Yes, please post your settings.
Anything not mentioned is checked.
Distance rendering - Medium
Timeslice Animation - unchecked
Shadow Quality - High
Texture Quality - Medium
Use HDR - unchecked
Render light shafts - unchecked
Tree Quality - High
Vegetation Quality - High
I get a decent FPS with higher settings (setting Tex quality to high for example) but the frame rate is to sporadic for FPS limiter to do any good. The above settings work best with FPS limiter set to 45 and my system (check specs on previous page).
Note: I still haven't been able to get rid of the stutter entirely. It's still present as I can tell the game world is sort of "chugging" along while i'm moving around, it's just not as bad now. Although, i'm not convinced this can actually be fixed by any of us and may be a part of how the game was coded. I've watched gameplay videos on youtube and when the character is running through the world it looks similar to how the game plays for me. It's too bad though because this game would be much nicer if it ran smoother while moving through the world.
Maybe the devs can allow us access to some of the more advanced graphical setting through the use of an ini file similar to the one's used in Risen, Gothic 3, Oblivion, etc.. next patch maybe..