Some updates about the stuttering. It seem to be caused by the fact that the game isn't given enough time in between each frame updates.
As a result, if the FPS is well above 30 FPS most of the time, the game will "stutter" frequently so it can "catch up" and give the gfx card the "right" frames to render and display.

The side affect of this is that you might actually get a smoother game performance at higher gfx settings... smile

While playing around with every single settings of my gfx card, I noticed that when I got a setting where the FPS was consistently around (little bit below ) 30fps, the stuttering of the game was greatly reduced. At below 27fps-ish the stuttering was gone, but ofc, the sluggishness of having such a low FPS kicks in. wink

I will have to play around with the FPS capper program tomorrow. [color:#33CCFF]But a question to the folks at Larian:[/color]

Does the Div 2 engine support tripple buffering? If so, please expose the option to enable it, and also the option to toggle Vsync.


Last edited by lethial; 12/09/09 02:24 AM.