Joined: Aug 2009
There is an info that Larian works @ new project since august 2009. I don't know what the project it is, may be new Divinity 2 episode, may be multiplayer addon + modkit, who knows... But there is no doubt that we will get a sequel for D2, so, I decided to start a suggestion/wish thread for the new game. What you dislike in D2? What do you want to see in a new game? Here is mine. 1. A bit more SENSE in: SETTING Ok, I understand, new game requires new enemies/monsters etc, but... dragon elf? Well, yeah, some ppl "like" animals, lol, but how in the hell DD1's elves changed their sexual orientation and from "tree-huggers" (that's a quote from dd1!) turned into "lizard lovers"? Elves + cold-blooded lizards? C'mon. SENSE, it makes none. Same applies for goblin. Where these guys are from? They just... "appeared" in Rivellon? From where? There is no reference about these guys in previous games. It is not like I against new creatures, bit can be there a little explanation for them? "Deus Ex"-elements always looks silly. 2. A bit more SENSE in: GAMEPLAY/BATTLE SYSTEM Dragon Slayers isn't a normal humans, yeah, but that doesn't explains how they are able to stay alive after falling from a sky. Can we have... a bit more realism in the game please? :P Shields. What the point of existing this things in the game? I mean: except they look cool and such... Well, yeah, you can get some +AC bonus, but it's completely useless comparing to dual-wielding/two-handed weapon damage bonus. Why we can't protect yourself with shields like in Risen/TES? It requires some changes in balance/bs but it deserves that, IMO. 3. A bit more SENSE in: PLOT The main convo was here. It is not like I did change my POV, but JonasKyratzes has a point - the whole D2 plot is a mess. Sometimes it contradicts to itself. Damian looks like "stupid evil" Sauron in LoTR: sitting in his tower and doing nothing. He was much smarter in BD, when figured out how to break his curse. And now... oh well. =============== Yes, I know, these are all "little things/aspects" but in the end the sum of all these "lil' things" makes the whole picture. P.S. general thread about next divinity 2 game is HERE
Joined: Oct 2009
What I like to see...... -robes -staffs -flamewave spell
Last edited by Raven.rpg; 07/11/09 01:24 PM.
Joined: Oct 2008
I`d like to see the rest of Rivellon, the Dark Forest, Verdistis, all that. Ways to differ the storyline, not just follow one path - more endings. More consequences for the choices you make. More variable quests, like that about the blacksmith and the farmers wife.
Last edited by DeviRyuuD; 07/11/09 03:35 PM.
...........................::ALIVE::..........................  DeviRyuuD(Myojinoir) Reviews here
Joined: Jan 2009
Combat. I think ED isn't bad at all, but the click-click combat is repetitive. I'm not into the 1000-skills thing, and I never use magic in games. But for pure warriors, combat is a little straight-forward and repetitive throughout the game. I think this is the only thing Risen did quite a bit better. Ideally, there could be a combat system that wasn't based on things like whirlwind, but more on stringing together several unique blocks and attacks to trump your opponent. One could then go on to use a shield to block magic/ranged attacks. That, to me, is a good combat system.
Joined: Nov 2009
The GUI looks great, but can suggest some minor changes to make the experience just that little extra pleasant?
Enable quick-load after dying. Double-click on a save game, should load the game. When opening a container, move the mouse to 'Take All' Do not target empty containers...
I adore Koen Van Mierlo's work
Joined: Sep 2009
Its important to make the world feel larger and more epic like it was in D1 with darkforest, more cities of diferent races, etc. What is realy lacking in D2 (on contrary to D1) is the race and cultural diversity.
What realy captivates people in RPGs (from my experience talking to people) is that diversity is a key element. People like visiting a dwarf city, or an elven forest, or a (insert Race X here) environment. It makes the gameplay diferent and its clearly separated in our mind as "an extra spot" and makes the game feel more epic, larger and more "alive".
This is, imho, the biggest thing it could be done for D2 expantion or D3.
Joined: Nov 2009
dragon mode.... you dont fell like a dragon, it was one of the biggest reasons why i bought the game and one of my biggest disapoitments about it
here is what i think is wrong with it: -Crippled movment: the dragon form is eaxtreamly usefull for finding stuff (s?) but we have a EXTREAMLY limited, you cant really use it because of the barriers and invisible walls
-Dragon fighting: WHY THE FU** CANT WE KILL SMALL CREACHERS ONLY FLYING ONES AND MACHINES AND HOUSES?!?!?!?!?! its really depresing all the fun of beaing all high and mighty and burning infidales that cant do crap about it has been taken awey from us
Joined: Aug 2009
Can you be a more gently, please? Thanks.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Feb 2009
Can you be a more gently, please? Thanks. Constructive is the word!
Joined: Nov 2009
Manual blocking please.
Oblivion blocking: good. Risen blocking: good. Two Worlds blocking: not so good. D2ED blocking: not so good.
Common denominator of good blocking systems in ARPGs: manual player control.
A pure RPG can easily get away with blocking done based wholly on stats and skills. It fits the conventions, the genre, the gameplay style. But 1st/3rd person ARPGs, where the player is given the responsibility of full real-time control over a character that spends much of the gameplay time engaging in player-controlled combat, work better by giving control of fundamental combat actions to the player (and supplementing outcomes with stats and skills). I stress fundamental combat actions, as it is of course possible to over-complicate control systems or make them focus on things that aren't fun to do. I wouldn't, for example, want to have to press B every time I want my character to breathe or H to make his heart beat. But I do, in an ARPG, expect to be able to influence whether I block an attack or not. If the game lets the player hit A to sidestep an enemy attack, or SPACE to jump over it, what's a shield doing in his hand if he can't press a button to raise it?
Joined: Nov 2009
I would like to see the usual:) -more of the world (cities, races etc) -more choices and endings -Hiding the monsters outside was just mean  If you're a mighty dragon you should feel like one! In Divinity 2 there were enough of barriers and dungeons in which you can't use dragon form. Oh, and NPCs to take note of your gender and maybe even different dialog options (playing a chick and be addressed as a "boy" doesn't sound right) would be great.
Joined: Dec 2009
My wishes list: - Larger and more areas - Larger quick-use bar below for abilities, spells and items, or a multiple layer bar like Nwn2 - More character customization options at the start - I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR MY character's own voice during dialogs. Even Bioware are not doing this, but I dont know why. If that leads too large voice data files, only one male and one female voices can be applied, without voice customization options. - In many RPG settings, Dragons are known with their arcane magic abilities. Maybe a spellcasting system and special spells for dragon form. - Ground attack option for dragon form. If it is thought that will lead not using human form, maybe a respawn system for enemies can be applied, I dont know, but I'm sure everybody likes to burn goblins with dragon breath weapon. - Mounted warfare, on a dragon, gryphon, horse or beast. Again I dont know why not nobody does that. Some games have options for horse transportation (sacred, Oblivion) and limited mounted battles, but all of them suck, fighting as a real knight with lance and sword, or peppering ground troops with bow from the sky will be very exciting. Since I thought Larian designers are open to innovations, I mentioned that here.
Joined: Dec 2009
- In many RPG settings, Dragons are known with their arcane magic abilities. Maybe a spellcasting system and special spells for dragon form. - Ground attack option for dragon form. If it is thought that will lead not using human form, maybe a respawn system for enemies can be applied, I dont know, but I'm sure everybody likes to burn goblins with dragon breath weapon.
Who played "i of the dragon"? There you could eat all smaller stuff that walked. It also had a spell system for dragons.
Joined: Mar 2003
I actually just replayed I of the Dragon a month ago. The first time I played (almost 4 years ago) in the tutorial area I grabbed a steer, panned the camera around front, zoomed in and ate... it was funny. Then I tried again in first person mode, and giggled like a school girl. Welcome to the forum. 
Joined: Feb 2009
I actually just replayed I of the Dragon a month ago. The first time I played (almost 4 years ago) in the tutorial area I grabbed a steer, panned the camera around front, zoomed in and ate... it was funny. Then I tried again in first person mode, and giggled like a school girl. Welcome to the forum. I heard about this game. Is it worth getting after all this time? How indepth is get game?
Joined: Mar 2003
I of the Dragon is a straight action RPG, with a linear story line. Enemy AI is rather simple at the start of the game (fly a little above tree level and keep moving and you will rarely get hit), but it does get a little better later, and a few opponent types have fast and/or seeking attacks (that can be dodged or outrun if you are paying attention and boosted your flying speed). Gameplay is pretty much fly around and shoot things, stopping once in awhile to eat things. A couple times I played for 3 or 4 hours straight, but usually 1 or 2 hours in a day was enough. I'm not a huge action RPG fan, but playing as a dragon is nice, and there are changes in terrain and new opponents in each new area that help keep it from getting too repetitive (and you can always take a break if you are not in the mood for 'hack and slash'). There is a demo (227MB) and walkthrough you can check out, but the game may be hard to find now (other than GameTap, etc).
Joined: Jul 2009
All I know is that I hope there is an expansion, as I am really falling in love with this game. Old school goodness galore, yet it feels new and really unique at the same time. Not to mention how addictive and immersive it is.
Joined: Dec 2009
I played I of the dragon, there was a lot of freedom just flying around and eating your dead or sometimes living enemy was a nice touch, even though that game didint have any landing animation that i would have wantet to see i still enjoied it.
Joined: Dec 2009
Personally I'd rather they looked at the skill system and rewards: The skill system is riddled with "Spent 1 point for a HUGE benefit, then spend 9 more points for less benefit overall than the first point gave you" skills Or weird ones like duel wielding that appear to worse after a certain number of points (Is that just a wording issue?) Or odd increments 18-2-10-10-etc Rewards also need some tweaking. I had boss battles, costing me 1000's of XP in mind reading, for a "rare treasure trove" which turned out to be 5 bundles of herbs (1 herb per bundle, all basic ones that the local trader sells for 5 gold each)... The Boss was specifically thinking of how "rare" and "expensive" they were too.... Doesn't make me feel proud for beating then, basically I was slapping down a 10 year old mentally retarded kid and stealing his secret box of grass clippings  Or bosses (and the end of long dungeons) that had no reward at all (Some of the sky-platform ones for example) Or weird XP rewards, clearing a huge village of bandits levels above your own rewards far less than handing some guy an beer Or locked chests, that required keys hidden in strange and wonderful places, requiring running around a large dungeon, retrieving levers and finding hidden buttons, rewarding one basic healing potion (I had 70 of every type by that time :/) A very fun game overall, but really needed a second look at those systems
Joined: Mar 2003
I have not played the game yet, but for the dual wielding, the numbers go up by 10 each level (... -20, -10, 0, 10...), there is just a problem with the text description (after level 8 the word 'reduced' should have been replaced by 'increased').