Hi there.

Just found DDII on the web. Funny old story really.

Myself and a friend waaay back in 2002 were looking for a D&D style PC Game. We came across two at the time on a cover demo disc (PC Gamer). One was Divine Divinity the other was Dungeon Siege. Divinity demo some may remember was massive. Ending somewhere in the catacombs. We couldn't believe how long the demo lasted and it really pulled us in. Dungeon Siege although had 3D graphics was far more linear and we wanted a truly open ended world.

DD won us over and we played it to completion and then moved rapidly over to Morrowind which by then had become (and still is IMO) the best RPG game out there.

Anyway a few days ago we were discussing over a cup of char whilst our two sons ran amok outside any new games to play as we were hoping 'Mortal Online RPG' would make an appearence soon. Sadly the game is far from finished so it looks as if we will have to wait till next year. On the way back from the lav I clocked his old DD box on the shelf. Much reminiscing and nostalgia was discussed over a second cup of the brown emulsification fluid and a ginger biscuit on DD when i recalled a small article PC Gamer had written a year or so ago on DDII.

So here I am 7 years later looking forward to playing a game that kick started the whole PC Gaming RPG side for me. Since then much water has passed under the bridge with games such as Morrowind, NWN, NWN2, LotR online, WoW, EQII, Oblivion all having been played to death.

Anyway it's good to be back but and see that Larian have created what looks to be a really good follow-up. Sorry to say that the music is still dire as ever though Larian. I know a lot of people love it but seriously to me it sounds more like an entry into the Eurovision song contest than a decent piece of RPG inspired music. Take a leaf out of Morrowinds book!