Originally Posted by Kaname
Endgame, Magic Missile is actualy far more powerful than anything you do in melee with similar point investments.
Remember the way the spell scales, and how damage modifiers work.

I totally disagree with that. Let me crunch some numbers to prove it:

Magic Missile:
Let's assume 100 int (+100% magic damage), rank 10 magic missile (4 projectiles/33 dmg), rank 5 destruction skill (+50% spell damage), activated rank 5 Way of the Battlemage (+50% magic damage).
You're looking at:
4*33*2*1.5*1.5=594 damage.
With a cooldown of 1s, that's 594 dps.

Let's assume 100 int (+100% magic damage), 30 str, 20 dex, rank 10 two-handed expertise (+95% weapon damage), activated rank 5 Way of the Battlemage (+50% magic damage), rank 5 death blow (+17% crit chance).
Let's take a basic lvl 25 2h sword with 85 average damage, 70% of which is magical, and a single 24 magical dmg enchantment.
You're looking at:
109*(.3*1.15+.7*2*1.5)*1.95=519.7 damage.
Let's take into account the crit damage.
7% base crit + 17% bonus from death blow, critical damage of 1.5*1.2 (thanks Greever for the formula :P):
519.7*(1+.24*1.5*1.2)=744.2 average damage

A 2h sword swing once every ~0.82 seconds, so that gives us a total of 744.2/0.82=907.6 dps.

You'll notice the melee build uses a mid-level, poor quality sword (usually you'd add a few +24 magic damage enchantment), and we're just using regular swing dps.
A well equiped, skill using warrior will be doing a lot more than that.
So yes, melee is doing more damage :P