^ Actually it is out, the German version is out already since July?
Well, firstly that is correct, you can`t compare a party and single player based games with one another. However, putting that bit aside, i find Divinity 2 to still be better than Dragon Age. Why you might ask, simply because Divinity 2 is a fast paced game with lots and lots of quests and things to be revealed, while Dragon Age is a default story liner, from what i can tell. If there are side quests, then they literaly are "side" quests, it`s as if the developers didn`t bother with them because there is just so little of them. And the world there is distributed in locations by far more than Divinity 2 is. Till now i`m 6-7 hours in on playing it and i think i`ve already come to the middle. Just my assumption. While Divinity 2 has a world to explore, Dragon Age doesnt.
Sure Dragon Age has the upper hand in creating a character, a multiple background setting for each race/class and even genre, even dialogues seem quite fascinating, because there`s just so much more to read. However the game tries too hard to impress and bind you to your character through a sad event, as if it`s making you pity your character and and out of that to keep you playing. While Divinity 2 takes it easy and simple.


DeviRyuuD(Myojinoir) Reviews here