Originally Posted by Red Avatar
I've seen info for these hacks in several places but I refuse to use them. I understand the German version just fine with some effort and a dictionary for the few words that I don't get smile.

By the way Larian: I guess you can see it as a compliment that people go to such length to play the game smile Let's just hope they buy it!

Plenty will buy it m8 its the media to blame like the swine flu they blow everything out of proportion and would have you think everyone is a software pirate waiting to happen not so, do you me or others hear go shop lifting even if we could ?? no because there are still plenty of people still have standards and pride,i have a big group of friends all into RPG games we ALWAYS buy them and a few of them like me are daft enough to pay twice if we think we can play a good game early instead of waiting laugh.

So dont worry larian keep up the good work and you will do well,i have to say its GREAT to see so many of the larian staff active on this board that is the sort of thing that will win you followers and a cult status people like to feel that human touch that is lost with so many big companys ,well done laugh.