Joined: Jun 2003
i hope it's available on CD/DVD so i get to keep it. also i don't subscribe to Steam or whatever online game distributors as i don't have a credit card & i never like online transaction.
![[Linked Image from i3.photobucket.com]](https://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y72/tingtongtiaw/jang_sig.png) ......a gift from LaFille......
Joined: Aug 2004
I'd like more areas and the possibility to scroll in and out on your character. The speeech/subtitles thingy sounded cool too..
And I'd like to buy it on DVD. But none of this locked in limited install shit or DVD protection. Games using this kind of limited installation/starforce etc, I just drop from buying. No matter how good.
Joined: Mar 2003
i hope it's available on CD/DVD so i get to keep it. also i don't subscribe to Steam or whatever online game distributors as i don't have a credit card & i never like online transaction. Same here. I'd love to see it as a low-budget release later. 
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Joined: Nov 2007
I would like: - the ending part of the game to be revamped. Now, Josephine's fight was very cool yet extremely tough and tough but I'd wished we'd a bit more warning in advance. In particular, I wouldn't mind if the lair of the Black Ring was more tough and more cunning with more traps in-waiting and much more cruel foes. I mean, it's their headquarters after all! In particular, that "part" felt too easy and I was even able to resurrect and enslave all the Black Ring members I'd killed, to fight against their former compatriots. (Serves them right for crossing my path! :D) - better tinkering with certain spells The "desert" part felt very empty and boring. Many of the later DemiGod spells also could do with more tinkering so they'd be more useful. If Larian is aiming for a higher level of enhancements: - a bit more background for the Black Ring members I've never liked characters being "evil" just because they "looked evil/were supposed to be evil". Instead: why did they choose to follow this way of life/personal principles that brought them into conflict with Zandalor and the others? Or something else? It could be something as simple as total allegiance to one's rescuer, forced enslavement or even something else. Same for some of the other "good characters". Why did they choose to save the people? Was it 'cos they were tired of endless blood and violence? - rewriting of some of the dialogues? Some of the dialogues had a lot of punctuation, grammar and other linguistic errors. In particular, I'm hoping for a better level of fluency. - better voice-acting? Meh... I doubt this will be redone but if this is ever touched upon, well... I hope that the voice-acting is better this time round. What I wouldn't like: - please, no remaking it into full 3d? I think there is a need to preserve the original charm of the game. Besides, it was utterly beautiful and I felt like I was in some awesome gorgeous world with colours. Not that full 3d is bad but I think the original game experience of the "Sword of Lies" needs to be preserved.
Joined: Oct 2004
And I'd like to buy it on DVD. But none of this locked in limited install shit or DVD protection. Agreed. And yes, I agree too. Please, please, please, release this on GOG with some goodies. I hope CDV will allow you to release this DRM-free. Agreed.
Joined: May 2003
Saw the linked post on RPG watch and felt the need to chime in, because i really enjoyed DD back in the day and would snatch a remastered version from digital distribution in a heartbeat. That said, i hope the digital distribution service in question is GOG or alternatively Steam because most others suck really bad in my experience. As for what should be changed in the code, i would say: 1. Add higher resolutions 2. Improve compatibility 3. Release SDK I am not saying that known bugs and balance issues should not be looked into. I am saying, that if you give fans the SDK, these will be non-issues pretty fast. These days many great oldschool RPG-s like Arcanum, Fallouts, Baldur's Gate games, Planescape Torment etc. see fixpacks and unofficial patches, but SDK or at least a reasonably moddable engine is a strong requirement. DD has neither so far. I changed my mind and completely agree with this post. With the SDK, there will be fans willing and able to fix and modify this game themselves for the good of all.
Joined: Jun 2003
Oh yeah, that desert part needs some loving for sure!  oh & if Kirill has some music lying around which didn't make the cut when DD was 1st released, maybe they can be included in the reloaded version? would be so sweet!
![[Linked Image from i3.photobucket.com]](https://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y72/tingtongtiaw/jang_sig.png) ......a gift from LaFille......
Joined: Mar 2003
I don't think there'll ever be an SDK.
That game was developed waaaaay bevore the common release of SDKs became common !
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Joined: Sep 2009
Oh yeah? Here are just some RPG-s, that had an editor and were released BEFORE divinity: Fallout 2, Arcanum, Deus Ex, System Shock 2, Gothic.
Joined: Mar 2003
I don't know anything about an Editior for Gothic.
And there were more than enough games without editors as well: Blizzards D2, Sacred, Nox, Daggerfall, Ultima, Might & Magic ...
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Joined: Sep 2009
You can download Gothic editor from world of gothic for example. Obviously some tools and documentation are in german, as are decompiled scripts included with it, but by now there are also english scripts available. I guess we could keep exchaging game lists, but that was not really my point. An SDK, while in itself seemingly worthless to most people, would open door to a whole new dimension of Divinity - modding. Modding usually means strong fan communities, and that can only raise the worth of an intellectual property. If Larian would really want to add value to Divine Divinity and Divinity universe, releasing an sdk would be one of the chepest ways to do it. Unless of course parts of it contain licensed code.
Joined: May 2004
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for GoG.com as well.
Joined: Mar 2003
Some of the tools Larian used with DD were proprietary and not redistributable, while others that they created they just didn't feel were user friendly enough for general consumption. It is possible they could program their own tools to replace proprietary ones, but there are time and resource limits to consider.
Joined: Mar 2003
Yes. I don't want to be confronted with a kind of SDK like in Star Wars Battlefront ... The main program has no help, nothing at alkl, and is clearly intended fopr the experienced modder, not the casual one.
I would have many, many ideas for good maps for Star Wars Battlefront 1, good ideas, but I just can't cope with a program that isn't designed for the story-teller, but for the techie instead.
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Joined: Sep 2009
Dromed (the editor for Thief games) for example is notoriously buggy and not exactly n00b friendly. It has strong community developing with it and supporting it however. There are plenty of fanmade tutorials available. If you take a look at the content produced with this editor, i bet your jaw will drop through the floor. There is stuff out there, that easily rivals and even surpasses original looking glass levels.
Joined: Mar 2003
Yes, but it needs sooo long until one can create new content, and the learning curve is usually extremely steep.
Without help, one is dromed, err, doomed.
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Joined: Apr 2008
Thanks for the feedback so far everyone! I'm your friendly neighbourhood  remasterer, and I have a couple of questions and remarks about the suggestions you guys (and girls) have made: - Raze, can you elaborate a bit on the ' weight bug' you mentioned? What exactly is the problem and how can I reproduce it? - Chihaya, would it be possible to provide me with a savegame of yours? That way I can test and make sure the compatibility is not broken. - I can happily inform you that resolutions are no longer limited: you can play the game on any resolution that your video card supports, and I must say that it looks freakin' awesome! - A number of skills have already been fixed or rebalanced, and some tooltips have been made a little clearer (for example, the tooltip for damage on the stats screen now shows a more elaborate breakdown of everything that contributes to your damage). Please keep those suggestions and bugreports coming in!
"The Large Print giveth, and the Small Print taketh away" - Tom Waits
Joined: Jan 2009
I guess I can give some more feedback:
The Summon Skeleton spell is pretty underwhelming compared to Skeletal Wall. Rank 4 Summon Skeleton is available at level 15 and lets you summon 4 level 16 corpses. If you wait one more level, you get Skeletal Wall which summons 5 better skeletons. There's no reason at all to take Summon Skeleton Level 5.
The final boss is seriously way too easy, especially compared to Josephina. Since defeating Josephina is required to beat the game already, you can afford to buff up the big bad some more (you can probably also tone down Josephina some, too).
Only the Wizard's Spellbooks are available on bookshelves. It would be nice if you could also get Warrior Tablets and Survivor Scrolls from bookshelves as well, although I can understand for realism reasons why only the books are available.
Not all the Wizard's skills are available in Spellbook form, too. Many spellbooks have the wrong name. The "Elemental Bolt" book is called "Sparks" and actually increases "Elemental Hail". The "Magical Might" book is called "Heaven's Blessing".
Spellbooks ignore level requirements (not that I'm complaining, it's nice to have Rank 5 Elemental Hail [Required level: 48] at only level 11).
While not a problem, it would be nice if your Mana regenerated slowly. Perhaps it could be balanced if Mana only regenerated when you have full stamina (and it doesn't regenerate when the game is paused, obviously). That might be too unbalancing, though.
Some tooltips or loading bar tips might be helpful here: With the 'Know Creature" skill, you can see the target's Offense, Defence, and Chance to Hit. That's fine, but I don't understand what the Offense numbers mean in terms for the enemy's chance to hit me and I don't know the difference between the Enemy's Defense and my Chance to Hit. Providing those numbers doesn't mean anything to me without explaining what them mean in layman's terms.
The final boss is seriously way too easy, especially compared to Josephina. Since defeating Josephina is required to beat the game already, you can afford to buff up the big bad some more.
Bug: The bookshelves in the basement of the Merchant's guild are linked together. There are several bookshelves and chests which all point to the same container. If you mouse-over each linked bookshelf, you still get a chance to spawn a new item, though.
Bug: The Poison Cloud spell can be cast near friendly NPC's to kill them without turning them hostile.
Bug: You will fix the broken portal stone to escape the Secret Developer Area, right?
Joined: Sep 2009
Well..more quests to wastelands and it would be nice to have oportunity to start the game again and keep the items you had, but enemies are stronger and items they drop are with better quality
Joined: Sep 2009
Please release on GOG.com!  Since one of the members there found this thread, quite a bit of interest in the game has been generated.
Last edited by deoren; 25/09/09 04:59 PM. Reason: Added link to GOG.com thread about the game(s) being released via digital distribution