Joined: Mar 2003
Hehe  Um... new poll, maybe? Well, not really, the thread on its own is becoming very interesting. Next time I will try taking care of more possibilities, promised Fascinating to me, too. I thought "I don't mind" would consist of me, with everyone else going "Weeeeird!"  As it is, I appear to be in the majority. that has to be a first! 
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Joined: May 2008
I like to try and play both genders. I usually starts out with the female healer/spellcaster and then do the warrior Male or female. It depends on the mood - Guess I will play male with ED, - Like some eyecandy too 
Joined: May 2003
EK, I think you should read "prefer" as "which do you tend to pick more often," regardless of whether you actually "care." Obviously most of us aren't going to say one gender is "better" but I guarantee almost no one picks both exactly 50/50. Thus, an honest answer would just be to vote for whichever gender you tend to play with more often when you have a choice.
It's not really fair for everyone to just say "I don't care" as if that answers the question. You may not care which side of the bed you get out of, but if you tend to get out from the left side, you prefer that side.
Last edited by flixerflax; 16/04/09 06:43 PM.
Joined: May 2004
Guess I will play male with ED, - Like some eyecandy too  Sorry, but I mentioned a while back about ED = erectile dysfunction, so saying that you want to play a male with ED and wanting some "eyecandy" is incredibly funny. Well, guess you had to be there...in my mind...when I thought it. Back on topic: I always thought it was interesting to hear from those that stick with a single sex in RPGs that offer a choice. There's certainly nothing wrong with doing so, of course, as you have to play what you enjoy. What I mean is that I've heard from people who are adamant they would never play a character of the opposite sex, that they wouldn't be able to "get into it". Playing a different race, in an imaginary world, full of magic or future tech is okay, but simply putting oneself into the shoes of the opposite sex is too difficult a step. Is anyone thinking along those lines when choosing a specific sex or is it just all about the look?
old hand
old hand
Joined: May 2003
Usually prefer to play a male role in an RPG since so much personality can go into a character.
Every time there I run into trouble on the road, there is always a dwarf at the bottom of it. Don't they know how to drive above ground?
Joined: Jan 2009
I guess I'm one of the few who generally limits himself to male characters. While it's true that staring at a female's backside for hours on end is more enchanting (I was like a child at play watching Gwendala's gait in Drakensang), for roleplaying purposes I like to play male, since I would find it difficult to roleplay a woman. A lapse of my imagination, perhaps. I guess I could play a woman, but it would probably end up a lesbian woman with very manly tendencies. Thus, I refrain from it.
Joined: May 2003
female, because I found their rounded body line looks nice when they have kick ass armors.. and they look more stylish than male ones.
Last edited by cloudia; 06/05/09 02:45 PM.
Joined: Feb 2003
and they look more stylish than male ones.
Joined: May 2009
I am male, but I reckon that if I am gonna be spending many gameplay hours watching a toned figure running in front of my face, I prefer that to be a pretty girl than a tough guy with a moustache 
Better to regret something you HAVE done, than regret something you HAVEN'T done !
Joined: Mar 2003
About that stylish thing: Why not incorporate looks like we know as a cliché from "natives", for example north-american ones ? They do wear - according to the cliché - stripes on their faces when in war or so.
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Joined: Jan 2009
I hope that's sarcasm - I think so many games are doing that these days - and I'm fine with it if you can opt out of them - but some games really force those stripes, and that's something really annoying.
Joined: Mar 2003
I don't know "many games" that have this.
Gothic didn't have it as far as I know, for example, and Drakensang either.
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Joined: Jan 2009
i always play it as a girl, i call it the "barbie-complex".
Joined: Nov 2006
First of all, hello everybody, i'm back and looking forward to hear te news about divine divinity 2:). I think it's a year since I last posted, nice to see you all again  . Well I prefer male characters, maybe because i chose mostly the survivors or warriors types.
The Shocker is here!
Joined: May 2009
I generally tend to play the first few hours of the game as a generic male character. Once I get the hang of how it works and what skills are important I tend to restart and create a new female character.  Cheers, Wolf Fang
Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war!!
Joined: May 2009
I voted female, because I would be deadly curious to see the female dragon form. (and I expect it to be way different than the male version)
Joined: Mar 2003
Why would the female form be 'way different'? I'd expect maybe a slightly thinner/longer body and/or different facial/head features, perhaps different colouration, but nothing really dramatic. In a fair number of games, unless you can zoom in, the differences between male and female human characters get obscured or eliminated once you start putting a lot of armour on. Welcome to the forum. 
Joined: May 2003
Not particular for me as well.
Male warrior, female mage (unless its like DD and the male mage starts with meteorstrike =p).
Joined: May 2009
i usually play as a girl, i think it's cuz i always find them prettier then guys in video games.
Joined: Mar 2003
Which means that games need moire "pretty male characters" ?
Or something like that ?
I think this is an interesting thought regarding the cliché-like image that people (namely RPG-players) often have of male heroes.
A typical example is the duo of "Deathtrap Dungeon". A small, good-looking and agile female character, and a really big, brute, not at all good looking but instead very strong looking male character.
This is pure cliché.
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch