Nice guide, but STR isn't all that unreliable xD I made a Hydrid character, with more str and i can say having HIGH regen is awesome... i barely use potions, and going thru the battles is like a taking walk in the park
Heh, don't worry, using strength doesn't make a character unreliable :P
Sure the regen strength gives you is nice, but take a look at the regeneration skill: with 6 points in it, you can get the same regen as a char with 100 Str... So by going Int, you get more melee damage, ranged damage, and spell damage.. and you can get the same regen if you feel like it. Not to mention that you also get a boosted mana regen that can't be duplicated with skills.
The Dragon Slayer skills of Expertise are junk up to lvl 5, nice up to lvl 10 and total hax after that.
Well for two handed, you get the same bonus/point (10%) whether you're below or above lvl 5. In the case of dual wield, it's the other way around: bonuses are good from 1-5, then average to a low 3%/point after that.
The Wisdow thingie xD ekip drops are totally random... lucky you u got a 2 wisdow jewelry, i only found a crappy bow that gave 1, if u get something and die, load and open the same chest and it'll drop something diffrent of the first time.
While it's true that most drops are random, not all are; like some named drops from bosses, or a few quest rewards.
The one I'm talking about is the "Hermits' Talisman of the North of the Magic Gods", which is not random, and you can get by doing the the 3 talisman quest in the delerict tunnels below broken valley.