not be able to run to your own death, will it be possible for characters to be pushed off ledges or cliffs?
One problem I found with previous games is that characters could block the path of the player but there was no way to force past them besides killing them. Will there be skills to knock down enemies and such?
Joined: Jan 2009
Hmm, and when taking long falls off of something, will the knight turn into his dragon form and hover, or will he just land on his feet with his amazing tendons and go about his business?
Joined: May 2004
While it makes sense to not be able to run to your own death, will it be possible for characters to be pushed off ledges or cliffs?
One problem I found with previous games is that characters could block the path of the player but there was no way to force past them besides killing them. Will there be skills to knock down enemies and such? All they would need is a way to "push" characters out of the way. A number of other RPGs have that ability, and it happens automatically when your characters moves against an NPC. It definitely saves a lot of frustration. I'm less worried about it breaking immersion than I am about getting stuck in an awkward position.
Joined: Feb 2009
Hello all. I'm from Belgium and i have played both Divinity games so far and enjoyed them greatly. It's the right mix between 'story', 'options' and 'hack and slash'. However i was wondering wether the Death Knight will be back and/or if the 'class' will be playable? Will there be Death Knights at all in Ergo Draconis?
Joined: Mar 2003
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Joined: Feb 2009
The World design is such that it starts all nice and open in a green area with people feeling relatively happy. It all goes down from there, so the later areas become more grim, dangerous with plenty of nasty surprises, though there are the occassional safe harbors. There's quite some visual variation which is something I'm glad of.
Funny that you mention swamps, we had swamps, cool ones at that but somewhere during the production they were cut.
Hi! I'm new here but I've been following the game news since 'always'. I have a question regarding what Mr Lar said here. Those 'areas' mentioned... do they need to be loaded or all the world is seamless as I imagined? I know from the GC presentation videos that indoors are loaded a part like Fallout 3/Oblivion but I expected the outdoors to be all 'at once'. And don't get me wrong, if the areas are 'separated' that means more details and new stuff in them, not like the 'wasteland', it was all the same and then Bethesda used the metro stations as an excuse to load the unique locations a part... And another one, the guy in the logo, will him be the default character? I'm asking because I like him a LOT and if you give me him as my avatar I wouldn't mind if there is not face generator at all Thanks!
Last edited by Arkray; 18/02/09 04:34 PM.
Joined: Feb 2003
Hello  I'll leave the question for Lar Concerning your avatar: there's now a bigger version (120*120) available. Go to "My Stuff" and via "My Profile" you choose "Add stock avatar". Scroll (with the arrows at the bottom) for the  avatar, it's at the very end.