Originally Posted by Tommy Wood
I was wondering how to survive 1 minute after entering this... this ...
this thing... the "Hall Of Echoes".

Became and Ace of the skies!!

Seriously, that was the hardest part of the game, dragon form is oh-so fragile, that it's even fun, that Memory-eater fighters... One-hit KO if his hit get you with wings wide open...

my strategy was:
kill the first wave, keep away from the nests for now, when u got enough space to quick save, do it. WARNING: If you are stopped, the fighters WILL kill you with one hit, NEVER stop moving when you're on their range!!
Then i went to hit & run strategy, i killed the closest fighters and woo-hooooo dive heads on to the nest, fire-breathed it in the way, turn around and went back to safety, quick save and repeat strategy...

That was really fun, doing this among lots of one-hit killer attacks... maneuvering in the air dodging them... xD

Last edited by Stealth; 20/09/09 03:03 AM. Reason: coloring =)