Joined: Nov 2009
Lets here your best arguments for why Divinity 2 is better then Dragon Age.
Joined: Jan 2009
The thing is... Dragon Age isn't out yet... You can't really compare a single-player game with a party-based game that isn't even out... It's moot.
Joined: Nov 2009
I think you got that backwards Divinity 2 isn't out yet.
Joined: Oct 2008
^ Actually it is out, the German version is out already since July? Well, firstly that is correct, you can`t compare a party and single player based games with one another. However, putting that bit aside, i find Divinity 2 to still be better than Dragon Age. Why you might ask, simply because Divinity 2 is a fast paced game with lots and lots of quests and things to be revealed, while Dragon Age is a default story liner, from what i can tell. If there are side quests, then they literaly are "side" quests, it`s as if the developers didn`t bother with them because there is just so little of them. And the world there is distributed in locations by far more than Divinity 2 is. Till now i`m 6-7 hours in on playing it and i think i`ve already come to the middle. Just my assumption. While Divinity 2 has a world to explore, Dragon Age doesnt. Sure Dragon Age has the upper hand in creating a character, a multiple background setting for each race/class and even genre, even dialogues seem quite fascinating, because there`s just so much more to read. However the game tries too hard to impress and bind you to your character through a sad event, as if it`s making you pity your character and and out of that to keep you playing. While Divinity 2 takes it easy and simple.
...........................::ALIVE::..........................  DeviRyuuD(Myojinoir) Reviews here
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2009
Divinity 2 is out in US on January 5 2010, but in rest of Europe the English version is available on 6 November 2009. I preordered and got it on 30 October, though. I'm getting Dragon Age tomorrow but indeed, one cannot really compare. Divinity 2 is action RPG in the style of Dungeon Siege 2, Titan Quest... only more story driven. Dragon Age is party-based tactical RPG in the style of Baldur's Gate. @DeviRyuuD: Dragon Age is supposed to be 60 hours of gameplay at least... probably 100 hours the first time... so I doubt 6-7 hours is the middle fo the game... 
Last edited by virumor; 04/11/09 11:36 PM.
Joined: Oct 2008
^ Okay my fault ^^ But still the story seems quite the bit settled down already.. Ow well, let`s just keep playing.
...........................::ALIVE::..........................  DeviRyuuD(Myojinoir) Reviews here
Joined: Jan 2009
Dragon Age is out already? In that case, my bad! I had no idea! ha.
Not gonna buy it yet though, still have to get a graphics card and play through divinity2 first, then I'll get Dragon Age, when the price has dropped a bit.
Joined: May 2003
50 bucks is way too much. Price will drop, bugs will be fixed...waiting is always best.
Joined: Aug 2009
DA:O, huh. Trivial plot, old-style gameplay. Yeh, Baldur's gate was awesome back on that days, but ya'now, it's 2010 already. Time to make something new.
Joined: Sep 2009
DA:O, huh. Trivial plot, old-style gameplay. Yeh, Baldur's gate was awesome back on that days, but ya'now, it's 2010 already. Time to make something new. ~ I find this hilarious. Most of the fans were asking for a more "traditional" Bioware, return to the roots and similar aproach to story as baldurs gate. Ofc, there are people like you that imidiately come and say "come on! its 2010, do something new!" Its realy impossible to please everyone, i find this realy funny lol. About the game itself (DAO) i havent played it yet so i can only rely on the largely positive world-wide reviews that go on RPGwatch everyday (gotta love this site for news roundup). As to compare D2 with DAO i find absolutely no reason as to why compare them. They are very very diferent and they both have their own strenghts and weaknesses.
Joined: Mar 2003
Divinity 2 isn't as dark & gritty as Dragon Age as marketed.
Which is a pro for me.
I can't say much, though, because I haven't played far into the game (Divinity 2 I mean), and have uninstalled it until I have upgraded my system a bit.
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Joined: Oct 2009
Well I am planing to buy dragon age origins but for now I must say that divinity 2 have great adventage
Joined: May 2004
[quote=Kein]About the game itself (DAO) i havent played it yet so i can only rely on the largely positive world-wide reviews that go on RPGwatch everyday (gotta love this site for news roundup). As to compare D2 with DAO i find absolutely no reason as to why compare them. They are very very diferent and they both have their own strenghts and weaknesses. And that's the best way to put it. I've been playing DAO for a day, and find it much more extensive in the lore department than any earlier Bioware game. It is also a party style RPG, with additional party NPCs available through the game (unlike NWN). So far, it's pretty decent.
Joined: Aug 2009
Ofc, there are people like you that imidiately come and say "come on! its 2010, do something new!"
Ah, butthurt... Guess I've found another DAO/bioware fanboy, eh. Thousands of them.
Joined: May 2003
Obviously, if one doesn't dismiss the game as old and busted, then one must be the other extreme, a hopeless fanboy. Really helpful for discussion, that attitude. No substance, just name-calling.
His point was that many, many are complaining that it's too different from Baldur's Gate, not going back to the roots enough, while others like you say it's not new enough, too similar to what's been done. Typical example that you can't please everyone all the time.
Last edited by flixerflax; 05/11/09 05:43 PM.
Joined: May 2004
His point was that many, many are complaining that it's too different from Baldur's Gate, not going back to the roots enough, while others like you say it's not new enough, too similar to what's been done. Typical example that you can't please everyone all the time. I think it's also true that Bioware's PR lame-footed their own game, by trying to pitch it as a high-volume, nonstop-action, 12-year-old's fantasy. We could speculate this was an attempt to sell it to the Diablo throng, but the interviews, trailers (with heavy metal rock music that's nowhere in the game), and factless fact sheets confused a lot of oldtime RPGers, from what I could tell online on other sites. It's nice to see DAO is nothing like that. It looks pretty solid to me so far, but I'm just in the beginning stages of play.
Joined: Oct 2008
Mm, after playing for a while more i have to say, Dragon Age: Origins has the potential of a 4 player Co-Up multiplayer system, but hasn`t used it.
...........................::ALIVE::..........................  DeviRyuuD(Myojinoir) Reviews here
Joined: Jan 2009
[quote=flixerflax] (with heavy metal rock music that's nowhere in the game) please don't associate Marilyn Manson with rock music guys, or heavy metal for that matter. Manson is pop or nu-metal, anything else is really pushing it.
Joined: Mar 2004
DA:O, huh. Trivial plot, old-style gameplay. Yeh, Baldur's gate was awesome back on that days, but ya'now, it's 2010 already. Time to make something new. It may not be the game for you, but it's certainly no surprise, as Bio has been pitching the game as the "spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate" since the game's inception. It has quite strong enough of a following, I'm sure, of folks clamoring for a game exactly like they made, that folks that feel like you do will not put a significant dent in their sales. And I agree that there is virtually no way that the two can be compared. From all I have seen and heard, each game is spectacular in it's own way, but game mechanics (combat, party vs. hero) are totally different.
Is reality just a fantasy?
Joined: Nov 2009
Ofc, there are people like you that imidiately come and say "come on! its 2010, do something new!"
Ah, butthurt... Guess I've found another DAO/bioware fanboy, eh. Thousands of them. lol more than thousand take that x100 or x1000 even :P then again of everything i have read of what you have written it seem you just seek attention(knowing anser bu ignoring them as you hope them to ask again etc..) only read 5-6 threads but it is all the same, alot of talk, and none that is helpfull :P about buying dragon age, i am gonna charge EA with fraud on monday as i had the game installed for soon 2 days and i still dont have the extra i payed for, i have played Divinity 2 instead, got some annoying craches, but it could be b'cus of the driver for the 295gtx is still buggy, other than that i like the story