I think mine has to be Mistmare. It was this RPG I thought might be fun, it was really cheap and I didn't have anything else to do, so I took it home. when I was installing it, I went to Gamespot to see the review. Dismayed was I to find out the reviewers gave it a 1.7/10. Not one to be scared off by a reviewer (I remember IGN gave Gothic II a 2/10 once, one of the best RPG's I can remember and it got a 2/10!), I went ahead and tried it anyway. It really is horrid. The entire way to play the game is clunky and annoying. It's all extremely confusing and soulless. It's like they made a 2MB computer file that generates its very own RPG without any human input. It just appears never to have been tested. It goes from realistic to far-out fantasy in a second. It's full of spelling errors, it crashes to desktop constantly, and even on the best of machines its framerate is terrible.