Originally Posted by Mehale

Originally Posted by make7ac
I wouldn't be too excited, as stated before, the game will allow you to play up to a certain point and then you will hit a wall again.

I apologize for not responding sooner.

Is this happening when you disobey Rhode's orders to wait in the village after defeating Lord Arben's ghost? I mean, when you go past where Marius was preventing you from going to earlier? This is where I was stopped just now. So I figured I'd drop by and see if anyone else was experiencing this as well.

I just read your edit. All I saw is that you were stopped by this loading screen again and jumped to reply! I should really read everything before I begin typing!

The only temporary thing I can thing of is for me to be nice and ask for you all to upload your saved games from that point and have you PM me of their locations on the net and continue past that sequence.

You can luck out of seeing that sequence by doing this or wait for a patch from Larian?

I honestly don't know why its not working the way it should. I have both the German and English versions of this game on the same machine. The German version works where the English version doesn't. It does get annoying having to load up a different version just to get it to go past certain points.

I don't usually go out of my way to help people like this, but I will do so for you all! You could either PM with the links to your uploaded saved game file or put them here. It just depends if you want everyone knowing what your character is!

Oh, and if you do decide to do this, please tell me what you want. As in, use this waypoint to go to here or get me past this part! If it involves a cut-scene I'll just direct you to your video directory in your game files!

I will be like a hawk on this thread if anyone decides to use me and my services! You know, so you can get your game back on track in an orderly manner.

While certainly it's a very generous offer, we don't know how far the problem persists. I'd hate to be uploading saved files and downloading saved files on a constant basis. Though other people may take you up on your offer.

And yes, your spoiler describes the point where I'm having issues.

I guess it's modern warfare 2 till a genuine fix comes out.

Last edited by make7ac; 10/11/09 10:38 PM.