I'll agree with D, there. I'm all for gamer choice
Yeah, this is why I do like the whole Achievements thing -- if gives the developers an idea of how far they should and shouldn't take things.
For example, if say a majority of gamers sent their Achievement results to Larian and say they did NOT finish the Main Quest; but they say finished a good majority of the Side Quest stuff -- it tells Larian they need to improve on finding a way to draw the player into the Main Quest, for the next game Larian makes and all.
Some people think it's silly to have Main Quest stuff in the Achievements, but I don't -- you have to think outside the "I'm a gamer" box. I can think, "Geeez...What if I was a developer?" That's why I think it IS important for Main Quest stuff to be in the Achievements, as well -- so the dev's knows if they drew you into The Main Quest or not -- and how for you got into it, through it, or when you stopped w/ the main quest.
I think that's the real reason Valve's games has all kinds of Achievements and stat-tracking attached to their games and all -- so Valve can see what changes and modifications might need to be made to the game, so people can enjoy their games more. I know they've done it before -- w/ making some parts easier, in updates -- b/c some parts were brutally tough period.
I mean, really -- if say a certain part of the game fine for you and then all of a sudden there's a huge spike in difficulty in this one section that just makes it WAY TOO hard, gamers are gonna stop and move onto something else if they can't get by it after retrying more time than can shake a stick at. I'm going through this right now w/ Dead Space -- where the game was fine for me and challenging on Medium, then all of a sudden, there's this very huge spike and it's getting ridiculously hard. I've shut it off, for now -- and went back to Sacred 2.