I have to say that I disagree with the claim that being released in Dec. will be a good idea.

First let me say that the avg American gamer nowadays have rather "shallow" tastes in games. So releasing a "deep" game like Div 2 when other "high profile" cra... err... games like CoD is being released will most definitely hurt the sales of Div 2.

Then there is the problem of comparison.

If Div 2 is released this month, it will be compared to older RPGs by both critics and gamers. But by December, it will be compared with a bunch of "heavy hitters."

Div 2 is a great game. But by Dec. people, esp. gamers, will be much less likely to overlook the shortcomings of Div 2 and give it a chance to shine. (Seriously, Div 2 really has some great ideas, I am replaying Gothic III right now, and I can't tell you how many times I wished that there was an option to "read mind...")

Yes, I am taking a pessimistic stance. But I am just fed up with great games that didn't get the recognition that they deserved over here. (Gothic I and II, The fall: Last Days of Gaia, and few other RPGs that didn't even make it to the US market)

The worst part is that if the sales in US sucked, publisher starts to think that the type of game doesn't "fit" with the culture in the US. Thus resulting future games of the same type not being released in the US or released in a very crippled state that practically sets up the game to fail. (For example, localization, why spend the money to do a good localization job for the English market, when you think that, based on past experiences, the game won't be that well received in the English speaking countries? I am getting worked up just thinking about this... There have been so many games that were actually great, but have been shafted by poor localization...)