Joined: Apr 2005
I have it via GOG and I don't regret it I buy Divine Divinity again, because :
it's a famuleus addictive and fantastic great game !! Never played a RPG so many hours like this one ! (I think at least more than 300 hours, but I didn't count them!)
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Nov 2010
Is there any chance to see this new edition DD and maybe Beyond Divinity in Steam?
 Amazing RPG. Just buy it.
Joined: Feb 2008
Widescreen support was the main change in the download version (also on GOG, as well as Impulse). Graphics are not updated or improved or changed or touched  Only code has changed. You can play it at higher resolutions now. List of updates: General: - Feature: Allow more resolutions - Feature: Recreated config tool - Fixed: numerous crashes and freezes - Fixed: encumbrance could make items disappear - Feature: Tooltips of damage stats on stat screen improved Skills - Fixed: Spellbooks no longer ignore level requirements - Fixed: All weapon expertise skills give percentile bonuses instead of static bonuses - Fixed: True Sight damage is now actually used - Fixed: Bow and crossbow expertise bonuses are now actually used - Fixed: Divine Eye removes the fog of war - Fixed: Deadly Gift's Scorpion Trap is less powerful - Fixed: Resurrected enemies die after region swap That certainly sounds like a patch to me more than a re-master - so I do not feel any guilt at all if I decide to torrent Larian games - if they don't give a shit about original owners of DD that helped keep their business alive, I don't give a shit about pirating their games! And believe you me, with a PC games collection approaching 500 original big box and DVD boxed games, I am not normally a pirate in any way or I would have pirated DD in the first place!
Last edited by uk_john; 10/02/11 06:06 PM.
Joined: Jul 2010
Well, GL finding this (Remastered, probably could get the original) on a torrent site though, I'm not sure anyone that bought this would upload it. Things have to have shock popularity to get significant filesharing.
Joined: Jan 2004
Can anyone confirm for me that the GOG version has the whole soundtrack? I'm not just talking about download/mp3 form. I want to know if it works everywhere in game. I have been watching a Let's Play of the game on youtube and the soundtrack either has about 10 tracks stripped out of it, or the game is severely bugged. I was thinking about buying this, but if the soundtrack is not working, I'm going to pass. I have seen multiple threads at the GOG forums and at least one in this forum asking about this issue and I have yet to see an answer.
Last edited by doctor_kaz; 11/02/11 03:02 AM.
Joined: Apr 2005
Hi, me too don't fully understand WHY nobody can find a solution for the 3 soundtracks the GOG-version is missing (by me only 3 missing, not 10) ! If you buy the GOG version you can also donwload all the soundtracks and play them on a media player! But it's indeed really more fantastic to listen to the soundtracks while playing DD !!  Buggy version? O no, not at all ! I've recently played from beginning to the final end and don't see/met ANY bug at all!! Despite some soundtracks missing I can say I truly love playing this beautiful fantastic RPG !! Lots of skills, quests, loot, gear to find (or buy), NPC's (to talk and/or trade with), and many more thrilling adventure moments ... and last but not least: tons of humour !!! And for that little prize on GOG it's full worth the money !! You won't regret it !
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Mar 2011
purchased-played-enjoyed-thank you 
Joined: Feb 2003
Thank you too! 
Joined: Jul 2011
So, what's up with the Patch 1.4a for the old Retail-Versions (prefer German Version) ?
Joined: Mar 2003
Since there wasn't even a German download version, a patch for the disk version seems unlikely (lack of resources meant there was no English disk version patch). There may possibly be future updates, though (at least for the download version); see Lar's second post in the topic below. Status update (long overdue)Welcome to the forum. 
Joined: Jun 2011
I had never even heard of GOG. So I made the mistake to buy a boxed version of the game about two months ago, paying more than on GOG and waiting 6 weeks to actually receive it. Now that I am ready to play DD (because I am stuck in DKS due to a bug and have to wait at LEAST until support comes back from their vacation), I read here that I get penalized by Larian: "you bought the boxed version for additional bucks? Tough luck. Throw it into the garbage and cough up another 6 bucks if you want the latest version)". Gee, thanks. If you do not plan to give a simple patch ("remastered" is way to big a word for the differences posted here) to people with a boxed version, you should at least withdraw the boxed versions from further sale. Big  - and it isn't about the 6 bucks, but the principle of it. I am more likely to just deinstall DD and forget about it than anything else at this point.
Joined: Mar 2003
Larian can not arbitrarily withdraw the disk version of the game. They have deals with multiple publishers (a couple of which no longer exist) and distributors, which do not involve any kind of veto on selling the game.
While I sympathize with your situation, there are lots of games that have re-releases, game of the year editions, bundles with various add-ons included, etc, and previous versions are not removed from any store inventories.
Unless you really want the support for higher resolutions, there is nothing wrong with the disk version of the game (as you noted there were only relatively minor fixes and balancing changes in the update, aside from the improved resolution support).
Joined: Apr 2005
Like Raze said, there's indeed nothing wrong with the disk version ! What's more : so far the GOG version have a problem with the ingame music ! In some aera's the music DON'T change (the no disk version is missing some music tracks or there's a problem with the progrma code)... which is in some way sadly because the music in DD is really fantastic !! But even without the music DD is a fantastic addictive rpg !!! Can you imagine ?
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Jun 2011
Like Raze said, there's indeed nothing wrong with the disk version !
I beg to differ here. The configuration tool of the disk version is very likely to hang (somewhat depending on the check-boxes checked), the game itself messes up the resolutions of my two screens, even after exiting the game. So quite clearly, the new configuration tool seems to be dearly needed on modern systems.
Joined: Jun 2012
So I just tried to boot up my super-old disc copy, and it's all scratched to hell and won't install properly. Rather than wallow in pity, I stumbled on the GOG deal from the gamefaq.com boards...I'm stoked! I always wanted to try a ranger (that never worked because the masteries were borked!). Nice to see that fixed, but a nerf to Steel Scorpions? Geez, it was so fun having the little guy pwn bosses for me!
Still, DD is the best ARPG I've ever played...my only tweak would be have a baseline HP/MP regen so you don't need to rely on pots between combat, and a pure caster would at least be somewhat possible (I've beaten it as a trap/melee Survivor, melee Warrior, and summoner Wizard...summons are awesome once you unlock them...worth the try!). I love the story and the combat, though the gear tends to suck from someone who's played Diablo II for years!
Joined: Mar 2003
True Shot was fixed in the original download release (1.004a), but unfortunately broken again in the update (see 1.005a problem). Even without True Shot, though, archery is very effective, especially combined with Poison Weapon. Someone said DD was listed on Steam's upcoming games registry ( here), so if it is getting a new release, maybe they managed to do another update (the desire to do so mentioned more than a year ago in a status update topic). Or there could be a different reason to release it on Steam now when it wasn't when D2:ED and DKS were added. Depending on how scratched your disks are it might still be possible to recover the files and do a manual install (though you may want the download version anyway for the widescreen and higher resolution support). Welcome to the forum. 
Joined: Jul 2005
I purchased DD also, I already had it in the past, but it still one of my most favourite games ever. I liked it more than BD and Divinity II (tried it several times, but couldn't get into it). Still DD is one of the best RPG's made and could be submitted to the list along with Baldur's Gate I & II (+ expansions) and Fallout 1 & 2. Hopefully we will see more games coming back like DD. 
Joined: Mar 2012
Good post HHawk, I like DD too but I allow myself to disagree with you regarding comparisons. For me DD is that game which I expected to see from Diablo II instead of what was actually released by Blizzard in 2000. I don't like modern games (like Divinity II) because they have lost the charm of classics. BD is a good game but it is secondary to DD and a little bit late. As before, the main drawback of DD is the lack of multiplayer. But in any case DD is a great game even now.
Joined: Apr 2005
I love DD, but I disagree that Divinity II has lost the charm (of classics) ... but that's me ... for a "modern" game Divinity II(the Dragon Knight Saga) has imo many charm !! I like DKS very much, so much that I can't stop playing this game ... BUT ... IF I darf to start playing DD I even can't stop ... playing 
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Apr 2014
Sorry for the necro-post but this appears to be as good a place as any to make my first post.
I recently purchased Divine Divinity from GoG and have been scouring the Internet looking for additional insight into ways to interact with the game. Pointers to any additional resources would be appreciated. Once I've finally finished playing the game through once with no "help", I would like to "power up" a new character and just go exploring.
I have played the FATE Series of games for many years and they are highly modifiable. I was hoping that DD was as well but so far it doesn't look like it is. I am also highly addicted to the Masters of Orion II game for the PC but was a bit disappointed in the Mac conversion as it just doesn't seem to play the same.
I am involved in a few other gaming sites an hope that I find as congenial an atmosphere in here as I have found in others.
I know you think you understood what you think I said but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.