Originally Posted by LightningLockey
what is AE and DPS?

I got 5 in lockpick, found some good equipment early on in some of those chests. However, I do disagree with the 2 hand vs duel wield. I've found Duel Wield far more damaging then 2 hand. 2 Had had like 7-69 damage while duel wild had more like 45-69 meaning you don't get low hits. Though swinging a longer sword was more fun.

Shields are a joke in this game, hopefully they are greatly improved in the patch.

I put 5 in healing and maxed the mana efficiency skill. Maxing that skill meant I was not totally dependent on mana as a warrior.

I've found that 2h is the best early on but after the battle tower the 1h weapons start to rule and 2h weapons stop becoming stronger + dual wield is slow while 2h in dps do more

because of the skill points bug I've checked the best 2h and dual wield and 2h did on 300 damage more (in dps it should be like 500)