One of the Wizardy games, IIRC. I've played some pretty bad RPGs, but who ever thought that 'first person party based' was a good idea should really have thought again. I think the game was installed on my machine for about half an hour tops, and most of that time was spent creating a party.

Pretty much my entire thought process on my gaming experience amounted to: "I am being attacked. I have no idea where my party is. I have an interface that can most charitably be described as a joke. Turn based combat is bad enough, but endurable (Albeit with gritted teeth) if the game has a lot going for it in other directions. Oh look, I'm dying. Probably because I have no idea where any of my party is, so cannot get them to act effectively. This is beyond bad... Yeah, bye."

You will have guessed that I actually removed most of the words in that thought paragraph, because they were not nice words laugh

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